001: /*
002: * The contents of this file are subject to the
003: * Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License");
004: * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
005: * You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
006: *
007: * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
008: * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
009: * See the License for the specific language governing rights and
010: * limitations under the License.
011: *
012: * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Simulacra Media Ltd.
013: * Portions created by Simulacra Media Ltd are Copyright (C) Simulacra Media Ltd, 2004.
014: *
015: * All Rights Reserved.
016: *
017: * Contributor(s):
018: */
020: package org.openharmonise.him.displaycomponents.table;
022: import java.awt.*;
023: import java.awt.dnd.*;
024: import java.awt.event.*;
025: import java.util.*;
027: import javax.swing.*;
029: import org.openharmonise.commons.xml.namespace.*;
030: import org.openharmonise.him.configuration.*;
031: import org.openharmonise.him.context.StateHandler;
032: import org.openharmonise.him.dnd.*;
033: import org.openharmonise.him.editors.*;
034: import org.openharmonise.him.harmonise.*;
035: import org.openharmonise.him.window.menus.*;
036: import org.openharmonise.him.window.messages.*;
037: import org.openharmonise.swing.FontManager;
038: import org.openharmonise.vfs.*;
039: import org.openharmonise.vfs.context.*;
040: import org.openharmonise.vfs.event.*;
041: import org.openharmonise.vfs.gui.*;
042: import org.openharmonise.vfs.metadata.*;
043: import org.openharmonise.vfs.metadata.value.*;
045: /**
046: * Component for displaying resource information in the table view.
047: *
048: * @author Matthew Large
049: * @version $Revision: 1.3 $
050: *
051: */
052: public class TableEntry extends JPanel implements MouseListener,
053: VirtualFileListener, ContextListener {
055: /**
056: * Expand entry icon.
057: */
058: private JLabel m_expandIcon = null;
060: /**
061: * Icon in the top right.
062: */
063: private JLabel m_topRightIcon = null;
065: /**
066: * Title.
067: */
068: private JLabel m_title = null;
070: /**
071: * Icon in the bottom right.
072: */
073: private JLabel m_bottomRightIcon = null;
075: /**
076: * Name and date panel.
077: */
078: private JPanel m_dateInfo = null;
080: /**
081: * Version information panel.
082: */
083: private JPanel m_versionInfo = null;
085: /**
086: * Version panel in scroller.
087: */
088: private JPanel m_versionInnerPane = null;
090: /**
091: * true if the table entry has been expaned to show version information.
092: */
093: private boolean m_bExpanded = false;
095: /**
096: * Virtual file system for resource.
097: */
098: private AbstractVirtualFileSystem m_vfs = null;
100: /**
101: * Full path to resource.
102: */
103: private String m_sFilePath;
105: /**
106: * Resource name.
107: */
108: private String m_sFilename;
110: /**
111: * Resource icon.
112: */
113: private Icon m_iFileIcon;
115: /**
116: * Resource date.
117: */
118: private String m_sFileDate;
120: /**
121: * Table view that this entry is in.
122: */
123: private TableView m_table = null;
125: /**
126: * Selected highlight colour.
127: */
128: private Color m_selectedColor = new Color(173, 169, 143);
130: /**
131: * List of {@link VersionEntry} objects.
132: */
133: private ArrayList m_versionEntries = new ArrayList();
135: /**
136: * true if the resource has been deleted.
137: */
138: private boolean m_bDeleted = false;
140: private boolean m_bArchive = false;
142: /**
143: *
144: */
145: private TableEntry() {
146: super ();
147: }
149: /**
150: * @param arg0
151: */
152: private TableEntry(boolean arg0) {
153: super (arg0);
154: }
156: /**
157: * @param arg0
158: */
159: private TableEntry(LayoutManager arg0) {
160: super (arg0);
161: }
163: /**
164: * @param arg0
165: * @param arg1
166: */
167: private TableEntry(LayoutManager arg0, boolean arg1) {
168: super (arg0, arg1);
169: }
171: /**
172: * Constructs a new table entry.
