Removes invalid file name characters from the specified string. : File Util « File Stream « C# / C Sharp

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Removes invalid file name characters from the specified string.

#region License
// (c) Intergen.
// This source is subject to the Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL).
// Please see for details.
// All other rights reserved.

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Hosting;

namespace Utilities.IO
  public class FileUtils
    /// <summary>
    /// Removes invalid file name characters from the specified string.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="s">The filename string.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string ToValidFileName(string s)
      return ToValidFileName(s, string.Empty, null);

    public static string ToValidFileName(string s, string invalidReplacement)
      return ToValidFileName(s, invalidReplacement, null);

    public static string ToValidFileName(string s, string invalidReplacement, string spaceReplacement)
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s);

      foreach (char invalidFileNameChar in Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars())
        if (invalidReplacement != null)
          sb.Replace(invalidFileNameChar.ToString(), invalidReplacement);

      if (spaceReplacement != null)
        sb.Replace(" ", spaceReplacement);

      return sb.ToString();

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1.Returns a human-readable version of the file size (original is in bytes).
2.Compares the content of 2 files
3.Copy file from source to destination
4.Clean a directory without deleting it
5.Implements the same behaviour as the "touch" utility on Unix.
6.Gets information about the files in a directory and puts it in an array of strings.
7.Checks if the giving File exists, and returns its length
8.Read the content of the text file.
9.Returns an array of abstract pathnames representing the files and directories of the specified path.
10.Get all the files that matches a wildcard pattern, eg. (*.tmp)
11.Tests if the specified file is newer than the reference file.
12.Returns true if the file specified by the pathname is a hidden file.
13.Checks if a file have write permissions
14.Remove a file or similar files if wildcard is included.
15.Sets the read-only property of the file to true.
16.Delete a file if exist
17.Get File SystemInfo
18.Saves a file
19.Renames a file
20.Determines if a directory exists
21.Deletes files newer than the specified date
22.Compares 2 files and determines if they are the same or not
23.Saves a file to an FTP server
24.Make file writable and copy
25.Create Temp File
26.Write File methods
27.Append File methods
28.Copy a file to a different filename, with cleaning null characters.
29.Read the given filename and yield return a string
30.Get Files / Get Folders methods
31.return true if the filename has the given attribute set
32.Copy from one file to another file
33.Get a 32x32 icon for a given file
34.Create Thumbnail
35.removes invalid charactes from filenames, like the slash and backslash
36.Create Thumbnail Image
37.Append a suffix (such as a date) to the name of the file.
38.Copy one folder to another folder | Contact Us
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