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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Apache Harmony Java SE » java package » java.lang.instrument 
Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001:        /* 
002:         * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003:         * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004:         * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005:         * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006:         * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007:         * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008:         * 
009:         *
010:         * 
011:         * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012:         * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013:         * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014:         * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015:         * limitations under the License.
016:         */
018:        package java.lang.instrument;
020:        /**
021:         * Instances of this interface may be used by Java instrumentation agent code
022:         * for support in carrying out the runtime instrumentation of classes. Using
023:         * such an approach, classes may be enhanced with services such as profiling,
024:         * logging or tracing which were not included in the source of the original
025:         * class.
026:         * <p>
027:         * A concrete instance of this interface is made available as an input argument
028:         * to all Java instrumentation agents'
029:         * <code>premain(String agentArgs, Instrumentation inst)</code> method.
030:         * </p>
031:         * 
032:         */
033:        public interface Instrumentation {
035:            /**
036:             * Registers the supplied <code>transformer</code> argument with the VM.
037:             * Any classes that are to be defined or re-defined (if supported) in the VM
038:             * will then be offered to the transformer for it to carry out any byte code
039:             * modifications. The exception to this scheme is if the class to be defined /
040:             * re-defined is a dependency of the transformer.
041:             * <p>
042:             * This operation can be carried out multiple times on a concrete
043:             * <code>Instrumentation</code>. The order of registration is important
044:             * as it defines the order in which the transformers' transformation
045:             * operation gets called.
046:             * <p>
047:             * <p>
048:             * It is possible for any given instance of
049:             * <code>ClassFileTransformer</code> to be registered more than once with
050:             * this operation.
051:             * 
052:             * @param transformer
053:             *            a class file transformer
054:             * @throws NullPointerException
055:             *             if <code>transformer</code> is <code>null</code>.
056:             */
057:            public void addTransformer(ClassFileTransformer transformer);
059:            /**
060:             * Returns an array of all of the classes that have been loaded into the VM.
061:             * 
062:             * @return an array of <code>Class</code> objects with each element
063:             *         identifying a class that has been loaded into the VM.
064:             */
065:            public Class[] getAllLoadedClasses();
067:            /**
068:             * Returns an array of all of the classes for which <code>loader</code> is
069:             * the <i>initiating</i> class loader.
070:             * 
071:             * @param loader
072:             *            a class loader. In order to obtain the array of classes
073:             *            initiated by the bootstrap class loader this argument should
074:             *            be <code>null</code>.
075:             * @return an array of <code>Class</code> objects with each element
076:             *         identifying a class that has been initiated by the specified
077:             *         class loader.
078:             */
079:            public Class[] getInitiatedClasses(ClassLoader loader);
081:            /**
082:             * Returns the number of bytes in memory required by this VM for the
083:             * supplied object <code>objectToSize</code>. The returned value should
084:             * be taken as an estimation only which is susceptible to change between
085:             * separate launches of the VM.
086:             * 
087:             * @param objectToSize
088:             *            any object
089:             * @return an approximation of the number of bytes in memory taken up by
090:             *         <code>objectToSize</code>.
091:             * @throws NullPointerException
092:             *             if the given object is null.
093:             */
094:            public long getObjectSize(Object objectToSize);
096:            /**
097:             * Returns a boolean indication of whether or not this VM supports the
098:             * on-the-fly redefining of classes that have been already loaded.
099:             * 
100:             * @return <code>true</code> if class redefining is supported, otherwise
101:             *         <code>false</code>.
102:             */
103:            public boolean isRedefineClassesSupported();
105:            /**
106:             * Receives an array of {@link ClassDefinition} instances and attempts to
107:             * carry out on-the-fly redefining on each of the associated classes.
108:             * Redefining in this manner may be used to update the following parts of an
109:             * already loaded class:
110:             * <ul>
111:             * <li>attributes
112:             * <li>constant pool
113:             * <li>method implementations
114:             * </ul>
115:             * If any invocations of a redefined method are already active in the VM
116:             * when this call is made then they will run to completion and be unaffected
117:             * by the outcome of this method. Provided the method redefinition is
118:             * successful, all subsequent calls on the method will run the new version.
119:             * <br>
120:             * Redefining a class may <em>not</em> be used to make changes to any
121:             * other aspects of a previously loaded class such as its inheritance
122:             * hierarchy, the names or signatures of any of its methods, the names of
123:             * any fields, the values of any static variables etc.
124:             * <p>
125:             * If a class associated with a <code>ClassDefinition</code> is
126:             * successfully redefined then there will be no resulting re-run of any of
127:             * its initialization code. Similarly, any instances of the class that were
128:             * created before the redefining will not be changed in any way. That is,
129:             * they will remain in the VM as instances of the previous version of the
130:             * class.
131:             * </p>
132:             * <p>
133:             * Note that before the requested redefinitions are attempted, each
134:             * {@link ClassFileTransformer} registered with the VM will be given the
135:             * opportunity to carry out their own custom transformations of the new
136:             * version of the class.
137:             * </p>
138:             * 
139:             * @param definitions
140:             *            an array of <code>ClassDefinition</code> objects wrapping
141:             *            the details of the classes to be redefined. A zero-length
142:             *            array value will not cause an error but, instead, will
143:             *            silently do nothing.
144:             * @throws ClassNotFoundException
145:             *             if any of the classes specified in the contents of
146:             *             <code>definitions</code> cannot be located.
147:             * @throws UnmodifiableClassException
148:             *             if any of the classes specified in the contents of
149:             *             <code>definitions</code> cannot be modified.
150:             * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
151:             *             if this method is not supported in by the VM. May be checked
152:             *             in advance by calling {@link #isRedefineClassesSupported()}.
153:             * @throws ClassFormatError
154:             *             if any of the <code>definitions</code> elements has been
155:             *             created with a <code>byte</code> array containing a badly
156:             *             formed class file.
157:             * @throws NoClassDefFoundError
158:             *             if there is disagreement between the name of a class to be
159:             *             redefined and the name of the class from the corresponding
160:             *             class file format byte array.
161:             * @throws UnsupportedClassVersionError
162:             *             if the version of any of the classes to be redefined is not
163:             *             supported by the VM.
164:             * @throws ClassCircularityError
165:             *             if a circular dependency is detected among the classes to be
166:             *             redefined.
167:             * @throws LinkageError
168:             *             if a linkage error situation is detected such that there is
169:             *             an incompatability between dependent classes.
170:             * @throws NullPointerException
171:             *             if <code>definitions</code> or any of its elements are
172:             *             found to be <code>null</code>.
173:             * @see #isRedefineClassesSupported()
174:             */
175:            public void redefineClasses(ClassDefinition[] definitions)
176:                    throws ClassNotFoundException, UnmodifiableClassException;
178:            /**
179:             * Removes <i>the most recently added instance of</i> the
180:             * <code>ClassFileTransformer</code> object from the VM's list of
181:             * registered transformers. After this call completes, the specified
182:             * <code>ClassFileTransformer</code> object will no longer have its
183:             * <code>transform()<code> method automatically invoked when class definitions or
184:             * redefinitions are attempted. 
185:             * 
186:             * @param transformer
187:             *            a previously registered <code>ClassFileTransformer</code>.
188:             * @return <code>true</code> if <code>transformer</code> was located in
189:             *         the list of registered transformers and successfully removed.
190:             *         Otherwise, <code>false</code>.
191:             * @throws NullPointerException
192:             *            if <code>transformer</code> is <code>null</code>.
193:             */
194:            public boolean removeTransformer(ClassFileTransformer transformer);
195:        } | Contact Us
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