173: *
174: * @param vfs Virtual file system for resource
175: * @param sFilePath Full path to resource
176: * @param table Table view this entry is in
177: */
178: public TableEntry(AbstractVirtualFileSystem vfs, String sFilePath,
179: TableView table) {
180: super (true);
181: this .m_vfs = vfs;
182: this .m_sFilePath = sFilePath;
183: this .m_table = table;
184: VirtualFile vfFile = this .m_vfs
185: .getVirtualFile(this .m_sFilePath).getResource();
187: if (vfFile.isVersionable()
188: && vfFile.getState().equals(VirtualFile.STATE_LIVE)
189: && ((VersionedVirtualFile) vfFile).hasPendingVersion()) {
190: vfFile = vfFile.getVFS().getVirtualFile(
191: ((VersionedVirtualFile) vfFile)
192: .getPendingVersionPath()).getResource();
193: this .m_vfs = vfFile.getVFS();
194: this .m_sFilePath = vfFile.getFullPath();
195: }
197: vfFile.addVirtualFileListener(this );
198: this .setup();
199: }
201: /**
202: * Clears all resources that this class is holding onto making it
203: * ready to be destroyed.
204: *
205: */
206: public void clearToDestroy() {
207: ContextHandler.getInstance().removeListener(
208: ContextType.CONTEXT_FILENAME_DISPLAY, this );
209: if (!this .m_bDeleted) {
210: VirtualFile vfFile = this .m_vfs.getVirtualFile(
211: this .m_sFilePath).getResource();
212: if (vfFile != null) {
213: vfFile.removeVirtualFileListener(this );
214: }
215: for (Iterator iter = this .m_versionEntries.iterator(); iter
216: .hasNext();) {
217: VersionEntry element = (VersionEntry) iter.next();
218: element.clearToDestroy();
219: }
220: }
221: }
223: /**
224: * Returns the logical path, which is what we need to use when
225: * dragging a resource.
226: *
227: * @return Full path
228: */
229: public String getDragVirtualFilePath() {
230: String sPath = null;
232: VirtualFile vfFile = this .m_vfs
233: .getVirtualFile(this .m_sFilePath).getResource();
234: sPath = vfFile.getFullPath();
235: if (vfFile.isVersionable()
236: && vfFile.getState().equals(VirtualFile.STATE_PENDING)
237: && ((VersionedVirtualFile) vfFile).getLiveVersionPath() != null) {
238: sPath = ((VersionedVirtualFile) vfFile)
239: .getLiveVersionPath();
240: }
242: return sPath;
243: }
245: /**
246: * Configures this table entry.
247: *
248: */
249: private void setup() {
250: ContextHandler.getInstance().addListener(
251: ContextType.CONTEXT_FILENAME_DISPLAY, this );
253: VirtualFile vfFile = this .m_vfs
254: .getVirtualFile(this .m_sFilePath).getResource();
255: VirtualFile vfActualFile = vfFile;
256: if (vfFile.getFullPath()
257: .startsWith(HarmonisePaths.PATH_ARCHIVE)) {
258: m_bArchive = true;
259: }
261: if (vfFile.isVersionable()
262: && vfFile.getState().equals(VirtualFile.STATE_PENDING)
263: && ((VersionedVirtualFile) vfFile).getLiveVersionPath() != null) {
264: vfFile = vfFile.getVFS().getVirtualFile(
265: ((VersionedVirtualFile) vfFile)
266: .getLiveVersionPath()).getResource();
267: }
269: VirtualFileSystemView vfsView = this .m_vfs
270: .getVirtualFileSystemView();
271: this .m_sFilename = vfsView.getDisplayName(vfFile);
272: this .m_iFileIcon = vfsView.getIcon(vfFile);
273: if (m_bArchive) {
274: m_sFileDate = vfsView.getArchiveDate(vfActualFile);
275: } else {
276: m_sFileDate = vfsView.getModificationDate(vfActualFile);
277: }
279: this .setBackground(Color.WHITE);
280: this .setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.BLACK));
281: this .addMouseListener(this );
283: FlowLayout fl = new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT);
