| |
Display short and long date and time formats. |
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
class DateFormatDemo {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Date date = new Date();
DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT);
System.out.println("Short form: " + df.format(date));
Related examples in the same category |
1. | give a known Locale (with the right decimal separator) to bypass the current Locale | | | 2. | Two decimal digits | | | 3. | Group separators | | | 4. | Align string output | | | 5. | Align float numbers | | | 6. | Display current time | | | 7. | Use printf() to create a time stamp. | | | 8. | "%d %(d %+d %05d | | | 9. | System.out.printf("a %1$s is a %1$s is a %1$s...", "AAA") | | | 10. | System.out.printf( "%-10.10s %s\n", word, word.length() ) | | | 11. | System.out.printf("num is %s\n", 5) | | | 12. | System.out.printf("The DATE is %tz\n", new Date() ) | | | 13. | System.out.printf("%1$s://%2$s/%3$s\n", "http", "host", "path") | | | 14. | System.out.printf("num is %.2f\n", Math.PI ) | | | 15. | System.out.printf("String is '%-5s'\n", "A") | | | 16. | System.out.printf(Locale.CHINA, "The date is %tc\n", new Date()) | | | 17. | System.out.printf("The DATE is %tr\n", new Date() ) | | | 18. | System.out.printf("The DATE is %Tc\n", new Date() ) | | | 19. | System.out.printf("%s://%s/%s\n", "http", "host", "path") | | | 20. | System.out.printf("num is %03d\n", 5 ) | | | 21. | System.out.printf("num is {%07.3f}\n", 3.14 ) | | | 22. | System.out.printf("1.0 4f num is %4f\n", 1.0 ) | | | 23. | System.out.printf("sci not num is %e\n", 3000000.0 ) | | | 24. | System.out.printf("boolean value is %1$b, %1$B\n", true ) | | | 25. | System.out.printf("hex value is %1$#x, %1$#X\n", 0xCAFE ) | | | 26. | System.out.printf( Locale.ITALIAN, "value: %f\n", 3.14 ) | | | 27. | System.out.printf("float is %-20f!\n", 1.23456789) | | | 28. | Use printf(): Two decimal digits | | | 29. | Use printf(): group separators | | | 30. | Use printf(): %10s %10s %10s | | | 31. | Use printf(): align float numbers | | | 32. | Default floating-point format: %f | | | 33. | Floating-point with commas: %,f | | | 34. | Negative floating-point default: %,f | | | 35. | Negative floating-point option: %,(f | | | 36. | Line up positive and negative values | | | 37. | System.out.format("%f, %1$+020.10f %n", Math.PI) | | | 38. | System.out.printf("%b %n %c %n %s %n %s %n %d %n",..) | | | 39. | Basic Math with System.out.printf | |  | 40. | Display a file in hex. | | |