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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Authentication Authorization » ejbca » org.ejbca.ui.cli 
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001:        /*************************************************************************
002:         *                                                                       *
003:         *  EJBCA: The OpenSource Certificate Authority                          *
004:         *                                                                       *
005:         *  This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or       *
006:         *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public           *
007:         *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either         *
008:         *  version 2.1 of the License, or any later version.                    *
009:         *                                                                       *
010:         *  See terms of license at                                     *
011:         *                                                                       *
012:         *************************************************************************/package org.ejbca.ui.cli;
014:        import;
015:        import;
016:        import java.util.ArrayList;
018:        import javax.naming.Context;
019:        import javax.naming.NamingException;
021:        import org.ejbca.core.ejb.authorization.IAuthorizationSessionHome;
022:        import org.ejbca.core.ejb.authorization.IAuthorizationSessionRemote;
023:        import;
024:        import;
025:        import org.ejbca.core.ejb.hardtoken.IHardTokenSessionHome;
026:        import org.ejbca.core.ejb.hardtoken.IHardTokenSessionRemote;
027:        import org.ejbca.core.ejb.ra.IUserAdminSessionHome;
028:        import org.ejbca.core.ejb.ra.IUserAdminSessionRemote;
029:        import org.ejbca.core.ejb.ra.raadmin.IRaAdminSessionHome;
030:        import org.ejbca.core.ejb.ra.raadmin.IRaAdminSessionRemote;
031:        import org.ejbca.core.model.SecConst;
032:        import org.ejbca.core.model.authorization.AdminEntity;
033:        import org.ejbca.core.model.hardtoken.HardTokenIssuer;
034:        import org.ejbca.core.model.hardtoken.profiles.IPINEnvelopeSettings;
035:        import org.ejbca.core.model.hardtoken.profiles.SwedishEIDProfile;
036:        import org.ejbca.core.model.log.Admin;
037:        import org.ejbca.core.model.ra.raadmin.EndEntityProfile;
038:        import org.ejbca.core.model.ra.raadmin.GlobalConfiguration;
040:        /** Class used for easy setup primecard server.
041:         *  
042:         *  This isn't used as a commande line but used from withing it's run by the command
043:         * setup initializehardtokenissuing
044:         * 
045:         *  It's main method run sets up:
046:         * 1.  Sets the global setting use hard token funtionality to true.
047:         * 2.  A default 'Administrator Token' Hard Profile Token
048:         * 3.  A default 'Local' Hard Token Issuer with the 'Temporate Super Admin Group' as admin group. 
049:         * 4.  Adds a 'Administrator Token End Entity Profile' End Entity Profile with the following fields:
050:         *    * CN, required
051:         *    * 'Administrator Token' as default and available tokens
052:         *    * 'local' as default and available issuers
053:         *    * default available CA is taken from parameter to run method
054:         * 
055:         * 5. Adds a user SuperAdminToken with CN=SuperAdminToken with issuer local
056:         * 6. Adds SuperAdminToken to Temporate Super Admin Group
057:         * 
058:         * After run have been executed should it be easy to run primecard locally to just issue the first card.
059:         * 
060:         * @author Philip Vendil
061:         * @version $Id:,v 1.3 2007/01/03 14:49:35 anatom Exp $
062:         *
063:         */
064:        public class InitializeHardTokenIssuing extends BaseAdminCommand {
066:            private static final String SVGPINFILENAME = "src/cli/admincard_pintemplate.svg";
068:            private static final String ADMINTOKENPROFILENAME = "Administrator Token Profile";
070:            private static final String ISSUERALIAS = "local";
072:            private static final String SUPERADMINTOKENNAME = "SuperAdminToken";
074:            private static final String ADMINTOKENENDENTITYPROFILE = "Administration Token End Entity Profile";
076:            private IRaAdminSessionRemote raadminsession;
077:            private IAuthorizationSessionRemote authorizationsession;
078:            private IHardTokenSessionRemote hardtokensession;
079:            private IUserAdminSessionRemote useradminsession;
081:            private ICAAdminSessionRemote caadminsession;
083:            public InitializeHardTokenIssuing(String[] args) {
084:                super (args, Admin.TYPE_CACOMMANDLINE_USER, "cli");
085:            }
087:            public void execute() throws IllegalAdminCommandException,
088:                    ErrorAdminCommandException {
089:                if (args.length < 2) {
090:                    throw new IllegalAdminCommandException(
091:                            "Usage: SETUP initializehardtokenissuing <caname>\n");
093:                }
094:                String caname = args[1];
095:                try {
096:                    runSetup(caname);
097:                } catch (Exception e) {
098:                    throw new ErrorAdminCommandException(e);
099:                }
100:            }
102:            /**
103:             * See class header for explaination.
