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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Database DBMS » Quadcap Embeddable Database » com.quadcap.sql.file 
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001:        package com.quadcap.sql.file;
003:        /* Copyright 1999 - 2003 Quadcap Software.  All rights reserved.
004:         *
005:         * This software is distributed under the Quadcap Free Software License.
006:         * This software may be used or modified for any purpose, personal or
007:         * commercial.  Open Source redistributions are permitted.  Commercial
008:         * redistribution of larger works derived from, or works which bundle
009:         * this software requires a "Commercial Redistribution License"; see
010:         *
011:         *
012:         * Redistributions qualify as "Open Source" under  one of the following terms:
013:         *   
014:         *    Redistributions are made at no charge beyond the reasonable cost of
015:         *    materials and delivery.
016:         *
017:         *    Redistributions are accompanied by a copy of the Source Code or by an
018:         *    irrevocable offer to provide a copy of the Source Code for up to three
019:         *    years at the cost of materials and delivery.  Such redistributions
020:         *    must allow further use, modification, and redistribution of the Source
021:         *    Code under substantially the same terms as this license.
022:         *
023:         * Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright notices as they
024:         * appear in each source code file, these license terms, and the
025:         * disclaimer/limitation of liability set forth as paragraph 6 below.
026:         *
027:         * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce this Copyright Notice,
028:         * these license terms, and the disclaimer/limitation of liability set
029:         * forth as paragraph 6 below, in the documentation and/or other materials
030:         * provided with the distribution.
031:         *
032:         * The Software is provided on an "AS IS" basis.  No warranty is
033:         * provided that the Software is free of defects, or fit for a
034:         * particular purpose.  
035:         *
036:         * Limitation of Liability. Quadcap Software shall not be liable
037:         * for any damages suffered by the Licensee or any third party resulting
038:         * from use of the Software.
039:         */
041:        import;
042:        import;
043:        import;
044:        import;
045:        import;
046:        import;
048:        import java.util.Properties;
050:        import;
051:        import;
053:        import com.quadcap.util.collections.LongMap;
055:        import com.quadcap.util.Debug;
056:        import com.quadcap.util.Util;
058:        /**
059:         * A Logger implmeentation using a fixed size circular buffer.
060:         *
061:         * @author Stan Bailes
062:         */
063:        public class Logger1 implements  Logger {
064:            LogBuffer cb;
065:            InputStream cbIn = null;
066:            ObjectOutputStream oos = null;
067:            ByteArrayRandomAccess bra = new ByteArrayRandomAccess();
068:            RandomAccessInputStream ris = new RandomAccessInputStream(bra);
069:            ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(ris);
070:            byte[] tmp = new byte[8];
072:            /**
073:             * Transaction map:
074:             *   - ordered by transactionStart
075:             *   - first transaction is the oldest transaction still running
076:             *        so when committing the oldest transaction, move the begin
077:             *   - last transaction is the newest transaction still running
078:             * transactions!
079:             */
080:            TransMap[] trans = new TransMap[16];
082:            /**
083:             * Keeps track of the number of TransMap entries allocated.  Some entries
084:             * will correspond to completed but not yet checkpointed transactions,
085:             * so this number may be larger than the number of actual live transactions.
086:             */
087:            int numTrans;
089:            /**
090:             * Keep the actual count of live transactions as determined by calls
091:             * to beginTransaction, endTransaction.
