// The first parameter is an array of the keys on sort.
// The second parameter is sorting flag constant.
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class Main extends Sprite{
public function Main(){
var aCars:Array = new Array();
aCars.push({make: "O", model: "A", extColor: "blue"});
aCars.push({make: "H", model: "A", extColor: "red"});
aCars.push({make: "V", model: "D", extColor: "red"});
aCars.sortOn(["make","mode","extColor"], Array.DESCENDING);
function displayArray(aArray:Array) {
var sElement:String = null;
for(var i:Number = 0; i < aArray.length; i++) {
sElement = "";
for(var key in aArray[i]) {
sElement += aArray[i][key] + " ";