0001: /**
0002: * Caption: Zaval Java Resource Editor
0003: * $Revision: 0.37 $
0004: * $Date: 2002/03/28 9:24:42 $
0005: *
0006: * @author: Victor Krapivin
0007: * @version: 2.0
0008: *
0009: * Zaval JRC Editor is a visual editor which allows you to manipulate
0010: * localization strings for all Java based software with appropriate
0011: * support embedded.
0012: *
0013: * For more info on this product read Zaval Java Resource Editor User's Guide
0014: * (It comes within this package).
0015: * The latest product version is always available from the product's homepage:
0016: * http://www.zaval.org/products/jrc-editor/
0017: * and from the SourceForge:
0018: * http://sourceforge.net/projects/zaval0002/
0019: *
0020: * Contacts:
0021: * Support : support@zaval.org
0022: * Change Requests : change-request@zaval.org
0023: * Feedback : feedback@zaval.org
0024: * Other : info@zaval.org
0025: *
0026: * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Zaval Creative Engineering Group (http://www.zaval.org)
0027: *
0028: * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
0029: * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
0030: * (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
0031: *
0032: * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0033: * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0035: * GNU General Public License for more details.
0036: *
0037: * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
0038: * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
0039: * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
0040: *
0041: */package org.zaval.tools.i18n.translator;
0043: import java.io.*;
0044: import java.awt.*;
0045: import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
0046: import java.util.*;
0047: import java.util.zip.*;
0049: import org.zaval.io.*;
0050: import org.zaval.awt.*;
0051: import org.zaval.awt.peer.TreeNode;
0052: import org.zaval.awt.dialog.*;
0053: import org.zaval.util.SafeResourceBundle;
0055: import org.apache.regexp.RE;
0057: public class Translator extends Frame implements TranslatorConstants,
0058: java.awt.event.AWTEventListener {
0059: private MessageBox2 closeDialog = null;
0060: private MessageBox2 delDialog = null;
0061: private MessageBox2 errDialog = null;
0062: private MessageBox2 repDialog = null;
0064: private EmulatedTextField keyName = null;
0065: private IELabel keyLabel = null;
0066: private Button keyInsertButton = null;
0067: private Button keyDeleteButton = null;
0068: private Button dropComment = null;
0069: private GridBagLayout textLayout = null;
0070: private IELabel commLab = null;
0071: private IELabel keynLab = null;
0072: private GraphTree tree = null;
0073: private Panel textPanel = null;
0074: private Vector langStates = new Vector();
0075: private String lastDirectory = ".";
0077: // Options
0078: private boolean keepLastDir = true; // Keep last directory
0079: private boolean omitSpaces = true; // remove spaces in keys
0080: private boolean autoExpandTF = true; // auto-expand text areas
0081: private boolean allowDot = true;
0082: private boolean allowUScore = true;
0084: private MenuItem newBundleMenu, openBundleMenu, openBundleMenuP,
0085: saveBundleMenu, saveAsBundleMenu, genMenu, parseMenu,
0086: saveXmlBundleMenu, saveUtfBundleMenu, loadXmlBundleMenu,
0087: loadUtfBundleMenu, saveXmlBundleMenuP, saveUtfBundleMenuP,
0088: loadXmlBundleMenuP, loadUtfBundleMenuP, loadJarMenu,
0089: closeMenu, exitMenu;
0090: private MenuItem newLangMenu;
0091: private Menu langMenu, fileMenu;
0092: private MenuItem delMenu, insMenu, renMenu, editCopyMenu,
0093: editCutMenu, editPasteMenu, editDeleteMenu, searchMenu,
0094: searchAgainMenu, replaceToMenu;
0095: private MenuItem aboutMenu;
0096: private MenuItem expandTreeMenu, collapseTreeMenu, expandNodeMenu,
0097: collapseNodeMenu;
0098: private CheckboxMenuItem hideTransMenu;
0099: private MenuItem statisticsMenu;
0100: private Menu optionsMenu;
0101: private CheckboxMenuItem showNullsMenu;
0103: // Options
0104: private CheckboxMenuItem keepLastDirMenu, omitSpacesMenu,
0105: autoExpandTFMenu, allowDotMenu, allowUScoreMenu;
0107: // Context menus
0108: private MenuItem ctNewMenu, ctNodeExpandMenu, ctNodeCollapseMenu,
0109: ctNodeDeleteMenu, ctNodeRenameMenu;
0111: private EmulatedTextField commField = null;
0112: private IELabel sbl1, sbl2;
0114: private ToolkitResolver imgres = null;
0115: private boolean exitInitiated = true;
0116: private boolean isDirty = false;
0117: private String wasSelectedKey = null;
0118: private String SYS_DIR;
0119: private BundleManager bundle = new BundleManager();
0120: private Panel pane = new Panel();
0121: private Toolbar tool;
0122: private SimpleScrollPanel scrPanel;
0124: private String[] CLOSE_BUTTONS = new String[3];
0125: private String[] YESNO_BUTTONS = new String[2];
0126: private String[] DELETE_BUTTONS = new String[3];
0127: private String[] DELETE_BUTTONS2 = new String[2];
0128: private String[] DELETE_BUTTONS3 = new String[2];
0129: private String[] REPLACE_BUTTONS = new String[3];
0131: private MenuItem[] tbar2menu;
0133: private static final int MAX_PICK_LENGTH = 40;
0134: private Vector pickList = new Vector(8);
0135: private int nullsCount = 0;
0136: private int notCompletedCount = 0;
0138: // search
0139: private String searchCriteria = null;
0140: private String lastKeyFound = null;
0141: private boolean searchRegex = false;
0142: private boolean searchData = true;
0143: private boolean searchMask = false;
0144: private boolean searchCase = true;
0145: private boolean replacePrompt = true;
0146: private boolean replaceAll = false;
0147: private String replaceTo = null;
0148: private BundleItem curItemForReplace = null;
0149: private LangItem curLangForReplace = null;
0151: private Vector tabOrder = new Vector();
0153: public Translator(String s, SafeResourceBundle res) {
0154: init(s, res);
0155: onNewBundle();
0156: }
0158: public Translator(String s, SafeResourceBundle res,
0159: String bundleName) {
0160: init(s, res);
0161: clear();
0162: readResources(bundleName, false);
0163: }
0165: private void init(String s, SafeResourceBundle res) {
0166: SYS_DIR = s;
0167: rcTable = res;
0169: Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().addAWTEventListener(this ,
0172: CLOSE_BUTTONS[0] = RC("dialog.button.yes");
0173: CLOSE_BUTTONS[1] = RC("dialog.button.no");
0174: CLOSE_BUTTONS[2] = RC("dialog.button.cancel");
0176: REPLACE_BUTTONS[0] = RC("dialog.button.yes");
0177: REPLACE_BUTTONS[1] = RC("dialog.button.no");
0178: REPLACE_BUTTONS[2] = RC("dialog.button.cancel");
0180: YESNO_BUTTONS[0] = RC("dialog.button.yes");
0181: YESNO_BUTTONS[1] = RC("dialog.button.no");
0183: DELETE_BUTTONS[0] = RC("dialog.button.delete.all");
0184: DELETE_BUTTONS[1] = RC("dialog.button.delete.this");
0185: DELETE_BUTTONS[2] = RC("dialog.button.cancel");
0192: imgres = new ToolkitResolver();
0193: this .setLayout(new BorderLayout(0, 0));
0194: add("Center", pane);
0196: tool = new Toolbar();
0197: tool.add(91, new IELabel(RC("menu.file") + ":"));
0198: tool.add(0, new SpeedButton(imgres.getImage(
0199: SYS_DIR + "new.gif", this )));
0200: tool.add(1, new SpeedButton(imgres.getImage(SYS_DIR
0201: + "load.gif", this )));
0202: tool.add(2, new SpeedButton(imgres.getImage(SYS_DIR
0203: + "save.gif", this )));
0204: tool.add(3, new SpeedButton(imgres.getImage(SYS_DIR
0205: + "saveas.gif", this )));
0206: tool.add(92, new IELabel("+"));
0207: tool.add(4, new SpeedButton(imgres.getImage(SYS_DIR
0208: + "deploy.gif", this )));
0209: tool.add(5, new SpeedButton(imgres.getImage(SYS_DIR
0210: + "import.gif", this )));
0211: tool.add(93, new IELabel(RC("menu.edit") + ":"));
0212: tool.add(6, new SpeedButton(imgres.getImage(SYS_DIR
0213: + "newlang.gif", this )));
0214: tool.add(7, new SpeedButton(imgres.getImage(
0215: SYS_DIR + "del.gif", this )));
0216: tool.add(94, new IELabel(RC("menu.help") + ": "));
0217: tool.add(8, new SpeedButton(imgres.getImage(SYS_DIR
0218: + "about.gif", this )));
0219: add("North", tool);
0221: setIconImage(imgres.getImage(SYS_DIR + "jrc-editor.gif"));
0223: StatusBar panel3 = new StatusBar/*Panel*/();
0224: panel3.add(new StatusBarElement(sbl1 = new IELabel(), 20));
0225: panel3.add(new StatusBarElement(sbl2 = new IELabel(), 80));
0226: StatusBarElement se = new StatusBarStubbElement(new Panel(), 0,
0227: new Dimension(22, 19));
0228: se.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 1, 2));
0229: se.setType(0);
0230: panel3.add(se);
0231: add("South", panel3);
0233: tree = new GraphTree();
0234: tree.setResolver(imgres);
0235: tree.setBackground(Color.white);
0236: ContextMenuBar mbar = new ContextMenuBar(this );
0238: ContextMenu _ctNewMenu = new ContextMenu("");
0239: _ctNewMenu.add(ctNewMenu = new MenuItem(
0240: RC("tools.translator.menu.insert")));
0241: mbar.add(_ctNewMenu);
0243: ContextMenu _ctNodeMenu = new ContextMenu("");
0244: _ctNodeMenu.add(ctNewMenu = new MenuItem(
0245: RC("tools.translator.menu.insert")));
0246: _ctNodeMenu.add(ctNodeExpandMenu = new MenuItem(
0247: RC("tools.translator.menu.expand")));
0248: _ctNodeMenu.add(ctNodeCollapseMenu = new MenuItem(
0249: RC("tools.translator.menu.collapse")));
0250: _ctNodeMenu.add(ctNodeDeleteMenu = new MenuItem(
0251: RC("tools.translator.menu.delete")));
0252: _ctNodeMenu.add(ctNodeRenameMenu = new MenuItem(
0253: RC("tools.translator.menu.rename")));
0254: mbar.add(_ctNodeMenu);
0255: tree.setMenuBar(mbar);
0257: pane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
0258: Panel mainPanel = new BorderedPanel(BorderedPanel.RAISED2/*SUNKEN*/);
0259: GridBagLayout gbl = new GridBagLayout();
0260: Panel keyPanel = new Panel(gbl);
0262: keyLabel = new IELabel(RC("tools.translator.label.key"));
0263: constrain(keyPanel, keyLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1,
