001: /*
003: Derby - Class org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDescriptorGenerator
005: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
006: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
007: this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
008: The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
009: (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
010: the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
012: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
014: Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
015: distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
016: WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
017: See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
018: limitations under the License.
020: */
022: package org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary;
024: import org.apache.derby.iapi.services.monitor.Monitor;
025: import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;
027: import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.*;
029: import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.TypeId;
030: import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.Dependent;
031: import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.Provider;
032: import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.SQLState;
033: import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ConstantAction;
034: import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ExecPreparedStatement;
035: import org.apache.derby.iapi.services.uuid.UUIDFactory;
036: import org.apache.derby.iapi.services.io.FormatableBitSet;
038: import org.apache.derby.catalog.AliasInfo;
039: import org.apache.derby.catalog.DefaultInfo;
040: import org.apache.derby.catalog.Dependable;
041: import org.apache.derby.catalog.DependableFinder;
042: import org.apache.derby.catalog.ReferencedColumns;
043: import org.apache.derby.catalog.types.ReferencedColumnsDescriptorImpl;
044: import org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID;
045: import org.apache.derby.catalog.Statistics;
046: import java.sql.Timestamp;
047: import java.io.InputStream;
049: /**
050: * This is an implementation of the DataDescriptorGenerator interface
051: * that lives in the DataDictionary protocol. See that interface for
052: * a description of what this class is supposed to do.
053: *
054: * @version 0.1
055: * @author Jeff Lichtman
056: */
058: public class DataDescriptorGenerator {
059: private UUIDFactory uuidf;
061: protected final DataDictionary dataDictionary; // the data dictionary that this generator operates on
063: /**
064: * Make a generator. Specify the data dictionary that it operates on.
065: *
066: * @param dataDictionary the data dictionary that this generator makes objects for
067: */
068: public DataDescriptorGenerator(DataDictionary dataDictionary) {
069: this .dataDictionary = dataDictionary;
070: }
072: /**
073: * Create a descriptor for the named schema with a null UUID.
074: *
075: * @param schemaName The name of the schema we're interested in.
076: * If the name is NULL, get the descriptor for the
077: * current schema.
078: * @param aid The authorization ID associated with the schema.
079: * The owner of the schema.
080: *
081: * @param oid The object ID
082: *
083: * @return The descriptor for the schema.
084: * @exception StandardException Thrown on failure
085: */
086: public SchemaDescriptor newSchemaDescriptor(String schemaName,
087: String aid, UUID oid) throws StandardException {
088: return new SchemaDescriptor(dataDictionary, schemaName, aid,
089: oid, dataDictionary.isSystemSchemaName(schemaName));
090: }
092: /**
093: * Create a descriptor for the named table within the given schema.
094: * If the schema parameter is NULL, it creates a schema descriptor
095: * using the current default schema.
096: *
097: * @param tableName The name of the table to get the descriptor for
098: * @param schema The descriptor for the schema the table lives in.
099: * If null, use the current (default) schema.
100: * @param tableType The type of the table: base table or view.
101: * @param lockGranularity The lock granularity.
102: *
103: * @return The descriptor for the table.
104: */
105: public TableDescriptor newTableDescriptor(String tableName,
106: SchemaDescriptor schema, int tableType, char lockGranularity) {
107: return new TableDescriptor(dataDictionary, tableName, schema,
108: tableType, lockGranularity);
109: }
111: /**
112: * Create a descriptor for the temporary table within the given schema.
113: *
114: * @param tableName The name of the temporary table to get the descriptor for
115: * @param schema The descriptor for the schema the table lives in.
116: * @param tableType The type of the table: temporary table
117: * @param onCommitDeleteRows If true, on commit delete rows else on commit preserve rows of temporary table.
118: * @param onRollbackDeleteRows If true, on rollback, delete rows from temp tables which were logically modified. true is the only supported value
119: *
120: * @return The descriptor for the table.
121: */
122: public TableDescriptor newTableDescriptor(String tableName,
123: SchemaDescriptor schema, int tableType,
124: boolean onCommitDeleteRows, boolean onRollbackDeleteRows) {
125: return new TableDescriptor(dataDictionary, tableName, schema,
126: tableType, onCommitDeleteRows, onRollbackDeleteRows);
127: }
129: /**
130: * Create a viewDescriptor for the view with the given UUID.
131: *
132: * @param viewID the UUID for the view.
133: * @param viewName the name of the view
134: * @param viewText the text of the view's query.
