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Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001:        /*
002:         *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003:         *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004:         *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005:         *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006:         *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007:         *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008:         *
009:         *
010:         *
011:         *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012:         *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013:         *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014:         *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015:         *  limitations under the License.
016:         */
017:        /** 
018:         * @author Aleksei V. Ivaschenko 
019:         * @version $Revision: 1.3 $ 
020:         */package org.apache.harmony.x.print.awt;
022:        import java.awt.Dialog;
023:        import java.awt.Frame;
024:        import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
025:        import java.awt.HeadlessException;
026:        import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager;
027:        import java.awt.Rectangle;
028:        import java.awt.Window;
029:        import java.awt.print.PageFormat;
030:        import java.awt.print.Pageable;
031:        import java.awt.print.Paper;
032:        import java.awt.print.Printable;
033:        import java.awt.print.PrinterException;
034:        import java.awt.print.PrinterJob;
035:        import;
036:        import;
037:        import;
038:        import java.util.Locale;
040:        import javax.print.Doc;
041:        import javax.print.DocFlavor;
042:        import javax.print.DocPrintJob;
043:        import javax.print.PrintException;
044:        import javax.print.PrintService;
045:        import javax.print.PrintServiceLookup;
046:        import javax.print.ServiceUI;
047:        import javax.print.SimpleDoc;
048:        import javax.print.attribute.HashPrintRequestAttributeSet;
049:        import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttributeSet;
050:        import javax.print.attribute.Size2DSyntax;
051:        import javax.print.attribute.standard.Copies;
052:        import javax.print.attribute.standard.JobName;
053:        import javax.print.attribute.standard.Media;
054:        import javax.print.attribute.standard.MediaPrintableArea;
055:        import javax.print.attribute.standard.MediaSize;
056:        import javax.print.attribute.standard.MediaSizeName;
057:        import javax.print.attribute.standard.OrientationRequested;
058:        import javax.print.attribute.standard.RequestingUserName;
059:        import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
061:        import org.apache.harmony.x.print.ServiceUIDialog;
062:        import org.apache.harmony.x.print.attributes.MediaMargins;
064:        public class PSPrinterJob extends PrinterJob {
066:            private Printable psPrintable;
067:            private Pageable psDocument;
068:            private PageFormat psFormat;
069:            private PrintStream stream;
071:            PrintRequestAttributeSet attrs; // Job attributes
072:            private PrintService service = null; // Job print service
074:            static String os = null; // OS type
076:            static {
077:                AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
078:                    public Object run() {
079:                        os = System.getProperty("");
080:                        if (os.startsWith("Windows")) {
081:                            System.loadLibrary("print");
082:                        }
083:                        return null;
084:                    }
085:                });
086:            }
088:            public PSPrinterJob() {
089:                super ();
090:                attrs = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
091:                service = PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService();
092:                /* Probably need to add default attributes to attrs here */
093:            }
095:            public void setPrintable(Printable painter) {
096:                psPrintable = painter;
097:            }
099:            /*
100:             * @see java.awt.print.PrinterJob#setPrintable(Printable, PageFormat)
101:             */
102:            public void setPrintable(Printable painter, PageFormat format) {
103:                psPrintable = painter;
104:                psFormat = format;
105:            }
107:            /*
108:             * @see java.awt.print.PrinterJob#setPageable(Pageable)
109:             */
110:            public void setPageable(Pageable document)
111:                    throws NullPointerException {
112:                if (document == null) {
113:                    throw new NullPointerException("Pageable argument is null");
114:                }
115:                psDocument = document;
116:            }
118:            /*
119:             * @see java.awt.print.PrinterJob#print()
120:             */
121:            public void print() throws PrinterException {
122:                Doc doc = null;
123:                if (psPrintable != null) {
124:                    Pageable pageable = new Pageable() {
125:                        public int getNumberOfPages() {
126:                            return UNKNOWN_NUMBER_OF_PAGES;
127:                        }
129:                        public PageFormat getPageFormat(int pageIndex)
130:                                throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
131:                            return (psFormat != null) ? psFormat
132:                                    : defaultPage();
133:                        }
135:                        public Printable getPrintable(int pageIndex)