284: fl.setHgap(5);
285: fl.setVgap(1);
286: this .setLayout(fl);
288: this .setMinimumSize(new Dimension(200, 50));
289: this .setMaximumSize(new Dimension(200, 50));
290: this .setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 50));
291: //
292: // String fontName = "Arial Unicode MS";
293: // int fontSize = 11;
294: // Font font = new Font(fontName, Font.PLAIN, fontSize);
295: // Font boldFont = new Font(fontName, Font.BOLD, fontSize);
297: if (vfFile.isVersionable()) {
298: m_expandIcon = new JLabel();
299: m_expandIcon.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(10, 20));
300: m_expandIcon.setIcon(IconManager.getInstance().getIcon(
301: "16-tree-collapsed.gif"));
302: m_expandIcon.addMouseListener(this );
303: m_expandIcon.setToolTipText("Expand/collapse versions");
304: this .add(m_expandIcon);
305: } else {
306: m_expandIcon = new JLabel();
307: m_expandIcon.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(10, 20));
308: m_expandIcon.setIcon(IconManager.getInstance().getIcon(
309: "16-blank.gif"));
310: m_expandIcon.addMouseListener(this );
311: this .add(m_expandIcon);
312: }
313: TableDragSource source = new TableDragSource(this ,
314: m_expandIcon, DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY_OR_MOVE);
316: String sDisplayName = this .m_vfs.getVirtualFileSystemView()
317: .getDisplayName(
318: this .m_vfs.getVirtualFile(this .m_sFilePath)
319: .getResource());
321: String sValue = ConfigStore.getInstance().getPropertyValue(
324: if (sValue != null
325: && sValue.length() > 0
326: && (sValue.equals("FILENAME") || this .m_sFilePath
327: .startsWith(HarmonisePaths.PATH_USERS))) {
328: String sFilename = this .m_vfs.getVirtualFileSystemView()
329: .getLogicalFileName(
330: this .m_vfs.getVirtualFile(this .m_sFilePath)
331: .getResource());
332: m_title = new JLabel(sFilename);
333: } else if (sValue != null && sValue.length() > 0
334: && (sValue.equals("ID"))) {
335: String sFilename = this .m_vfs.getVirtualFileSystemView()
336: .getLogicalFileName(
337: this .m_vfs.getVirtualFile(this .m_sFilePath)
338: .getResource());
339: String sID = "";
341: PropertyInstance propInst = this .m_vfs.getVirtualFile(
342: this .m_sFilePath).getResource().getProperty(
343: NamespaceType.OHRM.getURI(), "harmonise-id");
344: if (propInst != null && propInst.getValues().size() > 0) {
345: if (propInst.getValues().get(0) instanceof StringValue) {
346: StringValue value = (StringValue) propInst
347: .getValues().get(0);
348: if (value.getValue() != null
349: && value.getValue().length() > 0) {
350: sID = value.getValue() + ": ";
351: }
352: }
353: }
354: this .m_title = new JLabel(sID + sFilename);
355: } else {
356: m_title = new JLabel(sDisplayName);
357: }
358: m_title.setFont(FontManager.getInstance().getFont(
360: m_title.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(149, 20));
361: m_title.addMouseListener(this );
362: m_title.setToolTipText(sDisplayName);
363: source = new TableDragSource(this , m_title,
364: DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY_OR_MOVE);
365: this .add(m_title);
367: m_topRightIcon = new JLabel();
368: source = new TableDragSource(this , m_topRightIcon,
369: DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY_OR_MOVE);
370: if (vfActualFile.getState().equals(VirtualFile.STATE_LIVE)) {
371: m_topRightIcon.setIcon(IconManager.getInstance().getIcon(
372: "16-command-sync-file.gif"));
373: m_topRightIcon.setToolTipText("Published Version");
374: } else if (vfActualFile.isVersionable()) {
