<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
Example File From "JavaScript and DHTML Cookbook"
Published by O'Reilly & Associates
Copyright 2003 Danny Goodman
<title>Recipe 10.11.TOC</title>
<style type="text/css">
.OLRow {vertical-align:middle; font-size:12px; line-height:11px; font-family:Arial,sans-serif}
.OLBlock {display:none}
img.widgetArt {vertical-align:text-top}
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
// pre-cache art files and sizes for widget styles and spacers
// (all images must have same height/width)
var collapsedWidget = new Image(20, 16);
collapsedWidget.src = "oplus.gif";
var collapsedWidgetStart = new Image(20, 16);
collapsedWidgetStart.src = "oplusStart.gif";
var collapsedWidgetEnd = new Image(20, 16);
collapsedWidgetEnd.src = "oplusEnd.gif";
var expandedWidget = new Image(20, 16);
expandedWidget.src = "ominus.gif";
var expandedWidgetStart = new Image(20, 16);
expandedWidgetStart.src = "ominusStart.gif";
var expandedWidgetEnd = new Image(20, 16);
expandedWidgetEnd.src = "ominusEnd.gif";
var nodeWidget = new Image(20, 16);
nodeWidget.src = "onode.gif";
var nodeWidgetEnd = new Image(20, 16);
nodeWidgetEnd.src = "onodeEnd.gif";
var emptySpace = new Image(20, 16);
emptySpace.src = "oempty.gif";
var chainSpace = new Image(20, 16);
chainSpace.src = "ochain.gif";
// miscellaneous globals
var widgetWidth = "20";
var widgetHeight = "16";
var currState = "";
var displayTarget = "contentFrame";
// XML document object
var xDoc;
// invert item state (expanded to/from collapsed)
function swapState(currState, currVal, n) {
var newState = currState.substring(0,n);
newState += currVal ^ 1 // Bitwise XOR item n;
newState += currState.substring(n+1,currState.length);
return newState;
// retrieve matching version of 'minus' images
function getExpandedWidgetState(imgURL) {
if (imgURL.indexOf("Start") != -1) {
return expandedWidgetStart.src;
if (imgURL.indexOf("End") != -1) {
return expandedWidgetEnd.src;
return expandedWidget.src;
// retrieve matching version of 'plus' images
function getCollapsedWidgetState(imgURL) {
if (imgURL.indexOf("Start") != -1) {
return collapsedWidgetStart.src;
if (imgURL.indexOf("End") != -1) {
return collapsedWidgetEnd.src;
return collapsedWidget.src;
// toggle an outline mother entry, storing new state value;
// invoked by onclick event handlers of widget image elements
function toggle(img, blockNum) {
var newString = "";
var expanded, n;
// modify state string based on parameters from IMG
expanded = currState.charAt(blockNum);
currState = swapState(currState, expanded, blockNum);
// dynamically change display style
if (expanded == "0") {
document.getElementById("OLBlock" + blockNum).style.display = "block";
img.src = getExpandedWidgetState(img.src);
} else {
document.getElementById("OLBlock" + blockNum).style.display = "none";
img.src = getCollapsedWidgetState(img.src);
function expandAll() {
var newState = "";
while (newState.length < currState.length) {
newState += "1";
currState = newState;
function collapseAll() {
var newState = "";
while (newState.length < currState.length) {
newState += "0";
currState = newState;
// apply default expansion state from outline's header
// info to the expanded state for one element to help
// initialize currState variable
function calcBlockState(n) {
var ol = xDoc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
var outlineLen = ol.getElementsByTagName("outline").length;
// get OPML expansionState data
var expandElem = xDoc.getElementsByTagName("expansionState")[0];
var expandedData = (expandElem.childNodes.length) ? expandElem.firstChild.nodeValue.split(",") : null;
if (expandedData) {
for (var j = 0; j < expandedData.length; j++) {
if (n == expandedData[j] - 1) {
return "1";
return "0";
// counters for reflexive calls to drawOutline()
var currID = 0;
var blockID = 0;
// generate HTML for outline
function drawOutline(ol, prefix) {
var output = "";
var nestCount, link, nestPrefix, lastInnerNode;
ol = (ol) ? ol : xDoc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
prefix = (prefix) ? prefix : "";
if (ol.childNodes[ol.childNodes.length - 1].nodeType == 3) {
ol.removeChild(ol.childNodes[ol.childNodes.length - 1]);
for (var i = 0; i < ol.childNodes.length ; i++) {
if (ol.childNodes[i].nodeType == 3) {
