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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » 6.0 JDK Modules » jaxb api » javax.xml.bind 
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001:        /*
002:         * Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
003:         * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
004:         */
006:        package javax.xml.bind;
008:        import;
009:        import;
010:        import;
011:        import;
012:        import;
013:        import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
014:        import java.lang.reflect.Method;
015:        import;
016:        import java.util.Map;
017:        import java.util.Properties;
018:        import java.util.StringTokenizer;
019:        import java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler;
020:        import java.util.logging.Level;
021:        import java.util.logging.Logger;
022:        import;
023:        import;
025:        import static javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext.JAXB_CONTEXT_FACTORY;
027:        //import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
029:        /**
030:         * This class is package private and therefore is not exposed as part of the 
031:         * JAXB API.
032:         *
033:         * This code is designed to implement the JAXB 1.0 spec pluggability feature
034:         *
035:         * @author <ul><li>Ryan Shoemaker, Sun Microsystems, Inc.</li></ul>
036:         * @version $Revision: 1.25 $
037:         * @see JAXBContext
038:         */
039:        class ContextFinder {
040:            private static final Logger logger;
041:            static {
042:                logger = Logger.getLogger("javax.xml.bind");
043:                try {
044:                    if (AccessController.doPrivileged(new GetPropertyAction(
045:                            "jaxb.debug")) != null) {
046:                        // disconnect the logger from a bigger framework (if any)
047:                        // and take the matters into our own hands
048:                        logger.setUseParentHandlers(false);
049:                        logger.setLevel(Level.ALL);
050:                        ConsoleHandler handler = new ConsoleHandler();
051:                        handler.setLevel(Level.ALL);
052:                        logger.addHandler(handler);
053:                    } else {
054:                        // don't change the setting of this logger
055:                        // to honor what other frameworks
056:                        // have done on configurations.
057:                    }
058:                } catch (Throwable t) {
059:                    // just to be extra safe. in particular System.getProperty may throw
060:                    // SecurityException.
061:                }
062:            }
064:            /**
065:             * If the {@link InvocationTargetException} wraps an exception that shouldn't be wrapped,
066:             * throw the wrapped exception.
067:             */
068:            private static void handleInvocationTargetException(
069:                    InvocationTargetException x) throws JAXBException {
070:                Throwable t = x.getTargetException();
071:                if (t != null) {
072:                    if (t instanceof  JAXBException)
073:                        // one of our exceptions, just re-throw
074:                        throw (JAXBException) t;
075:                    if (t instanceof  RuntimeException)
076:                        // avoid wrapping exceptions unnecessarily
077:                        throw (RuntimeException) t;
078:                    if (t instanceof  Error)
079:                        throw (Error) t;
080:                }
081:            }
083:            /**
084:             * Determine if two types (JAXBContext in this case) will generate a ClassCastException.
085:             *
086:             * For example, (targetType)originalType
087:             *
088:             * @param originalType
089:             *          The Class object of the type being cast
090:             * @param targetType
091:             *          The Class object of the type that is being cast to
092:             * @return JAXBException to be thrown.
093:             */
094:            private static JAXBException handleClassCastException(
095:                    Class originalType, Class targetType) {
096:                final URL targetTypeURL = which(targetType);
098:                return new JAXBException(Messages.format(
099:                        Messages.ILLEGAL_CAST,
100:                        // we don't care where the impl class is, we want to know where JAXBContext lives in the impl
101:                        // class' ClassLoader
102:                        originalType.getClassLoader().getResource(
103:                                "javax/xml/bind/JAXBContext.class"),
104:                        targetTypeURL));
105:            }
107:            /**
108:             * Create an instance of a class using the specified ClassLoader
109:             */
110:            static JAXBContext newInstance(String contextPath,
111:                    String className, ClassLoader classLoader, Map properties)
112:                    throws JAXBException {
113:                try {
114:                    Class spiClass;
115:                    if (classLoader == null) {
116:                        spiClass = Class.forName(className);
117:                    } else {
118:                        spiClass = classLoader.loadClass(className);
119:                    }
121:                    /*
122:                     * javax.xml.bind.context.factory points to a class which has a
123:                     * static method called 'createContext' that
124:                     * returns a javax.xml.JAXBContext.
125:                     */
127:                    Object context = null;
129:                    // first check the method that takes Map as the third parameter.
130:                    // this is added in 2.0.
