// To creates the web application
// Use the command rails applicationName:
rails java2s
//Use the Ruby command ruby script/generate controller Hello:
ruby script/generate controller Hello
//Creating an Action
//Edit hello_controller.rb under java2s\app\controllers
class HelloController < ApplicationController
def there
//To establish a view template for the hello controller's there action,
//you can create a file named there.rhtml and store it in the
//java2s\app\views\hello directory.
<title>Using Ruby on Rails</title>
<h1>Welcome to Ruby on Rails</h1>
This is your first Ruby on Rails application.
Using this application, you've been introduced to
controllers, actions, and views.
Not bad for a first example!
// To launch your new application:
cd java2s
ruby script/server
// In Rails, you create an action by adding a method to a controller,
// You can reach this new action by navigating to http://localhost:3000/hello/there