Example File From "JavaScript and DHTML Cookbook"
Published by O'Reilly & Associates
Copyright 2003 Danny Goodman
function checkDate(fld) {
var mo, day, yr;
var entry = fld.value;
var re = /\b\d{1,2}[\/-]\d{1,2}[\/-]\d{4}\b/;
if (re.test(entry)) {
var delimChar = (entry.indexOf("/") != -1) ? "/" : "-";
var delim1 = entry.indexOf(delimChar);
var delim2 = entry.lastIndexOf(delimChar);
mo = parseInt(entry.substring(0, delim1), 10);
day = parseInt(entry.substring(delim1+1, delim2), 10);
yr = parseInt(entry.substring(delim2+1), 10);
var testDate = new Date(yr, mo-1, day);
if (testDate.getDate() == day) {
if (testDate.getMonth() + 1 == mo) {
if (testDate.getFullYear() == yr) {
return true;
} else {
alert("There is a problem with the year entry.");
} else {
alert("There is a problem with the month entry.");
} else {
alert("There is a problem with the date entry.");
} else {
alert("Incorrect date format. Enter as mm/dd/yyyy.");
return false;
function validateDate(fld) {
if (!checkDate(fld)) {
// focus if validation fails
function checkDate(fld) {
var mo, day, yr;
var entry = fld.value;
var reLong = /\b\d{1,2}[\/-]\d{1,2}[\/-]\d{4}\b/;
var reShort = /\b\d{1,2}[\/-]\d{1,2}[\/-]\d{2}\b/;
var valid = (reLong.test(entry)) || (reShort.test(entry));
if (valid) {
var delimChar = (entry.indexOf("/") != -1) ? "/" : "-";
var delim1 = entry.indexOf(delimChar);
var delim2 = entry.lastIndexOf(delimChar);
mo = parseInt(entry.substring(0, delim1), 10);
day = parseInt(entry.substring(delim1+1, delim2), 10);
yr = parseInt(entry.substring(delim2+1), 10);
// handle two-digit year
if (yr < 100) {
var today = new Date();
// get current century floor (e.g., 2000)
var currCent = parseInt(today.getFullYear() / 100) * 100;
// two digits up to this year + 15 expands to current century
var threshold = (today.getFullYear() + 15) - currCent;
if (yr > threshold) {
yr += currCent - 100;
} else {
yr += currCent;
var testDate = new Date(yr, mo-1, day);
if (testDate.getDate() == day) {
if (testDate.getMonth() + 1 == mo) {
if (testDate.getFullYear() == yr) {
// fill field with database-friendly format
fld.value = mo + "/" + day + "/" + yr;
return true;
} else {
alert("There is a problem with the year entry.");
} else {
alert("There is a problem with the month entry.");
} else {
alert("There is a problem with the date entry.");
} else {
alert("Incorrect date format. Enter as mm/dd/yyyy.");
return false;