136:                                throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
137:                            return psPrintable;
138:                        }
139:                    };
141:                    doc = new SimpleDoc(pageable,
142:                            DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PAGEABLE, null);
143:                } else if (psDocument != null) {
144:                    doc = new SimpleDoc(psDocument,
145:                            DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PAGEABLE, null);
146:                } else {
147:                    throw new PrinterException(
148:                            "Neither Printable nor Pageable were "
149:                                    + "specified.");
150:                }
152:                PrintService pService = service;
153:                if (pService == null) {
154:                    pService = PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService();
155:                }
157:                try {
158:                    DocPrintJob job = pService.createPrintJob();
159:                    job.print(doc, attrs);
160:                } catch (PrintException pe) {
161:                    throw new PrinterException(pe.getMessage());
162:                }
163:            }
165:            /*
166:             * @see java.awt.print.PrinterJob#print(PrintRequestAttributeSet)
167:             */
168:            public void print(PrintRequestAttributeSet attributes)
169:                    throws PrinterException {
170:                attrs = attributes;
171:                print();
172:            }
174:            public PrintService getPrintService() {
175:                return service;
176:            }
178:            public void setPrintService(PrintService printservice)
179:                    throws PrinterException {
180:                if (printservice
181:                        .isDocFlavorSupported(DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PRINTABLE)
182:                        && printservice
183:                                .isDocFlavorSupported(DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PAGEABLE)) {
184:                    service = printservice;
185:                } else {
186:                    throw new PrinterException("PrintService doesn't support "
187:                            + "SERVICE_FORMATTED doc flavors.");
188:                }
189:            }
191:            public void setJobName(String jobName) {
192:                attrs.add(new JobName(jobName, Locale.getDefault()));
193:            }
195:            public void setCopies(int copies) {
196:                attrs.add(new Copies(copies));
197:            }
199:            public int getCopies() {
200:                return attrs.containsKey(Copies.class) ? ((Copies) (attrs
201:                        .get(Copies.class))).getValue() : 1;
202:            }
204:            public String getUserName() {
205:                return attrs.containsKey(RequestingUserName.class) ? ((RequestingUserName) (attrs
206:                        .get(RequestingUserName.class))).getValue()
207:                        : null;
208:            }
210:            public String getJobName() {
211:                return attrs.containsKey(JobName.class) ? ((JobName) (attrs
212:                        .get(JobName.class))).getValue() : null;
213:            }
215:            /*
216:             * This method shows Windows native print dialog on Windows and 
217:             * javax.print.ServiceUI standard print dialog on Linux. We suppose that on
218:             * Linux this dialog should contain the list of native print services only,
219:             * however corresponding native agent function is not realized yet.
220:             * 
221:             * Throws HeadlessException if Graphics Environment is headless.
222:             */
223:            public boolean printDialog() throws HeadlessException {
224:                if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
225:                    throw new HeadlessException();
226:                }
228:                if (os.startsWith("Windows")) { /* Windows OS */
230:                    /* call Windows native dialog */
231:                    String res = getPrinter(service.getName(), getCopies());
233:                    if (res != null) {
234:                        try {
235:                            setPrintService(findPrintService(res));
236:                            return true;
237:                        } catch (PrinterException e) {
238:                            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(KeyboardFocusManager
239:                                    .getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager()
240:                                    .getActiveWindow(),
241:                                    "Can not set selected printer!",
242:                                    "Incorrect service",
243:                                    JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
244:                        }
245:                    }
246:                    return false;
247:                }
248:                /* Linux OS */
249:                /*
250:                 * TODO: Need to create new native agent function which returns
251:                 * a list of native printers. Need to call javax.print.ServiceUI
252:                 * print dialog with this native printers list instead of all 
253:                 * registered print services list as it is realized here! 
254:                 */
255:                printDialog(attrs);
256:                return false;
257:            }
259:            /*
260:             * Calls cross-platforms print dialog with all registered print services
261:             * (this function just calls ServiceUI.printDialog(...) method with 
262:             * corresponding parameters).