0264: GridBagConstraints.NORTH, GridBagConstraints.NONE, 0.0,
0265: 0.0, 5, 5, 5, 5);
0267: keyName = new EmulatedTextField();
0268: keyName.setBackground(Color.white);
0269: constrain(keyPanel, keyName, 1, 0, 1, 1,
0270: GridBagConstraints.NORTH, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, 1.0,
0271: 1.0, 5, 5, 5, 5);
0273: keyInsertButton = new Button(
0274: RC("tools.translator.label.insert"));
0275: constrain(keyPanel, keyInsertButton, 2, 0, 1, 1,
0276: GridBagConstraints.NORTH, GridBagConstraints.NONE, 0.0,
0277: 0.0, 5, 5, 5, 5);
0279: keyDeleteButton = new Button(
0280: RC("tools.translator.label.delete"));
0281: constrain(keyPanel, keyDeleteButton, 3, 0, 1, 1,
0282: GridBagConstraints.NORTH, GridBagConstraints.NONE, 0.0,
0283: 0.0, 5, 5, 5, 5);
0285: pane.add(keyPanel, "South");
0286: pane.add(mainPanel, "Center");
0287: ResizeLayout resizeLayout = new ResizeLayout();
0288: Resizer rss = new Resizer();
0289: textPanel = new Panel();
0290: scrPanel = new SimpleScrollPanel(textPanel);
0291: setBackground(Color.lightGray);
0292: mainPanel.setLayout(resizeLayout);
0293: mainPanel.add(tree);
0294: mainPanel.add(scrPanel);
0295: mainPanel.add(rss);
0296: textLayout = new GridBagLayout();
0297: textPanel.setLayout(textLayout);
0299: tabOrder.add(tree);
0300: tabOrder.add(keyName);
0301: tabOrder.add(keyInsertButton);
0302: tabOrder.add(keyDeleteButton);
0304: MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar();
0305: fileMenu = new Menu(RC("menu.file"));
0306: newBundleMenu = new MenuItem(
0307: RC("tools.translator.menu.new.bundle"),
0308: new MenuShortcut(KeyEvent.VK_N));
0309: openBundleMenu = new MenuItem(RC("tools.translator.menu.open"),
0310: new MenuShortcut(KeyEvent.VK_O));
0311: saveBundleMenu = new MenuItem(RC("tools.translator.menu.save"),
0312: new MenuShortcut(KeyEvent.VK_S));
0313: saveBundleMenu.disable();
0314: saveAsBundleMenu = new MenuItem(
0315: RC("tools.translator.menu.saveas"));
0316: saveAsBundleMenu.disable();
0317: closeMenu = new MenuItem(RC("tools.translator.menu.close"));
0318: closeMenu.disable();
0319: exitMenu = new MenuItem(RC("menu.exit"));
0321: Menu editMenu = new Menu(RC("menu.edit"));
0323: editCopyMenu = new MenuItem(
0324: RC("tools.translator.menu.edit.copy") /* , new MenuShortcut(KeyEvent.VK_C) */);
0325: editCutMenu = new MenuItem(RC("tools.translator.menu.edit.cut") /* , new MenuShortcut(KeyEvent.VK_X) */);
0326: editPasteMenu = new MenuItem(
0327: RC("tools.translator.menu.edit.paste") /* , new MenuShortcut(KeyEvent.VK_V) */);
0328: editDeleteMenu = new MenuItem(
0329: RC("tools.translator.menu.edit.delete"));
0330: searchMenu = new MenuItem(RC("menu.search"));
0331: searchAgainMenu = new MenuItem(RC("menu.searchagain"),
0332: new MenuShortcut(KeyEvent.VK_F));
0333: replaceToMenu = new MenuItem(RC("menu.replace"));
0335: newLangMenu = new MenuItem(
0336: RC("tools.translator.menu.new.lang"), new MenuShortcut(
0337: KeyEvent.VK_L));
0338: delMenu = new MenuItem(RC("tools.translator.menu.delete"),
0339: new MenuShortcut(KeyEvent.VK_D));
0340: insMenu = new MenuItem(RC("tools.translator.menu.insert"),
0341: new MenuShortcut(KeyEvent.VK_I));
0342: renMenu = new MenuItem(RC("tools.translator.menu.rename"),
0343: new MenuShortcut(KeyEvent.VK_R));
0345: Menu treeMenu = new Menu(RC("menu.tree"));
0346: expandNodeMenu = new MenuItem(
0347: RC("tools.translator.menu.node.expand") /*, new MenuShortcut(KeyEvent.VK_PLUS)*/);
0348: collapseNodeMenu = new MenuItem(
0349: RC("tools.translator.menu.node.collapse") /*, new MenuShortcut(KeyEvent.VK_MINUS)*/);
0350: expandTreeMenu = new MenuItem(
0351: RC("tools.translator.menu.expand"));
0352: collapseTreeMenu = new MenuItem(
0353: RC("tools.translator.menu.collapse"));
0354: hideTransMenu = new CheckboxMenuItem(
0355: RC("tools.translator.menu.hide.completed"));
0357: Menu viewMenu = new Menu(RC("menu.options"));
0358: statisticsMenu = new MenuItem(
0359: RC("tools.translator.menu.statistics"));
0360: showNullsMenu = new CheckboxMenuItem(
0361: RC("tools.translator.menu.nulls"), false);
0362: langMenu = new Menu(RC("tools.translator.menu.showres"));
0363: langMenu.disable();
0364: optionsMenu = new Menu/*Item*/(
0365: RC("tools.translator.menu.options"));
0366: keepLastDirMenu = new CheckboxMenuItem(
0367: RC("tools.translator.menu.options.keeplastdir"), true);
0368: omitSpacesMenu = new CheckboxMenuItem(
0369: RC("tools.translator.menu.options.omitspaces"), true);
0370: autoExpandTFMenu = new CheckboxMenuItem(
0371: RC("tools.translator.menu.options.autofit"), true);
0372: allowDotMenu = new CheckboxMenuItem(
0373: RC("tools.translator.menu.options.allowdot"), true);
0374: allowUScoreMenu = new CheckboxMenuItem(
0375: RC("tools.translator.menu.options.allowuscore"), true);
0376: omitSpacesMenu.disable();
0378: Menu helpMenu = new Menu(RC("menu.help"));
0379: aboutMenu = new MenuItem(RC("menu.about"));
0381: Menu toolMenu = new Menu(RC("tools.translator.menu.tools"));
0382: genMenu = new MenuItem(RC("tools.translator.menu.generate"));
0383: genMenu.disable();
0384: parseMenu = new MenuItem(RC("tools.translator.menu.parse"));
0385: saveXmlBundleMenu = new MenuItem(
0386: RC("tools.translator.menu.save.xml"));
0387: saveUtfBundleMenu = new MenuItem(
0388: RC("tools.translator.menu.save.utf"));
0389: loadXmlBundleMenu = new MenuItem(
0390: RC("tools.translator.menu.load.xml"));
0391: loadUtfBundleMenu = new MenuItem(
0392: RC("tools.translator.menu.load.utf"));
0394: saveXmlBundleMenuP = new MenuItem(
0395: RC("tools.translator.menu.save.xml.part"));
0396: saveUtfBundleMenuP = new MenuItem(
0397: RC("tools.translator.menu.save.utf.part"));
0398: loadXmlBundleMenuP = new MenuItem(
0399: RC("tools.translator.menu.load.xml.part"));
0400: loadUtfBundleMenuP = new MenuItem(
0401: RC("tools.translator.menu.load.utf.part"));
0402: openBundleMenuP = new MenuItem(
0403: RC("tools.translator.menu.load.part"));
0405: loadJarMenu = new MenuItem(RC("tools.translator.menu.load.jar"));
0407: fileMenu.add(newBundleMenu);
0408: fileMenu.add(openBundleMenu);
0409: fileMenu.add(saveBundleMenu);
0410: fileMenu.add(saveAsBundleMenu);
0411: fileMenu.add(closeMenu);
0412: fileMenu.addSeparator();
0414: editMenu.add(newLangMenu);
0415: editMenu.addSeparator();
0416: editMenu.add(editCopyMenu);
0417: editMenu.add(editCutMenu);
0418: editMenu.add(editPasteMenu);
0419: editMenu.add(editDeleteMenu);
0420: editMenu.addSeparator();
0421: editMenu.add(insMenu);
0422: editMenu.add(delMenu);
0423: editMenu.add(renMenu);
0424: editMenu.addSeparator();
0425: editMenu.add(searchMenu);
0426: editMenu.add(searchAgainMenu);
0427: editMenu.add(replaceToMenu);
0429: treeMenu.add(expandNodeMenu);
0430: treeMenu.add(collapseNodeMenu);
0431: treeMenu.addSeparator();
0432: treeMenu.add(expandTreeMenu);
0433: treeMenu.add(collapseTreeMenu);
0434: treeMenu.add(hideTransMenu);
0436: viewMenu.add(langMenu);
0437: viewMenu.add(showNullsMenu);
0438: viewMenu.add(statisticsMenu);
0439: viewMenu.addSeparator();
0440: viewMenu.add(optionsMenu);
0442: optionsMenu.add(keepLastDirMenu);
0443: optionsMenu.add(omitSpacesMenu);
0444: optionsMenu.add(autoExpandTFMenu);
0445: optionsMenu.add(allowDotMenu);
0446: optionsMenu.add(allowUScoreMenu);
0448: toolMenu.add(loadJarMenu);
0449: toolMenu.addSeparator();
0450: toolMenu.add(loadXmlBundleMenu);
0451: toolMenu.add(loadUtfBundleMenu);
0452: toolMenu.add(saveXmlBundleMenu);
0453: toolMenu.add(saveUtfBundleMenu);
0454: toolMenu.addSeparator();
0455: toolMenu.add(openBundleMenuP);
0456: toolMenu.add(loadXmlBundleMenuP);
0457: toolMenu.add(loadUtfBundleMenuP);
0458: toolMenu.add(saveXmlBundleMenuP);
0459: toolMenu.add(saveUtfBundleMenuP);
0460: toolMenu.addSeparator();
0461: toolMenu.add(genMenu);
0462: toolMenu.add(parseMenu);
0464: helpMenu.add(aboutMenu);
0466: menuBar.add(fileMenu);
0467: menuBar.add(editMenu);
0468: menuBar.add(viewMenu);
0469: menuBar.add(treeMenu);
0470: menuBar.add(toolMenu);
0471: menuBar.add(helpMenu);
0472: setMenuBar(menuBar);
0474: delDialog = new MessageBox2(this );
0475: delDialog.setIcon(imgres.getImage(SYS_DIR + "ogo.gif",
0476: delDialog));
0477: delDialog.setTitle(RC("dialog.title.warning"));
0478: delDialog.setButtons(DELETE_BUTTONS);
0479: delDialog.addListener(this );
0481: closeDialog = new MessageBox2(this );
0482: closeDialog.setText(RC("tools.translator.message.save"));
0483: closeDialog.setTitle(RC("dialog.title.warning"));
0484: closeDialog.setIcon(imgres.getImage(SYS_DIR + "ogo.gif",
0485: closeDialog));
0486: closeDialog.setButtons(CLOSE_BUTTONS);
0487: closeDialog.addListener(this );
0489: repDialog = new MessageBox2(this );
0490: repDialog.setText("");
0491: repDialog.setTitle(RC("dialog.title.warning"));
0492: repDialog.setIcon(imgres.getImage(SYS_DIR + "ogo.gif",
0493: repDialog));
0494: repDialog.setButtons(REPLACE_BUTTONS);
0495: repDialog.addListener(this );
0497: errDialog = new MessageBox2(this );
0498: errDialog.setText("");
0499: errDialog.setTitle(RC("dialog.title.warning"));
0500: errDialog.setIcon(imgres.getImage(SYS_DIR + "Stop.gif",
0501: errDialog));
0502: String[] OK_BUT = { RC("dialog.button.ok") };
0503: errDialog.setButtons(OK_BUT);
0505: MenuItem[] _tbar2menu = { newBundleMenu, openBundleMenu,
0506: saveBundleMenu, saveAsBundleMenu, genMenu, parseMenu,
0507: newLangMenu, delMenu, aboutMenu };
0508: tbar2menu = _tbar2menu;
0509: }
0511: public boolean handleEvent(Event e) {
0512: if (e.id == Event.WINDOW_DESTROY) {
0513: onClose();
0514: return true;
0515: }
0517: if (e.target == tree) {
0518: if (e.id == REMOVE_REQUIRED)
0519: onDeleteKey();
0520: if (e.target == tree
0521: && wasSelectedKey != tree.getSelectedText()) {
0522: setTranslations();
0523: invokeAutoFit();
0524: }
0525: // actually, we should just list all events that tree can handle itself.
