import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Properties;
Derby - Class org.apache.derby.iapi.util.PropertyUtil
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public class Main {
* Sorts property list and print out each key=value pair prepended with
* specific indentation. If indent is null, do not prepend with
* indentation.
* The output string shows up in two styles, style 1 looks like
* { key1=value1, key2=value2, key3=value3 }
* style 2 looks like
* key1=value1
* key2=value2
* key3=value3
* where indent goes between the new line and the keys
* To get style 1, pass in a null indent
* To get sytle 2, pass in non-null indent (whatever you want to go before
* the key value)
public static String sortProperties( Properties list, String indent )
int size = list == null ? 0 : list.size();
int count = 0;
String[] array = new String[size];
String key;
String value;
StringBuffer buffer;
// Calculate the number of properties in the property list and
// build an array of all the property names.
// We need to go thru the enumeration because Properties has a
// recursive list of defaults.
if (list != null)
for (Enumeration propertyNames = list.propertyNames();
propertyNames.hasMoreElements(); )
if (count == size)
// need to expand the array
size = size*2;
String[] expandedArray = new String[size];
System.arraycopy(array, 0, expandedArray, 0, count);
array = expandedArray;
key = (String) propertyNames.nextElement();
array[ count++ ] = key;
// now sort the array
java.util.Arrays.sort(array, 0, count);
// now stringify the array
buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (indent == null)
buffer.append( "{ " );
for ( int ictr = 0; ictr < count; ictr++ )
if ( ictr > 0 && indent == null)
buffer.append( ", " );
key = array[ ictr ];
if (indent != null)
buffer.append( indent );
buffer.append( key ); buffer.append( "=" );
value = list.getProperty( key, "MISSING_VALUE" );
buffer.append( value );
if (indent != null)
buffer.append( "\n" );
if (indent == null)
buffer.append( " }" );
return buffer.toString();