With the Opacity Mask : ImageBrush « Windows Presentation Foundation « VB.Net

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VB.Net » Windows Presentation Foundation » ImageBrushScreenshots 
With the Opacity Mask
With the Opacity Mask

    Title="Examples" >

      <Image Height="150" Width="200" Source="c:\image.jpg" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="10">
          <ImageBrush Viewport="0,0,50,50" ViewportUnits="Absolute"
            TileMode="Tile" ImageSource="c:\image.png"/>

Related examples in the same category
1.ImageBrush ExamplesImageBrush Examples
2.ImageBrush TileMode="Tile"
3.ImageBrush TileMode="FlipX"
4.ImageBrush TileMode="FlipY"
5.ImageBrush TileMode="FlipXY"
6.The ImageBrush's content is vertically aligned with the top of the output area.The ImageBrush's content is vertically aligned with the top of the output area.
7.The ImageBrush's content is vertically centeredThe ImageBrush's content is vertically centered
8.The ImageBrush's content is vertically aligned with the bottom of the output areaThe ImageBrush's content is vertically aligned with the bottom of the output area
9.The ImageBrush's content is right-alignedThe ImageBrush's content is right-aligned
10.The ImageBrush's content is left-alignedThe ImageBrush's content is left-aligned
11.The ImageBrush's content is centered horizontallyThe ImageBrush's content is centered horizontally
12.Use an ImageBrush to paint an area with an imageUse an ImageBrush to paint an area with an image
13.None Stretch ImageBrushNone Stretch ImageBrush
14.Uniform Stretch ImageBrushUniform Stretch ImageBrush
15.The ImageBrush's content is not tiled in this exampleThe ImageBrush's content is not tiled in this example
16.The ImageBrush's content is tiled in this exampleThe ImageBrush's content is tiled in this example
17.The ImageBrush's content is flipped horizontally as it is tiledThe ImageBrush's content is flipped horizontally as it is tiled
18.ImageBrush's content is not tiledImageBrush's content is not tiled
19.ImageBrush's tiles are set to 10% by 10% of the output areaImageBrush's tiles are set to 10% by 10% of the output area
20.ImageBrush's tiles are set to 10% by 30% of the output areaImageBrush's tiles are set to 10% by 30% of the output area
21.ImageBrush's tiles are set to 50% by 50% of the output areaImageBrush's tiles are set to 50% by 50% of the output area
22.ImageBrush's tiles are set to 25 by 25 pixelsImageBrush's tiles are set to 25 by 25 pixels
23.ImageBrush's tiles are set to 25 by 50 pixelsImageBrush's tiles are set to 25 by 50 pixels
24.ImageBrush ViewportUnits=AbsoluteImageBrush ViewportUnits=Absolute
25.The ImageBrush has its Stretch property set to Uniform: the image is expanded as large as possibleThe ImageBrush has its Stretch property set to Uniform: the image is expanded as large as possible
26.ImageBrush has its Stretch property set to UniformToFill: image is expanded to completely fill the rectangle, but its aspect ratio is preservedImageBrush has its Stretch property set to UniformToFill: image is expanded to completely fill the rectangle, but its aspect ratio is preserved
27.ImageBrush has its Stretch property set to Fill: image is expanded to completely fill the rectangle.ImageBrush has its Stretch property set to Fill: image is expanded to completely fill the rectangle.
28.Text's Foreground = ImageBrush. The resulting text is filled with an imageText's Foreground = ImageBrush. The resulting text is filled with an image
29.Panel's Background property with an ImageBrushPanel's Background property with an ImageBrush
30.The ImageBrush's content is flipped vertically as it is tiledThe ImageBrush's content is flipped vertically as it is tiled
31.The ImageBrush's content is flipped horizontally and vertically as it is tiledThe ImageBrush's content is flipped horizontally and vertically as it is tiled
32.Fill rectangle with UniformToFill ImageBrushFill rectangle with UniformToFill ImageBrush
33.Fill Polygon with Left aligned Uniform ImageBrushFill Polygon with Left aligned Uniform ImageBrush
34.RotateTransform ImageBrush.RelativeTransformRotateTransform ImageBrush.RelativeTransform
35.RotateTransform ImageBrush.TransformRotateTransform ImageBrush.Transform
36.Specifying a Stretch and a TileModeSpecifying a Stretch and a TileMode
37.Specifying a Stretch and alignmentSpecifying a Stretch and alignment
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