0526: // if ( e.key != (int)'\t' && e.key != Event.F4 && e.key != Event.F10) return true;
0527: }
0528: return super .handleEvent(e);
0529: }
0531: public void eventDispatched(AWTEvent event) {
0532: if (event.getID() != java.awt.event.KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED)
0533: return;
0534: if (!(event instanceof java.awt.event.KeyEvent))
0535: return;
0536: java.awt.event.KeyEvent ke = (java.awt.event.KeyEvent) event;
0537: if (ke.getKeyChar() != '\t')
0538: return;
0539: moveFocus();
0540: }
0542: public boolean keyDown(Event e, int key) {
0543: if (e.target == keyName && key == Event.ENTER) {
0544: onInsertKey();
0545: return true;
0546: } else if (e.target instanceof Button && key == Event.ENTER) {
0547: action(e, null);
0548: return true;
0549: }
0550: // to be corrected if keyName wants to receive "Enter" from JTextField
0551: return false;
0552: }
0554: public boolean action(Event e, Object arg) {
0555: if (e.target instanceof Toolbar) {
0556: int pos = Integer.parseInt((String) arg);
0557: if (pos < 0 || pos >= tbar2menu.length)
0558: return false;
0559: e.target = tbar2menu[pos];
0560: }
0562: if (e.target == statisticsMenu)
0563: onStatistics();
0564: if (e.target == searchMenu)
0565: onSearch();
0566: if (e.target == searchAgainMenu)
0567: onSearchAgain();
0568: if (e.target == replaceToMenu)
0569: onReplace();
0571: if (e.target == expandNodeMenu || e.target == ctNodeExpandMenu)
0572: expand(tree.getSelectedNode());
0573: if (e.target == collapseNodeMenu
0574: || e.target == ctNodeCollapseMenu)
0575: collapse(tree.getSelectedNode());
0576: if (e.target == expandTreeMenu) {
0577: tree.expandAll();
0578: tree.repaint();
0579: }
0580: if (e.target == collapseTreeMenu) {
0581: tree.collapseAll();
0582: tree.repaint();
0583: }
0584: if (e.target == hideTransMenu)
0585: hideTranslated(hideTransMenu.getState());
0586: if (e.target == dropComment) {
0587: commField.setText("");
0588: setTranslations();
0589: }
0591: if (e.target == editCopyMenu) {
0592: Component ccur = getFocusOwner();
0593: if (ccur instanceof EmulatedTextField) {
0594: EmulatedTextField cur = (EmulatedTextField) ccur;
0595: cur.blCopy();
0596: } else if (ccur instanceof TextField) {
0597: TextField cur = (TextField) ccur;
0598: java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard c = java.awt.Toolkit
0599: .getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard();
0600: java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection s2 = new java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection(
0601: cur.getSelectedText());
0602: c.setContents(s2, s2);
0603: }
0604: }
0605: if (e.target == editCutMenu) {
0606: Component ccur = getFocusOwner();
0607: if (ccur instanceof EmulatedTextField) {
0608: EmulatedTextField cur = (EmulatedTextField) ccur;
0609: cur.blCopy();
0610: cur.blDelete();
0611: } else if (ccur instanceof TextField) {
0612: TextField cur = (TextField) ccur;
0613: java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard c = java.awt.Toolkit
0614: .getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard();
0615: java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection s2 = new java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection(
0616: cur.getSelectedText());
0617: c.setContents(s2, s2);
0618: if (cur.getSelectedText().length() > 0)
0619: cur.setText(cur.getText().substring(0,
0620: cur.getSelectionStart())
0621: + cur.getText().substring(
0622: cur.getSelectionEnd()));
0623: }
0624: }
0625: if (e.target == editPasteMenu) {
0626: Component ccur = getFocusOwner();
0627: if (ccur instanceof EmulatedTextField) {
0628: EmulatedTextField cur = (EmulatedTextField) ccur;
0629: cur.blPaste();
0630: } else if (ccur instanceof TextField) {
0631: TextField cur = (TextField) ccur;
0633: java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard c = java.awt.Toolkit
0634: .getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard();
0635: java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable t = c
0636: .getContents("e");
0638: String nt = "";
0639: if (t
0640: .isDataFlavorSupported(java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor.stringFlavor))
0641: try {
0642: nt = (String) t
0643: .getTransferData(java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor.stringFlavor);
0644: } catch (Exception ex) {
0645: }
0647: if (cur.getSelectedText().length() > 0)
0648: cur.setText(cur.getText().substring(0,
0649: cur.getSelectionStart())
0650: + nt
0651: + cur.getText().substring(
0652: cur.getSelectionEnd()));
0653: else
0654: cur.setText(cur.getText().substring(0,
0655: cur.getCaretPosition())
0656: + nt
0657: + cur.getText().substring(
0658: cur.getCaretPosition()));
0659: }
0660: }
0661: if (e.target == editDeleteMenu) {
0662: Component ccur = getFocusOwner();
0663: if (ccur instanceof EmulatedTextField) {
0664: EmulatedTextField cur = (EmulatedTextField) ccur;
0665: cur.blDelete();
0666: } else if (ccur instanceof TextField) {
0667: TextField cur = (TextField) ccur;
0668: if (cur.getSelectedText().length() > 0)
0669: cur.setText(cur.getText().substring(0,
0670: cur.getSelectionStart())
0671: + cur.getText().substring(
0672: cur.getSelectionEnd()));
0673: }
0674: }
0676: if (e.target == newLangMenu)
0677: onNewResource();
0678: if (e.target == insMenu || e.target == ctNewMenu)
0679: onNewKey();
0680: if (e.target == renMenu || e.target == ctNodeRenameMenu)
0681: onRenameKey();
0682: if (e.target == newBundleMenu)
0683: onNewBundle();
0684: if (e.target == closeMenu) {
0685: exitInitiated = false;
0686: onClose();
0687: }
0688: if (e.target == openBundleMenu)
0689: onOpen(false);
0690: if (e.target == saveBundleMenu)
0691: onSave();
0692: if (e.target == saveAsBundleMenu)
0693: onSaveAs();
0694: if (e.target == exitMenu)
0695: onClose();
0696: if (e.target == keyInsertButton)
0697: onInsertKey();
0698: if (e.target == keyDeleteButton || e.target == delMenu
0699: || e.target == ctNodeDeleteMenu)
0700: onDeleteKey();
0701: if (e.target == genMenu)
0702: onGenCode();
0703: if (e.target == parseMenu)
0704: onParseCode();
0705: if (e.target == aboutMenu)
0706: onAbout();
0707: if (e.target == optionsMenu)
0708: onOptions();
0710: if (e.target == loadXmlBundleMenu)
0711: onLoadXml(false);
0712: if (e.target == saveXmlBundleMenu)
0713: onSaveXml(false);
0714: if (e.target == loadUtfBundleMenu)
0715: onLoadUtf(false);
0716: if (e.target == saveUtfBundleMenu)
0717: onSaveUtf(false);
0719: if (e.target == openBundleMenuP)
0720: onOpen(true);
0721: if (e.target == loadXmlBundleMenuP)
0722: onLoadXml(true);
0723: if (e.target == saveXmlBundleMenuP)
0724: onSaveXml(true);
0725: if (e.target == loadUtfBundleMenuP)
0726: onLoadUtf(true);
0727: if (e.target == saveUtfBundleMenuP)
0728: onSaveUtf(true);
0730: if (e.target == loadJarMenu)
0731: onLoadJar();
0733: if (e.target instanceof CheckboxMenuItem
0734: && e.target == showNullsMenu) {
0735: setIndicators(tree.getRootNode());
0736: tree.repaint();
0737: }
0738: if (e.target instanceof CheckboxMenuItem)
0739: for (int i = 0; i < langStates.size(); i++) {
0740: LangState ls = getLangState(i);
0741: if (e.target == ls.box) {
0742: ls.hidden = !ls.hidden;
0743: ls.tf.setVisible(!ls.hidden);
0744: ls.label.setVisible(!ls.hidden);
0745: setIndicators(tree.getRootNode());
0746: textPanel.invalidate();
0747: validate();
0748: }
0749: ls.box.setState(!ls.hidden);
0750: }
0751: if (e.target == closeDialog && e.arg instanceof Button) {
0752: if (!((Button) e.arg).getLabel().equals(CLOSE_BUTTONS[2])) {
0753: if (((Button) e.arg).getLabel()
0754: .equals(CLOSE_BUTTONS[0]))
0755: onSave();
0756: if (exitInitiated)
0757: finish();
0758: else
0759: clear();
0760: }
0761: exitInitiated = true;
0762: }
0763: if (e.target == delDialog
0764: && e.arg instanceof Button
0765: && ((Button) e.arg).getLabel()
0766: .equals(DELETE_BUTTONS[0])) {
0767: String key = tree.getSelectedText();
0768: // remove all subkeys
0769: if (key != null) {
0770: isDirty = true;
0771: TreeNode tn = tree.getNode(key);
0772: if (tn != null)
0773: tn = tn.parent;
0774: bundle.getBundle().removeKeysBeginningWith(key);
0776: tree.remove(key); // kill children
0777: removeLeafs(key); // clean leafs out of model
0778: adjustIndicator(tn);
0779: tree.repaint();
0780: wasSelectedKey = null;
0781: setTranslations();
0782: }
0783: }
0784: if (e.target == delDialog
0785: && e.arg instanceof Button
0786: && ((Button) e.arg).getLabel()
0787: .equals(DELETE_BUTTONS[1])) {
0788: // Only this
0789: String key = tree.getSelectedText();
0790: if (key != null) {
0791: isDirty = true;
0792: TreeNode tn = tree.getNode(key);
0793: if (tn == null)
0794: return true;
0796: // Not an leaf => don't touch tree but update model
0797: bundle.getBundle().removeKey(key);
0798: if (tree.enumChild(tn) == null
0799: || tree.enumChild(tn).length == 0) {
0800: tree.remove(key);
0801: removeLeafs(key);
0802: }
0803: tree.selectNode(tn.parent);
0805: adjustIndicator(tn);
0806: tree.repaint();
0808: wasSelectedKey = null;
0809: setTranslations();
0810: textPanel.invalidate();
0811: validate();
0812: }
0813: }
0815: if (e.target == repDialog) {
0816: if (e.arg instanceof Button
0817: && ((Button) e.arg).getLabel().equals(
0819: makeReplaceImpl();
0820: else if (e.arg instanceof Button
0821: && ((Button) e.arg).getLabel().equals(
0823: replaceTo = null;
0824: }
0826: if (e.target == keepLastDirMenu)
0827: keepLastDir = keepLastDirMenu.getState();
0828: if (e.target == omitSpacesMenu)
0829: omitSpaces = omitSpacesMenu.getState();
0830: if (e.target == autoExpandTFMenu)
0831: autoExpandTF = autoExpandTFMenu.getState();
0832: if (e.target == allowDotMenu)
0833: allowDot = allowDotMenu.getState();
0834: if (e.target == allowUScoreMenu)
0835: allowUScore = allowUScoreMenu.getState();
0837: if (e.target instanceof MenuItem) {
0838: String lbl = ((MenuItem) e.target).getLabel();
