Format Description Example
a am or pm lowercase pm
A AM or PM uppercase PM
B Swatch beat (timezone-free 'Internet time') 771
d Day of month (number with leading zeroes) 08
D Day of week (three letters) Wed
F Month name October
g Hour (12-hour format�no leading zeroes) 6
G Hour (24-hour format�no leading zeroes) 18
h Hour (12-hour format�leading zeroes) 06
H Hour (24-hour format�leading zeroes) 18
i Minutes 31
I Daylight savings time (Boolean value) 1
j Day of the month (no leading zeroes) 8
l Day of the week (name) Wednesday
L Leap year (1 for yes, 0 for no) 0
m Month of year (number�leading zeroes) 10
M Month of year (three letters) Oct
n Month of year (number�no leading zeroes) 10
o Offset in hours from GMT (in [+-]HHMM format) +0100
r Full date standardized to RFC 822 ( Wed, 8 Oct 2003 18:31:15+0100
s Seconds, with leading zeroes 15
S English suffix for date in month (e.g. 20th) th
t Number of days in the given month 31
T Timezone setting on the machine used BST
U Unix timestamp 1065634275
w Day of week (number indexed from Sunday = 0) 3
W Week of year 41
y Year (two digits) 03
Y Year (four digits) 2003
z Day of year (0�366) 280
Z Offset in seconds from GMT 3600