375: if (vfActualFile.getState().equals(
376: VirtualFile.STATE_PENDING)
377: && ((VersionedVirtualFile) vfActualFile)
378: .getLiveVersionPath() != null) {
379: m_topRightIcon.setIcon(IconManager.getInstance()
380: .getIcon("16-command-sync-file.gif"));
381: m_topRightIcon.setEnabled(false);
382: String sText = "Published";
383: if (m_bArchive) {
384: sText = "Archived";
385: }
386: m_topRightIcon.setToolTipText(sText);
387: } else {
388: m_topRightIcon.setIcon(IconManager.getInstance()
389: .getIcon("16-blank.gif"));
390: }
391: } else {
392: m_topRightIcon.setIcon(IconManager.getInstance().getIcon(
393: "16-blank.gif"));
394: }
395: m_topRightIcon.addMouseListener(this );
396: this .add(m_topRightIcon);
398: this .m_dateInfo = new JPanel();
399: this .m_dateInfo.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(190, 20));
400: this .m_dateInfo.setBackground(Color.WHITE);
401: FlowLayout fl2 = new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT);
402: fl2.setHgap(0);
403: fl2.setVgap(0);
404: this .m_dateInfo.setLayout(fl2);
405: this .m_dateInfo.addMouseListener(this );
406: source = new TableDragSource(this , m_dateInfo,
407: DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY_OR_MOVE);
409: String sDate = "mod date";
410: if (m_sFileDate != null) {
411: sDate = m_sFileDate;
412: }
414: if (vfActualFile.isVersionable()) {
415: String text = "";
416: if (this .m_bArchive) {
417: text = "Archived";
418: } else if (vfActualFile.getState().equals(
419: VirtualFile.STATE_PENDING)) {
420: if (((VersionedVirtualFile) vfActualFile)
421: .getLiveVersionPath() == null) {
422: text = "New";
423: } else {
424: text = "Draft";
425: }
426: } else if (vfActualFile.getState().equals(
427: VirtualFile.STATE_LIVE)) {
428: text = "Published";
429: }
430: sDate = text + " (" + sDate + ")";
431: }
433: JLabel dateIcon = new JLabel(sDate);
434: dateIcon.setFont(FontManager.getInstance().getFont(
435: FontManager.FONT_STANDARD));
436: dateIcon.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(165, 20));
437: dateIcon.setIcon(this .m_iFileIcon);
438: this .m_dateInfo.add(dateIcon);
440: m_bottomRightIcon = new JLabel();
441: source = new TableDragSource(this , m_bottomRightIcon,
442: DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY_OR_MOVE);
443: if (vfActualFile.isChanged()) {
444: m_bottomRightIcon.setIcon(IconManager.getInstance()
445: .getIcon("16-command-sync-all.gif"));
446: m_bottomRightIcon
447: .setToolTipText("Resource has changed, ready to submit");
448: } else {
449: m_bottomRightIcon.setIcon(IconManager.getInstance()
450: .getIcon("16-blank.gif"));
451: }
452: m_bottomRightIcon.addMouseListener(this );
453: this .m_dateInfo.add(m_bottomRightIcon);
455: this .add(this .m_dateInfo);
456: }
458: /**
459: * Expands table entry to show version information.
460: *
461: */
462: private synchronized void expand() {
463: StateHandler.getInstance().addWait("TABLE-ENTRY-EXPAND");
465: try {
466: this .deselectEntry();
468: this .m_bExpanded = true;
469: this .m_expandIcon.setIcon(IconManager.getInstance()
470: .getIcon("16-tree-expanded.gif"));
471: this .remove(this .m_dateInfo);
472: this .addVersionInfo();
473: this .doLayout();
474: this .m_table.entryHeightChange(this );
475: } catch (Exception e) {
476: e.printStackTrace(System.err);
477: } finally {
478: StateHandler.getInstance().removeWait("TABLE-ENTRY-EXPAND");
479: }
480: }
482: /**
483: * Collapses table entry to hide version information.