092:             */
093:            int liveTrans = 0;
095:            /**
096:             * The starting position of the most recent op we wrote to the file
097:             */
098:            long prevOp;
100:            int maxSize = 128 * 1024 * 1024;
101:            int minSize = 128 * 1024;
103:            Log myLog;
104:            Datafile db;
106:            Logger1() {
107:            }
109:            public void init(Log log, boolean create, Properties props)
110:                    throws IOException {
111:                this .myLog = log;
112:                this .db = log.getDatafile();
113:                this .cb = new LogBuffer();
114:                // XXX better would be a call to Datafile.getProperty("logfile")
115:                /*{com.quadcap.sql.Datafile-conn.xml-29}
116:                 * <config-var>
117:                 *   <config-name>maxLogSize</config-name>
118:                 *   <config-dflt>128 M bytes</config-dflt>
119:                 *   <config-desc>For loggers which support rollback, the maximum
120:                 *     size of the rollback log.  Once this maximum is reached, it
121:                 *     may be necessary to abort the oldest transaction and checkpoint
122:                 *     in an attempt to regain log space.</config-desc>
123:                 * </config-var>
124:                 */
125:                maxSize = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("maxLogSize", ""
126:                        + maxSize));
128:                /*{com.quadcap.sql.Datafile-conn.xml-29}
129:                 * <config-var>
130:                 *   <config-name>minLogSize</config-name>
131:                 *   <config-dflt>128 K bytes</config-dflt>
132:                 *   <config-desc>For loggers which support rollback, the minimum size
133:                 *     at which a logging checkpoint operation will occur.  The logging
134:                 *     checkpoint cleans the log of entries which correspond to completed
135:                 *     transactions.</config-desc>
136:                 * </config-var>
137:                 */
138:                minSize = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("minLogSize", ""
139:                        + minSize));
141:                File logfile = new File(db.getDbRootDir(), "logfile");
142:                RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(logfile, "rw");
143:                FileRandomAccess fra = new FileRandomAccess(raf, maxSize);
144:                RandomAccess ra = fra;
145:                if (create) {
146:                    cb.init(ra, maxSize);
147:                } else {
148:                    lastSize = ra.size();
149:                    cb.init(ra, props);
150:                }
151:            }
153:            public void init(File file) throws IOException {
154:                RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw");
155:                FileRandomAccess fra = new FileRandomAccess(raf, raf.length());
156:                RandomAccess ra = fra;
157:                this .cb = new LogBuffer();
158:                lastSize = ra.size();
159:                cb.init(ra, new Properties());
160:            }
162:            /**
163:             * Inner class used to to track active transactions.
164:             */
165:            class TransMap {
166:                long transId;
167:                /**
168:                 * If >0, the position of the first op in the transaction.
169:                 * This will generally be the BEGIN_TRANSACTION op.
170:                 */
171:                int bufStart;
172:                /**
173:                 * If >0, the position of the most recently written op in the
174:                 * transaction.  
175:                 */
176:                int bufEnd;
177:                boolean complete;
179:                public void init(long t, int p) {
180:                    this .transId = t;
181:                    this .bufStart = p;
182:                    this .bufEnd = p;
183:                    this .complete = false;
184:                }
186:                public void init(TransMap t) {
187:                    this .transId = t.transId;
188:                    this .bufStart = -1;
189:                    this .bufEnd = -1;
190:                    this .complete = t.complete;
191:                }
193:                public void copy(TransMap t) {
194:                    this .transId = t.transId;
195:                    this .bufStart = t.bufStart;
196:                    this .bufEnd = t.bufEnd;
197:                    this .complete = t.complete;
198:                }
200:                public String toString() {
201:                    return "TransMap[" + transId + ": " + bufStart + "-"
202:                            + bufEnd + (complete ? " (COMPLETE)" : "") + "]";
203:                }
204:            }
206:            public String toString() {
207:                StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Logger1 {"
208:                        + cb.getCheckpoint() + ", " + cb.getEnd() + "} ");
209:                for (int i = 0; i < trans.length; i++) {
210:                    TransMap tm = trans[i];
211:                    if (tm != null && !tm.complete) {
212:                        sb.append(tm.toString());
213:                    }
214:                }
215:                return sb.toString();
216:            }
218:            public int getCheckpoint() {
219:                return cb.getCheckpoint();
220:            }
222:            public int getEnd() {
223:                return cb.getEnd();
224:            }
226:            public int rput(LogEntry op) throws IOException {
227:                int pos = cb.getEnd();
228:                op.setPosition(pos);
230:                long id = op.getTransactionId();
231:                int tx = findTransaction(id);
232:                if (tx >= 0) {
233:                    TransMap tm = trans[tx];
234:                    op.setPrev(tm.bufEnd);
235:                    tm.bufEnd = pos;
236:                }
238:                try {
239:                    if (oos == null) {
240:                        oos = new ObjectOutputStream(cb.getOutputStream());
241:                    }
242:                    oos.writeObject(op);
243:                    oos.flush();
244:                } catch (IOException ex) {
245:                    if (tx >= 0) {
246:                        trans[tx].bufEnd = op.getPrev();
247:                    }
248:                    throw ex;
249:                }
250:                return pos;
251:            }
253:            public void put(LogEntry op) throws IOException {
254:                int pos = rput(op);
255:                switch (op.getCode()) {
256:                case LogEntry.BEGIN_TRANSACTION:
257:                    beginTransaction(op.getTransactionId(), pos);
258:                    break;
259:                case LogEntry.COMMIT:
260:                    endTransaction(op.getTransactionId());
261:                    break;
