// Copyright (c) 2003-2009, Jodd Team (jodd.org). All Rights Reserved.
* Collected methods which allow easy implementation of <code>hashCode()</code>.
* Based on items #7 and #8 from "Effective Java" book.
* <p>
* Usage scenario:<br>
* <pre>
* int result = HashCodeUtil.SEED;
* result = HashCodeUtil.hash(result, fIsDecrepit);
* ...
* return result;
* </pre>
public class HashCode {
* An initial hash code value to which is added contributions from fields.
* Using a non-zero value decreases collisions of hash code values.
public static final int SEED = 173;
public static final int PRIME = 37;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- boolean
* Calculates hash code for booleans.
public static int hash(int seed, boolean aBoolean) {
return (PRIME * seed) + (aBoolean ? 1231 : 1237);
* Calculates hash code for boolean array.
public static int hash(int seed, boolean[] booleanArray) {
if (booleanArray == null) {
return 0;
for (boolean aBoolean : booleanArray) {
seed = hash(seed, aBoolean);
return seed;
* Calculates hash code for boolean array.
public static int hashBooleanArray(int seed, boolean... booleanArray) {
return hash(seed, booleanArray);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- char
* Calculates hash code for chars.
public static int hash(int seed, char aChar) {
return (PRIME * seed) + (int) aChar;
* Calculates hash code for char array.
public static int hash(int seed, char[] charArray) {
if (charArray == null) {
return 0;
for (char aChar : charArray) {
seed = hash(seed, aChar);
return seed;
* Calculates hash code for char array.
public static int hashCharArray(int seed, char... charArray) {
return hash(seed, charArray);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- ints
* Calculates hash code for ints.
public static int hash(int seed, int anInt) {
return (PRIME * seed) + anInt;
* Calculates hash code for int array.
public static int hash(int seed, int[] intArray) {
if (intArray == null) {
return 0;
for (int anInt : intArray) {
seed = hash(seed, anInt);
return seed;
* Calculates hash code for int array.
public static int hashIntArray(int seed, int... intArray) {
return hash(seed, intArray);
* Calculates hash code for short array.
public static int hash(int seed, short[] shortArray) {
if (shortArray == null) {
return 0;
for (short aShort : shortArray) {
seed = hash(seed, aShort);
return seed;
* Calculates hash code for short array.
public static int hashShortArray(int seed, short... shortArray) {
return hash(seed, shortArray);
* Calculates hash code for byte array.
public static int hash(int seed, byte[] byteArray) {
if (byteArray == null) {
return 0;
for (byte aByte : byteArray) {
seed = hash(seed, aByte);
return seed;
* Calculates hash code for byte array.
public static int hashByteArray(int seed, byte... byteArray) {
return hash(seed, byteArray);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- long
* Calculates hash code for longs.
public static int hash(int seed, long aLong) {
return (PRIME * seed) + (int) (aLong ^ (aLong >>> 32));
* Calculates hash code for long array.
public static int hash(int seed, long[] longArray) {
if (longArray == null) {
return 0;
for (long aLong : longArray) {
seed = hash(seed, aLong);
return seed;
* Calculates hash code for long array.
public static int hashLongArray(int seed, long... longArray) {
return hash(seed, longArray);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- float
* Calculates hash code for floats.
public static int hash(int seed, float aFloat) {
return hash(seed, Float.floatToIntBits(aFloat));
* Calculates hash code for float array.
public static int hash(int seed, float[] floatArray) {
if (floatArray == null) {
return 0;
for (float aFloat : floatArray) {
seed = hash(seed, aFloat);
return seed;
* Calculates hash code for float array.
public static int hashFloatArray(int seed, float... floatArray) {
return hash(seed, floatArray);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- double
* Calculates hash code for doubles.
public static int hash(int seed, double aDouble) {
return hash(seed, Double.doubleToLongBits(aDouble));
* Calculates hash code for double array.
public static int hash(int seed, double[] doubleArray) {
if (doubleArray == null) {
return 0;
for (double aDouble : doubleArray) {
seed = hash(seed, aDouble);
return seed;
* Calculates hash code for double array.
public static int hashDoubleArray(int seed, double... doubleArray) {
return hash(seed, doubleArray);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- object
* Calculates hash code for Objects. Object is a possibly-null object field, and possibly an array.
* <p>
* If <code>aObject</code> is an array, then each element may be a primitive
* or a possibly-null object.
public static int hash(int seed, Object aObject) {
int result = seed;
if (aObject == null) {
result = hash(result, 0);
} else if (aObject.getClass().isArray() == false) {
result = hash(result, aObject.hashCode());
} else {
Object[] objects = (Object[]) aObject;
int length = objects.length;
for (int idx = 0; idx < length; ++idx) {
result = hash(result, objects[idx]);
return result;