0839: for (int j = 0; j < pickList.size(); ++j) {
0840: String path = (String) pickList.elementAt(j);
0841: String patz = stretchPath(path);
0842: if (patz.equals(lbl)) {
0843: clear();
0844: readResources(path, false);
0845: break;
0846: }
0847: }
0848: }
0849: sbl1.setText(" " + getVisLangCount() + "/"
0850: + bundle.getBundle().getLangCount() + ", "
0851: + bundle.getBundle().getItemCount() + " ");
0852: return true;
0853: }
0855: private void setTranslations() {
0856: String newKey = tree.getSelectedText();
0857: setTranslations(newKey);
0858: }
0860: private void setTranslations(String newKey) {
0861: if (wasSelectedKey != null) {
0862: for (int i = 0; i < langStates.size(); i++) {
0863: LangState ls = getLangState(i);
0864: if (ls.hidden)
0865: continue;
0866: String trans = ls.tf.getText();
0867: BundleItem bi = bundle.getBundle().getItem(
0868: wasSelectedKey);
0869: if (bi == null) {
0870: // do not add the translation implicitely - disable
0871: // the language field
0872: ls.tf.setVisible(false);
0873: ls.label.setVisible(false);
0874: commField.setEnabled(false);
0875: } else {
0876: if (bi.getTranslation(ls.name) == null
0877: || !bi.getTranslation(ls.name)
0878: .equals(trans))
0879: isDirty = true;
0880: bundle.getBundle().updateValue(wasSelectedKey,
0881: ls.name, trans);
0882: }
0883: }
0884: String comm = commField == null ? null : commField
0885: .getText();
0886: if (comm != null && comm.trim().length() == 0)
0887: comm = null;
0888: //if ( comm!=null ) {
0889: BundleItem bi = bundle.getBundle().getItem(wasSelectedKey);
0890: if (bi != null)
0891: bi.setComment(comm);
0892: //}
0893: adjustIndicator(tree.getNode(wasSelectedKey));
0894: setIndicators(tree.getNode(wasSelectedKey));
0895: tree.repaint();
0896: }
0897: if (newKey == null)
0898: return;
0900: BundleItem bi = bundle.getBundle().getItem(newKey);
0901: for (int i = 0; i < langStates.size(); i++) {
0902: LangState ls = getLangState(i);
0903: String ss = bi == null ? null : bi.getTranslation(ls.name);
0904: if (ss == null)
0905: ss = "";
0906: if (bi == null) {
0907: ls.tf.setVisible(false);
0908: ls.label.setVisible(false);
0909: commField.setEnabled(false);
0910: } else {
0911: ls.tf.setVisible(!ls.hidden);
0912: ls.label.setVisible(!ls.hidden);
0913: commField.setEnabled(true);
0914: }
0915: ls.tf.setText(ss);
0916: }
0917: String commText = bi == null ? " ** "
0918: + RC("tools.translator.message.noentry") + " **" : bi
0919: .getComment();
0920: if (commField != null)
0921: commField.setText(commText == null ? "" : commText);
0922: keynLab.setText("Key: " + newKey);
0923: keynLab.repaint();
0924: sbl2.setText(newKey);
0925: adjustIndicator(tree.getNode(newKey));
0927: String startValue = "";
0928: wasSelectedKey = newKey;
0929: if (wasSelectedKey != null)
0930: startValue = wasSelectedKey + ".";
0931: keyName.setText(startValue);
0932: tree.repaint();
0934: /*if(bi==null){
0935: ctNodeRenameMenu.disable();
0936: ctNodeDeleteMenu.disable();
0937: renMenu.disable();
0938: }
0939: else{
0940: ctNodeDeleteMenu.enable();
0941: renMenu.enable();
0942: ctNodeRenameMenu.enable();
0943: }*/
0944: }
0946: public String getValidKey() {
0947: String key = keyName.getText();
0948: if (key == null)
0949: return null;
0950: while (key.endsWith("."))
0951: key = key.substring(0, key.length() - 1);
0952: if (key.length() <= 0)
0953: return null;
0954: String illegalChar = "";
0955: if (key.indexOf('=') >= 0)
0956: illegalChar = "=";
0957: if (key.indexOf('#') >= 0)
0958: illegalChar = "#";
0959: if (illegalChar.length() == 0)
0960: return bundle.replace(key, "..", "");
0961: MessageBox2 mess = new MessageBox2(this );
0962: mess.setTitle(RC("dialog.title.warning"));
0963: mess.setText(bundle.replace(
0964: RC("tools.translator.message.illchar"), "[%illchar%]",
0965: illegalChar));
0966: mess.setIcon(imgres.getImage(SYS_DIR + "stop.gif", mess));
0967: mess.setButtons(RC("dialog.button.ok"));
0968: mess.show();
0969: return null;
0970: }
0972: public void onInsertKey() {
0973: if (bundle.getBundle().getLangCount() == 0)
0974: return;
0975: String key = getValidKey();
0976: if (key != null) {
0977: addToTree(key);
0978: bundle.getBundle().addKey(key);
0979: bundle.getBundle().resort();
0980: commField.setText("");
0981: isDirty = true;
0982: tree.selectNodeAndOpen(key);
0983: tree.repaint();
0984: setTranslations();
0985: saveBundleMenu.enable();
0986: saveAsBundleMenu.enable();
0987: genMenu.enable();
0988: setIndicators(tree.getRootNode());
0989: isDirty = true;
0991: textPanel.invalidate();
0992: validate();
0993: }
0994: syncToolbar();
0995: }
0997: public void onDeleteKey() {
0998: String key = tree.getSelectedText();
0999: if (key == null)
1000: return;
1001: delDialog.setText(bundle.replace(
1002: RC("tools.translator.message.delkey"), "[%key%]", key));
1004: TreeNode tn = tree.getNode(key);
1005: if (tn == null)
1006: return;
1007: boolean hasChilds = tree.enumChild(tn) != null
1008: && tree.enumChild(tn).length != 0;
1009: BundleItem bi = bundle.getBundle().getItem(key);
1010: if (bi != null && hasChilds)
1011: delDialog.setButtons(DELETE_BUTTONS);
1012: else if (bi != null && !hasChilds)
1013: delDialog.setButtons(DELETE_BUTTONS3);
1014: else if (bi == null)
1015: delDialog.setButtons(DELETE_BUTTONS2);
1016: delDialog.show();
1017: }
1019: public void onClose() {
1020: setTranslations();
1021: if (isDirty)
1022: closeDialog.show();
1023: else if (exitInitiated)
1024: finish();
1025: else {
1026: clear();
1027: exitInitiated = true;
1028: }
1029: }
1031: public void finish() {
1032: hide();
1033: saveIni();
1034: System.exit(0);
1035: }
1037: public void onSave() {
1038: if (bundle.getBundle().getLangCount() == 0)
1039: return;
1040: String fn = bundle.getBundle().getLanguage(0).getLangFile();
1041: if (fn == null) {
1042: onSaveAs();
1043: return;
1044: }
1045: setTranslations();
1046: try {
1047: bundle.store(null);
1048: } catch (Exception e) {
1049: infoException(e);
1050: }
1051: isDirty = false;
1052: }
1054: public void clear() {
1055: setTitle(null);
1056: if (keyName != null)
1057: keyName.setText("");
1058: if (keynLab != null)
1059: keynLab.setText("");
1060: wasSelectedKey = null;
1061: textPanel.removeAll();
1062: langMenu.removeAll();
1063: if (tree.getRootNode() != null)
1064: tree.remove(tree.getRootNode());
1065: tree.repaint();
1066: textPanel.invalidate();
1067: validate();
1068: isDirty = false;
1069: bundle = new BundleManager();
1070: langStates = new Vector();
1072: closeMenu.disable();
1073: saveBundleMenu.disable();
1074: saveAsBundleMenu.disable();
1075: genMenu.disable();
1076: langMenu.disable();
1077: }
1079: private LangState getLangState(int idx) {
1080: return (LangState) langStates.elementAt(idx);
1081: }
1083: private int getVisLangCount() {
1084: int c = 0;
1085: for (int i = 0; i < langStates.size(); i++) {
1086: LangState ls = getLangState(i);
1087: if (!ls.hidden)
1088: ++c;
1089: }
1090: return c;
1091: }
1093: private void setAllIndicators() {
1094: for (int i = 0; i < langStates.size(); i++) {
1095: LangState ls = getLangState(i);
1096: ls.hidden = false;
1097: ls.box.setState(true);
1098: }
1099: // Fire it async as it take large time
1100: hideTransMenu.disable();
1101: (new Thread(new Runnable() {
1102: public void run() {
1103: setIndicatorsInit();
1104: }
1105: })).start();
1106: }
1108: private void setIndicatorsInit() {
1109: sbl2.setText(RC("tools.translator.progress.indicator"));
1110: sbl2.repaint();
1111: setIndicators(tree.getRootNode());
1112: hideTransMenu.enable();
1113: sbl2.setText("");
1114: sbl2.repaint();
1115: }
1117: private boolean setIndicators(TreeNode tn) {
1118: if (tn == null)
1119: return false;
1120: boolean res = setIndicators(tn.sibling);
1121: return setIndicator(tn, setIndicators(tn.child)) || res;
1122: }
1124: private boolean setIndicator(TreeNode tn, boolean childOn) {
1125: if (tn == null)
1126: return false;
1127: if (getVisLangCount() < 2) {
1128: tn.setIndicator(null);
1129: return false;
1130: }
1131: if (childOn) {
1132: tn.setIndicator(SYS_DIR + WARN_IMAGE);
1133: return true;
1134: }
1135: boolean isAbs = false;
1136: boolean isPres = false;
1138: BundleItem bi = bundle.getBundle().getItem(tn.getText());
1139: if (bi == null) {
1140: tn.setIndicator(null);
1141: return false;
1142: }
1143: for (int i = 0; i < langStates.size(); i++) {
1144: LangState ls = getLangState(i);
1145: if (ls.hidden)
1146: continue;
1147: String ts = bi.getTranslation(ls.name);
1148: if (ts != null && ts.trim().length() == 0)
1149: ts = null;
1150: isAbs |= ts == null;
1151: isPres |= ts != null;
1152: }
1153: tn.setIndicator(null);
1154: if (isAbs && isPres) {
1155: tree.setIndicator(tn.getText(), SYS_DIR + WARN_IMAGE);
1156: notCompletedCount++;
1157: } else {
1158: if (isAbs) {
1159: nullsCount++;
1160: if (showNullsMenu.getState()) {
1161: tn.setIndicator(SYS_DIR + WARN_IMAGE);
1162: return true;
1163: }
1164: }
1165: }
1166: return isAbs && isPres;
1167: }
1169: private void adjustIndicator(TreeNode tn) {
1170: if (tn == null)
1171: return;
1172: setIndicator(tn, isSetInSiblings(tn.child));
1173: adjustIndicator(tn.parent);
1174: }
1176: private boolean isSetInSiblings(TreeNode tn) {
1177: if (tn == null)
1178: return false;
1179: if (tn.getIndicator() != null)
1180: return true;
1181: return isSetInSiblings(tn.sibling);
1182: }
1184: private void createNewFile(String filename) {
1185: try {
1186: FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream(filename);
1187: f.close();
1188: } catch (Exception e) {
1189: infoException(e);
1190: }
1191: }
1193: private void onSearch() {
1194: SearchDialog ed = new SearchDialog(this ,
1195: RC("tools.translator.label.search.caption"), true, this );
1196: ed.setLabelCaption(RC("tools.translator.label.search.label"));
1197: ed.setButtonsCaption(RC("dialog.button.ok"), CLOSE_BUTTONS[2]);
1199: ed.setKVGroupLabels(RC("tools.translator.label.search.inkeys"),