484: *
485: */
486: private synchronized void collapse() {
487: StateHandler.getInstance().addWait("TABLE-ENTRY-COLLAPSE");
489: try {
490: this .deselectEntry();
492: this .m_bExpanded = false;
493: this .m_expandIcon.setIcon(IconManager.getInstance()
494: .getIcon("16-tree-collapsed.gif"));
495: this .removeVersionInfo();
496: this .add(this .m_dateInfo);
497: this .doLayout();
498: this .m_table.entryHeightChange(this );
500: this .selectEntry();
501: this .m_table.entrySelected(this );
502: } catch (Exception e) {
503: e.printStackTrace(System.err);
504: } finally {
505: StateHandler.getInstance().removeWait(
507: }
508: }
510: /**
511: * Returns the table view this entry is in.
512: *
513: * @return Table view
514: */
515: protected TableView getTableView() {
516: return this .m_table;
517: }
519: /**
520: * Adds the version information to this entry.
521: *
522: */
523: private void addVersionInfo() {
524: int nVersionCount = 4;
526: VersionedVirtualFile vfLiveFile = (VersionedVirtualFile) this .m_vfs
527: .getVirtualFile(this .m_sFilePath).getResource();
529: if (vfLiveFile.isVersionable()
530: && vfLiveFile.getState().equals(
531: VirtualFile.STATE_PENDING)
532: && ((VersionedVirtualFile) vfLiveFile)
533: .getLiveVersionPath() != null) {
534: vfLiveFile = (VersionedVirtualFile) vfLiveFile.getVFS()
535: .getVirtualFile(
536: ((VersionedVirtualFile) vfLiveFile)
537: .getLiveVersionPath())
538: .getResource();
539: }
541: this .m_versionInfo = new JPanel();
542: this .m_versionInfo
543: .setPreferredSize(new Dimension(190, (5 * 40)));
544: this .m_versionInfo.setSize(new Dimension(190, (5 * 40)));
545: this .m_versionInfo.setBackground(Color.WHITE);
547: this .setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, (40 + ((5) * 40))));
548: this .setSize(new Dimension(200, (40 + ((5) * 40))));
550: VersionEntry pendingVersion = null;
552: if (vfLiveFile.hasPendingVersion()) {
553: pendingVersion = new VersionEntry(this , this .m_vfs,
554: vfLiveFile.getPendingVersionPath(), "Draft version");
555: this .m_versionInfo.add(pendingVersion);
556: } else {
557: pendingVersion = new BlankVersionEntry("No draft version");
558: this .m_versionInfo.add(pendingVersion);
559: }
560: VersionEntry liveEntry = new VersionEntry(this , this .m_vfs,
561: vfLiveFile.getFullPath(), "Published version");
562: this .m_versionInfo.add(liveEntry);
564: m_versionInnerPane = new JPanel();
565: m_versionInnerPane.setBackground(Color.WHITE);
566: FlowLayout fl2 = new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT);
567: fl2.setHgap(0);
568: fl2.setVgap(0);
569: m_versionInnerPane.setLayout(fl2);
571: if (vfLiveFile.getHistoricalVersions().size() > 0) {
573: Iterator itor = vfLiveFile.getHistoricalVersions()
574: .iterator();
575: while (itor.hasNext()) {
576: String sHistoricalPath = (String) itor.next();
577: m_versionInnerPane.add(new VersionEntry(this ,
578: this .m_vfs, sHistoricalPath,
579: "Historic version ("
580: + this .m_vfs.getVirtualFile(
581: sHistoricalPath).getResource()
582: .getFileName() + ")", false));
583: }
584: } else {
585: m_versionInnerPane.add(new BlankVersionEntry(
586: "No historical versions"));
587: }
589: m_versionInnerPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(190,
590: (10 * 40)));
592: JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(m_versionInnerPane);
593: scroll
594: .setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS);
595: scroll
596: .setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER);
597: JScrollBar vBar = new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.VERTICAL);
598: vBar.setUnitIncrement(20);
599: scroll.setVerticalScrollBar(vBar);
600: scroll.getViewport().setPreferredSize(
601: new Dimension(140, (3 * 40) - 20));
602: this .m_versionInfo.add(scroll);
604: this .m_versionInfo.revalidate();
606: this .add(this .m_versionInfo);
607: if (pendingVersion != null
608: && !(pendingVersion instanceof BlankVersionEntry)) {
609: pendingVersion.selectEntry();
610: this .m_table.entrySelected(pendingVersion);
611: } else {
612: liveEntry.selectEntry();
613: this .m_table.entrySelected(liveEntry);
614: }
615: }
617: /**
618: * Removes the version information from this entry.
