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001:        /* 
002:         * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003:         * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004:         * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005:         * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006:         * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007:         * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008:         * 
009:         *
010:         * 
011:         * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012:         * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013:         * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014:         * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015:         * limitations under the License.
016:         */
018:        package org.apache.harmony.jndi.internal;
020:        import java.applet.Applet;
021:        import;
022:        import;
023:        import;
024:        import;
025:        import;
026:        import;
027:        import;
028:        import;
029:        import;
030:        import java.util.ArrayList;
031:        import java.util.Enumeration;
032:        import java.util.Hashtable;
033:        import java.util.List;
034:        import java.util.Properties;
035:        import java.util.StringTokenizer;
037:        import javax.naming.ConfigurationException;
038:        import javax.naming.Context;
039:        import javax.naming.NamingException;
040:        import javax.naming.ldap.LdapContext;
042:        import org.apache.harmony.jndi.internal.nls.Messages;
044:        /**
045:         * This is a utility class that reads environment properties.
046:         */
047:        public final class EnvironmentReader {
049:            // The name of application resource files
050:            private static final String APPLICATION_RESOURCE_FILE = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
052:            // The name of provider resource file
053:            private static final String PROVIDER_RESOURCE_FILE = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
055:            // Not allowed to create an instance
056:            private EnvironmentReader() {
057:                super ();
058:            }
060:            /*
061:             * Merge additional properties with already read ones.
062:             * 
063:             * @param src - the source containing additional properties @param dst - the
064:             * destination to put additional properties @param valueAddToList - whether
065:             * to add new values of C-type properties
066:             */
067:            public static void mergeEnvironment(final Hashtable<?, ?> src,
068:                    final Hashtable<Object, Object> dst,
069:                    final boolean valueAddToList) {
071:                Object key = null;
072:                String val = null;
073:                Enumeration<?> keys = src.keys();
075:                while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
076:                    key = keys.nextElement();
078:                    if (!dst.containsKey(key)) {
079:                        /*
080:                         * If this property doesn't exist yet, add it.
081:                         */
082:                        dst.put(key, src.get(key));
083:                    } else if (valueAddToList
084:                            && (LdapContext.CONTROL_FACTORIES.equals(key)
085:                                    || Context.OBJECT_FACTORIES.equals(key)
086:                                    || Context.STATE_FACTORIES.equals(key) || Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES
087:                                    .equals(key))) {
088:                        /*
089:                         * Otherwise, if this property can contain a list of values, add
090:                         * the additional values if the flag "valueAddToList" is true.
091:                         */
093:                        // Read the original value
094:                        val = (String) dst.get(key);
095:                        // Values are combined into a single list separated by colons.
096:                        val = val + ":" + src.get(key); //$NON-NLS-1$
097:                        // The final value becomes the resulting value of that property
098:                        dst.put(key, val);
099:                    } else {
100:                        /*
101:                         * Otherwise, ignore the found value.
102:                         */
103:                    }
104:                }
105:            }
107:            /*
108:             * Get the required 7 JNDI properties from JNDI properties source. This
109:             * method is designed as package visibility to improve performance when
110:             * called by anonymous inner classes.
111:             * 
112:             * @return a hashtable holding the required properties.
113:             */
114:            static Hashtable<Object, Object> filterProperties(
115:                    final JNDIPropertiesSource source) {
116:                final Hashtable<Object, Object> filteredProperties = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
117:                String propValue = null;
119:                propValue = source.getProperty(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY);
120:                if (null != propValue) {
121:                    filteredProperties.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,
122:                            propValue);
123:                }
125:                propValue = source.getProperty(Context.DNS_URL);
126:                if (null != propValue) {
127:                    filteredProperties.put(Context.DNS_URL, propValue);
128:                }
130:                propValue = source.getProperty(Context.PROVIDER_URL);
131:                if (null != propValue) {
132:                    filteredProperties.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, propValue);
133:                }
135:                propValue = source.getProperty(Context.OBJECT_FACTORIES);
136:                if (null != propValue) {
137:                    filteredProperties.put(Context.OBJECT_FACTORIES, propValue);
138:                }
140:                propValue = source.getProperty(Context.STATE_FACTORIES);
141:                if (null != propValue) {
142:                    filteredProperties.put(Context.STATE_FACTORIES, propValue);
143:                }
145:                propValue = source.getProperty(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES);
146:                if (null != propValue) {
147:                    filteredProperties.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, propValue);
148:                }
150:                propValue = source.getProperty(LdapContext.CONTROL_FACTORIES);
151:                if (null != propValue) {
152:                    filteredProperties.put(LdapContext.CONTROL_FACTORIES,
153:                            propValue);
154:                }
156:                return filteredProperties;
157:            }
159:            /*
160:             * Read the required 7 JNDI properties from system properties and merge with
161:             * existing properties. Note that the values of C-type properties are only
162:             * included when no corresponding value is presented in existing properties.