263:             * 
264:             * Parameters:
265:             *      attrs - attributes for the dialog
266:             * 
267:             * Throws:
268:             *      NullPointerException - if attrs is null
269:             *      HeadlessException - if Graphics Environment is headless
270:             */
271:            public boolean printDialog(PrintRequestAttributeSet dialogAttrs)
272:                    throws HeadlessException {
274:                if (dialogAttrs == null) {
275:                    throw new NullPointerException();
276:                } else if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
277:                    throw new HeadlessException();
278:                }
280:                /* Combine this PrinterJob attrs attribute set and printerAttrs set
281:                   and resolve MediaPrintableArea/MediaMargins conflict if it is 
282:                   needed */
283:                PrintRequestAttributeSet sum = updateMediaAndMarginsIfNeeded(dialogAttrs);
285:                Rectangle screen = GraphicsEnvironment
286:                        .getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice()
287:                        .getDefaultConfiguration().getBounds();
289:                /* call cross-platform print dialog */
290:                PrintService newSrv = ServiceUI.printDialog(null,
291:                        screen.width / 3, screen.height / 3,
292:                        lookupServicesForDialog(), service,
293:                        DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PRINTABLE, sum);
295:                if (newSrv != null) {
296:                    /* Set selected print service and update attrs attribute set 
297:                       if user clicked "Print" button */
298:                    try {
299:                        setPrintService(newSrv);
300:                        this .attrs.clear();
301:                        this .attrs.addAll(sum);
302:                        return true;
303:                    } catch (PrinterException e) {
304:                        System.out.println(e);
305:                        return false;
306:                    }
307:                }
308:                return false; /* "Cancel button was pressed */
309:            }
311:            /*
312:             * This method calls standard page dialog that allows PageFormat 
313:             * modification.
314:             * Parameters:
315:             *      page - PageFormat for modification
316:             * Returns:
317:             *      original page if the dialog is cancelled or print service for the
318:             *      job is not set
319:             *      new PageFormat object from the dialog if the user click "Print"
320:             *      button
321:             * Throws HeadlessException if Graphics Environment is headless. 
322:             */
323:            public PageFormat pageDialog(PageFormat page)
324:                    throws HeadlessException {
325:                if (getPrintService() == null) {
326:                    return page;
327:                }
329:                /* get attribute set which combines this job attribute set and
330:                   attributes for the given page PageFormat */
331:                HashPrintRequestAttributeSet myattrs = getAttrsForPageFormat(page);
332:                return pageDialog(myattrs);
333:            }
335:            /*
336:             * This method calls standard page dialog with the given attribute set
337:             * Parameters:
338:             *      attrs - attribute set for the dialog
339:             * Returns:
340:             *      original page if the dialog is cancelled or print service for the
341:             *      job is not set
342:             *      new PageFormat object from the dialog if the user click "Print"
343:             *      button
344:             * Throws:
345:             *      HeadlessException if Graphics Environment is headless.
346:             *      NullPointerException if attrs is null
347:             */
348:            public PageFormat pageDialog(PrintRequestAttributeSet arg_attrs)
349:                    throws HeadlessException {
351:                if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
352:                    throw new HeadlessException();
353:                } else if (arg_attrs == null) {
354:                    throw new NullPointerException();
355:                } else if (getPrintService() == null) {
356:                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(
357:                            KeyboardFocusManager
358:                                    .getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager()
359:                                    .getActiveWindow(),
360:                            "Print service is not set for the PrinterJob!",
361:                            "Error!", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
362:                    return null;
363:                }
365:                Window wnd = KeyboardFocusManager
366:                        .getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getActiveWindow();
367:                Window owner = (((wnd instanceof  Dialog) || (wnd instanceof  Frame)) ? wnd
368:                        : new Frame());
370:                /* Combine this PrinterJob this.attrs attribute set and attrs set
371:                    and resolve MediaPrintableArea/MediaMargins conflict if it is
372:                    needed */
373:                PrintRequestAttributeSet sum = updateMediaAndMarginsIfNeeded(arg_attrs);
375:                Rectangle screen = GraphicsEnvironment
376:                        .getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice()
377:                        .getDefaultConfiguration().getBounds();
379:                /* create and show the page dialog */
380:                ServiceUIDialog dialog = new ServiceUIDialog(null,
381:                        screen.width / 3, screen.height / 3, getPrintService(),
382:                        sum, owner);
383:      ;
385:                if (owner != wnd) {
386:                    owner.dispose();
387:                }
389:                /* update this.attrs attribute set and result page format to return */
390:                if (dialog.getResult() == ServiceUIDialog.APPROVE_PRINT) {
391:                    PrintRequestAttributeSet newattrs = dialog.getAttributes();
393:                    if (!newattrs.containsKey(Media.class)) {
394:                        this .attrs.remove(Media.class);
395:                    }
396:                    if (!newattrs.containsKey(OrientationRequested.class)) {
397:                        this .attrs.remove(OrientationRequested.class);
398:                    }
399:                    if (!newattrs.containsKey(MediaPrintableArea.class)) {
400:                        this .attrs.remove(MediaPrintableArea.class);
401:                    }
402:                    if (!newattrs.containsKey(MediaMargins.class)) {
403:                        this .attrs.remove(MediaMargins.class);
404:                    }
405:                    this .attrs.addAll(newattrs);
406:                    return getPageFormatForAttrs(newattrs);
407:                }
409:                return null;
411:            }
413:            /* 
414:             * Returns this printer job's attribute set
415:             */
416:            public PrintRequestAttributeSet getAttributes() {
417:                return attrs;
418:            }
420:            /*
421:             * Native method which calls Windows java native dialog.