262:                }
263:                //Debug.println("Logger1.put(" + op + ") [" + pos +
264:                //              "] ----------------------");
265:            }
267:            public void setRedoState(LogEntry op, int state) throws IOException {
268:                int pos = op.getPosition();
269:                //Debug.println("setRedoState(" + op + ", " + state + ")"); 
270:                cb.writeByte(pos + 1, (byte) state);
271:                op.redoState = state;
272:            }
274:            public LogEntry getLastOp(long transId) throws IOException {
275:                LogEntry ret = null;
276:                int tx = findTransaction(transId);
277:                if (tx >= 0) {
278:                    TransMap tm = trans[tx];
279:                    ret = readEntry(tm.bufEnd);
280:                }
281:                //#ifdef DEBUG
282:                if (ret == null) {
283:                    Debug.println(Util.stackTrace());
284:                    Debug.println("getLastOp(" + transId + ") = null, trans:");
285:                    for (int i = 0; i < numTrans; i++) {
286:                        Debug.println("trans[" + i + "] = " + trans[i]);
287:                    }
288:                }
289:                //#endif
290:                return ret;
291:            }
293:            public LogEntry getPrevOp(LogEntry op) throws IOException {
294:                int pos = op.getPrev();
295:                int len = op.getPosition() - pos;
296:                LogEntry ret = readEntry(pos, len);
297:                return ret;
298:            }
300:            public LogEntry getFirstOp() throws IOException {
301:                LogEntry ret = readEntry(cb.getBegin());
302:                return ret;
303:            }
305:            public LogEntry getNextOp() throws IOException {
306:                return readEntry();
307:            }
309:            public void sync() throws IOException {
310:                cb.sync();
311:            }
313:            // close all the files
314:            public void close() throws IOException {
315:                cb.close();
316:            }
318:            long lastSize = 0;
320:            public void reset() throws IOException {
321:                cb.reset();
322:                if (lastSize - cb.size() > 100 * 1000) {
323:                    cb.truncate();
324:                }
325:                lastSize = cb.size();
326:            }
328:            public long getOldestTransaction() {
329:                if (numTrans > 0) {
330:                    return trans[0].transId;
331:                } else {
332:                    return -1;
333:                }
334:            }
336:            public int getActiveTransactionCount() {
337:                return liveTrans;
338:            }
340:            public LongMap getActiveTransactions() {
341:                LongMap map = new LongMap(16);
342:                for (int i = 0; i < numTrans; i++) {
343:                    TransMap t = trans[i];
344:                    if (!t.complete) {
345:                        map.put(t.transId, "");
346:                    }
347:                }
348:                return map;
349:            }
351:            public void checkpoint() throws IOException {
352:                int offset = 0;
353:                for (int i = 0; i < numTrans; i++) {
354:                    TransMap t = trans[i];
355:                    if (t.complete) {
356:                        offset++;
357:                    } else if (offset > 0) {
358:                        trans[i - offset].init(t);
359:                    }
360:                }
361:                //#ifdef DEBUG
362:                if (Trace.bit(22)) {
363:                    Debug
364:                            .println("BEGIN checkpoint [" + cb.getBegin() + "-"
365:                                    + cb.getEnd() + " (" + numTrans
366:                                    + " transactions)]");
367:                }
368:                //#endif
369:                numTrans -= offset;
370:                //Debug.println("Checkpoint: -" + offset + " = " + numTrans);
371:                LogEntry entry = readEntry(0);
372:                cb.reset();
373:                if (numTrans > 0) {
374:                    while (entry != null) {
375:                        boolean keep = false;
376:                        long id = entry.getTransactionId();
377:                        int tx = findTransaction(id);
378:                        if (tx >= 0) {
379:                            TransMap tm = trans[tx];
380:                            keep = !tm.complete;
381:                            if (keep) {
382:                                if (tm.bufStart < 0)
383:                                    tm.bufStart = cb.getEnd();
384:                            }
385:                        }
386:                        if (keep) {
387:                            //#ifdef DEBUG
388:                            if (Trace.bit(23)) {
389:                                Debug.println("   [" + cb.getEnd() + "] -> "
390:                                        + entry);
391:                            }
392:                            //#endif
393:                            rput(entry);
394:                        } else {
395:                            //#ifdef DEBUG
396:                            if (Trace.bit(23)) {
397:                                Debug.println("   [" + cb.getEnd()
398:                                        + "] -> DISCARD: " + entry);
399:                            }
400:                            //#endif
401:                            entry.discard(db);
402:                        }
403:                        entry = readEntry();
404:                    }
405:                }
406:                cb.checkpoint();
407:                //#ifdef DEBUG
408:                if (Trace.bit(22)) {
409:                    Debug
410:                            .println("END checkpoint [" + cb.getBegin() + "-"
411:                                    + cb.getEnd() + " (" + numTrans
412:                                    + " transactions)]");
413:                }
414:                //#endif
415:            }
417:            //--------------------------------- private stuff
419:            private final void beginTransaction(long transId, int pos) {
420:                if (numTrans >= trans.length) {
421:                    int newcap = numTrans + (numTrans / 2) + 2;
422:                    trans = (TransMap[]) Util.checkCapacity(trans, newcap);
423:                }
424:                TransMap t = trans[numTrans];
425:                if (t == null) {
426:                    t = new TransMap();
427:                    trans[numTrans] = t;
428:                }
430:                // A race condition exists -- this might *not* be the newest trans,
431:                // and we want to keep the 'trans' array ordered properly, so search
432:                // backwards from the end to make sure we put this fellow in the
433:                // right place.
