01: /*
02: * Project: BeautyJ - Customizable Java Source Code Transformer
03: * Class: de.gulden.application.beautyj.Main
04: * Version: 1.1
05: *
06: * Date: 2004-09-29
07: *
08: * Note: Contains auto-generated Javadoc comments created by BeautyJ.
09: *
10: * This is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL)
11: * and comes with NO WARRANTY. See file license.txt for details.
12: *
13: * Author: Jens Gulden
14: * Email: beautyj@jensgulden.de
15: */
17: package de.gulden.application.beautyj;
19: import de.gulden.framework.amoda.environment.gui.GUIApplicationEnvironment;
21: /**
22: * Main class to invoke BeautyJ.
23: *
24: * @author Jens Gulden
25: * @version 1.1
26: */
27: public class Main {
29: // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
30: // --- static method ---
31: // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
33: /**
34: * Invokes the application inside a GUIApplicationEnvironment.
35: * As BeautyJ actually is an instance of CommandLineApplication only,
36: * this enables use of auto-gui generation.
37: * BeautyJ sets no-gui mode as default, so use parameter -gui
38: * to use auto-gui.
39: *
40: * @see de.gulden.framework.amoda.environment.commandline.CommandLineApplication#run(String[])
41: * @see de.gulden.framework.amoda.generic.core.GenericApplication#run()
42: */
43: public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
44: GUIApplicationEnvironment.invoke(BeautyJ.class, args);
45: }
47: } // end Main