Derby - Class org.apache.derby.iapi.util.CheapDateFormatter
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* This class contains static methods for formatting dates into Strings.
* It can be used where standard Date formatting is judged to be too
* expensive.
public class CheapDateFormatter {
static final long SECONDS = 1000L;
static final long MINUTES = SECONDS * 60L;
static final long HOURS = MINUTES * 60L;
static final long DAYS = HOURS * 24L;
static final long NORMAL_YEAR = DAYS * 365L;
static final long LEAP_YEAR = NORMAL_YEAR + DAYS;
static final long FOURYEARS = (NORMAL_YEAR * 3L) + LEAP_YEAR;
static final long END_OF_FIRST_YEAR = NORMAL_YEAR;
static final int[] DAYS_IN_MONTH = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
static final int FEBRUARY = 1;
* This method formats the current date into a String. The input is
* a long representing the number of milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970.
* The output is a String in the form yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.ddd GMT.
* The purpose of this class is to format date strings without paying
* the price of instantiating ResourceBundles and Locales, which the
* java.util.Date class does whenever you format a date string.
* As a result, the output of this class is not localized, it does
* not take the local time zone into account, and it is possible that
* it will not be as accurate as the standard Date class. It is OK
* to use this method when, for example, formatting timestamps to
* write to db2j.LOG, but not for manipulating dates in language
* processing.
* @param time The current time in milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970
* @return The date formatted as yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.ddd GMT.
public static String formatDate(long time) {
// Assume not a leap year until we know otherwise
boolean leapYear = false;
// How many four year periods since Jan. 1, 1970?
long year = ((time / FOURYEARS) * 4L);
// How much time is left over after the four-year periods?
long leftover = time % FOURYEARS;
time -= (year / 4L) * FOURYEARS;
year += 1970L;
// Does time extend past end of first year in four-year period?
if (leftover >= END_OF_FIRST_YEAR) {
time -= NORMAL_YEAR;
// Does time extend past end of second year in four-year period?
if (leftover >= END_OF_SECOND_YEAR) {
time -= NORMAL_YEAR;
// Does time extend past end of third year in four-year period?
if (leftover >= END_OF_THIRD_YEAR) {
time -= LEAP_YEAR;
// It's a leap year if divisible by 4, unless divisible by 100,
// unless divisible by 400.
if ((year % 4L) == 0) {
if ((year % 100L) == 0) {
if ((year % 400L) == 0) {
leapYear = true;
leapYear = true;
// What day of the year is this, starting at 1?
long days = (time / DAYS) + 1;
// What month is this, starting at 1?
int month = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < DAYS_IN_MONTH.length; i++) {
int daysInMonth;
if (leapYear && (i == FEBRUARY)) {
// February has 29 days in a leap year
daysInMonth = 29;
} else {
// Get number of days in next month
daysInMonth = DAYS_IN_MONTH[i];
// Is date after the month we are looking at?
if (days > daysInMonth) {
// Count number of months
// Subtract number of days in month
days -= daysInMonth;
} else {
// Don't bother to look any more - the date is within
// the current month.
// How much time is left after days are accounted for?
time %= DAYS;
long hours = time / HOURS;
// How much time is left after hours are accounted for?
time %= HOURS;
long minutes = time / MINUTES;
// How much time is left after minutes are accounted for?
time %= MINUTES;
long seconds = time / SECONDS;
// How much time is left after seconds are accounted for?
time %= SECONDS;
return year + "-" +
twoDigits(month) + "-" +
twoDigits(days) + " " +
twoDigits(hours) + ":" +
twoDigits(minutes) + ":" +
twoDigits(seconds) + "." +
threeDigits(time) + " GMT";
private static String twoDigits(long val) {
String retval;
if (val < 10) {
retval = "0" + val;
} else {
retval = Long.toString(val);
return retval;
private static String threeDigits(long val) {
String retval;
if (val < 10) {
retval = "00" + val;
} else if (val < 100) {
retval = "0" + val;
} else {
retval = Long.toString(val);
return retval;