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Methods and Properties of the Array Object |
Type Item Description
concat() Concatenates the elements passed into an existing array.
join() Concatenates all elements of an array into one string.
pop() Deletes the last element of an array.
push() Adds elements to the end of an array.
reverse() Reverses the order of the elements in the array.
shift() Deletes elements from the front of an array. This
slice() Returns a subsection of the array.
sort() Sorts elements in array.
splice() Inserts and removes elements from an array.
toSource() Converts elements to a string with square brackets.
toString() Converts the elements in an array to a string.
unshift() Adds elements to the front of an array.
valueOf() Returns an array of elements separated by commas.
index For an array created by a regular expression match,
this property returns the indexed location of the match.
input For an array created by a regular expression match,
this property returns the original string.
length The number of elements in the array.
prototype Provides the capability for a programmer to add
properties to instances of the Array object.
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