01: package sample.duplicate;
03: /*
04: Runtime metaobject (JDK 1.2 or later only).
06: With the javassist.tools.reflect package, the users can attach a metaobject
07: to an object. The metaobject can control the behavior of the object.
08: For example, you can implement fault tolerancy with this ability. One
09: of the implementation techniques of fault tolernacy is to make a copy
10: of every object containing important data and maintain it as a backup.
11: If the machine running the object becomes down, the backup object on a
12: different machine is used to continue the execution.
14: To make the copy of the object a real backup, all the method calls to
15: the object must be also sent to that copy. The metaobject is needed
16: for this duplication of the method calls. It traps every method call
17: and invoke the same method on the copy of the object so that the
18: internal state of the copy is kept equivalent to that of the original
19: object.
21: First, run sample.duplicate.Viewer without a metaobject.
23: % java sample.duplicate.Viewer
25: This program shows a ball in a window.
27: Then, run the same program with a metaobject, which is an instance
28: of sample.duplicate.DuplicatedObject.
30: % java sample.duplicate.Main
32: You would see two balls in a window. This is because
33: sample.duplicate.Viewer is loaded by javassist.tools.reflect.Loader so that
34: a metaobject would be attached.
35: */
36: public class Main {
37: public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
38: javassist.tools.reflect.Loader cl = new javassist.tools.reflect.Loader();
39: cl.makeReflective("sample.duplicate.Ball",
40: "sample.duplicate.DuplicatedObject",
41: "javassist.tools.reflect.ClassMetaobject");
42: cl.run("sample.duplicate.Viewer", args);
43: }
44: }