Examples From
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, Fourth Edition
Legal matters: these files were created by David Flanagan, and are
Copyright (c) 2001 by David Flanagan. You may use, study, modify, and
distribute them for any purpose. Please note that these examples are
provided "as-is" and come with no warranty of any kind.
David Flanagan
<style type="text/css">
* This is a CSS style sheet that defines three style rules that we use
* in the body of the document to create a "window" visual effect.
* The rules use positioning attributes to set the overall size of the window
* and the position of its components. Changing the size of the window
* requires careful changes to positioning attributes in all three rules.
div.window { /* Specifies size and border of the window */
position: absolute; /* The position is specified elsewhere */
width: 300px; height: 200px; /* Window size, not including borders */
border: outset gray 3px; /* Note 3D "outset" border effect */
div.titlebar { /* Specifies position, size, and style of the titlebar */
position: absolute; /* It's a positioned element */
top: 0px; height: 18px; /* titlebar is 18px + padding and borders */
width: 290px; /* 290 + 5px padding on left and right = 300 */
background-color: ActiveCaption; /* Use system titlebar color */
border-bottom: groove black 2px; /* Titlebar has border on bottom only */
padding: 3px 5px 2px 5px; /* Values clockwise: top, right, bottom, left */
font: caption; /* Use system font for titlebar */
div.content { /* Specifies size, position and scrolling for window content */
position: absolute; /* It's a positioned element */
top: 25px; /* 18px title+2px border+3px+2px padding */
height: 165px; /* 200px total - 25px titlebar - 10px padding */
width: 290px; /* 300px width - 10px of padding */
padding: 5px; /* allow space on all four sides */
overflow: auto; /* give us scrollbars if we need them */
background-color: #ffffff; /* White background by default */
<!-- Here is how we define a window: a "window" div with a titlebar and -->
<!-- content div nested between them. Note how position is specified with -->
<!-- a style attribute that augments the styles from the style sheet -->
<div class="window" style="left: 10px; top: 10px; z-index: 10;">
<div class="titlebar">Test Window</div>
<div class="content">
1<br>2<br>3<br>4<br>5<br>6<br>7<br>8<br>9<br>0<br> <!--Lots of lines to -->
1<br>2<br>3<br>4<br>5<br>6<br>7<br>8<br>9<br>0<br> <!--demonstrate scrolling-->
<!-- Here's another window with different position, color, and font weight -->
<div class="window" style="left: 170px; top: 140px; z-index: 20;">
<div class="titlebar">Another Window</div>
<div class="content" style="background-color:#d0d0d0; font-weight:bold;">
This is another window. Its <tt>z-index</tt> puts it on top of the other one.