619: */
620: private void removeVersionInfo() {
621: this .remove(this .m_versionInfo);
622: this .setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 50));
623: this .setSize(new Dimension(200, 50));
624: }
626: /* (non-Javadoc)
627: * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
628: */
629: public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me) {
630: if (me.getClickCount() > 1) {
631: VirtualFile vfFile = this .m_vfs.getVirtualFile(
632: this .m_sFilePath).getResource();
633: if (vfFile.isDirectory()) {
634: if (vfFile.isVersionable()
635: && vfFile.getState() == VirtualFile.STATE_PENDING
636: && ((VersionedVirtualFile) vfFile)
637: .getLiveVersionPath() != null) {
638: this .m_table
639: .openPathInTree(((VersionedVirtualFile) vfFile)
640: .getLiveVersionPath());
641: } else {
642: this .m_table.openPathInTree(this .m_sFilePath);
643: }
644: } else if (vfFile.getFullPath().startsWith(
645: HarmonisePaths.PATH_REPORTS_OUTPUT)) {
646: EditorController.getInstance().preview(
647: this .m_sFilePath, this .m_vfs);
648: } else if (vfFile.isLocked()
649: && vfFile.getVFS().getVirtualFile(
650: vfFile.getLockOwner()) != null
651: && !vfFile.getVFS().getVirtualFile(
652: vfFile.getLockOwner()).getResource()
653: .getFileName().trim().equals(
654: vfFile.getVFS().getAuthentication()
655: .getUsername().trim())) {
656: MessageHandler
657: .getInstance()
658: .fireMessageEvent(
659: "Cannot open resource \""
660: + vfFile
661: .getVFS()
662: .getVirtualFileSystemView()
663: .getDisplayName(vfFile)
664: + "\" for editing, previewing instead.",
665: MessageHandler.TYPE_INFORMATION);
666: EditorController.getInstance().preview(
667: this .m_sFilePath, this .m_vfs);
668: } else {
669: EditorController.getInstance().open(this .m_sFilePath,
670: this .m_vfs);
671: }
672: } else {
673: if (this .m_vfs.getVirtualFile(this .m_sFilePath)
674: .getResource().isVersionable()
675: && me.getSource() == this .m_expandIcon) {
676: if (this .m_bExpanded) {
677: this .collapse();
678: } else {
679: this .expand();
680: }
681: } else if (!this .m_bExpanded
682: && (me.getSource() == this
683: || me.getSource() == this .m_dateInfo
684: || me.getSource() == this .m_title
685: || me.getSource() == this .m_bottomRightIcon || me
686: .getSource() == this .m_topRightIcon)) {
687: if (this .getBackground() == m_selectedColor) {
688: this .selectEntry();
689: } else {
690: this .selectEntry();
691: }
692: this .m_table.entrySelected(this );
693: }
694: }
695: if (me.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON3) {
696: FileContextMenu menu = new FileContextMenu(
697: this .m_sFilePath, this .m_vfs);
698: Point pt = me.getPoint();
699: menu.show(this , pt.x, pt.y);
700: }
701: }
703: /**
704: * Returns the resource name.