1200: RC("tools.translator.label.search.invalues"));
1201: ed.setRMEGroupLabels(RC("tools.translator.label.search.regex"),
1202: RC("tools.translator.label.search.mask"),
1203: RC("tools.translator.label.search.exact"));
1204: ed.setCaseLabel(RC("tools.translator.label.search.case"));
1206: ed.doModal();
1207: String text = ed.getText();
1208: if (text.length() <= 0 || !ed.isApply())
1209: return;
1211: searchCriteria = text;
1212: searchRegex = ed.isRegexMatching();
1213: searchData = !ed.isKeyMatching();
1214: searchMask = ed.isMaskMatching();
1215: searchCase = ed.isCaseSensitive();
1216: replaceTo = null;
1217: if (!searchRegex && !searchMask && !searchCase)
1218: searchCriteria = searchCriteria.toLowerCase();
1220: lastKeyFound = null;
1221: onSearchAgain();
1222: ed.dispose();
1223: }
1225: private void onReplace() {
1226: ReplaceDialog ed = new ReplaceDialog(this ,
1227: RC("tools.translator.label.replace.caption"), true,
1228: this );
1229: ed.setLabelCaption(RC("tools.translator.label.search.label"));
1230: ed.setButtonsCaption(RC("dialog.button.ok"), CLOSE_BUTTONS[2]);
1231: ed.setReplaceLabel(RC("tools.translator.label.replace.label"));
1233: ed.setRMGroupLabels(RC("tools.translator.label.search.regex"),
1234: RC("tools.translator.label.search.exact"));
1235: ed.setCPALabels(RC("tools.translator.label.search.case"),
1236: RC("tools.translator.label.replace.prompt"),
1237: RC("tools.translator.label.replace.all"));
1239: ed.doModal();
1240: String text = ed.getText();
1241: if (text.length() <= 0 || !ed.isApply())
1242: return;
1244: searchCriteria = text;
1245: searchRegex = ed.isRegexMatching();
1246: searchData = true;
1247: searchMask = false;
1248: searchCase = ed.isCaseSensitive();
1249: replacePrompt = ed.isPromptRequired();
1250: replaceAll = ed.isReplaceAll();
1251: replaceTo = ed.getReplaceTo();
1253: if (!searchRegex && !searchMask && !searchCase)
1254: searchCriteria = searchCriteria.toLowerCase();
1256: lastKeyFound = null;
1257: onSearchAgain();
1258: }
1260: private boolean isMatchedWith(String what) {
1261: if (what == null)
1262: return false;
1263: if (searchRegex)
1264: return match_regex(searchCriteria, what, !searchCase);
1265: else if (searchMask)
1266: return match_mask(searchCriteria, what, !searchCase);
1267: else {
1268: if (searchCase)
1269: return what.indexOf(searchCriteria) != -1;
1270: else
1271: return what.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchCriteria) != -1;
1272: }
1273: }
1275: private void makeReplaceImpl()
1276: /*
1277: BundleItem curItemForReplace
1278: LangItem curLangForReplace
1279: String searchCriteria
1280: String replaceTo
1281: */
1282: {
1283: String lang = curLangForReplace.getLangId();
1284: String val = curItemForReplace.getTranslation(lang);
1285: if (searchRegex) {
1286: try {
1287: RE re = new RE(searchCriteria,
1288: searchCase ? RE.MATCH_NORMAL
1290: val = re.subst(val, replaceTo,
1291: replaceAll ? RE.REPLACE_ALL
1293: } catch (org.apache.regexp.RESyntaxException e) {
1294: infoException(e);
1295: replaceTo = null;
1296: }
1297: } else {
1298: if (replaceAll)
1299: val = bundle.replace(val, searchCriteria, replaceTo);
1300: else {
1301: int j1 = val.indexOf(searchCriteria);
1302: if (j1 > 0)
1303: val = val.substring(0, j1)
1304: + replaceTo
1305: + val.substring(j1
1306: + searchCriteria.length());
1307: else if (j1 == 0)
1308: val = replaceTo
1309: + val.substring(searchCriteria.length());
1310: }
1311: }
1312: // System.err.println("["+lang+"] '"+curItemForReplace.getTranslation(lang)+"' => '"+val+"'");
1313: curItemForReplace.setTranslation(lang, val);
1315: if (tree.getSelectedText().equals(curItemForReplace.getId())) {
1316: int k = bundle.getBundle().getLangIndex(lang);
1317: LangState ls = getLangState(k);
1318: if (ls != null) {
1319: ls.tf.setText(val);
1320: ls.tf.getControl().requestFocus();
1321: }
1322: }
1323: isDirty = true;
1324: }
1326: private void makeReplace(BundleItem bi, LangItem li) {
1327: curItemForReplace = bi;
1328: curLangForReplace = li;
1329: if (replacePrompt) {
1330: if (replacePrompt && replaceAll) {
1331: setTranslations();
1332: tree.selectNode(curItemForReplace.getId());
1333: tree.openToNode(curItemForReplace.getId());
1334: setTranslations(curItemForReplace.getId());
1335: textPanel.invalidate();
1336: validate();
1337: tree.repaint();
1338: }
1339: repDialog.setModal(replaceAll);
1340: String mess = RC("tools.translator.message.found");
1341: mess = bundle.replace(mess, "[%found%]", searchCriteria);
1342: mess = bundle.replace(mess, "[%subst%]", replaceTo);
1343: repDialog.setText(mess);
1344: repDialog.show();
1345: } else
1346: makeReplaceImpl();
1347: }
1349: private void onSearchAgain() {
1350: int i, j = 0;
1351: if (searchCriteria == null) {
1352: onSearch();
1353: return;
1354: }
1355: boolean first = lastKeyFound == null;
1357: if (lastKeyFound != null)
1358: j = bundle.getBundle().getItemIndex(lastKeyFound) + 1;
1359: if (!searchData) { // Key names
1360: for (i = j; i < bundle.getBundle().getItemCount(); ++i) {
1361: BundleItem bi = bundle.getBundle().getItem(i);
1362: String val = bi.getId();
1363: if (isMatchedWith(val)) {
1364: lastKeyFound = val;
1365: tree.selectNode(bi.getId());
1366: tree.openToNode(bi.getId());
1367: setTranslations(bi.getId());
1368: textPanel.invalidate();
1369: validate();
1370: tree.requestFocus();
1371: tree.repaint();
1372: return;
1373: }
1374: }
1375: lastKeyFound = null;
1376: if (first)
1377: searchCriteria = null;
1378: errDialog
1379: .setText(first ? RC("tools.translator.label.search.nokeys")
1380: : RC("tools.translator.label.search.nomorekeys"));
1381: errDialog.show();
1382: return;
1383: }
1385: int replacements = 0;
1386: for (i = j; i < bundle.getBundle().getItemCount(); ++i) {
1387: BundleItem bi = bundle.getBundle().getItem(i);
1388: for (int k = 0; k < bundle.getBundle().getLangCount(); ++k) {
1389: LangItem li = bundle.getBundle().getLanguage(k);
1390: String val = bi.getTranslation(li.getLangId());
1391: if (isMatchedWith(val)) {
1392: lastKeyFound = bi.getId();
1394: if (replaceTo == null
1395: || (replaceTo != null && !replaceAll)) {
1396: tree.selectNode(bi.getId());
1397: tree.openToNode(bi.getId());
1398: setTranslations(bi.getId());
1399: tree.repaint();
1401: if (replaceTo != null)
1402: makeReplace(bi, li);
1404: textPanel.invalidate();
1405: validate();
1406: if (replaceTo == null) {
1407: textPanel.requestFocus();
1408: LangState ls = getLangState(k);
1409: ls.tf.getControl().requestFocus();
1410: }
1411: return;
1412: }
1413: makeReplace(bi, li);
1414: ++replacements;
1415: if (replaceTo == null)
1416: break;
1417: }
1418: }
1419: }
1420: lastKeyFound = null;
1421: if (first)
1422: searchCriteria = null;
1423: if (replacements > 0)
1424: errDialog.setText(bundle.replace(
1425: RC("tools.translator.label.replaced.count"),
1426: "[%replaced%]", Integer.toString(replacements)));
1427: else
1428: errDialog
1429: .setText(first ? RC("tools.translator.label.search.nokeys")
1430: : RC("tools.translator.label.search.nomorekeys"));
1431: errDialog.show();
1432: }
1434: private void onNewResource() {
1435: EditDialog ed = new EditDialog(this ,
1436: RC("tools.translator.label.newrestitle"), true, this );
1437: ed.setLabelCaption(RC("tools.translator.label.filesuff"));
1438: ed.setButtonsCaption(RC("dialog.button.ok"), CLOSE_BUTTONS[2]);
1439: ed.doModal();
1440: String text = ed.getText();
1441: if (text.length() <= 0 || !ed.isApply())
1442: return;
1443: bundle.getBundle().addLanguage(text);
1444: syncLanguage(text);
1446: for (int i = 0; i < langStates.size(); i++) {
1447: LangState ls = getLangState(i);
1448: CheckboxMenuItem cmi = ls.box;
1449: boolean show = cmi.getState();
1450: ls.tf.setVisible(show);
1451: ls.hidden = !show;
1452: ls.label.setVisible(show);
1453: }
1454: setAllIndicators();
1455: textPanel.invalidate();
1456: validate();
1457: }
1459: public void onNewBundle() {
1460: clear();
1461: initControls();
1462: bundle.getBundle().addLanguage("en");
1463: bundle.getBundle().addKey("creationDate");
1464: bundle.getBundle().updateValue("creationDate", "en",
1465: (new Date()).toLocaleString());
1466: bundle.getBundle().resort();
1467: initData(false);
1468: setTitle(null);
1469: isDirty = false;
1470: }
1472: private SafeResourceBundle rcTable = null;
1474: private String RC(String key) {
1475: return rcTable.getString(key);
1476: }
1478: public void setTitle(String filename) {
1479: String add = "";
1480: if (filename != null)
1481: add = " [" + filename + "]";
1482: super .setTitle("Zaval JRC Editor" + add);
1483: sbl2.setText(filename == null ? "" : filename);
1484: }
1486: private void join(BundleManager bundle2, boolean part) {
1487: if (part) {
1488: BundleSet set = bundle2.getBundle();
1489: int items = set.getItemCount();
1490: for (int i = 0; i < items; ++i) {
1491: BundleItem bi = set.getItem(i);
1492: BundleItem bi2 = bundle.getBundle().addKey(bi.getId());
1493: Enumeration en = bi.getLanguages();
1494: while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
1495: String lang = (String) en.nextElement();
1496: bundle.getBundle().addLanguage(lang);
1497: bi2.setTranslation(lang, bi.getTranslation(lang));
1498: }
1499: }
1500: set.resort();
1501: } else
1502: bundle = bundle2;
1503: }
1505: class Loader implements Runnable {
1506: private String fileName;
1507: private boolean part;
1509: Loader(String fileName, boolean part) {
1510: this .fileName = fileName;
1511: this .part = part;
1512: }
1514: public void run() {
1515: setCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR);
1516: sbl2.setText(RC("tools.translator.progress.loadfiles"));
1517: sbl2.repaint();
1518: try {
1519: // long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
1520: BundleManager bundle2 = new BundleManager(fileName);
1521: // long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
1522: join(bundle2, part);