131:                    try {
132:                        Method m = spiClass.getMethod("createContext",
133:                                String.class, ClassLoader.class, Map.class);
134:                        // any failure in invoking this method would be considered fatal
135:                        context = m.invoke(null, contextPath, classLoader,
136:                                properties);
137:                    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
138:                        // it's not an error for the provider not to have this method.
139:                    }
141:                    if (context == null) {
142:                        // try the old method that doesn't take properties. compatible with 1.0.
143:                        // it is an error for an implementation not to have both forms of the createContext method.
144:                        Method m = spiClass.getMethod("createContext",
145:                                String.class, ClassLoader.class);
146:                        // any failure in invoking this method would be considered fatal
147:                        context = m.invoke(null, contextPath, classLoader);
148:                    }
150:                    if (!(context instanceof  JAXBContext)) {
151:                        // the cast would fail, so generate an exception with a nice message
152:                        handleClassCastException(context.getClass(),
153:                                JAXBContext.class);
154:                    }
155:                    return (JAXBContext) context;
156:                } catch (ClassNotFoundException x) {
157:                    throw new JAXBException(Messages.format(
158:                            Messages.PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND, className), x);
159:                } catch (InvocationTargetException x) {
160:                    handleInvocationTargetException(x);
161:                    // for other exceptions, wrap the internal target exception
162:                    // with a JAXBException
163:                    Throwable e = x;
164:                    if (x.getTargetException() != null)
165:                        e = x.getTargetException();
167:                    throw new JAXBException(Messages.format(
168:                            Messages.COULD_NOT_INSTANTIATE, className, e), e);
169:                } catch (RuntimeException x) {
170:                    // avoid wrapping RuntimeException to JAXBException,
171:                    // because it indicates a bug in this code.
172:                    throw x;
173:                } catch (Exception x) {
174:                    // can't catch JAXBException because the method is hidden behind
175:                    // reflection.  Root element collisions detected in the call to
176:                    // createContext() are reported as JAXBExceptions - just re-throw it
177:                    // some other type of exception - just wrap it
178:                    throw new JAXBException(Messages.format(
179:                            Messages.COULD_NOT_INSTANTIATE, className, x), x);
180:                }
181:            }
183:            /**
184:             * Create an instance of a class using the specified ClassLoader
185:             */
186:            static JAXBContext newInstance(Class[] classes, Map properties,
187:                    String className) throws JAXBException {
188:                ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
189:                Class spi;
190:                try {
191:                    logger.fine("Trying to load " + className);
192:                    if (cl != null)
193:                        spi = cl.loadClass(className);
194:                    else
195:                        spi = Class.forName(className);
196:                } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
197:                    throw new JAXBException(e);
198:                }
200:                if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
201:                    // extra check to avoid costly which operation if not logged
202:                    logger.fine("loaded " + className + " from " + which(spi));
203:                }
205:                Method m;
206:                try {
207:                    m = spi
208:                            .getMethod("createContext", Class[].class,
209:                                    Map.class);
210:                } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
211:                    throw new JAXBException(e);
212:                }
213:                try {
214:                    Object context = m.invoke(null, classes, properties);
215:                    if (!(context instanceof  JAXBContext)) {
216:                        // the cast would fail, so generate an exception with a nice message
217:                        throw handleClassCastException(context.getClass(),
218:                                JAXBContext.class);
219:                    }
220:                    return (JAXBContext) context;
221:                } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
222:                    throw new JAXBException(e);
223:                } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
224:                    handleInvocationTargetException(e);
226:                    Throwable x = e;
227:                    if (e.getTargetException() != null)
228:                        x = e.getTargetException();
230:                    throw new JAXBException(x);
231:                }
232:            }
234:            static JAXBContext find(String factoryId, String contextPath,
235:                    ClassLoader classLoader, Map properties)
236:                    throws JAXBException {
238:                // TODO: do we want/need another layer of searching in $java.home/lib/ like JAXP?
