01: /* Attributes.java
03: {{IS_NOTE
04: Purpose:
06: Description:
08: History:
09: Mon Aug 14 21:57:02 2006, Created by tomyeh
10: }}IS_NOTE
12: Copyright (C) 2006 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
14: {{IS_RIGHT
15: }}IS_RIGHT
16: */
17: package org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl;
19: /**
20: * Attributes of desktops, pages and components that are used internally.
21: *
22: * @author tomyeh
23: */
24: public class Attributes {
25: /** A desktop attribute to indicate the completeness percentage of
26: * the current file upload.
27: * It is an integer ranging from 0 to 99.
28: */
29: public static final String UPLOAD_PERCENT = "zk_uploadPercent";
30: /** A desktop attribute to indicate the number of bytes of the current
31: * file upload.
32: * It is a non-negative long.
33: */
34: public static final String UPLOAD_SIZE = "zk_uploadSize";
36: /** A request attribute to indicate whether "no-cache" header is
37: * generated for the current desktop.
38: * If no-cache is generated, ZK will remove a desktop as soon
39: * as possible to save the use of memory.
40: *
41: * <p>This attribute is set if ZK loader sets Cache-Control=no-cache.
42: * However, if a ZUML page is included by other servlet (such as
43: * JSP and DSP), this attribute won't be set.
44: * If you set Cache-Control manually, you might also set
45: * this attribute to save the use of memroy.
46: *
47: * <pre><code>request.setAttribute(Attributes.NO_CACHE, Boolean.TRUE);</code></pre>
48: *
49: * @since 3.0.1
50: */
51: public static final String NO_CACHE = "zk_desktop_no_cache";
53: /** A system property to indicate the default resend delay
54: * (an integer in milliseconds).
55: * If specified, {@link org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.Configuration#getResendDelay}
56: * will use it as the default. Otherwise, -1 is assumed.
57: * @since 3.0.3
58: */
59: public static final String RESEND_DELAY = "org.zkoss.zk.au.resendDelay";
60: }