705: *
706: * @return Name
707: */
708: public String getName() {
709: return this .m_sFilename;
710: }
712: /**
713: * Returns the resource date.
714: *
715: * @return Date
716: */
717: public String getDate() {
718: return this .m_sFileDate;
719: }
721: /**
722: * Returns the full path to the resource.
723: *
724: * @return Full path
725: */
726: public String getPath() {
727: return this .m_sFilePath;
728: }
730: /**
731: * Returns the virtual file system for the resource.
732: *
733: * @return Virtual file system
734: */
735: public AbstractVirtualFileSystem getVFS() {
736: return this .m_vfs;
737: }
739: /**
740: * Selects this entry.
741: *
742: */
743: protected void selectEntry() {
744: this .setBackground(m_selectedColor);
745: this .m_dateInfo.setBackground(m_selectedColor);
746: }
748: /**
749: * Deselects this entry.
750: *
751: */
752: protected void deselectEntry() {
753: this .setBackground(Color.WHITE);
754: this .m_dateInfo.setBackground(Color.WHITE);
756: if (this .m_versionInfo != null) {
757: for (int i = 0; i < this .m_versionInfo.getComponentCount(); i++) {
758: if (this .m_versionInfo.getComponent(i) instanceof VersionEntry) {
759: VersionEntry entry = (VersionEntry) this .m_versionInfo
760: .getComponent(i);
761: entry.deselectEntry();
762: }
763: }
764: if (this .m_versionInnerPane != null) {
765: for (int i = 0; i < this .m_versionInnerPane
766: .getComponentCount(); i++) {
767: if (this .m_versionInnerPane.getComponent(i) instanceof VersionEntry) {
768: VersionEntry currentEntry = (VersionEntry) this .m_versionInnerPane
769: .getComponent(i);
770: currentEntry.deselectEntry();
771: }
772: }
773: }
774: }
775: }
777: /**
778: * Deselects all version entries except this one given.
779: *
780: * @param entry Version entry
781: */
782: protected void deselectOtherEntries(VersionEntry entry) {
783: for (int i = 0; i < this .m_versionInfo.getComponentCount(); i++) {
784: if (this .m_versionInfo.getComponent(i) instanceof VersionEntry) {
785: VersionEntry currentEntry = (VersionEntry) this .m_versionInfo
786: .getComponent(i);
787: if (currentEntry != entry) {
788: currentEntry.deselectEntry();
789: }
790: }
791: }
792: for (int i = 0; i < this .m_versionInnerPane.getComponentCount(); i++) {
793: if (this .m_versionInnerPane.getComponent(i) instanceof VersionEntry) {
794: VersionEntry currentEntry = (VersionEntry) this .m_versionInnerPane
795: .getComponent(i);
796: if (currentEntry != entry) {
797: currentEntry.deselectEntry();
798: }
799: }
800: }
801: }
803: /* (non-Javadoc)
804: * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseEntered(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
805: */
806: public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0) {
807: }
809: /* (non-Javadoc)
810: * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseExited(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
811: */
812: public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0) {
813: }
815: /* (non-Javadoc)
816: * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
817: */
818: public void mousePressed(MouseEvent arg0) {
819: }
821: /* (non-Javadoc)
822: * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseReleased(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
823: */
824: public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) {
825: }
827: /* (non-Javadoc)
828: * @see com.simulacramedia.vfs.event.VirtualFileListener#virtualFileChanged(com.simulacramedia.vfs.event.VirtualFileEvent)
829: */
