<Title>Form Data</Title>
<Body bgcolor=yellow>
<Center><H1><u>Form Data </u></H1></Center>
<b><Form name=" frm1" action=" cgi_action.rb">
Name <input type=text name=" Name">
Age <input type=text name=" Age">
Address <input type=textarea name=" Address">
Sex M <Input type=radio name=" Sex"> F <Input type=radio
name=" Sex">
E-mail address <input type=text name=" E-mail">
<Input type=" submit" Name=" Submit" value=" SUBMIT">
Create a CGI Script that Will Display the Form Values
#! /ruby/bin/ruby
require 'cgi'
print "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n"
print "Name = "
print cgi[?Name']
print "<br>"
print "<br>"
print "Age = "
print cgi[?Age']
print "<br>"
print "<br>"
print "Address = "
print cgi[?Address']
print "<br>"
print "<br>"
print "Sex = "
print cgi[?Sex']
print "<br>"
print "<br>"
print "E-mail Address = "
print cgi[?E-mail']