104:             * 
105:             */
106:            private void runSetup(String caname) throws Exception {
107:                getOutputStream().println(
108:                        "Adding Hard Token Super Administrator .....\n\n");
109:                int caid = this .getCAAdminSession().getCAInfo(administrator,
110:                        caname).getCAId();
111:                int admingroupid = getAuthorizationSession().getAdminGroup(
112:                        administrator, "Temporary Super Administrator Group",
113:                        caid).getAdminGroupId();
115:                configureGlobalConfiguration();
116:                createAdministratorTokenProfile();
117:                createLocalHardTokenIssuer(caid, admingroupid);
118:                createAdminTokenEndEntityProfile(caid);
119:                createSuperAdminTokenUser(caid);
120:                addSuperAdminTokenUserToTemporarySuperAdminGroup(caid);
122:                getOutputStream()
123:                        .print(
124:                                "A hard token Administrator have been added.\n\n"
125:                                        + "In order to issue the card. Startup PrimeCard in local mode using\n"
126:                                        + "the alias 'local'. Then insert an empty token.\n"
127:                                        + "This Administrator is also a super administrator for the EJBCA installation.\n");
128:            }
130:            /**
131:             * Sets the Issue Hard Tokens flag to true in the system configuration.
132:             * 
133:             * @throws Exception
134:             */
135:            private void configureGlobalConfiguration() throws Exception {
136:                GlobalConfiguration config = getRAAdminSession()
137:                        .loadGlobalConfiguration(administrator);
138:                config.setIssueHardwareTokens(true);
139:                this .getRAAdminSession().saveGlobalConfiguration(administrator,
140:                        config);
141:            }
143:            /**
144:             * Creates the 'Administrator Token' Hard Token Profile
145:             * 
146:             * @throws Exception
147:             */
148:            private void createAdministratorTokenProfile() throws Exception {
149:                SwedishEIDProfile admintokenprofile = new SwedishEIDProfile();
151:                admintokenprofile
152:                        .setPINEnvelopeType(IPINEnvelopeSettings.PINENVELOPETYPE_GENERALENVELOBE);
154:                BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(
155:                        SVGPINFILENAME));
156:                String filecontent = "";
157:                String nextline = "";
158:                while (nextline != null) {
159:                    nextline = br.readLine();
160:                    if (nextline != null)
161:                        filecontent += nextline + "\n";
162:                }
163:                ((IPINEnvelopeSettings) admintokenprofile)
164:                        .setPINEnvelopeData(filecontent);
165:                ((IPINEnvelopeSettings) admintokenprofile)
166:                        .setPINEnvelopeTemplateFilename(SVGPINFILENAME);
168:                this .getHardTokenSession().addHardTokenProfile(administrator,
169:                        ADMINTOKENPROFILENAME, admintokenprofile);
170:            }
172:            /**
173:             * Creates the 'Local' Hard Token Issuer
174:             * 
175:             * @throws Exception
176:             */
177:            private void createLocalHardTokenIssuer(int caid, int admingroupid)
178:                    throws Exception {
179:                HardTokenIssuer localissuer = new HardTokenIssuer();
181:                localissuer
182:                        .setDescription("Issuer created by installation script, used to create the first administration token");