163:             * 
164:             * @param existingProps - existing properties
165:             */
166:            public static void readSystemProperties(
167:                    final Hashtable<Object, Object> existingProps) {
168:                /*
169:                 * Privileged code is used to access system properties. This is required
170:                 * if JNDI is run in Applet or other applications which only have
171:                 * limited permissions to access certain resources.
172:                 */
173:                Hashtable<Object, Object> systemProperties = AccessController
174:                        .doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Hashtable<Object, Object>>() {
175:                            public Hashtable<Object, Object> run() {
176:                                return filterProperties(new SystemPropertiesSource());
177:                            }
178:                        });
179:                mergeEnvironment(systemProperties, existingProps, false);
180:            }
182:            /*
183:             * Read the required 7 JNDI properties from applet parameters and merge with
184:             * existing properties. Note that the values of C-type properties are only
185:             * included when no corresponding value is presented in existing properties.
186:             * 
187:             * @param applet - the applet object @param existingProps - existing
188:             * properties
189:             */
190:            public static void readAppletParameters(Object applet,
191:                    Hashtable<Object, Object> existingProps) {
192:                if (null != applet) {
193:                    Hashtable<Object, Object> appletParameters = filterProperties(new AppletParametersSource(
194:                            (Applet) applet));
195:                    mergeEnvironment(appletParameters, existingProps, false);
196:                }
197:            }
199:            /*
200:             * Read multiple resource files from the classpaths given the file name.
201:             * This method is designed as package visibility to improve performance when
202:             * called by anonymous inner classes.
203:             * 
204:             * @param name - the name of the resource file @param existingProps -
205:             * existing properties, cannot be null @param filter - to filter properties
206:             */
207:            static Hashtable<Object, Object> readMultipleResourceFiles(
208:                    final String name,
209:                    final Hashtable<Object, Object> existingProps,
210:                    ClassLoader cl) throws NamingException {
212:                if (null == cl) {
213:                    cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
214:                }
216:                Enumeration<URL> e = null;
217:                try {
218:                    // Load all resource files
219:                    e = cl.getResources(name);
220:                } catch (IOException ex) {
221:                    // Unexpected ClassLoader exception
222:                    // jndi.23=Failed to load JNDI resource files.
223:                    ConfigurationException newEx = new ConfigurationException(
224:                            Messages.getString("jndi.23")); //$NON-NLS-1$
225:                    newEx.setRootCause(ex);
226:                    throw newEx;
227:                }
229:                // Read all the loaded properties and merge
230:                URL url = null;
231:                InputStream is = null;
232:                final Properties p = new Properties();
233:                while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
234:                    url = e.nextElement();
235:                    try {
236:                        if (null != (is = url.openStream())) {
237:                            p.load(is);
238:                            mergeEnvironment(p, existingProps, true);
239:                            p.clear();
240:                        }
241:                    } catch (IOException ex) {
242:                        // Can't read this resource file
243:                        // jndi.24=Failed to read JNDI resource files.
244:                        ConfigurationException newEx = new ConfigurationException(
245:                                Messages.getString("jndi.24")); //$NON-NLS-1$
246:                        newEx.setRootCause(ex);
247:                        throw newEx;
248:                    } finally {
249:                        try {
250:                            if (null != is) {
251:                                is.close();
252:                            }
253:                        } catch (IOException ex) {
254:                            // Ignore closing exception
255:                        } finally {
256:                            is = null;
257:                        }
258:                    }
259:                }
260:                return existingProps;
261:            }
263:            /*
264:             * Read application/applet resource files.
