001: /*
002: * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003: * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
004: * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005: * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006: * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007: * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
008: *
009: * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010: *
011: * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012: * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013: * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014: * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015: * limitations under the License.
016: */
017: /**
018: * @author Anton Avtamonov
019: * @version $Revision$
020: */package javax.swing.plaf.basic;
022: import java.awt.Dimension;
023: import java.awt.Graphics;
024: import java.awt.Label;
025: import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
026: import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
027: import java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent;
028: import javax.swing.BasicSwingTestCase;
029: import javax.swing.CellRendererPane;
030: import javax.swing.JTable;
031: import javax.swing.UIManager;
032: import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
033: import javax.swing.table.TableColumn;
035: public class BasicTableUITest extends BasicSwingTestCase {
036: private BasicTableUI ui;
038: private FocusEvent focusEvent = new FocusEvent(new JTable(), 0);
040: private KeyEvent keyEvent = new KeyEvent(new JTable(), 0, 0, 0, 0);
042: private MouseWheelEvent mouseWheelEvent = new MouseWheelEvent(
043: new Label(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, 0,
044: MouseWheelEvent.WHEEL_UNIT_SCROLL, 0);
046: public BasicTableUITest(final String name) {
047: super (name);
048: }
050: @Override
051: protected void setUp() throws Exception {
052: ui = new BasicTableUI();
053: }
055: @Override
056: protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
057: ui = null;
058: }
060: public void testBasicTableUI() throws Exception {
061: assertNull(ui.table);
062: assertNull(ui.rendererPane);
063: assertNull(ui.focusListener);
064: assertNull(ui.keyListener);
065: assertNull(ui.mouseInputListener);
066: }
068: public void testCreateKeyListener() throws Exception {
069: assertNull(ui.createKeyListener());
070: }
072: public void testCreateFocusListener() throws Exception {
073: assertTrue(ui.createFocusListener() instanceof BasicTableUI.FocusHandler);
074: assertNotSame(ui.createFocusListener(), ui
075: .createFocusListener());
076: assertNull(ui.focusListener);
077: }
079: public void testCreateMouseInputListener() throws Exception {
080: assertTrue(ui.createMouseInputListener() instanceof BasicTableUI.MouseInputHandler);
081: assertNotSame(ui.createMouseInputListener(), ui
082: .createMouseInputListener());
083: assertNull(ui.mouseInputListener);
084: }
086: public void testCreateUI() throws Exception {
087: assertSame(BasicTableUI.createUI(null).getClass(),
088: BasicTableUI.class);
089: assertNotSame(BasicTableUI.createUI(null), BasicTableUI
090: .createUI(null));
091: }
093: public void testInstallUI() throws Exception {
094: JTable table = new JTable();
095: ui.installUI(table);
096: assertSame(table, ui.table);
097: assertNotNull(ui.rendererPane);
098: }
100: public void testUninstallUI() throws Exception {
101: testExceptionalCase(new NullPointerCase() {
102: // Regression test for HARMONY-2613
103: @Override
104: public void exceptionalAction() throws Exception {
105: ui.uninstallUI(new JTable());
106: }
107: });
108: JTable table = new JTable();
109: ui.installUI(table);
110: ui.uninstallUI(null);
111: assertNull(ui.table);
112: assertNull(ui.rendererPane);
113: }
115: public void testGetMinimumMaximumPreferredSize() throws Exception {
116: JTable table = new JTable();
117: testExceptionalCase(new NullPointerCase() {
118: // Regression test for HARMONY-2613
119: @Override