if (ol.childNodes[i].childNodes.length > 0 && ol.childNodes[i].childNodes[ol.childNodes[i].childNodes.length - 1].nodeType == 3) {
ol.childNodes[i].removeChild(ol.childNodes[i].childNodes[ol.childNodes[i].childNodes.length - 1]);
nestCount = ol.childNodes[i].childNodes.length;
output += "<div class='OLRow' id='line" + currID++ + "'>\n";
if (nestCount > 0) {
output += prefix;
output += "<img id='widget" + (currID-1) + "' src='" + ((i== ol.childNodes.length-1) ? collapsedWidgetEnd.src : (blockID==0) ? collapsedWidgetStart.src : collapsedWidget.src);
output += "' height=" + widgetHeight + " width=" + widgetWidth;
output += " title='Click to expand/collapse nested items.' onClick='toggle(this," + blockID + ")'>";
link = (ol.childNodes[i].getAttribute("uri")) ? ol.childNodes[i].getAttribute("uri") : "";
if (link) {
output += " <a href='" + link + "' class='itemTitle' title='" +
link + "' target='" + displayTarget + "'>" ;
} else {
output += " <a class='itemTitle' title='" + link + "'>";
output += "<span style='position:relative; top:-3px; height:11px'> " + ol.childNodes[i].getAttribute("text") + "</span></a>";
currState += calcBlockState(currID-1);
output += "<span class='OLBlock' blocknum='" + blockID + "' id='OLBlock" + blockID++ + "'>";
nestPrefix = prefix;
nestPrefix += (i == ol.childNodes.length - 1) ?
"<img src='" + emptySpace.src + "' height=" + widgetHeight + " width=" + widgetWidth + ">" :
"<img src='" + chainSpace.src + "' height=" + widgetHeight + " width=" + widgetWidth + ">"
output += drawOutline(ol.childNodes[i], nestPrefix);
output += "</span></div>\n";
} else {
output += prefix;
output += "<img id='widget" + (currID-1) + "' src='" + ((i == ol.childNodes.length - 1) ? nodeWidgetEnd.src : nodeWidget.src);
output += "' height=" + widgetHeight + " width=" + widgetWidth + ">";
link = (ol.childNodes[i].getAttribute("uri")) ? ol.childNodes[i].getAttribute("uri") : "";
if (link) {
output += " <a href='" + link + "' class='itemTitle' title='" +
link + "' target='" + displayTarget + "'>";
} else {
output += " <a class='itemTitle' title='" + link + "'>";
output +="<span style='position:relative; top:-3px; height:11px'>" + ol.childNodes[i].getAttribute("text") + "</span></a>";
output += "</div>\n";
return output;
// expand items set in expansionState OPML tag, if any
function initExpand() {
for (var i = 0; i < currState.length; i++) {
if (currState.charAt(i) == 1) {
document.getElementById("OLBlock" + i).style.display = "block";
} else {
document.getElementById("OLBlock" + i).style.display = "none";
function finishInit() {
// get outline body elements for iteration and conversion to HTML
var ol = xDoc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
// wrap whole outline HTML in a span
var olHTML = "<span id='renderedOL'>" + drawOutline(ol) + "</span>";
// throw HTML into 'content' div for display
document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = olHTML;
function continueLoad(xFile) {
// IE needs this delay to let loading complete before reading its content
setTimeout("finishInit()", 300);
// verify that browser supports XML features and load external .xml file
function loadXMLDoc(xFile) {
if (document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument) {
// this is the W3C DOM way, supported so far only in NN6
xDoc = document.implementation.createDocument("", "theXdoc", null);
} else if (typeof ActiveXObject != "undefined") {
// make sure real object is supported (sorry, IE5/Mac)
if (document.getElementById("msxml").async) {
xDoc = new ActiveXObject("Msxml.DOMDocument");
if (xDoc && typeof xDoc.load != "undefined") {
// Netscape 6+ needs this delay for loading; start two-stage sequence
setTimeout("continueLoad('" + xFile + "')", 50);
} else {
var reply = confirm("This example requires a browser with XML support, such as IE5+/Windows or Netscape 6+.\n \nGo back to previous page?");
if (reply) {
// initialize first time -- invoked onload
function initXMLOutline(xFile) {
<body onload="initXMLOutline('SpecOutline.xml')">
<h1 style="font-size:1.2em; font-weight:bold">Expandable Navigation Menu (OPML)</h1>
<hr />
<div id="content"></div>
<!-- Try to load Msxml.DOMDocument ActiveX to assist support verification -->
<object id="msxml" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="1" classid="CLSID:2933BF90-7B36-11d2-B20E-00C04F983E60" ></object>