184:                ArrayList availableprofiles = new ArrayList();
185:                availableprofiles.add(new Integer(getHardTokenSession()
186:                        .getHardTokenProfileId(administrator,
187:                                ADMINTOKENPROFILENAME)));
188:                localissuer.setAvailableHardTokenProfiles(availableprofiles);
190:                this .getHardTokenSession().addHardTokenIssuer(administrator,
191:                        ISSUERALIAS, admingroupid, localissuer);
193:            }
195:            /**
196:             * Creates the End Entity Profile used for issuing the superadmintoken
197:             * 
198:             * @throws Exception
199:             */
200:            private void createAdminTokenEndEntityProfile(int caid)
201:                    throws Exception {
202:                int tokenid = getHardTokenSession().getHardTokenProfileId(
203:                        administrator, ADMINTOKENPROFILENAME);
204:                int hardtokenissuerid = getHardTokenSession()
205:                        .getHardTokenIssuerId(administrator, ISSUERALIAS);
206:                EndEntityProfile profile = new EndEntityProfile();
208:                // Set autogenerated password
209:                profile.setUse(EndEntityProfile.PASSWORD, 0, false);
211:                // Batch
212:                profile.setUse(EndEntityProfile.CLEARTEXTPASSWORD, 0, true);
213:                profile
214:                        .setRequired(EndEntityProfile.CLEARTEXTPASSWORD, 0,
215:                                true);
216:                profile.setValue(EndEntityProfile.CLEARTEXTPASSWORD, 0,
217:                        EndEntityProfile.TRUE);
219:                // Set CA
220:                profile.setValue(EndEntityProfile.DEFAULTCA, 0, "" + caid);
221:                profile.setValue(EndEntityProfile.AVAILCAS, 0, "" + caid);
223:                profile.setValue(EndEntityProfile.DEFAULTCERTPROFILE, 0, ""
224:                        + SecConst.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_ENDUSER);
225:                profile.setValue(EndEntityProfile.AVAILCERTPROFILES, 0, ""
226:                        + SecConst.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_ENDUSER + ";"
227:                        + SecConst.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_HARDTOKENAUTH + ";"
228:                        + SecConst.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_HARDTOKENAUTHENC + ";"
229:                        + SecConst.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_HARDTOKENSIGN + ";"
230:                        + SecConst.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_HARDTOKENENC);
232:                // Set Default Token Type
233:                profile.setValue(EndEntityProfile.DEFKEYSTORE, 0, "" + tokenid);
234:                profile.setValue(EndEntityProfile.AVAILKEYSTORE, 0, ""
235:                        + tokenid);
237:                // Set Default Issuers
238:                profile.setUse(EndEntityProfile.AVAILTOKENISSUER, 0, true);
240:                profile.setValue(EndEntityProfile.DEFAULTTOKENISSUER, 0, ""
241:                        + hardtokenissuerid);
242:                profile.setValue(EndEntityProfile.AVAILTOKENISSUER, 0, ""
243:                        + hardtokenissuerid);
245:                // Set Administrator Flag
246:                profile.setUse(EndEntityProfile.ADMINISTRATOR, 0, true);
247:                profile.setRequired(EndEntityProfile.ADMINISTRATOR, 0, true);
248:                profile.setValue(EndEntityProfile.ADMINISTRATOR, 0,
249:                        EndEntityProfile.TRUE);
251:                // Save Profile
252:                this .getRAAdminSession().addEndEntityProfile(administrator,
253:                        ADMINTOKENENDENTITYPROFILE, profile);
254:            }
256:            /**
257:             * Adds a new superadmintoken user to the user database and puts it to the local issuer queue.
