#include <stdio.h>
#define BUFFER_LEN 500
int main()
char buffer[BUFFER_LEN]; /* Store for strings */
char *pS1 = NULL; /* Pointer to first string */
char *pS2 = NULL; /* Pointer to second string */
char *pS3 = NULL; /* Pointer to third string */
char *pbuffer = buffer; /* Pointer to buffer */
printf("\nEnter a message\n");
pS1 = pbuffer;
while ((*pbuffer++ = getchar()) != '\n');
*(pbuffer - 1) = '\0';
printf("\nEnter another message\n");
pS2 = pbuffer;
while ((*pbuffer++ = getchar()) != '\n');
*(pbuffer - 1) = '\0';
printf("\nEnter another message\n");
pS3 = pbuffer;
while((*pbuffer++ = getchar()) != '\n');
*(pbuffer - 1) = '\0';
printf("\nThe strings you entered are:\n\n%s\n%s\n%s",pS1, pS2, pS3);
printf("\nThe buffer has %d characters unused.\n",&buffer[BUFFER_LEN - 1] - pbuffer + 1);