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Properties and Methods of the Window Object |
JavaScript Unleashed, Third Edition
by Richard Wagner and R. Allen Wyke
ISBN: 067231763X
Publisher Sams CopyRight 2000
Type Item Description
Method atob() Decodes a string that has been encoded using base
64 encoding. This method was added in JavaScript 1.2.
alert() Displays an alert dialog box with the text string
back() Loads the previous page in place of the window
instance. This method was added in JavaScript 1.2.
blur() Removes the focus from a window.
btob() Encodes a string with base 64 encoding.
This method was added in JavaScript 1.2.
captureEvents() Sets the window to capture all events of a specified
type. This method was added in JavaScript 1.2.
clearInterval() Clears the interval set with the setInterval()
method. This method was added in JavaScript 1.2.
clearTimeout() Clears the timeout set with the setTimeout() method.
close() Closes the instance of the window. This method was
added in JavaScript 1.1.
confirm() Displays a confirmation dialog box.
crypto.random() Generates a random string of data whose length is
specified by the number of bytes passed. This method
was added in JavaScript 1.2.
crypto.signText() Returns a string of encoded data that represents a
signed object. This method was added in JavaScript 1.2.
disableExternalCapture() Disables external event capturing.
from JavaScript 1.2.
enableExternalCapture() Enables external event capturing for the
pages loaded from other servers. This method
was added in JavaScript 1.2.
find() Displays a Find dialog box in which the user can
enter text to search the current page. This method
was added in JavaScript 1.2.
focus() Assigns the focus to the specified window instance.
This method was added in JavaScript 1.1.
forward() Loads the next page in place of the window instance.
This method was added in JavaScript 1.2.
handleEvent() Invokes the handler for the event passed.
This method was added in JavaScript 1.2.
home() Loads the user's specified home page in place of
the window instance.
This method was added in JavaScript 1.2.
moveBy() Moves the window by the specified amount.
This method was added in JavaScript 1.2.
moveTo() Moves the window to the specified location.
This method was added in JavaScript 1.2.
open() Opens a new instance of a window.
print() Invokes the Print dialog box so the user can
print the current window. This method was added in
JavaScript 1.2.
prompt() Displays a prompt dialog box.
releaseEvents() Releases the captured events of a specified type.
This method was added in JavaScript 1.2.
resizeBy() Resizes the window by the specified amount.
This method was added in JavaScript 1.2.
resizeTo() Resizes the window to the specified size.
This method was added in JavaScript 1.2.
routeEvent() Passes the events of a specified type to be
handled natively.
This method was added in JavaScript 1.2.
scroll() Scrolls the document in the window to a specified
location. This method was added in JavaScript 1.1.
scrollBy() Scrolls the document in the window by a specified
amount. This method was added in JavaScript 1.2.
scrollTo() Scrolls the document's width and height to a
specified location in the window. This method was
added in JavaScript 1.2.
setHotKeys() Allows you to toggle on or off the window hotkeys
when no menus are present.
This method was added in JavaScript 1.2.
setInterval() Invokes a function or evaluates an expression
every time the number of milliseconds has passed.
This method was added in JavaScript 1.2.
setResizable() Allows you to specify whether a user can resize a
window. This method was added in JavaScript 1.2.
setTimeout() Invokes a function or evaluates an expression when
the number of milliseconds has passed.
setZOptions() Allows you to specify the z-order stacking of a
window. This method was added in JavaScript 1.2.
stop() Stops the current window from loading another item
within it. This method was added in JavaScript 1.2.
closed Specifies if the window instance has been closed.
crypto Allows access to Navigator's encryption features.
This property was added in JavaScript 1.2.
defaultStatus Specifies the default message in the window's
status bar.
document References all the information about the document
within this window. See the Document object for
more information.
frames References all the information about the frames
within this window. See the Frame object for
more information.
history References the URLs the user has visited.
This property was added in JavaScript 1.1.
innerHeight Contains the height in pixels of the display
area of the current window. This property was
added in JavaScript 1.2.
innerWidth Contains the width in pixels of the display area
of the current window. This property was added in
JavaScript 1.2.
length Represents the number of frames in the current window.
location Contains the current URL loaded into the window.
locationbar Refers to the browser's location bar.
This property was added in JavaScript 1.2.
locationbar.visible Contains Boolean value that tells you if the
location bar on the user's browser is visible.
This property was added in JavaScript 1.2.
menubar Refers to the browser's menu bar. This property was
added in JavaScript 1.2.
menubar.visible Contains Boolean value that tells you if the menu
bar on the user's browser is visible .
This property was added in JavaScript 1.2.
name Contains the name of the window.
offscreenBuffering Contains a Boolean value that allows you to determine
if any window updates are performed in an off screen
buffer. This property was added in JavaScript 1.2.
opener Contains the name of the window from which a second
window was opened.
outerHeight Contains the height in pixels of the outer area of
the current window. This property was added in
JavaScript 1.2.
outerWidth Contains the width in pixels of the outer area of
the current window. This property was added in
JavaScript 1.2.
pageXOffset Contains the x-coordinate of the current window.
This property was added in JavaScript 1.2.
pageYOffset Contains the y-coordinate of the current window.
This property was added in JavaScript 1.2.
parent Refers to the uppermost window that is displaying
the current frame.
personalbar Reference to the browser's personal bar.
This property was added in JavaScript 1.2.
personalbar.visible Contains Boolean value that tells you if the
personal bar on the user's browser is visible.
This property was added in JavaScript 1.2.
screenX Refers to the browser's x-coordinate at the left
edge of the window. This property was added in
JavaScript 1.2.
screenY Refers to the browser's y-coordinate at the top
edge of the window. This property was added in
JavaScript 1.2.
scrollbars Refers to the browser's scrollbars. This property
was added in JavaScript 1.2.
scrollbars.visible Contains Boolean value that tells you if the
scrollbars on the user's browser are visible .
This property was added in JavaScript 1.2.
self Refers to the current window.
status Refers to the message in the window's status bar.
statusbar Refers to the browser's status bar. This property
was added in JavaScript 1.2.
statusbar.visible Contains Boolean value that tells you if the
status bar on the user's browser is visible .
This property was added in JavaScript 1.2.
toolbar Refers to the browser's toolbar. This property was
added in JavaScript 1.2.
toolbar.visible Contains Boolean value that tells you if the
toolbar on the user's browser is visible .
This property was added in JavaScript 1.2.
top Refers to the uppermost window that is displaying
the current frame.
window Refers to the current window.
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