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001:        /*
003:           Derby - Class
005:           Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
006:           contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
007:           this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
008:           The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
009:           (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
010:           the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
014:           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
015:           distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
016:           WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
017:           See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
018:           limitations under the License.
020:         */
022:        package;
024:        import;
025:        import;
026:        import;
027:        import;
028:        import;
030:        import org.apache.derby.shared.common.reference.SQLState;
031:        import org.apache.derby.shared.common.reference.MessageId;
033:        public class NetResultSetReply extends NetStatementReply implements 
034:                ResultSetReplyInterface {
035:            public NetResultSetReply(NetAgent netAgent, int bufferSize) {
036:                super (netAgent, bufferSize);
037:            }
039:            //----------------------------- entry points ---------------------------------
041:            public void readFetch(ResultSetCallbackInterface resultSet)
042:                    throws DisconnectException {
043:                startSameIdChainParse();
044:                parseCNTQRYreply(resultSet, true); // true means we expect row data
045:                endOfSameIdChainData();
046:            }
048:            public void readPositioningFetch(
049:                    ResultSetCallbackInterface resultSet)
050:                    throws DisconnectException {
051:                startSameIdChainParse();
052:                parseCNTQRYreply(resultSet, false); // false means return data is not expected
053:                endOfSameIdChainData();
054:            }
056:            public void readScrollableFetch(ResultSetCallbackInterface resultSet)
057:                    throws DisconnectException {
058:                startSameIdChainParse();
059:                parseCNTQRYreply(resultSet, true); // true means return data is expected
060:                endOfSameIdChainData();
061:            }
063:            public void readCursorClose(ResultSetCallbackInterface resultSet)
064:                    throws DisconnectException {
065:                startSameIdChainParse();
066:                parseCLSQRYreply(resultSet);
067:                endOfSameIdChainData();
068:            }
070:            //----------------------helper methods----------------------------------------
072:            //------------------parse reply for specific command--------------------------
074:            // These methods are "private protected", which is not a recognized java privilege,
075:            // but means that these methods are private to this class and to subclasses,
076:            // and should not be used as package-wide friendly methods.
078:            // Parse the reply for the Close Query Command.
079:            // This method handles the parsing of all command replies and reply data
080:            // for the clsqry command.
081:            private void parseCLSQRYreply(ResultSetCallbackInterface resultSet)
082:                    throws DisconnectException {
083:                int peekCP = parseTypdefsOrMgrlvlovrs();
085:                if (peekCP == CodePoint.SQLCARD) {
086:                    NetSqlca netSqlca = parseSQLCARD(null); //@f48553sxg - null means rowsetSqlca_ is null
087:                    // Set the cursor state if null SQLCA or sqlcode is equal to 0.
088:                    resultSet.completeSqlca(netSqlca);
089:                } else {
090:                    parseCloseError(resultSet);
091:                }
092:            }
094:            // Parse the reply for the Continue Query Command.
095:            // This method handles the parsing of all command replies and reply data for the cntqry command.
096:            // If doCopyQrydta==false, then there is no data, and we're only parsing out the sqlca to get the row count.
097:            private void parseCNTQRYreply(
098:                    ResultSetCallbackInterface resultSetI, boolean doCopyQrydta)
099:                    throws DisconnectException {
100:                boolean found = false;
101:                int peekCP = peekCodePoint();
102:                if (peekCP == CodePoint.RDBUPDRM) {
103:                    found = true;
104:                    parseRDBUPDRM();
105:                    peekCP = peekCodePoint();
106:                }
108:                if (peekCP == CodePoint.QRYDTA) {
109:                    found = true;
110:                    if (!doCopyQrydta) {
111:                        parseLengthAndMatchCodePoint(CodePoint.QRYDTA);
112:                        //we don't need to copy QRYDTA since there is no data
113:                        if (longValueForDecryption_ != null) {
114:                            longValueForDecryption_ = null;
115:                        }
116:                        if (longBufferForDecryption_ != null) {
117:                            longBufferForDecryption_ = null;
118:                        }
120:                        int ddmLength = getDdmLength();
121:                        ensureBLayerDataInBuffer(ddmLength);
122:                        ((ResultSet) resultSetI).expandRowsetSqlca();
123:                        NetSqlca sqlca = parseSQLCARDrow(((ResultSet) resultSetI).rowsetSqlca_);
124:                        int daNullIndicator = readFastByte();
125:                        adjustLengths(getDdmLength());
126:                        // define event interface and use the event method
127:                        // only get the rowCount_ if sqlca is not null and rowCount_ is unknown
128:                        if (sqlca != null && sqlca.containsSqlcax()) {
129:                            ((ResultSet) resultSetI).setRowCountEvent(sqlca
