<SCRIPT LANUAGE="JavaScript1.1">
// returns the amount in the .99 format
function twoPlaces(amount) {
return (amount == Math.floor(amount)) ? amount + '.00' : ((amount*10 == Math.floor(amount*10)) ? amount + '0' : amount);
// rounds number to X decimal places, defaults to 2
function round(number,X) {
X = (!X ? 2 : X);
return Math.round(number*Math.pow(10,X))/Math.pow(10,X);
function totals(num) {
return twoPlaces(Math.floor((num - 0) * 100) / 100);
<B> Two Decimal Places </B>
0.00 is
<script LANUAGE="JavaScript1.1">
.10 is
<script LANUAGE="JavaScript1.1">
1 is
<script LANUAGE="JavaScript1.1">
.-530 is
<script LANUAGE="JavaScript1.1">
document.write(twoPlaces(-.530) )
51.02 - 3.8 =
<script LANUAGE="JavaScript1.1">
document.write(round(totals(51.02) - totals(3.80) ));