| |
34. 10. 3. 建立和扩展的装饰模式 |
public class MainClass {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Computer computer = new Computer();
computer = new Disk(computer);
computer = new Monitor(computer);
computer = new CD(computer);
computer = new CD(computer);
System.out.println("You're getting a " + computer.description() + ".");
class Disk extends ComponentDecorator {
Computer computer;
public Disk(Computer c) {
computer = c;
public String description() {
return computer.description() + " and a disk";
class CD extends ComponentDecorator {
Computer computer;
public CD(Computer c) {
computer = c;
public String description() {
return computer.description() + " and a CD";
class Computer {
public Computer() {
public String description() {
return "computer";
abstract class ComponentDecorator extends Computer {
public abstract String description();
class Monitor extends ComponentDecorator {
Computer computer;
public Monitor(Computer c) {
computer = c;
public String description() {
return computer.description() + " and a monitor";
34. 10. 装饰模式 | | 34. 10. 1. | 装饰模式 | | | | 34. 10. 2. | 组合和装饰 | | | | 34. 10. 3. | 建立和扩展的装饰模式 | | |