830: public void virtualFileChanged(VirtualFileEvent vfe) {
831: if (vfe.getEventType() == VirtualFileEvent.FILE_CONTENT_CHANGED
832: || vfe.getEventType() == VirtualFileEvent.FILE_METADATA_CHANGED) {
833: if (this .m_vfs.getVirtualFile(this .m_sFilePath)
834: .getResource().isChanged()) {
835: this .m_bottomRightIcon.setIcon(IconManager
836: .getInstance().getIcon(
837: "16-command-sync-all.gif"));
838: m_bottomRightIcon
839: .setToolTipText("Resource has changed, ready to submit");
840: ContextEvent ce = new ContextEvent(
841: ContextType.CONTEXT_FILES, null, this .m_vfs,
842: this .m_sFilePath);
843: ContextHandler.getInstance().fireContextEvent(ce);
844: }
845: } else if (vfe.getEventType() == VirtualFileEvent.FILE_SYNCHED) {
846: this .m_bottomRightIcon.setIcon(IconManager.getInstance()
847: .getIcon("16-blank.gif"));
848: m_bottomRightIcon.setToolTipText("");
849: ContextEvent ce = new ContextEvent(
850: ContextType.CONTEXT_FILES, null, this .m_vfs,
851: this .m_sFilePath);
852: ContextHandler.getInstance().fireContextEvent(ce);
853: } else if (vfe.getEventType() == VirtualFileEvent.FILE_CHANGES_DISCARDED) {
854: this .m_bottomRightIcon.setIcon(IconManager.getInstance()
855: .getIcon("16-blank.gif"));
856: m_bottomRightIcon.setToolTipText("");
857: this .m_bottomRightIcon
858: .paintImmediately(this .m_bottomRightIcon
859: .getBounds());
860: ContextEvent ce = new ContextEvent(
861: ContextType.CONTEXT_FILES, null, this .m_vfs,
862: this .m_sFilePath);
863: ContextHandler.getInstance().fireContextEvent(ce);
864: } else if (vfe.getEventType() == VirtualFileEvent.FILE_CHECKED_IN) {
866: } else if (vfe.getEventType() == VirtualFileEvent.FILE_DELETED) {
867: this .m_bDeleted = true;
868: }
869: this .revalidate();
870: this .doLayout();
871: }
873: /* (non-Javadoc)
874: * @see com.simulacramedia.contentmanager.context.ContextListener#contextMessage(com.simulacramedia.contentmanager.context.ContextEvent)
875: */
876: public void contextMessage(ContextEvent ce) {
878: String sValue = ConfigStore.getInstance().getPropertyValue(
880: if (sValue != null
881: && sValue.length() > 0
882: && (sValue.equals("FILENAME") || this .m_sFilePath
883: .startsWith(HarmonisePaths.PATH_USERS))) {
884: String sFilename = this .m_vfs
885: .getVirtualFileSystemView()
886: .getLogicalFileName(
887: this .m_vfs.getVirtualFile(
888: this .m_sFilePath).getResource());
889: this .m_title.setText(sFilename);
890: } else if (sValue != null && sValue.length() > 0
891: && sValue.equals("ID")) {
892: String sFilename = this .m_vfs
893: .getVirtualFileSystemView()
894: .getLogicalFileName(
895: this .m_vfs.getVirtualFile(
896: this .m_sFilePath).getResource());
897: String sID = "";
899: PropertyInstance propInst = this .m_vfs.getVirtualFile(
900: this .m_sFilePath).getResource().getProperty(
901: NamespaceType.OHRM.getURI(), "harmonise-id");
902: if (propInst != null && propInst.getValues().size() > 0) {
903: if (propInst.getValues().get(0) instanceof StringValue) {
904: StringValue value = (StringValue) propInst
905: .getValues().get(0);
906: if (value.getValue() != null
907: && value.getValue().length() > 0) {
908: sID = value.getValue() + ": ";
909: }
910: }
911: }
912: this .m_title.setText(sID + sFilename);
913: } else {
914: String sDisplayName = this.m_vfs
915: .getVirtualFileSystemView()
916: .getDisplayName(
917: this.m_vfs.getVirtualFile(
918: this.m_sFilePath).getResource());
919: this.m_title.setText(sDisplayName);
920: }
921: this.revalidate();
922: this.repaint();
923: }
924: }
926: }