240:                final String jaxbContextFQCN = JAXBContext.class.getName();
242:                // search context path for first
243:                StringBuilder propFileName;
244:                StringTokenizer packages = new StringTokenizer(contextPath, ":");
245:                String factoryClassName;
247:                if (!packages.hasMoreTokens())
248:                    // no context is specified
249:                    throw new JAXBException(Messages
250:                            .format(Messages.NO_PACKAGE_IN_CONTEXTPATH));
252:                logger.fine("Searching");
254:                while (packages.hasMoreTokens()) {
255:                    String packageName = packages.nextToken(":").replace('.',
256:                            '/');
257:                    // - > com/acme/foo/
258:                    propFileName = new StringBuilder().append(packageName)
259:                            .append("/");
261:                    Properties props = loadJAXBProperties(classLoader,
262:                            propFileName.toString());
263:                    if (props != null) {
264:                        if (props.containsKey(factoryId)) {
265:                            factoryClassName = props.getProperty(factoryId);
266:                            return newInstance(contextPath, factoryClassName,
267:                                    classLoader, properties);
268:                        } else {
269:                            throw new JAXBException(Messages.format(
270:                                    Messages.MISSING_PROPERTY, packageName,
271:                                    factoryId));
272:                        }
273:                    }
274:                }
276:                logger.fine("Searching the system property");
278:                // search for a system property second (javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext)
279:                factoryClassName = AccessController
280:                        .doPrivileged(new GetPropertyAction(jaxbContextFQCN));
281:                if (factoryClassName != null) {
282:                    return newInstance(contextPath, factoryClassName,
283:                            classLoader, properties);
284:                }
286:                logger.fine("Searching META-INF/services");
288:                // search META-INF services next
289:                BufferedReader r;
290:                try {
291:                    final StringBuilder resource = new StringBuilder().append(
292:                            "META-INF/services/").append(jaxbContextFQCN);
293:                    final InputStream resourceStream = classLoader
294:                            .getResourceAsStream(resource.toString());
296:                    if (resourceStream != null) {
297:                        r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
298:                                resourceStream, "UTF-8"));
299:                        factoryClassName = r.readLine().trim();
300:                        r.close();
301:                        return newInstance(contextPath, factoryClassName,
302:                                classLoader, properties);
303:                    } else {
304:                        logger.fine("Unable to load:" + resource.toString());
305:                    }
306:                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
307:                    // should never happen
308:                    throw new JAXBException(e);
309:                } catch (IOException e) {
310:                    throw new JAXBException(e);
311:                }
313:                // else no provider found
314:                logger.fine("Trying to create the platform default provider");
315:                return newInstance(contextPath, PLATFORM_DEFAULT_FACTORY_CLASS,
316:                        classLoader, properties);
317:            }
319:            // TODO: log each step in the look up process
320:            static JAXBContext find(Class[] classes, Map properties)
321:                    throws JAXBException {
323:                // TODO: do we want/need another layer of searching in $java.home/lib/ like JAXP?
325:                final String jaxbContextFQCN = JAXBContext.class.getName();
326:                String factoryClassName;
328:                // search for in the class loader of each class first
329:                for (final Class c : classes) {
330:                    // this classloader is used only to load, so doing this should be safe.
331:                    ClassLoader classLoader = AccessController
332:                            .doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<ClassLoader>() {
333:                                public ClassLoader run() {
334:                                    return c.getClassLoader();
335:                                }
336:                            });
337:                    Package pkg = c.getPackage();
338:                    if (pkg == null)
339:                        continue; // this is possible for primitives, arrays, and classes that are loaded by poorly implemented ClassLoaders
340:                    String packageName = pkg.getName().replace('.', '/');
342:                    // TODO: do we want to optimize away searching the same package?  org.Foo, org.Bar, com.Baz
343:                    //       classes from the same package might come from different class loades, so it might be a bad idea
345:                    // TODO: it's easier to look things up from the class
346:                    // c.getResourceAsStream("");
348:                    // build the resource name and use the property loader code
349:                    String resourceName = packageName + "/";
350:                    logger.fine("Trying to locate " + resourceName);
351:                    Properties props = loadJAXBProperties(classLoader,
352:                            resourceName);
353:                    if (props == null) {
354:                        logger.fine("  not found");
355:                    } else {
356:                        logger.fine("  found");
357:                        if (props.containsKey(JAXB_CONTEXT_FACTORY)) {
358:                            // trim() seems redundant, but adding to satisfy customer complaint
359:                            factoryClassName = props.getProperty(
360:                                    JAXB_CONTEXT_FACTORY).trim();
361:                            return newInstance(classes, properties,
362:                                    factoryClassName);
363:                        } else {