422:             * This method add/update Copies attribute into the attr attribute set
423:             * and set new selected printer if user clicked OK.
424:             * It does not change any other PrinterJob attributes now.
425:             * TODO: wtite new Windows native agent function which save dialog DEVMODE 
426:             * structure and returns correct attribute set for it. 
427:             */
428:            native String getPrinter(String defaultPrinter, int copies);
430:            public PageFormat defaultPage(PageFormat page) {
431:                attrs.addAll(getAttrsForPageFormat(page));
432:                return getPageFormatForAttrs(attrs);
433:            }
435:            //  ---------------------------------------------------------------
437:            /*
438:             * Returns PrintRequestAttributeSet which corresponds to given page
439:             * PageFormat. We always adds MediaMArgins (not MediaPrintableArea)
440:             * attribute for the result attribute set.
441:             */
442:            protected HashPrintRequestAttributeSet getAttrsForPageFormat(
443:                    PageFormat page) {
445:                HashPrintRequestAttributeSet lattrs = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
447:                /* Add Orientation attribute */
448:                switch (page.getOrientation()) {
449:                case PageFormat.LANDSCAPE:
450:                    lattrs.add(OrientationRequested.LANDSCAPE);
451:                    break;
452:                case PageFormat.PORTRAIT:
453:                    lattrs.add(OrientationRequested.PORTRAIT);
454:                    break;
455:                case PageFormat.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE:
456:                    lattrs.add(OrientationRequested.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE);
457:                    break;
458:                }
460:                /* Add Media attribute */
461:                MediaSizeName media = MediaSize.findMedia((float) (page
462:                        .getWidth() / 72.0), (float) (page.getHeight() / 72.0),
463:                        Size2DSyntax.INCH);
464:                if (media != null) {
465:                    lattrs.add(media);
466:                }
468:                /* Add MediaMargins attribute */
469:                lattrs.add(new MediaMargins(
470:                        (float) (page.getImageableX() / 72.0), (float) (page
471:                                .getImageableY() / 72.0), (float) ((page
472:                                .getWidth()
473:                                - page.getImageableX() - page
474:                                .getImageableWidth()) / 72.0), (float) ((page
475:                                .getHeight()
476:                                - page.getImageableHeight() - page
477:                                .getImageableY()) / 72.0), MediaMargins.INCH));
479:                return lattrs;
480:            }
482:            /*
483:             * Returns PageFormat object which corresponds to the given newattrs 
484:             * attribute set.
