Option Use
-activebackground background color when widget is active.
-activeborderwidth width of border when widget is active.
-activeforeground foreground color when widget is active.
-anchor one of n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw, or center.
-background normal background color.
-bg normal background color, same as ¨Cbackground
-bitmap bitmap to error, gray50, gray25, hourglass, info, questhead, question, or warning.
-borderwidth widget border width.
-bd widget border width, same as ¨Cborderwidth
-cursor cursor shape.
-disabledforeground foreground color used when widget is disabled.
-exportselection Allows for copy and paste between applications.
-font font.
-foreground foreground color.
-fg normal foreground color, same as Cforeground.
-highlightbackground highlighted background color.
-highlightcolor color of highlight rectangle.
-highlightthickness thickness of highlight rectangle.
-image widget to display an image.
-insertbackground background color for insertion cursor.
-insertborderwidth width of border around insertion cursor.
-insertwidth width of insertion cursor.
-jump Makes scrolling widgets jump, rather than move smoothly, when set to true.
-justify Controls how lines of text within the widget line up; set to left, center, or right;.
-orient Controls orientation of scroll bars; set to horizontal or vertical.
-padx Pads extra space (in pixels) horizontally.
-pady Pads extra space (in pixels) vertically.
-relief Controls 3D border around widget, one of raised, sunken, flat (no relief), ridge, solid, or groove.
-selectbackground Sets background color for selected items.
-selectborderwidth Controls width of border for selected items.
-selectforeground Sets foreground color for selected items.
-text Controls text to be displayed.
-underline Specifies index of character to underline, used for menu choices.