135: * @param checkOption int for check option type
136: * @param compSchemaId the UUID of the schema this was compiled in
137: *
138: * @return A descriptor for the view
139: */
140: public ViewDescriptor newViewDescriptor(UUID viewID,
141: String viewName, String viewText, int checkOption,
142: UUID compSchemaId) {
143: return new ViewDescriptor(dataDictionary, viewID, viewName,
144: viewText, checkOption, compSchemaId);
145: }
147: /**
148: * @see DataDescriptorGenerator#newUniqueConstraintDescriptor
149: */
150: public ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor newUniqueConstraintDescriptor(
151: TableDescriptor table, String constraintName,
152: boolean deferrable, boolean initiallyDeferred,
153: int[] referencedColumns, UUID constraintId, UUID indexId,
154: SchemaDescriptor schemaDesc, boolean isEnabled,
155: int referenceCount) {
156: return new ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor(
157: DataDictionary.UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT, dataDictionary,
158: table, constraintName, deferrable, initiallyDeferred,
159: referencedColumns, constraintId, indexId, schemaDesc,
160: isEnabled, referenceCount);
161: }
163: /**
164: * @see DataDescriptorGenerator#newPrimaryKeyConstraintDescriptor
165: */
166: public ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor newPrimaryKeyConstraintDescriptor(
167: TableDescriptor table, String constraintName,
168: boolean deferrable, boolean initiallyDeferred,
169: int[] referencedColumns, UUID constraintId, UUID indexId,
170: SchemaDescriptor schemaDesc, boolean isEnabled,
171: int referenceCount) {
172: return new ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor(
173: DataDictionary.PRIMARYKEY_CONSTRAINT, dataDictionary,
174: table, constraintName, deferrable, initiallyDeferred,
175: referencedColumns, constraintId, indexId, schemaDesc,
176: isEnabled, referenceCount);
177: }
179: /**
180: * @see DataDescriptorGenerator#newForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor
181: */
182: public ForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor newForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor(
183: TableDescriptor table,
184: String constraintName,
185: boolean deferrable,
186: boolean initiallyDeferred,
187: int[] fkColumns,
188: UUID constraintId,
189: UUID indexId,
190: SchemaDescriptor schemaDesc,
191: ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor referencedConstraintDescriptor,
192: boolean isEnabled, int raDeleteRule, int raUpdateRule) {
193: return new ForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor(dataDictionary,
194: table, constraintName, deferrable, initiallyDeferred,
195: fkColumns, constraintId, indexId, schemaDesc,
196: referencedConstraintDescriptor, isEnabled,
197: raDeleteRule, raUpdateRule);
198: }
200: /**
201: * @see DataDescriptorGenerator#newForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor
202: */
203: public ForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor newForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor(
204: TableDescriptor table, String constraintName,
205: boolean deferrable, boolean initiallyDeferred,
206: int[] fkColumns, UUID constraintId, UUID indexId,
207: SchemaDescriptor schemaDesc, UUID referencedConstraintId,
208: boolean isEnabled, int raDeleteRule, int raUpdateRule) {
209: return new ForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor(dataDictionary,
210: table, constraintName, deferrable, initiallyDeferred,
211: fkColumns, constraintId, indexId, schemaDesc,
212: referencedConstraintId, isEnabled, raDeleteRule,
213: raUpdateRule);
214: }
216: /**
217: * @see DataDescriptorGenerator#newCheckConstraintDescriptor
218: */
219: public CheckConstraintDescriptor newCheckConstraintDescriptor(
220: TableDescriptor table, String constraintName,
221: boolean deferrable, boolean initiallyDeferred,
222: UUID constraintId, String constraintText,
223: ReferencedColumns referencedColumns,
224: SchemaDescriptor schemaDesc, boolean isEnabled) {
225: return new CheckConstraintDescriptor(dataDictionary, table,
226: constraintName, deferrable, initiallyDeferred,
227: constraintId, constraintText, referencedColumns,
228: schemaDesc, isEnabled);
229: }
231: public CheckConstraintDescriptor newCheckConstraintDescriptor(
232: TableDescriptor table, String constraintName,
233: boolean deferrable, boolean initiallyDeferred,
234: UUID constraintId, String constraintText, int[] refCols,
235: SchemaDescriptor schemaDesc, boolean isEnabled) {
236: ReferencedColumns referencedColumns = new ReferencedColumnsDescriptorImpl(
237: refCols);
238: return new CheckConstraintDescriptor(dataDictionary, table,
239: constraintName, deferrable, initiallyDeferred,
240: constraintId, constraintText, referencedColumns,
241: schemaDesc, isEnabled);
242: }
244: /**
245: * Create a conglomerate descriptor for the given conglomerate id.
246: *
247: * @param conglomerateId The identifier for the conglomerate
248: * we're interested in
249: * @param name The name of the conglomerate, if any
250: * @param indexable TRUE means the conglomerate is indexable,
251: * FALSE means it isn't
252: * @param indexRowGenerator The IndexRowGenerator for the conglomerate,
253: * null if it's a heap
254: * @param isConstraint TRUE means the conglomerate is an index backing
255: * up a constraint, FALSE means it isn't
256: *
257: * @param uuid UUID for this conglomerate
258: * @param tableID UUID for the table that this conglomerate belongs to
259: * @param schemaID UUID for the schema that conglomerate belongs to
260: *
261: * @return A ConglomerateDescriptor describing the
262: * conglomerate.