130:                                    .getRowCount(netAgent_.targetTypdef_));
131:                        }
133:                        peekCP = peekCodePoint();
134:                        if (peekCP == CodePoint.RDBUPDRM) {
135:                            parseRDBUPDRM();
136:                            peekCP = peekCodePoint();
137:                        }
138:                        return;
139:                    }
140:                    do {
141:                        parseQRYDTA((NetResultSet) resultSetI);
142:                        peekCP = peekCodePoint();
143:                    } while (peekCP == CodePoint.QRYDTA);
144:                }
146:                if (peekCP == CodePoint.EXTDTA) {
147:                    found = true;
148:                    do {
149:                        copyEXTDTA((NetCursor) ((ResultSet) resultSetI).cursor_);
150:                        if (longBufferForDecryption_ != null) {//encrypted EXTDTA
151:                            buffer_ = longBufferForDecryption_;
152:                            pos_ = longPosForDecryption_;
153:                            if (longBufferForDecryption_ != null
154:                                    && count_ > longBufferForDecryption_.length) {
155:                                count_ = longBufferForDecryption_.length;
156:                            }
157:                        }
159:                        peekCP = peekCodePoint();
160:                    } while (peekCP == CodePoint.EXTDTA);
161:                }
163:                if (peekCP == CodePoint.SQLCARD) {
164:                    found = true;
165:                    ((ResultSet) resultSetI).expandRowsetSqlca();
166:                    NetSqlca netSqlca = parseSQLCARD(((ResultSet) resultSetI).rowsetSqlca_);
167:                    // for an atomic operation, the SQLCA contains the sqlcode for the first (statement
168:                    // terminating)error, the last warning, or zero.  all multi-row fetch operatons are
169:                    // atomic.  (the only operation that is not atomic is multi-row insert).
170:                    if (((ResultSet) resultSetI).sensitivity_ != ResultSet.sensitivity_sensitive_dynamic__) {
171:                        if (netSqlca != null && netSqlca.containsSqlcax()
172:                                && netSqlca.getRowsetRowCount() == 0) {
173:                            ((ResultSet) resultSetI).setRowCountEvent(netSqlca
174:                                    .getRowCount(netAgent_.targetTypdef_));
175:                        }
176:                    }
177:                    resultSetI.completeSqlca(netSqlca);
178:                    peekCP = peekCodePoint();
179:                }
181:                if (peekCP == CodePoint.ENDQRYRM) {
182:                    found = true;
183:                    parseEndQuery(resultSetI);
184:                    peekCP = peekCodePoint();
185:                }
187:                if (peekCP == CodePoint.RDBUPDRM) {
188:                    found = true;
189:                    parseRDBUPDRM();
190:                }
192:                if (!found) {
193:                    parseFetchError(resultSetI);
194:                }
196:                if (longBufferForDecryption_ != null) {
197:                    // Not a good idea to create a new buffer_
198:                    buffer_ = new byte[DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE];
199:                    longBufferForDecryption_ = null;
200:                }
201:            }
203:            void parseCloseError(ResultSetCallbackInterface resultSetI)
204:                    throws DisconnectException {
205:                int peekCP = peekCodePoint();
206:                switch (peekCP) {
207:                case CodePoint.ABNUOWRM: {
208:                    //passing the ResultSetCallbackInterface implementation will
209:                    //help in retrieving the the UnitOfWorkListener that needs to
210:                    //be rolled back 
211:                    NetSqlca sqlca = parseAbnormalEndUow(resultSetI);
212:                    resultSetI.completeSqlca(sqlca);
213:                    break;
214:                }
215:                case CodePoint.CMDCHKRM:
216:                    parseCMDCHKRM();
217:                    break;
218:                case CodePoint.QRYNOPRM:
219:                    parseQRYNOPRM(resultSetI);
220:                    break;
221:                case CodePoint.RDBNACRM:
222:                    parseRDBNACRM();
223:                    break;
224:                default:
225:                    parseCommonError(peekCP);
226:                }
227:            }
229:            void parseFetchError(ResultSetCallbackInterface resultSetI)
230:                    throws DisconnectException {
231:                int peekCP = peekCodePoint();
232:                switch (peekCP) {
233:                case CodePoint.ABNUOWRM: {
234:                    //passing the ResultSetCallbackInterface implementation will
235:                    //help in retrieving the the UnitOfWorkListener that needs to
236:                    //be rolled back 
237:                    NetSqlca sqlca = parseAbnormalEndUow(resultSetI);
238:                    resultSetI.completeSqlca(sqlca);
239:                    break;
240:                }
241:                case CodePoint.CMDCHKRM:
242:                    parseCMDCHKRM();
243:                    break;
244:                case CodePoint.CMDNSPRM:
245:                    parseCMDNSPRM();
246:                    break;
247:                case CodePoint.QRYNOPRM:
248:                    parseQRYNOPRM(resultSetI);
249:                    break;
250:                case CodePoint.RDBNACRM:
251:                    parseRDBNACRM();
252:                    break;
253:                default:
254:                    parseCommonError(peekCP);
255:                }
256:            }
258:            //-----------------------------parse DDM Reply Messages-----------------------
260:            // Query Not Opened Reply Message is issued if a CNTQRY or CLSQRY
261:            // command is issued for a query that is not open.  A previous
262:            // ENDQRYRM, ENDUOWRM, or ABNUOWRM reply message might have
263:            // terminated the command.