1523: // long t3 = System.currentTimeMillis();
1524: // System.err.println(" ...parse = " + (t2 - t1 ) + "ms");
1525: // System.err.println(" ...join = " + (t3 - t2 ) + "ms");
1526: } catch (Exception e) {
1527: infoException(e);
1528: }
1529: sbl2.setText(RC("tools.translator.progress.maketree"));
1530: sbl2.repaint();
1532: // long t4 = System.currentTimeMillis();
1533: if (!part)
1534: initControls();
1535: else
1536: wasSelectedKey = null;
1537: // long t5 = System.currentTimeMillis();
1538: // System.err.println(" ...init controls = " + (t5 - t4 ) + "ms");
1540: // long t6 = System.currentTimeMillis();
1541: initData(part);
1542: // long t7 = System.currentTimeMillis();
1543: // System.err.println(" ...init data = " + (t7 - t6 ) + "ms");
1544: }
1545: };
1547: public void readResources(String fileName, boolean part) {
1548: File f = new File(fileName);
1549: if (!f.canRead()) {
1550: errDialog.setText(fileName + ":" + RC("no.file.found"));
1551: errDialog.show();
1552: return;
1553: }
1555: (new Thread(new Loader(fileName, part))).start();
1556: setTitle(fileName);
1557: addToPickList(fileName);
1558: }
1560: private void initControls() {
1561: commLab = new IELabel(RC("tools.translator.label.comments"));
1562: constrain(textPanel, commLab, 0, 0, 1, 1,
1563: GridBagConstraints.NORTH, GridBagConstraints.NONE, 0.0,
1564: 0.0, 10, 3, 0, 15);
1566: commField = new EmulatedTextField();
1567: commField.setBackground(Color.lightGray);
1568: constrain(textPanel, commField, 1, 0, 1, 1,
1569: GridBagConstraints.NORTH, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, 1.0,
1570: 1.0, 3, 3, 5, 15);
1572: dropComment = new Button(
1573: RC("tools.translator.label.dropcomment"));
1574: constrain(textPanel, dropComment, 2, 0, 1, 1,
1575: GridBagConstraints.NORTH, GridBagConstraints.NONE, 0.0,
1576: 0.0, 3, 3, 5, 15);
1578: keynLab = new IELabel("");
1579: constrain(textPanel, keynLab, 0, 1, 3, 1,
1580: GridBagConstraints.NORTH,
1581: GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, 1.0, 0.0, 10, 3, 0, 15);
1582: langMenu.enable();
1583: }
1585: private void syncLanguage(String lang) {
1586: LangItem lang2 = bundle.getBundle().getLanguage(lang);
1587: int i = bundle.getBundle().getLangIndex(lang);
1589: String langLab = lang2.getLangDescription();
1590: LangState ls = new LangState();
1591: ls.name = lang2.getLangId();
1592: ls.box = new CheckboxMenuItem(langLab, false);
1593: ls.box.setState(true);
1594: ls.label = new IELabel(langLab + ":", IELabel.LEFT);
1595: ls.tf = new TextAreaWrap();
1596: ls.tf.getControl().setBackground(Color.white);
1597: ls.tf.setLocale(new Locale(lang, ""));
1598: ls.tf.getControl().addKeyListener(
1599: new java.awt.event.KeyAdapter() {
1600: public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke) {
1601: if (!ke.isActionKey()
1602: && ke.getKeyChar() == '\n') {
1603: invokeAutoFit();
1604: }
1605: checkForScrolling(ke.getComponent());
1606: }
1607: });
1609: langStates.addElement(ls);
1610: langMenu.add(ls.box);
1612: constrain(textPanel, ls.label, 0, i + 2, 1, 1,
1613: GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1614: 0.0, 0.0, 10, 3, 0, 3);
1615: constrain(textPanel, ls.tf.getControl(), 1, i + 2, 2, 1,
1616: GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST,
1617: GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, 1.0, 1.0, 3, 3, 5, 3);
1618: }
1620: private void addToTree(String s) {
1621: TreeNode tnew = tree.getNode(s);
1622: if (tnew != null)
1623: return;
1624: int ind = allowDot ? s.lastIndexOf(KEY_SEPARATOR) : -1;
1625: int ind2 = allowUScore ? s.lastIndexOf(KEY_SEPARATOR_2) : -1;
1626: if (ind2 > ind)
1627: ind = ind2;
1629: tnew = new TreeNode(s, SYS_DIR + OPEN_IMAGE, SYS_DIR
1630: + CLOSE_IMAGE);
1631: if (ind < 0) {
1632: tnew.caption = s;
1633: tree.insertRoot(s);
1634: tnew = tree.getNode(s);
1635: tnew.setExpandedImage(SYS_DIR + OPEN_IMAGE);
1636: tnew.setCollapsedImage(SYS_DIR + CLOSE_IMAGE);
1637: } else {
1638: String tname = s.substring(0, ind);
1639: addToTree(tname);
1640: TreeNode ttpar = tree.getNode(tname);
1641: tnew.caption = s.substring(ind + 1);
1642: tree.insert(tnew, ttpar, LevelTree.CHILD);
1643: tnew = tree.getNode(s);
1644: }
1645: tnew.setContextMenu(1);
1646: }
1648: private String lookupFileForLoad(String mask) {
1649: FileDialog openFileDialog1 = new FileDialog(this ,
1650: RC("tools.translator.label.opentitle"), FileDialog.LOAD);
1651: openFileDialog1.setDirectory(lastDirectory);
1652: openFileDialog1.setFile(mask);
1653: openFileDialog1.show();
1655: String filename = openFileDialog1.getFile();
1656: if (filename != null) {
1657: if (keepLastDir)
1658: lastDirectory = openFileDialog1.getDirectory();
1659: return openFileDialog1.getDirectory() + filename;
1660: }
1661: return null;
1662: }
1664: private String lookupFileForStore(String mask, String fileName) {
1665: FileDialog openFileDialog1 = new FileDialog(this ,
1666: RC("tools.translator.label.saveastitle"),
1667: FileDialog.SAVE);
1668: openFileDialog1.setDirectory(lastDirectory);
1669: openFileDialog1.setFile(fileName);
1670: openFileDialog1.show();
1672: String filename = openFileDialog1.getFile();
1673: if (filename != null && keepLastDir) {
1674: lastDirectory = openFileDialog1.getDirectory();
1675: return openFileDialog1.getDirectory() + filename;
1676: }
1677: return filename;
1678: }
1680: public void onSaveAs() {
1681: String mask = "*" + RES_EXTENSION;
1682: String fn = bundle.getBundle().getLanguage(0).getLangFile();
1683: if (fn == null)
1684: fn = "autosaved";
1685: fn += RES_EXTENSION;
1687: String filename = lookupFileForStore(mask, fn);
1688: if (filename != null)
1689: try {
1690: bundle.store(filename);
1691: addToPickList(filename);
1692: setTitle(filename);
1693: isDirty = false;
1694: } catch (Exception e) {
1695: infoException(e);
1696: }
1697: }
1699: private void infoException(Exception e) {
1700: e.printStackTrace();
1701: try {
1702: ByteArrayOutputStream ba = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
1703: PrintStream p = new PrintStream(ba);
1704: e.printStackTrace(p);
1705: p.close();
1706: String msg = new String(ba.toByteArray(), 0);
1708: String hdr = e.getMessage() == null ? e.toString() : e
1709: .getMessage();
1710: hdr = hdr + "\n" + msg;
1711: errDialog.setText(hdr);
1712: errDialog.show();
1713: } catch (Exception z) {
1714: }
1715: }
1717: private void onAbout() {
1718: MessageBox2 aboutDialog = new MessageBox2(this );
1719: aboutDialog.setText(RC("tools.translator.copyright"));
1720: aboutDialog.setTitle(RC("dialog.title.info"));
1721: aboutDialog.setIcon(imgres.getImage(SYS_DIR + "ZavalCE.gif",
1722: aboutDialog));
1723: String[] OK_BUT = { RC("dialog.button.ok") };
1724: aboutDialog.setButtons(OK_BUT);
1725: aboutDialog.show();
1726: }
1728: private void onStatistics() {
1729: MessageBox2 sDialog = new MessageBox2(this );
1730: String text;
1731: nullsCount = 0;
1732: notCompletedCount = 0;
1733: setIndicators(tree.getRootNode());
1734: text = RC("tools.translator.label.statistics.lang")
1735: + bundle.getBundle().getLangCount() + "\n";
1736: text = text + RC("tools.translator.label.statistics.record")
1737: + bundle.getBundle().getItemCount() + "\n";
1738: text = text + RC("tools.translator.label.statistics.nulls")
1739: + nullsCount + "\n";
1740: text = text
1741: + RC("tools.translator.label.statistics.notcompleted")
1742: + notCompletedCount;
1743: sDialog.setText(text);
1744: sDialog.setTitle(RC("dialog.title.info"));
1745: String[] OK_BUT = { RC("dialog.button.ok") };
1746: sDialog.setButtons(OK_BUT);
1748: ResultField rf = sDialog.getTextContainer();
1749: TextAlignArea area = rf.getAlignArea();
1750: area.setAlign(Align.FIT | Align.TOP);
1751: sDialog.show();
1752: }
1754: private void onGenCode() {
1755: try {
1756: String mask = "*.java";
1757: String fn = bundle.getBundle().getLangCount() == 0
1758: || bundle.getBundle().getLanguage(0).getLangFile() == null ? "Sample"
1759: : bundle.baseName(bundle.getBundle().getLanguage(0)
1760: .getLangFile());
1761: fn = fn.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + fn.substring(1);
1763: String filename = lookupFileForStore(mask, fn
1764: + "ResourceMapped.java");
1765: if (filename != null) {
1766: SrcGenerator srcgen = new SrcGenerator(bundle.replace(
1767: filename, "\\", "/"));
1768: srcgen.perform(bundle.getBundle());
1769: }
1770: } catch (Exception e) {
1771: infoException(e);
1772: }
1773: }
1775: private void onParseCode() {
1776: try {
1777: String mask = "*.java";
1778: String filename = lookupFileForLoad(mask);
1779: if (filename != null) {
1780: filename = bundle.replace(filename, "\\", "/");
1781: JavaParser parser = new JavaParser(new FileInputStream(
1782: filename));
1783: Hashtable ask = parser.parse();
1784: if (ask.size() == 0)
1785: ask.put("empty", "");
1787: clear();
1788: initControls();
1789: bundle.getBundle().addLanguage("en");
1790: String rlng = bundle.getBundle().getLanguage(0)
1791: .getLangId();
1793: Enumeration en = ask.keys();
1794: while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
1795: String key = (String) en.nextElement();
1796: BundleItem bi = bundle.getBundle().addKey(key);
1797: bi.setTranslation(rlng, (String) ask.get(key));
1798: }
1799: bundle.getBundle().resort();
1800: initData(false);
1801: setTitle(filename);
1802: }
1803: } catch (Exception e) {
1804: infoException(e);
1805: }
1806: }
1808: private void initData(boolean part) {
1809: /* Initialize language set */
1810: for (int i = 0; i < bundle.getBundle().getLangCount(); ++i) {
1811: LangItem lang2 = bundle.getBundle().getLanguage(i);
1812: syncLanguage(lang2.getLangId());
1813: }
1814: hideTransMenu.setState(false);
1816: /* Add all keys in tree view ... */
1817: BundleItem bi = bundle.getBundle().getItem(0);
1818: addToTree(bi.getId());
1820: // Fire tree filling asynchronously
1821: // (new Thread(new Runnable(){
1822: // public void run(){