263: */
264: public ConglomerateDescriptor newConglomerateDescriptor(
265: long conglomerateId, String name, boolean indexable,
266: IndexRowGenerator indexRowGenerator, boolean isConstraint,
267: UUID uuid, UUID tableID, UUID schemaID) {
268: return (ConglomerateDescriptor) new ConglomerateDescriptor(
269: dataDictionary, conglomerateId, name, indexable,
270: indexRowGenerator, isConstraint, uuid, tableID,
271: schemaID);
272: }
274: /**
275: * Create a new trigger descriptor.
276: *
277: * @param sd the schema descriptor for this trigger
278: * @param uuid the trigger id
279: * @param name the trigger name
280: * @param eventMask TriggerDescriptor.TRIGGER_EVENT_XXXX
281: * @param isBefore is this a before (as opposed to after) trigger
282: * @param isRow is this a row trigger or statement trigger
283: * @param isEnabled is this trigger enabled or disabled
284: * @param td the table upon which this trigger is defined
285: * @param whenSPSId the sps id for the when clause (may be null)
286: * @param actionSPSId the spsid for the trigger action (may be null)
287: * @param creationTimestamp when was this trigger created?
288: * @param referencedCols what columns does this trigger reference (may be null)
289: * @param triggerDefinition The original user text of the trigger action
290: * @param referencingOld whether or not OLD appears in REFERENCING clause
291: * @param referencingNew whether or not NEW appears in REFERENCING clause
292: * @param oldReferencingName old referencing table name, if any, that appears in REFERCING clause
293: * @param newReferencingName new referencing table name, if any, that appears in REFERCING clause
294: *
295: * @exception StandardException on error
296: */
297: public TriggerDescriptor newTriggerDescriptor(SchemaDescriptor sd,
298: UUID uuid, String name, int eventMask, boolean isBefore,
299: boolean isRow, boolean isEnabled, TableDescriptor td,
300: UUID whenSPSId, UUID actionSPSId,
301: Timestamp creationTimestamp, int[] referencedCols,
302: String triggerDefinition, boolean referencingOld,
303: boolean referencingNew, String oldReferencingName,
304: String newReferencingName) throws StandardException {
305: return new TriggerDescriptor(dataDictionary, sd, uuid, name,
306: eventMask, isBefore, isRow, isEnabled, td, whenSPSId,
307: actionSPSId, creationTimestamp, referencedCols,
308: triggerDefinition, referencingOld, referencingNew,
309: oldReferencingName, newReferencingName);
310: }
312: /*
313: get a UUIDFactory. This uses the Monitor to get one the
314: first time and holds onto it for later.
315: */
316: protected UUIDFactory getUUIDFactory() {
317: if (uuidf == null)
318: uuidf = Monitor.getMonitor().getUUIDFactory();
319: return uuidf;
320: }
322: /**
323: @see DataDescriptorGenerator#newFileInfoDescriptor
324: */
325: public FileInfoDescriptor newFileInfoDescriptor(UUID id,
326: SchemaDescriptor sd, String SQLName, long generationId) {
327: if (id == null)
328: id = getUUIDFactory().createUUID();
329: return new FileInfoDescriptor(dataDictionary, id, sd, SQLName,
330: generationId);
331: }
333: public TablePermsDescriptor newTablePermsDescriptor(
334: TableDescriptor td, String selectPerm, String deletePerm,
335: String insertPerm, String updatePerm,
336: String referencesPerm, String triggerPerm, String grantor)
337: throws StandardException {
338: if ("N".equals(selectPerm) && "N".equals(deletePerm)
339: && "N".equals(insertPerm) && "N".equals(updatePerm)
340: && "N".equals(referencesPerm)
341: && "N".equals(triggerPerm))
342: return null;
344: return new TablePermsDescriptor(dataDictionary, (String) null,
345: grantor, td.getUUID(), selectPerm, deletePerm,
346: insertPerm, updatePerm, referencesPerm, triggerPerm);
347: }
349: /**
350: * Manufacture a new ColPermsDescriptor.
351: *
352: * @param td The descriptor of the table.
353: * @param type The action type:
354: *<ol>
355: *<li>"s" - select without grant
356: *<li>"S" - select with grant
357: *<li>"u" - update without grant
358: *<li>"U" - update with grant
359: *<li>"r" - references without grant
360: *<li>"R" - references with grant
361: *</ol>
362: * @param columns the set of columns
363: */
364: public ColPermsDescriptor newColPermsDescriptor(TableDescriptor td,
365: String type, FormatableBitSet columns, String grantor)
366: throws StandardException {
367: return new ColPermsDescriptor(dataDictionary, (String) null,
368: grantor, td.getUUID(), type, columns);
369: }
371: /**
372: * Create a new routine permissions descriptor
373: *
374: * @param ad The routine's alias descriptor
375: * @param grantor
376: */
377: public RoutinePermsDescriptor newRoutinePermsDescriptor(
378: AliasDescriptor ad, String grantor)
379: throws StandardException {
380: return new RoutinePermsDescriptor(dataDictionary,
381: (String) null, grantor, ad.getUUID());
382: }
383: }