264:            // PROTOCOL architects the SQLSTATE value depending on SVRCOD
265:            // SVRCOD 4 -> SQLSTATE is 24501
266:            // SVRCOD 8 -> SQLSTATE of 58008 or 58009
267:            //
268:            // if SVRCOD is 4 then SQLSTATE 24501, SQLCODE -501
269:            // else SQLSTATE 58009, SQLCODE -30020
270:            //
271:            // Messages
272:            // SQLSTATE : 24501
273:            //     The identified cursor is not open.
274:            //     SQLCODE : -501
275:            //     The cursor specified in a FETCH or CLOSE statement is not open.
276:            //     The statement cannot be processed.
277:            // SQLSTATE : 58009
278:            //     Execution failed due to a distribution protocol error that caused deallocation of the conversation.
279:            //     SQLCODE : -30020
280:            //     Execution failed because of a Distributed Protocol
281:            //         Error that will affect the successful execution of subsequent
282:            //         commands and SQL statements: Reason Code <reason-code>.
283:            //     Some possible reason codes include:
284:            //     121C Indicates that the user is not authorized to perform the requested command.
285:            //     1232 The command could not be completed because of a permanent error.
286:            //         In most cases, the server will be in the process of an abend.
287:            //     220A The target server has received an invalid data description.
288:            //         If a user SQLDA is specified, ensure that the fields are
289:            //         initialized correctly. Also, ensure that the length does not exceed
290:            //         the maximum allowed length for the data type being used.
291:            //
292:            //     The command or statement cannot be processed.  The current
293:            //         transaction is rolled back and the application is disconnected
294:            //         from the remote database.
295:            //
296:            // Returned from Server:
297:            // SVRCOD - required  (4 - WARNING, 8 - ERROR)
298:            // RDBNAM - required
299:            // PKGNAMCSN - required
300:            //
301:            private void parseQRYNOPRM(ResultSetCallbackInterface resultSet)
302:                    throws DisconnectException {
303:                boolean svrcodReceived = false;
304:                int svrcod = CodePoint.SVRCOD_INFO;
305:                boolean rdbnamReceived = false;
306:                String rdbnam = null;
307:                boolean pkgnamcsnReceived = false;
308:                Object pkgnamcsn = null;
310:                parseLengthAndMatchCodePoint(CodePoint.QRYNOPRM);
311:                pushLengthOnCollectionStack();
312:                int peekCP = peekCodePoint();
314:                while (peekCP != Reply.END_OF_COLLECTION) {
316:                    boolean foundInPass = false;
318:                    if (peekCP == CodePoint.SVRCOD) {
319:                        foundInPass = true;
320:                        svrcodReceived = checkAndGetReceivedFlag(svrcodReceived);
321:                        svrcod = parseSVRCOD(CodePoint.SVRCOD_WARNING,
322:                                CodePoint.SVRCOD_ERROR);
323:                        peekCP = peekCodePoint();
324:                    }
326:                    if (peekCP == CodePoint.RDBNAM) {
327:                        foundInPass = true;
328:                        rdbnamReceived = checkAndGetReceivedFlag(rdbnamReceived);
329:                        rdbnam = parseRDBNAM(true);
330:                        peekCP = peekCodePoint();
331:                    }
333:                    if (peekCP == CodePoint.PKGNAMCSN) {
334:                        foundInPass = true;
335:                        pkgnamcsnReceived = checkAndGetReceivedFlag(pkgnamcsnReceived);
336:                        pkgnamcsn = parsePKGNAMCSN(true);
337:                        peekCP = peekCodePoint();
338:                    }
340:                    if (!foundInPass) {
341:                        doPrmnsprmSemantics(peekCP);
342:                    }
344:                }
345:                popCollectionStack();
346:                checkRequiredObjects(svrcodReceived, rdbnamReceived,
347:                        pkgnamcsnReceived);
349:                // move into a method
350:                netAgent_.setSvrcod(svrcod);
351:                if (svrcod == CodePoint.SVRCOD_WARNING) {
352:                    netAgent_.accumulateReadException(new SqlException(
353:                            netAgent_.logWriter_, new ClientMessageId(
354:                                    SQLState.DRDA_CURSOR_NOT_OPEN)));
355:                } else {
356:                    agent_
357:                            .accumulateChainBreakingReadExceptionAndThrow(new DisconnectException(
358:                                    agent_,
359:                                    new ClientMessageId(
360:                                            SQLState.DRDA_CONNECTION_TERMINATED),
361:                                    SqlException
362:                                            .getMessageUtil()
363:                                            .getTextMessage(
364:                                                    MessageId.CONN_CURSOR_NOT_OPEN)));
365:                }
366:            }
367:        } | Contact Us
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