120: public void exceptionalAction() throws Exception {
121: ui.getMinimumSize(new JTable());
122: }
123: });
124: testExceptionalCase(new NullPointerCase() {
125: // Regression test for HARMONY-2613
126: @Override
127: public void exceptionalAction() throws Exception {
128: ui.getMaximumSize(new JTable());
129: }
130: });
131: testExceptionalCase(new NullPointerCase() {
132: // Regression test for HARMONY-2613
133: @Override
134: public void exceptionalAction() throws Exception {
135: ui.getPreferredSize(new JTable());
136: }
137: });
138: ui.table = table;
139: assertEquals(new Dimension(), ui.getMinimumSize(null));
140: TableColumn column1 = new TableColumn();
141: column1.setMinWidth(20);
142: column1.setPreferredWidth(50);
143: column1.setMaxWidth(100);
144: table.addColumn(column1);
145: assertEquals(new Dimension(20, 0), ui.getMinimumSize(null));
146: assertEquals(new Dimension(100, 0), ui.getMaximumSize(null));
147: assertEquals(new Dimension(50, 0), ui.getPreferredSize(null));
148: TableColumn column2 = new TableColumn();
149: column2.setMinWidth(10);
150: column2.setPreferredWidth(20);
151: column2.setMaxWidth(40);
152: table.addColumn(column2);
153: assertEquals(new Dimension(30, 0), ui.getMinimumSize(null));
154: assertEquals(new Dimension(140, 0), ui.getMaximumSize(null));
155: assertEquals(new Dimension(70, 0), ui.getPreferredSize(null));
156: table.setRowHeight(30);
157: ((DefaultTableModel) table.getModel())
158: .addRow(new Object[] { "1" });
159: assertEquals(new Dimension(30, 30), ui.getMinimumSize(null));
160: assertEquals(new Dimension(140, 30), ui.getMaximumSize(null));
161: assertEquals(new Dimension(70, 30), ui.getPreferredSize(null));
162: ((DefaultTableModel) table.getModel()).addRow(new Object[] {
163: "2", "2" });
164: table.setRowHeight(1, 20);
165: assertEquals(new Dimension(30, 50), ui.getMinimumSize(null));
166: assertEquals(new Dimension(140, 50), ui.getMaximumSize(null));
167: assertEquals(new Dimension(70, 50), ui.getPreferredSize(null));
168: }
170: public void testPaint() throws Exception {
171: ui.table = new JTable();
172: DefaultTableModel model = (DefaultTableModel) ui.table
173: .getModel();
174: model.addColumn("column1");
175: model.addRow(new Object[] { "1" });
176: ui.rendererPane = new CellRendererPane();
177: Graphics g = createTestGraphics();
178: g.setClip(0, 0, 100, 100);
179: ui.paint(g, null);
180: }
182: public void testPaint_Null() throws Exception {
183: try {
184: // Regression test for HARMONY-1776
185: ui.paint(null, null);
186: fail("NullPointerException should have been thrown");
187: } catch (NullPointerException e) {
188: // Expected
189: }
191: testExceptionalCase(new NullPointerCase() {
192: // Regression test for HARMONY-2613
193: @Override
194: public void exceptionalAction() throws Exception {
195: ui.paint(createTestGraphics(), new JTable());
196: }
197: });
198: }
200: public void testInstallDefaults() throws Exception {
201: testExceptionalCase(new NullPointerCase() {
202: // Regression test for HARMONY-2613
203: @Override
204: public void exceptionalAction() throws Exception {
205: ui.installDefaults();
206: }
207: });
208: ui.table = new JTable();
209: ui.installDefaults();
210: assertSame(UIManager.getFont("Table.font"), ui.table.getFont());
211: assertSame(UIManager.getColor("Table.gridColor"), ui.table
212: .getGridColor());
213: assertSame(UIManager.getColor("Table.foreground"), ui.table
214: .getForeground());
215: assertSame(UIManager.getColor("Table.background"), ui.table
216: .getBackground());
217: assertSame(UIManager.getColor("Table.selectionForeground"),
218: ui.table.getSelectionForeground());
219: assertSame(UIManager.getColor("Table.selectionBackground"),
220: ui.table.getSelectionBackground());
221: }
223: public void testInstallKeyboardActions() throws Exception {
224: testExceptionalCase(new NullPointerCase() {
225: // Regression test for HARMONY-2613
226: @Override
227: public void exceptionalAction() throws Exception {
228: ui.installKeyboardActions();