485:             */
486:            protected PageFormat getPageFormatForAttrs(
487:                    PrintRequestAttributeSet newattrs) {
489:                PageFormat pf = new PageFormat();
491:                if (newattrs.containsKey(OrientationRequested.class)) {
492:                    OrientationRequested or = (OrientationRequested) newattrs
493:                            .get(OrientationRequested.class);
494:                    pf
495:                            .setOrientation(or
496:                                    .equals(OrientationRequested.LANDSCAPE) ? PageFormat.LANDSCAPE
497:                                    : (or
498:                                            .equals(OrientationRequested.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE) ? PageFormat.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE
499:                                            : PageFormat.PORTRAIT));
500:                }
502:                Paper paper = new Paper();
503:                MediaSize size = MediaSize
504:                        .getMediaSizeForName(newattrs.containsKey(Media.class)
505:                                && (newattrs.get(Media.class).getClass()
506:                                        .isAssignableFrom(MediaSizeName.class)) ? (MediaSizeName) newattrs
507:                                .get(Media.class)
508:                                : MediaSizeName.ISO_A4);
509:                paper.setSize(size.getX(Size2DSyntax.INCH) * 72.0, size
510:                        .getY(Size2DSyntax.INCH) * 72.0);
512:                MediaMargins mm;
513:                if (newattrs.containsKey(MediaMargins.class)) {
514:                    mm = (MediaMargins) newattrs.get(MediaMargins.class);
515:                } else if (newattrs.containsKey(MediaPrintableArea.class)) {
516:                    mm = new MediaMargins(size, (MediaPrintableArea) attrs
517:                            .get(MediaPrintableArea.class));
518:                } else {
519:                    mm = new MediaMargins(25.4F, 25.4F, 25.4F, 25.4F,
520:                            MediaMargins.MM);
521:                }
522:                paper.setImageableArea(mm.getX1(MediaMargins.INCH) * 72.0, mm
523:                        .getY1(MediaMargins.INCH) * 72.0, (size
524:                        .getX(Size2DSyntax.INCH)
525:                        - mm.getX1(MediaMargins.INCH) - mm
526:                        .getX2(MediaMargins.INCH)) * 72.0, (size
527:                        .getY(Size2DSyntax.INCH)
528:                        - mm.getY1(MediaMargins.INCH) - mm
529:                        .getY2(MediaMargins.INCH)) * 72.0);
530:                pf.setPaper(paper);
531:                return pf;
532:            }
534:            /* 
535:             * Find PrintService with the given name 
536:             */
537:            protected PrintService findPrintService(String name) {
538:                PrintService srvs[] = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(
539:                        null, null);
540:                if (srvs != null) {
541:                    for (int i = 0; i < srvs.length; i++) {
542:                        if (srvs[i].getName().equals(name)) {
543:                            return srvs[i];
544:                        }
545:                    }
546:                }
547:                return null;
548:            }
550:            /*
551:             * This method returns all registered PrintServices list if this list
552:             * contains this printer job's print service.
553:             * If this list does not contain this job's print service, this function
554:             * returns new print services list which contains all registered services
555:             * plus this jib's service. 
556:             */
557:            protected PrintService[] lookupServicesForDialog() {
558:                PrintService[] services = lookupPrintServices();
559:                if (services != null) {
560:                    for (int i = 0; i < services.length; i++) {
561:                        if (services[i].equals(service)) {
562:                            return services;
563:                        }
564:                    }
565:                    PrintService[] ret = new PrintService[services.length + 1];
566:                    for (int i = 0; i < services.length; i++) {
567:                        ret[i] = services[i];
568:                    }
569:                    ret[services.length] = service;
570:                    return ret;
571:                }
573:                return new PrintService[] { service };
575:            }
577:            /* 
578:             * This method adds newAttrs attributes to this.attrs attribute set. If
579:             * newAttrs contains MediaMargins or MediaPrintableAttribute, result 
580:             * attribute set must not contain MediaPrintableArea or MediaMargins from 
581:             * this.attrs attribute set because of the possible conflict.
582:             */
583:            protected PrintRequestAttributeSet updateMediaAndMarginsIfNeeded(
584:                    PrintRequestAttributeSet newAttrs) {
586:                /* create copy of this.attrs*/
587:                PrintRequestAttributeSet sum = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet(
588:                        this .attrs);
590:                /* remove MediaMargins and MediaPrintableArea attributes from the copy
591:                   of job attributes if newAttrs contains  MediaMargins or 
592:                   PrintableArea */
593:                if (newAttrs.containsKey(MediaPrintableArea.class)
594:                        || attrs.containsKey(MediaMargins.class)) {
595:                    sum.remove(MediaPrintableArea.class);
596:                    sum.remove(MediaMargins.class);
597:                }
599:                sum.addAll(newAttrs);
600:                return sum;
601:            }
603:            /*
604:             * TODO: Need to implement this methods 
605:             */
606:            public void cancel() {
607:                /* */
608:            }
610:            public boolean isCancelled() {
611:                return false;
612:            }
614:            public PageFormat validatePage(PageFormat page) {
615:                return null;
616:            }
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