1823: // long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
1824: for (int i = 1; i < bundle.getBundle().getItemCount(); ++i) {
1825: BundleItem bi2 = bundle.getBundle().getItem(i);
1826: addToTree(bi2.getId());
1827: if (i % 250 == 0) {
1828: sbl2.setText(" " + i + " "
1829: + RC("tools.translator.progress.addkeys"));
1830: sbl2.repaint();
1831: }
1832: }
1833: // long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
1834: // System.err.println(" ... add keys into tree = " + (t2-t1) + "ms");
1835: setAllIndicators();
1836: sbl2.setText("");
1837: sbl2.repaint();
1838: setCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR);
1839: // }
1840: // })).start();
1842: /* ... and make all keys closed by default */
1844: /* ... find first key, open it and select */
1845: if (bundle.getBundle().getItemCount() > 0) {
1846: String id = bundle.getBundle().getItem(0).getId();
1847: tree.selectNodeAndOpen(id);
1848: wasSelectedKey = null;
1849: setTranslations();
1850: }
1852: tree.requestFocus();
1854: closeMenu.enable();
1855: saveBundleMenu.enable();
1856: saveAsBundleMenu.enable();
1857: genMenu.enable();
1859: textPanel.invalidate();
1860: validate();
1861: repaint();
1862: // isDirty = true;
1863: syncToolbar();
1864: if (!part)
1865: loadPickList();
1866: }
1868: private void invokeAutoFit() {
1869: if (autoExpandTF) {
1870: textPanel.invalidate();
1871: validate();
1872: }
1873: }
1875: private void expand(TreeNode tn) {
1876: if (tn != null) {
1877: TreeNode[] children = tree.enumChild(tn);
1878: if (children != null)
1879: for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
1880: expand(children[i]);
1881: tree.openNode(tn.getText());
1882: }
1883: }
1885: private void collapse(TreeNode tn) {
1886: if (tn != null) {
1887: TreeNode[] children = tree.enumChild(tn);
1888: if (children != null)
1889: for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
1890: collapse(children[i]);
1891: tree.closeNode(tn.getText());
1892: }
1893: }
1895: private void syncToolbar() {
1896: for (int j = 0; j < tbar2menu.length; ++j) {
1897: tool.setEnabled(j, tbar2menu[j].isEnabled());
1898: }
1899: }
1901: private void linkPickList() {
1902: for (int j = 0; j < pickList.size(); ++j) {
1903: String patz = stretchPath((String) pickList.elementAt(j));
1904: MenuItem item = new MenuItem(patz);
1905: fileMenu.add(item);
1906: }
1907: if (pickList.size() > 0)
1908: fileMenu.addSeparator();
1909: fileMenu.add(exitMenu);
1910: }
1912: private void removePickList() {
1913: if (pickList.size() == 0)
1914: return;
1916: int j, q;
1917: String s1 = stretchPath((String) pickList.elementAt(0));
1918: for (j = 0; j < fileMenu.countItems(); ++j) {
1919: String patz = fileMenu.getItem(j).getLabel();
1920: if (patz.equals(s1))
1921: break;
1922: }
1923: pickList = new Vector();
1924: if (j >= fileMenu.countItems())
1925: return;
1926: for (; j < fileMenu.countItems();)
1927: fileMenu.remove(j); //fileMenu.countItems()-1);
1928: }
1930: private String stretchPath(String name) {
1931: if (name.length() < MAX_PICK_LENGTH)
1932: return name;
1933: return name.substring(0, 4)
1934: + "..."
1935: + name.substring(name.length()
1936: - Math.min(name.length() - 7,
1937: MAX_PICK_LENGTH - 7));
1938: }
1940: private void loadPickList() {
1941: removePickList();
1942: String path = System.getProperty("user.home")
1943: + "/.jrc-editor.conf";
1944: try {
1945: InputIniFile ini = new InputIniFile(new FileInputStream(
1946: path));
1947: Hashtable tbl = ini.getTable();
1948: ini.close();
1950: Enumeration e = tbl.keys();
1951: while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
1952: String key = (String) e.nextElement();
1953: String val = (String) tbl.get(key);
1954: if (!key.startsWith("picklist."))
1955: continue;
1956: try {
1957: key = key.substring(key.indexOf('.') + 1);
1958: int pickLevel = Integer.parseInt(key);
1959: while (pickList.size() <= pickLevel)
1960: pickList.addElement(null);
1961: pickList.setElementAt(val, pickLevel);
1962: } catch (Exception error) {
1963: error.printStackTrace();
1964: continue;
1965: }
1966: }
1968: keepLastDir = tbl.get("keepLastDir") == null
1969: || tbl.get("keepLastDir").equals("Y");
1970: omitSpaces = tbl.get("omitSpaces") == null
1971: || tbl.get("omitSpaces").equals("Y");
1972: autoExpandTF = tbl.get("autoExpandTF") == null
1973: || tbl.get("autoExpandTF").equals("Y");
1974: allowDot = tbl.get("allowDot") == null
1975: || tbl.get("allowDot").equals("Y");
1976: allowUScore = tbl.get("allowUScore") == null
1977: || tbl.get("allowUScore").equals("Y");
1979: keepLastDirMenu.setState(keepLastDir);
1980: omitSpacesMenu.setState(omitSpaces);
1981: autoExpandTFMenu.setState(autoExpandTF);
1982: allowDotMenu.setState(allowDot);
1983: allowUScoreMenu.setState(allowUScore);
1984: } catch (Exception e1) {
1985: }
1987: for (int j = 0; j < pickList.size(); ++j) {
1988: Object obj = pickList.elementAt(j);
1989: if (obj == null) {
1990: pickList.removeElementAt(j);
1991: --j;
1992: }
1993: }
1994: linkPickList();
1995: }
1997: private void addToPickList(String name) {
1998: int j = 0;
1999: if (name == null)
2000: return;
2001: for (; j < pickList.size(); ++j) {
2002: String v1 = (String) pickList.elementAt(j);
2003: if (v1.equals(name)) {
2004: pickList.removeElementAt(j);
2005: --j;
2006: }
2007: }
2009: pickList.insertElementAt(name, 0);
2010: while (pickList.size() >= 8)
2011: pickList.removeElementAt(7);
2012: saveIni();
2013: }
2015: private void saveIni() {
2016: try {
2017: String path = System.getProperty("user.home")
2018: + "/.jrc-editor.conf";
2019: IniFile ini = new IniFile(path);
2020: for (int j = 0; j < pickList.size(); ++j)
2021: ini.putString("picklist." + j, (String) pickList
2022: .elementAt(j));
2024: ini.putString("keepLastDir", keepLastDir ? "Y" : "N");
2025: ini.putString("omitSpaces", omitSpaces ? "Y" : "N");
2026: ini.putString("autoExpandTF", autoExpandTF ? "Y" : "N");
2027: ini.putString("allowDot", allowDot ? "Y" : "N");
2028: ini.putString("allowUScore", keepLastDir ? "Y" : "N");
2029: ini.close();
2030: } catch (Exception e) {
2031: }
2032: }
2034: private String[] getLangSet() {
2035: LangDialog ed = new LangDialog(this ,
2036: RC("tools.translator.label.choosetitle"), true, this );
2037: ed.setLabelCaption(RC("tools.translator.label.chooselabel"));
2038: ed.setButtonsCaption(RC("dialog.button.ok"), CLOSE_BUTTONS[2]);
2040: LangItem[] lset = new LangItem[bundle.getBundle()
2041: .getLangCount()];
2042: for (int i = 0; i < lset.length; ++i)
2043: lset[i] = bundle.getBundle().getLanguage(i);
2044: ed.setList(lset);
2046: ed.doModal();
2047: String[] ask = ed.getList();
2048: if (ask == null || ask.length <= 0 || !ed.isApply())
2049: return null;
2050: for (int i = 0; i < ask.length; ++i)
2051: if (ask[i].indexOf(':') > 0)
2052: ask[i] = ask[i].substring(0, ask[i].indexOf(':'))
2053: .trim();
2054: return ask;
2055: }
2057: public void onOpen(boolean part) {
2058: String mask = "*" + RES_EXTENSION + ";" + "*" + INI_EXTENSION;
2059: String filename = lookupFileForLoad(mask);
2060: if (filename != null) {
2061: if (!part)
2062: clear();
2063: readResources(filename, part);
2064: }
2065: }
2067: public void onSaveXml(boolean part) {
2068: String[] parts = part ? getLangSet() : null;
2069: if (part && (parts == null || parts.length < 2))
2070: return;
2071: String mask = "*.xml";
2072: String fn = bundle.getBundle().getLanguage(0).getLangFile();
2073: if (fn == null)
2074: fn = "autosaved";
2076: String filename = lookupFileForStore(mask, bundle.baseName(fn)
2077: + ".xml");
2078: if (filename != null)
2079: try {
2080: DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(
2081: new FileOutputStream(filename));
2082: BundleSet set = bundle.getBundle();
2083: int items = set.getItemCount();
2084: out.writeChar((char) 0xFEFF);
2085: out.writeChars("<xml>\n");
2086: for (int i = 0; i < items; ++i) {
2087: BundleItem bi = set.getItem(i);
2088: Enumeration en = bi.getLanguages();
2089: out.writeChars("\t<key name=\"" + bi.getId()
2090: + "\">\n");
2091: while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
2092: String lang = (String) en.nextElement();
2093: if (part && !inArray(parts, lang))
2094: continue;
2095: out.writeChars("\t\t<value lang=\"" + lang
2096: + "\">" + bi.getTranslation(lang)
2097: + "</value>\n");
2098: }
2099: out.writeChars("\t</key>\n");
2100: }
2101: out.writeChars("</xml>\n");
2102: out.close();
2103: } catch (Exception e) {
2104: infoException(e);
2105: }
2106: }
2108: public void onSaveUtf(boolean part) {
2109: String[] parts = part ? getLangSet() : null;
2110: if (part && (parts == null || parts.length < 2))
2111: return;
2113: String mask = "*.txt";
2114: String fn = bundle.getBundle().getLanguage(0).getLangFile();
2115: if (fn == null)
2116: fn = "autosaved";
2118: String filename = lookupFileForStore(mask, bundle.baseName(fn)
2119: + ".txt");
2120: if (filename != null)
2121: try {
2122: DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(
2123: new FileOutputStream(filename));
2124: BundleSet set = bundle.getBundle();
2125: int items = set.getItemCount();
2126: out.writeChar((char) 0xFEFF);
2127: out
2128: .writeChars("#JRC Editor: do not modify this line\r\n\r\n");
2129: for (int i = 0; i < items; ++i) {
2130: BundleItem bi = set.getItem(i);
2131: Enumeration en = bi.getLanguages();
2132: out.writeChars("KEY=\"" + bi.getId() + "\":\r\n");
2133: while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
2134: String lang = (String) en.nextElement();
2135: if (part && !inArray(parts, lang))
2136: continue;
2137: out.writeChars("\t\"" + lang + "\"=\""
2138: + bi.getTranslation(lang) + "\"\r\n");
2139: }
2140: out.writeChars("\r\n");
2141: }
2142: out.close();
2143: } catch (Exception e) {
2144: infoException(e);
2145: }
2146: }
2148: private boolean inArray(String[] array, String lang) {
2149: for (int j = 0; j < array.length; ++j)
