Example Meaning
$str1 . $str2 Concatenate strings $str1 and $str2
$str1 x $num Repeat $str1, $num times
substr($str1, $offset, $len) Substring of $str1 at $offset for $len bytes
index($str1, $str2) Byte offset of string $str2 in string $str1
length(EXPR) Returns the length in characters of expression, EXPR
rindex($str, $substr, POSITION) Returns the position of the last occurrence of $substr in $str.
If POSITION is specified, start looking there.
If POSITION is not specified, start at the end of the string.
chr(NUMBER) Returns character for ASCII number index.
lc($str) Returns a lowercase string
uc($str) Returns an uppercase string
print $z x 10, "\n"; # Print 10 stars
print $x . $y, "\n"; # Concatenate "
print $z x 10, "\n"; # Print 10 stars
print (($x . $y ." ") x 5 ); # Concatenate and print 5 times
print "\n";
print uc($x . $y), "!\n"; # Convert string to uppercase
$booleanResult = ("The" eq "the");
print '"The" eq "the"; Results in ';
print " booleanResult = $booleanResult\n";
$booleanResult = ("the" eq "the") ;
print '"the" eq "the"; Results in ';
print " booleanResult = $booleanResult\n";
$booleanResult = ("The" ne "the");
print '"The" ne "the"; Results in ';
print "booleanResult = $booleanResult\n";
$booleanResult = ("the" ne "the");
print '"the" ne "the"; Results in ';
print "booleanResult = $booleanResult\n";
$booleanResult = ("a" lt "A");
print '"a" lt "A"; Results in ';
print "booleanResult = $booleanResult\n";
$booleanResult = ("A" lt "a");
print '"A" lt "a"; Results in ';
print "booleanResult = $booleanResult\n";
$booleanResult = ("a" le "a");
print '"a" le "a"; Results in ';
print "booleanResult = $booleanResult\n";
$booleanResult = ("aa" le "a");
print '"aa" le "a"; Results in ';
print "booleanResult = $booleanResult\n";
$booleanResult = ("a" gt "A");
print '"a" gt "A"; Results in ';
print "booleanResult = $booleanResult\n";
$booleanResult = ("a" gt "AA");
print '"a" gt "AA"; Results in ';
print "booleanResult = $booleanResult\n";
$booleanResult = ("The" cmp "the");
print '"The" cmp "the" Results in ';
print "booleanResult = $booleanResult\n";
$booleanResult = ("the" cmp "The");
print '"the" cmp "The" Results in ';
print "booleanResult = $booleanResult\n";
$booleanResult = ("the" cmp "the");
print '"the" cmp "the" Results in ';
print "booleanResult = $booleanResult\n";
$a = "The" x 3;
print '$a = "The" x 3 ;Results in ';
print "a = $a \n";
$word1 = "The ";
$word2 = "beginning";
$a = $word1 . $word2;
print '$a = $word1 . $word2 ; Results in ';
print "a = $a \n";
Operator Means Numeric Equivalent
. Concatenate +
x Multiply (replicate) *
eq Equal to =
ne Not equal to !=
lt Less than <
gt Greater than >
le Less than or equal to <=
cmp Compare <=>