229: }
230: });
231: }
233: public void testUninstallDefaults() throws Exception {
234: testExceptionalCase(new NullPointerCase() {
235: // Regression test for HARMONY-2613
236: @Override
237: public void exceptionalAction() throws Exception {
238: ui.uninstallDefaults();
239: }
240: });
241: }
243: public void testUninstallKeyboardActions() throws Exception {
244: testExceptionalCase(new NullPointerCase() {
245: // Regression test for HARMONY-2613
246: @Override
247: public void exceptionalAction() throws Exception {
248: ui.uninstallKeyboardActions();
249: }
250: });
251: }
253: public void testInstallListeners() throws Exception {
254: testExceptionalCase(new NullPointerCase() {
255: // Regression test for HARMONY-2613
256: @Override
257: public void exceptionalAction() throws Exception {
258: ui.installListeners();
259: }
260: });
261: }
263: public void testUninstallListeners() throws Exception {
264: testExceptionalCase(new NullPointerCase() {
265: // Regression test for HARMONY-2613
266: @Override
267: public void exceptionalAction() throws Exception {
268: ui.uninstallListeners();
269: }
270: });
271: }
273: public void testFocusHandlerFocusGained() throws Exception {
274: testExceptionalCase(new NullPointerCase() {
275: // Regression test for HARMONY-2613
276: @Override
277: public void exceptionalAction() throws Exception {
278: ui.new FocusHandler().focusGained(focusEvent);
279: }
280: });
281: }
283: public void testFocusHandlerFocusLost() throws Exception {
284: testExceptionalCase(new NullPointerCase() {
285: // Regression test for HARMONY-2613
286: @Override
287: public void exceptionalAction() throws Exception {
288: ui.new FocusHandler().focusLost(focusEvent);
289: }
290: });
291: }
293: public void testKeyHandlerKeyPressed() throws Exception {
294: // Regression test for HARMONY-2613
295: // Make sure it throws no exceptions
296: ui.new KeyHandler().keyPressed(keyEvent);
297: }
299: public void testKeyHandlerKeyReleased() throws Exception {
300: // Regression test for HARMONY-2613
301: // Make sure it throws no exceptions
302: ui.new KeyHandler().keyReleased(keyEvent);
303: }
305: public void testFocusHandlerKeyTyped() throws Exception {
306: testExceptionalCase(new NullPointerCase() {
307: // Regression test for HARMONY-2613
308: @Override
309: public void exceptionalAction() throws Exception {
310: ui.new KeyHandler().keyTyped(keyEvent);
311: }
312: });
313: }
315: public void testMouseInputHandlerMouseClicked() throws Exception {
316: // Regression test for HARMONY-2613
317: // Make sure it throws no exceptions
318: ui.new MouseInputHandler().mouseClicked(mouseWheelEvent);
319: }
321: public void testMouseInputHandlerMouseEntered() throws Exception {
322: // Regression test for HARMONY-2613
323: // Make sure it throws no exceptions
324: ui.new MouseInputHandler().mouseEntered(mouseWheelEvent);
325: }
327: public void testMouseInputHandlerMouseExited() throws Exception {
328: // Regression test for HARMONY-2613
329: // Make sure it throws no exceptions
330: ui.new MouseInputHandler().mouseExited(mouseWheelEvent);
331: }
333: public void testMouseInputHandlerMousePressed() throws Exception {
334: // Regression test for HARMONY-2613
335: // Make sure it throws no exceptions
336: ui.new MouseInputHandler().mousePressed(mouseWheelEvent);
337: }
339: public void testMouseInputHandlerMouseReleased() throws Exception {
340: // Regression test for HARMONY-2613
341: // Make sure it throws no exceptions
342: ui.new MouseInputHandler().mouseReleased(mouseWheelEvent);
343: }
345: public void testMouseInputHandlerMouseDragged() throws Exception {
346: // Regression test for HARMONY-2613
347: // Make sure it throws no exceptions
348: ui.new MouseInputHandler().mouseDragged(mouseWheelEvent);
349: }
351: public void testMouseInputHandlerMouseMoved() throws Exception {
352: // Regression test for HARMONY-2613
353: // Make sure it throws no exceptions
354: ui.new MouseInputHandler().mouseMoved(mouseWheelEvent);
355: }
356: }