265:             * 
266:             * @param existingProps - existing properties, cannot be null.
267:             */
268:            public static Hashtable<Object, Object> readApplicationResourceFiles(
269:                    final Hashtable<Object, Object> existingProps)
270:                    throws NamingException {
271:                // Use privileged code to read the application resource files
272:                try {
273:                    AccessController
274:                            .doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
275:                                public Void run() throws NamingException {
276:                                    readMultipleResourceFiles(
277:                                            APPLICATION_RESOURCE_FILE,
278:                                            existingProps, Thread
279:                                                    .currentThread()
280:                                                    .getContextClassLoader());
281:                                    return null;
282:                                }
283:                            });
284:                } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
285:                    Exception rootCause = e.getException();
286:                    if (rootCause instanceof  NamingException) {
287:                        throw (NamingException) rootCause;
288:                    } else if (rootCause instanceof  RuntimeException) {
289:                        throw (RuntimeException) rootCause;
290:                    } else {
291:                        // This should not happen.
292:                    }
293:                }
294:                return existingProps;
295:            }
297:            /*
298:             * Read the properties file "java.home"/lib/ Pay attention
299:             * to the privileged code for accessing this external resource file. This is
300:             * required if JNDI is run in Applet or other applications which only have
301:             * limited permissions to access certain resources.
302:             * 
303:             * @param existingProps - existing properties, cannot be null.
304:             */
305:            public static Hashtable<Object, Object> readLibraryResourceFile(
306:                    final Hashtable<Object, Object> existingProps)
307:                    throws NamingException {
308:                final String sep = System.getProperty("file.separator"); //$NON-NLS-1$
310:                String resPath = null;
311:                // Construct the full filename of "java.home"/lib/
312:                resPath = System.getProperty("java.home"); //$NON-NLS-1$
313:                if (!resPath.endsWith(sep)) {
314:                    resPath += sep;
315:                }
316:                resPath += "lib" + sep + APPLICATION_RESOURCE_FILE; //$NON-NLS-1$
318:                // Try to read this properties if it exists
319:                InputStream is = null;
320:                final File resFile = new File(resPath);
321:                final Properties p = new Properties();
322:                // Use privileged code to determine whether the file exists
323:                boolean resFileExists = AccessController.doPrivileged(
324:                        new PrivilegedAction<Boolean>() {
325:                            public Boolean run() {
326:                                return Boolean.valueOf(resFile.exists());
327:                            }
328:                        }).booleanValue();
329:                if (resFileExists) {
330:                    try {
331:                        // Use privileged code to read the file
332:                        is = AccessController
333:                                .doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<FileInputStream>() {
334:                                    public FileInputStream run()
335:                                            throws IOException {
336:                                        FileInputStream localInputStream = new FileInputStream(
337:                                                resFile);
338:                                        p.load(localInputStream);
339:                                        return localInputStream;
340:                                    }
341:                                });
342:                        mergeEnvironment(p, existingProps, true);
343:                    } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
344:                        // Can't read "java.home"/lib/
345:                        // jndi.25=Failed to read JNDI resource files in java home
346:                        // library.
347:                        ConfigurationException newEx = new ConfigurationException(
348:                                Messages.getString("jndi.25")); //$NON-NLS-1$
349:                        newEx.setRootCause(e.getException());
350:                        throw newEx;
351:                    } finally {
352:                        try {
353:                            if (null != is) {
354:                                is.close();
355:                            }
356:                        } catch (IOException ex) {
357:                            // Ignore closing exception
358:                        }
359:                    }
360:                }
361:                return existingProps;
362:            }
364:            /*
365:             * Read the service provider resource file.
366:             * 
367:             * @param context - the context @param existingProps - existing properties,
368:             * cannot be null.