258:             * 
259:             * @throws Exception
260:             */
261:            private void createSuperAdminTokenUser(int caid) throws Exception {
262:                int endentityprofileid = getRAAdminSession()
263:                        .getEndEntityProfileId(administrator,
264:                                ADMINTOKENENDENTITYPROFILE);
265:                int certificateprofileid = SecConst.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_ENDUSER;
266:                int tokenid = getHardTokenSession().getHardTokenProfileId(
267:                        administrator, ADMINTOKENPROFILENAME);
268:                int hardtokenissuerid = getHardTokenSession()
269:                        .getHardTokenIssuerId(administrator, ISSUERALIAS);
271:                this .getUserAdminSession().addUser(administrator,
272:                        SUPERADMINTOKENNAME, null, "CN=" + SUPERADMINTOKENNAME,
273:                        null, null, true, endentityprofileid,
274:                        certificateprofileid, 65, tokenid, hardtokenissuerid,
275:                        caid);
276:            }
278:            /**
279:             * Adds the new superadmintoken user to the Temporary Super Admin Group
280:             * 
281:             * @throws Exception
282:             */
283:            private void addSuperAdminTokenUserToTemporarySuperAdminGroup(
284:                    int caid) throws Exception {
285:                ArrayList adminentities = new ArrayList();
286:                adminentities.add(new AdminEntity(AdminEntity.WITH_COMMONNAME,
287:                        AdminEntity.TYPE_EQUALCASEINS, SUPERADMINTOKENNAME,
288:                        caid));
289:                getAuthorizationSession().addAdminEntities(administrator,
290:                        "Temporary Super Administrator Group", caid,
291:                        adminentities);
292:            }
294:            private IHardTokenSessionRemote getHardTokenSession()
295:                    throws Exception {
296:                debug(">getHardTokenSession()");
297:                try {
298:                    if (hardtokensession == null) {
299:                        Context jndiContext = getInitialContext();
300:                        Object obj1 = jndiContext.lookup("HardTokenSession");
301:                        IHardTokenSessionHome homesession = (IHardTokenSessionHome) javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject
302:                                .narrow(obj1, IHardTokenSessionHome.class);
303:                        hardtokensession = homesession.create();
304:                    }
305:                    debug("<getHardTokenSession()");
306:                    return hardtokensession;
307:                } catch (NamingException e) {
308:                    error("Can't get hardtoken session", e);
309:                    throw e;
310:                }
311:            }
313:            private IRaAdminSessionRemote getRAAdminSession() throws Exception {
314:                debug(">getRaAdminSession()");
315:                try {
316:                    if (raadminsession == null) {
317:                        Context jndiContext = getInitialContext();
318:                        Object obj1 = jndiContext.lookup("RaAdminSession");
319:                        IRaAdminSessionHome raadminHomesession = (IRaAdminSessionHome) javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject
320:                                .narrow(obj1, IRaAdminSessionHome.class);
321:                        raadminsession = raadminHomesession.create();
322:                    }
323:                    debug("<getRaAdminSession()");
324:                    return raadminsession;
325:                } catch (NamingException e) {
326:                    error("Can't get RaAdmin session", e);
327:                    throw e;
328:                }
329:            }
331:            private IAuthorizationSessionRemote getAuthorizationSession()
332:                    throws Exception {
333:                debug(">getAuthorizationSession()");
334:                try {
335:                    if (authorizationsession == null) {
336:                        Context jndiContext = getInitialContext();
337:                        Object obj1 = jndiContext
338:                                .lookup("AuthorizationSession");
339:                        IAuthorizationSessionHome homesession = (IAuthorizationSessionHome) javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject
340:                                .narrow(obj1, IAuthorizationSessionHome.class);
341:                        authorizationsession = homesession.create();
342:                    }
343:                    debug("<getAuthorizationSession()");
344:                    return authorizationsession;
345:                } catch (NamingException e) {
346:                    error("Can't get authorization session", e);
347:                    throw e;
348:                }
349:            }
351:            private IUserAdminSessionRemote getUserAdminSession()
352:                    throws Exception {
353:                debug(">getUserAdminSession()");
354:                try {
355:                    if (useradminsession == null) {
356:                        Context jndiContext = getInitialContext();
357:                        Object obj1 = jndiContext.lookup("UserAdminSession");
358:                        IUserAdminSessionHome homesession = (IUserAdminSessionHome) javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject
359:                                .narrow(obj1, IUserAdminSessionHome.class);
360:                        useradminsession = homesession.create();
361:                    }
362:                    debug("<getUserAdminSession()");
363:                    return useradminsession;
364:                } catch (NamingException e) {
365:                    error("Can't get user admin session", e);
366:                    throw e;
367:                }
368:            }
370:            private ICAAdminSessionRemote getCAAdminSession() throws Exception {
371:                debug(">getCAAdminSession()");
372:                try {
373:                    if (caadminsession == null) {
374:                        Context jndiContext = getInitialContext();
375:                        Object obj1 = jndiContext.lookup("CAAdminSession");
376:                        ICAAdminSessionHome homesession = (ICAAdminSessionHome) javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject
377:                                .narrow(obj1, ICAAdminSessionHome.class);
378:                        caadminsession = homesession.create();
379:                    }
380:                    debug("<getCAAdminSession()");
381:                    return caadminsession;
382:                } catch (NamingException e) {
383:                    error("Can't get user admin session", e);
384:                    throw e;
385:                }
386:            }
388:        } | Contact Us
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