434:                for (int i = numTrans - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
435:                    if (trans[i].transId > transId) {
436:                        trans[i + 1].copy(trans[i]);
437:                        t = trans[i];
438:                    } else {
439:                        break;
440:                    }
441:                }
442:                numTrans++;
443:                //Debug.println("Begin T:" + transId + " = " + numTrans);
444:                liveTrans++;
445:                t.init(transId, pos);
446:                //Debug.println("beginTransaction(" + transId + "): " + numTrans);
447:            }
449:            private final void endTransaction(final long transId)
450:                    throws IOException {
451:                //Debug.println("endTransaction(" + transId + "): " + numTrans);
452:                int pos = findTransaction(transId);
453:                if (pos >= 0) {
454:                    // Mark the transaction as complete.  We don't decrement
455:                    // numTrans here; we wait until the next checkpoint, where
456:                    // all of the completed transactions can be reclaimed at
457:                    // once.
458:                    trans[pos].complete = true;
459:                    liveTrans--;
460:                    if (pos == 0 && cb.size() > minSize) {
461:                        checkpoint();
462:                    }
463:                }
464:            }
466:            /**
467:             * Find the TransMap entry for the given transaction id
468:             */
469:            int findTransaction(long transId) {
470:                int lo = 0;
471:                int hi = numTrans - 1;
472:                while (hi >= lo) {
473:                    int mid = (hi + lo) / 2;
474:                    TransMap t = trans[mid];
475:                    if (t.transId == transId) {
476:                        return mid;
477:                    }
478:                    if (t.transId < transId) {
479:                        lo = mid + 1;
480:                    } else {
481:                        hi = mid - 1;
482:                    }
483:                }
484:                return -1;
485:            }
487:            private final LogEntry readEntry(int pos, int len)
488:                    throws IOException {
489:                if (pos < 0)
490:                    return null;
491:                bra.resize(len);
492:                byte[] buf = bra.getBytes();
493:      , buf, 0, len);
494:                ris.setPosition(0);
495:                ois.setInputStream(ris);
496:                ois.setPosition(pos);
498:                LogEntry ret = readEntry();
499:                return ret;
500:            }
502:            private final LogEntry readEntry(int pos) throws IOException {
503:                if (pos < 0)
504:                    return null;
505:                cbIn = new BufferedInputStream(cb.getInputStream(pos));
506:                ois.setInputStream(cbIn);
507:                ois.setPosition(pos);
509:                LogEntry ret = readEntry();
510:                return ret;
511:            }
513:            private final LogEntry readEntry() throws IOException {
514:                Object obj = null;
515:                try {
516:                    int pos = (int) ois.getPosition();
517:                    LogEntry ret = (LogEntry) (obj = ois.readObject());
518:                    if (ret != null) {
519:                        ret.setPosition(pos);
520:                    }
521:                    return ret;
522:                } catch (EOFException ex) {
523:                    return null;
524:                } catch (ClassCastException ez) {
525:                    throw new DatafileException(ez);
526:                } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
527:                    throw new DatafileException(ex);
528:                }
529:            }
530:        } | Contact Us
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