Isomorphic SmartClient
Copyright(c) 1998 and beyond Isomorphic Software, Inc.
"SmartClient" is a trademark of Isomorphic Software, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Open Source License
SmartClient source code, located under the source/ directory, and the resulting assembled modules
in isomorphic/system/modules/, as well as JavaScript and CSS files under the isomorphic/skins directory are
licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.
The text of the LGPLv3 license is available online at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html
If your project precludes the use of this license, or if you'd like to support SmartClient LGPL,
we encourage you to buy a commercial license.
Icon Experience Collection
Selected 16x16 icons within the isomorphic/skins directory are part of the Icon Experience collection
(http://www.iconexperience.com) and may be freely used with any SmartClient components without charge,
but may not be used as part of screen designs separate from SmartClient components without a purchase
of a license from Icon Experience. We are working to replace these icons as soon as possible.
All other media found under the isomorphic/skins directory may be used under the LGPLv3.
Commercial Licenses
A number of commercial licenses are available for purchase. Please see http://smartclient.com/license.
Warranty Disclaimer
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General
Public License for more details.
Copyright 2001 and beyond Isomorphic Software, Inc. Last revised July 20, 2008.
<!-- The following code is revised from SmartClient demo code(SmartClient_70rc2_LGPL.zip).-->
<SCRIPT>var isomorphicDir="isomorphic/";</SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT SRC=isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Core.js></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT SRC=isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Foundation.js></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT SRC=isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Containers.js></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT SRC=isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Grids.js></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT SRC=isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Forms.js></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT SRC=isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_DataBinding.js></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT SRC=isomorphic/skins/SmartClient/load_skin.js></SCRIPT>
</HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR='silver'>
isc.defineClass("DragPiece", "Img").addProperties({
width:48, height:48,
cursor: "move",
appImgDir: "isomorphic/system/reference/exampleImages/pieces/48/",
canDrag: true,
canDrop: true,
dragAppearance: "tracker",
setDragTracker: "isc.Event.setDragTracker(isc.Canvas.imgHTML('pieces/24/'+this.src,24,24),24,24,15,15)"
isc.defineClass("DroppedPiece", "Img").addProperties({
width:24, height:24,
appImgDir: "pieces/24/",
canDragReposition: true,
keepInParentRect: true,
dragAppearance: "target",
showContextMenu: "this.destroy(); return false;"
isc.defineClass("PieceBin", "Canvas").addProperties({
width:100, height:100, overflow:"hidden",
showEdges: true,
edgeSize: 6,
showContextMenu: "return false",
canAcceptDrop: true,
dropOver: "if (this.willAcceptDrop()) this.setBackgroundColor('#ffff80')",
dropOut: "this.setBackgroundColor('#ffffff')",
drop: function () {
src: isc.Event.getDragTarget().src,
left: this.getOffsetX()-15-this.edgeSize,
top: this.getOffsetY()-15-this.edgeSize
isc.HStack.create({layoutMargin:20, membersMargin:40, layoutAlign:"center", members:[
isc.DragPiece.create({src:"cube_blue.png", dragType:"b"}),
isc.DragPiece.create({src:"cube_yellow.png", dragType:"y"}),
isc.DragPiece.create({src:"cube_green.png", dragType:"g"})
isc.HStack.create({membersMargin:20, members:[
isc.PieceBin.create({edgeImage:"edges/blue/6.png", dropTypes:"b"}),
isc.PieceBin.create({edgeImage:"edges/yellow/6.png", dropTypes:"y"}),
isc.PieceBin.create({edgeImage:"edges/green/6.png", dropTypes:"g"}),
isc.PieceBin.create({edgeImage:"edges/gray/6.png", dropTypes:["b","y","g"]})