369:             */
370:            public static Hashtable<Object, Object> readProviderResourceFiles(
371:                    final Context context,
372:                    final Hashtable<Object, Object> existingProps)
373:                    throws NamingException {
375:                String factory = context.getClass().getName();
376:                String resPath = null;
377:                int len = factory.lastIndexOf('.');
379:                // Construct the full filename of the service provider resource file
380:                if (-1 == len) {
381:                    // Default package
382:                    resPath = PROVIDER_RESOURCE_FILE;
383:                } else {
384:                    // Replace "." with '/'
385:                    resPath = factory.substring(0, len + 1);
386:                    resPath = resPath.replace('.', '/');
387:                    resPath += PROVIDER_RESOURCE_FILE;
388:                }
390:                // Use privileged code to read the provider resource files
391:                try {
392:                    final String finalResPath = resPath;
393:                    AccessController
394:                            .doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<String>() {
395:                                public String run() throws NamingException {
396:                                    readMultipleResourceFiles(finalResPath,
397:                                            existingProps, context.getClass()
398:                                                    .getClassLoader());
399:                                    return null;
400:                                }
401:                            });
402:                } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
403:                    Exception rootCause = e.getException();
404:                    if (rootCause instanceof  NamingException) {
405:                        throw (NamingException) rootCause;
406:                    } else if (rootCause instanceof  RuntimeException) {
407:                        throw (RuntimeException) rootCause;
408:                    } else {
409:                        // This should not happen.
410:                        throw new AssertionError(rootCause);
411:                    }
412:                }
413:                return existingProps;
414:            }
416:            /*
417:             * Get the list of the specified factory names from the supplied environment
418:             * and the resource provider files of the given Context.
419:             * 
420:             * @param envmt The supplied environment. @param ctx The Context whose
421:             * resource provider files will be read. @param key The name of the factory.
422:             * @return The list of the desired factory names. @throws NamingException If
423:             * an error occurs when reading the provider resource files.
424:             */
425:            public static String[] getFactoryNamesFromEnvironmentAndProviderResource(
426:                    Hashtable<?, ?> envmt, Context ctx, String key)
427:                    throws NamingException {
429:                List<String> fnames = new ArrayList<String>();
431:                // collect tokens from envmt with key
432:                if (null != envmt) {
433:                    String str = (String) envmt.get(key);
434:                    if (null != str) {
435:                        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str, ":"); //$NON-NLS-1$
436:                        while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
437:                            fnames.add(st.nextToken());
438:                        }
439:                    }
440:                }
441:                // collect tokens from ctx's provider resource file
442:                if (null != ctx) {
443:                    Hashtable<Object, Object> h = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
444:                    // read provider resource file from ctx's package
445:                    EnvironmentReader.readProviderResourceFiles(ctx, h);
446:                    String str = (String) h.get(key);
447:                    if (null != str) {
448:                        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str, ":"); //$NON-NLS-1$
449:                        while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
450:                            fnames.add(st.nextToken());
451:                        }
452:                    }
453:                }
454:                // if key is Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, append "com.sun.jndi.url" at the
455:                // end
456:                if (Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES.equals(key)) {
457:                    fnames.add("com.sun.jndi.url"); //$NON-NLS-1$
458:                }
459:                // return factory names
460:                return fnames.toArray(new String[fnames.size()]);
461:            }
463:            /*
464:             * Wrapper interface for JNDI properties source.
465:             */
466:            private interface JNDIPropertiesSource {
467:                // Get a JNDI property with the specified name
468:                String getProperty(final String propName);
469:            }
471:            /*
472:             * Wrapper class for system properties source.
473:             */
474:            private static class SystemPropertiesSource implements 
475:                    JNDIPropertiesSource {
477:                public SystemPropertiesSource() {
478:                    super ();
479:                }
481:                public String getProperty(final String propName) {
482:                    return System.getProperty(propName);
483:                }
484:            }
486:            /*
487:             * Wrapper class for applet parameters source.
488:             */
489:            private static class AppletParametersSource implements 
490:                    JNDIPropertiesSource {
492:                private Applet applet;
494:                public AppletParametersSource(Applet applet) {
495:                    this .applet = applet;
496:                }
498:                public String getProperty(final String propName) {
499:                    return applet.getParameter(propName);
500:                }
501:            }
503:        } | Contact Us
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