364:                            throw new JAXBException(Messages.format(
365:                                    Messages.MISSING_PROPERTY, packageName,
366:                                    JAXB_CONTEXT_FACTORY));
367:                        }
368:                    }
369:                }
371:                // search for a system property second (javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext)
372:                logger.fine("Checking system property " + jaxbContextFQCN);
373:                factoryClassName = AccessController
374:                        .doPrivileged(new GetPropertyAction(jaxbContextFQCN));
375:                if (factoryClassName != null) {
376:                    logger.fine("  found " + factoryClassName);
377:                    return newInstance(classes, properties, factoryClassName);
378:                }
379:                logger.fine("  not found");
381:                // search META-INF services next
382:                logger.fine("Checking META-INF/services");
383:                BufferedReader r;
384:                try {
385:                    final String resource = new StringBuilder(
386:                            "META-INF/services/").append(jaxbContextFQCN)
387:                            .toString();
388:                    ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread()
389:                            .getContextClassLoader();
390:                    URL resourceURL;
391:                    if (classLoader == null)
392:                        resourceURL = ClassLoader.getSystemResource(resource);
393:                    else
394:                        resourceURL = classLoader.getResource(resource);
396:                    if (resourceURL != null) {
397:                        logger.fine("Reading " + resourceURL);
398:                        r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
399:                                resourceURL.openStream(), "UTF-8"));
400:                        factoryClassName = r.readLine().trim();
401:                        return newInstance(classes, properties,
402:                                factoryClassName);
403:                    } else {
404:                        logger.fine("Unable to find: " + resource);
405:                    }
406:                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
407:                    // should never happen
408:                    throw new JAXBException(e);
409:                } catch (IOException e) {
410:                    throw new JAXBException(e);
411:                }
413:                // else no provider found
414:                logger.fine("Trying to create the platform default provider");
415:                return newInstance(classes, properties,
416:                        PLATFORM_DEFAULT_FACTORY_CLASS);
417:            }
419:            private static Properties loadJAXBProperties(
420:                    ClassLoader classLoader, String propFileName)
421:                    throws JAXBException {
423:                Properties props = null;
425:                try {
426:                    URL url;
427:                    if (classLoader == null)
428:                        url = ClassLoader.getSystemResource(propFileName);
429:                    else
430:                        url = classLoader.getResource(propFileName);
432:                    if (url != null) {
433:                        logger.fine("loading props from " + url);
434:                        props = new Properties();
435:                        InputStream is = url.openStream();
436:                        props.load(is);
437:                        is.close();
438:                    }
439:                } catch (IOException ioe) {
440:                    logger.log(Level.FINE, "Unable to load " + propFileName,
441:                            ioe);
442:                    throw new JAXBException(ioe.toString(), ioe);
443:                }
445:                return props;
446:            }
448:            /**
449:             * Search the given ClassLoader for an instance of the specified class and
450:             * return a string representation of the URL that points to the resource.
451:             *
452:             * @param clazz
453:             *          The class to search for
454:             * @param loader
455:             *          The ClassLoader to search.  If this parameter is null, then the
456:             *          system class loader will be searched
457:             * @return
458:             *          the URL for the class or null if it wasn't found
459:             */
460:            static URL which(Class clazz, ClassLoader loader) {
462:                String classnameAsResource = clazz.getName().replace('.', '/')
463:                        + ".class";
465:                if (loader == null) {
466:                    loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
467:                }
469:                return loader.getResource(classnameAsResource);
470:            }
472:            /**
473:             * Get the URL for the Class from it's ClassLoader.
474:             *
475:             * Convenience method for {@link #which(Class, ClassLoader)}.
476:             *
477:             * Equivalent to calling: which(clazz, clazz.getClassLoader())
478:             *
479:             * @param clazz
480:             *          The class to search for
481:             * @return
482:             *          the URL for the class or null if it wasn't found
483:             */
484:            static URL which(Class clazz) {
485:                return which(clazz, clazz.getClassLoader());
486:            }
488:            /**
489:             * When JAXB is in J2SE, rt.jar has to have a JAXB implementation.
490:             * However, rt.jar cannot have META-INF/services/javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext
491:             * because if it has, it will take precedence over any file that applications have
492:             * in their jar files.
493:             *
494:             * <p>
495:             * When the user bundles his own JAXB implementation, we'd like to use it, and we
496:             * want the platform default to be used only when there's no other JAXB provider.
497:             *
498:             * <p>
499:             * For this reason, we have to hard-code the class name into the API.
500:             */
501:            private static final String PLATFORM_DEFAULT_FACTORY_CLASS = "com.sun.xml.bind.v2.ContextFactory";
502:        } | Contact Us
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