2150: if (array[j].equalsIgnoreCase(lang))
2151: return true;
2152: return false;
2153: }
2155: /*
2156: Reading unicode (UCS16) file stream into memory
2157: */
2158: private String getBody(String file) throws IOException {
2159: char ch;
2160: DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(
2161: file));
2162: StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(in.available());
2164: try {
2165: in.readChar(); // skip UCS16 marker FEFF
2166: for (;;) {
2167: ch = in.readChar();
2168: buf.append(ch);
2169: }
2170: } catch (EOFException eof) {
2171: }
2172: return buf.toString();
2173: }
2175: private void fillTable(Hashtable tbl) {
2176: Enumeration en = tbl.keys();
2177: while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
2178: String k = (String) en.nextElement();
2179: StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(k, "!");
2180: String key = st.nextToken();
2181: if (!st.hasMoreTokens())
2182: continue;
2183: String lang = st.nextToken();
2185: if (bundle.getBundle().getLanguage(lang) == null)
2186: bundle.getBundle().addLanguage(lang);
2188: bundle.getBundle().addKey(key);
2189: bundle.getBundle().updateValue(key, lang,
2190: (String) tbl.get(k));
2191: }
2192: bundle.getBundle().resort();
2193: }
2195: public void onLoadXml(boolean part) {
2196: String mask = "*.xml";
2197: String filename = lookupFileForLoad(mask);
2198: if (filename != null) {
2199: if (!part)
2200: clear();
2201: if (!part)
2202: initControls();
2203: bundle.getBundle().addLanguage("en");
2205: try {
2206: XmlReader xml = new XmlReader(getBody(filename));
2207: Hashtable tbl = xml.getTable();
2208: fillTable(tbl);
2209: } catch (Exception e) {
2210: infoException(e);
2211: }
2212: initData(part);
2213: setTitle(filename);
2214: }
2215: }
2217: public void onLoadUtf(boolean part) {
2218: String mask = "*.txt";
2219: String filename = lookupFileForLoad(mask);
2220: if (filename != null) {
2221: if (!part)
2222: clear();
2223: if (!part)
2224: initControls();
2225: bundle.getBundle().addLanguage("en");
2226: try {
2227: UtfParser parser = new UtfParser(new StringReader(
2228: getBody(filename)));
2229: Hashtable tbl = parser.parse();
2230: fillTable(tbl);
2231: } catch (Exception e) {
2232: infoException(e);
2233: }
2234: initData(part);
2235: setTitle(filename);
2236: }
2237: }
2239: private void onNewKey() {
2240: EditDialog ed = new EditDialog(this ,
2241: RC("tools.translator.label.newkeytitle"), true, this );
2242: ed.setLabelCaption(RC("tools.translator.label.insert"));
2243: ed.setButtonsCaption(RC("dialog.button.ok"), CLOSE_BUTTONS[2]);
2244: ed.doModal();
2245: String text = ed.getText();
2246: if (text.length() <= 0 || !ed.isApply())
2247: return;
2248: keyName.setText(text);
2249: onInsertKey();
2250: }
2252: private void infoError(String error) {
2253: errDialog.setText(error);
2254: errDialog.show();
2255: }
2257: private void moveFocus() {
2258: Window wnd = null;
2259: Component p = this ;
2260: while (p != null && !(p instanceof Window))
2261: p = p.getParent();
2262: if (p == null)
2263: return;
2264: wnd = (Window) p;
2266: Component focused = wnd.getFocusOwner();
2267: int idx = tabOrder.indexOf(focused);
2268: if (idx >= 0) {
2269: if (idx + 1 < tabOrder.size()) {
2270: Component c = (Component) tabOrder.elementAt(idx + 1);
2271: c.requestFocus();
2272: return;
2273: }
2274: }
2275: int i;
2276: for (i = 0; i < langStates.size(); i++) {
2277: LangState ls = getLangState(i);
2278: if (ls.hidden)
2279: continue;
2280: if (ls.tf.getControl() == focused)
2281: break;
2282: }
2284: if (i < langStates.size()) {
2285: for (++i; i < langStates.size(); ++i) {
2286: LangState ls = getLangState(i);
2287: if (ls.hidden)
2288: continue;
2289: ls.tf.requestFocus();
2290: return;
2291: }
2292: tree.requestFocus();
2293: return;
2294: }
2295: for (i = 0; i < langStates.size(); ++i) {
2296: LangState ls = getLangState(i);
2297: if (ls.hidden)
2298: continue;
2299: ls.tf.requestFocus();
2300: return;
2301: }
2302: tree.requestFocus();
2303: }
2305: private void removeLeafs(String key) {
2306: // Don't touch hier if key/childs are exists
2307: if (bundle.getBundle().getItem(key) != null)
2308: return;
2309: TreeNode tn = tree.getNode(key);
2310: if (tn != null) {
2311: if (tree.enumChild(tn) != null
2312: && tree.enumChild(tn).length > 0)
2313: return;
2314: tree.remove(key);
2315: }
2317: int j1 = allowDot ? key.lastIndexOf(KEY_SEPARATOR) : -1;
2318: int j2 = allowUScore ? key.lastIndexOf(KEY_SEPARATOR_2) : -1;
2319: j1 = Math.max(j1, j2);
2320: if (j1 <= 0)
2321: return;
2322: removeLeafs(key.substring(0, j1));
2323: }
2325: void onRenameKey() {
2326: String oldKeyName = keyName.getText();
2327: if (oldKeyName.endsWith("."))
2328: oldKeyName = oldKeyName.substring(0,
2329: oldKeyName.length() - 1);
2331: EditDialog ed = new EditDialog(this ,
2332: RC("tools.translator.label.rename.caption"), true, this );
2333: ed.setLabelCaption(RC("tools.translator.label.rename.label"));
2334: ed.setButtonsCaption(RC("dialog.button.ok"), CLOSE_BUTTONS[2]);
2335: ed.setText(oldKeyName);
2336: ed.doModal();
2338: String newKeyName = ed.getText();
2339: if (newKeyName.trim().length() <= 0 || !ed.isApply())
2340: return;
2341: if (oldKeyName.equals(newKeyName))
2342: return;
2344: BundleItem biOldAlone = bundle.getBundle().getItem(oldKeyName);
2345: Enumeration en = bundle.getBundle().getKeysBeginningWith(
2346: oldKeyName);
2347: while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
2348: BundleItem biOld = (BundleItem) en.nextElement();
2350: String newKey = newKeyName;
2351: if (biOldAlone == null) // Mass rename
2352: newKey = newKeyName
2353: + biOld.getId().substring(oldKeyName.length());
2355: Hashtable oldValues = new Hashtable();
2356: int k = bundle.getBundle().getLangCount();
2357: BundleItem biNew = bundle.getBundle().getItem(newKey);
2358: if (biNew != null) {
2359: errDialog
2360: .setText(RC("tools.translator.label.rename.dup"));
2361: errDialog.show();
2362: return;
2363: }
2365: // Keep old values
2366: for (int j = 0; j < k; ++j) {
2367: String lang = bundle.getBundle().getLanguage(j)
2368: .getLangId();
2369: String value = biOld.getTranslation(lang);
2370: if (value != null)
2371: oldValues.put(lang, value);
2372: }
2373: bundle.getBundle().removeKey(biOld.getId());
2375: // Add new key
2376: keyName.setText(newKey);
2377: addToTree(newKey);
2378: biNew = bundle.getBundle().addKey(newKey);
2379: for (int j = 0; j < k; ++j) {
2380: String lang = bundle.getBundle().getLanguage(j)
2381: .getLangId();
2382: String value = (String) oldValues.get(lang);
2383: if (value != null)
2384: biNew.setTranslation(lang, value);
2385: }
2386: }
2387: isDirty = true;
2389: // Remove old key
2390: tree.remove(oldKeyName);
2391: removeLeafs(oldKeyName);
2392: bundle.getBundle().resort();
2394: tree.selectNodeAndOpen(newKeyName);
2395: tree.repaint();
2396: setTranslations();
2397: setIndicators(tree.getSelectedNode());
2398: }
2400: private void onLoadJar() {
2401: String mask = "*.jar";
2402: String filename = lookupFileForLoad(mask);
2403: if (filename != null) {
2404: clear();
2405: initControls();
2406: bundle.getBundle().addLanguage("en");
2407: try {
2408: ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(filename);
2409: Enumeration en = zip.entries();
2410: while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
2411: ZipEntry ze = (ZipEntry) en.nextElement();
2412: if (ze.getName().endsWith(".properties")) {
2413: String lang = bundle.determineLanguage(ze
2414: .getName());
2415: InputStream in = zip.getInputStream(ze);
2416: bundle.appendResource(in, lang);
2417: }
2418: }
2419: initData(false);
2420: // Force new file name for storage
2421: bundle.getBundle().getLanguage(0).setLangFile(null);
2422: setTitle(filename);
2423: } catch (Exception e) {
2424: infoException(e);
2425: }
2426: }
2427: }
2429: private void hideTranslated(boolean hide) {
2430: hideTranslated(tree.getRootNode(), hide);
2431: tree.invalidate();
2432: validate();
2433: tree.repaint();
2434: }
2436: private void hideTranslated(TreeNode tn, boolean hide) {
2437: while (tn != null) {
2438: if (tn.getIndicator() == null)
2439: tn.setHide(hide);
2440: hideTranslated(tn.child, hide);
2441: tn = tn.sibling;
2442: }
2443: }
2445: private void onOptions() {
2446: }
2448: private void constrain(Container c, Component p, int x, int y,
2449: int width, int height, int anchor, int fill,
2450: double weightx, double weighty, int insetLeft,
2451: int insetTop, int insetRight, int insetBottom) {
2452: GridBagConstraints cc = new GridBagConstraints();
2454: cc.gridx = x;
2455: cc.gridy = y;
2456: cc.gridwidth = width;
2457: cc.gridheight = height;
2459: cc.fill = fill;
2460: cc.anchor = anchor;
2461: cc.weightx = weightx;
2462: cc.weighty = weighty;
2464: if (insetTop + insetBottom + insetLeft + insetRight > 0)
2465: cc.insets = new Insets(insetTop, insetLeft, insetBottom,
2466: insetRight);
2467: LayoutManager lm = c.getLayout();
2468: GridBagLayout gbl = (GridBagLayout) lm;
2469: gbl.setConstraints(p, cc);
2470: c.add(p);
2471: }
2473: private boolean match_regex(String mask, String val,
2474: boolean matchCase) {
2475: try {
2476: RE re = new RE(mask, matchCase ? RE.MATCH_NORMAL
2478: return re.match(val);
2479: } catch (org.apache.regexp.RESyntaxException e) {
2480: infoException(e);
2481: }
2482: return false;
2483: }
2485: private boolean match_mask(String mask, String val,
2486: boolean matchCase) {
2487: return match_mask(mask.toCharArray(), 0, val.toCharArray(), 0,
2488: matchCase);
2489: }
2491: private boolean match_mask(char[] s, int sp, char[] t, int tp,
2492: boolean matchCase) {
2493: int vp;
2495: if (sp == s.length && tp == t.length)
2496: return true;
2497: if (tp == t.length && s[sp] == '*')
2498: return match_mask(s, sp + 1, t, tp, matchCase);
2499: if (tp == t.length && sp != s.length)
2500: return false;
2501: if (sp == s.length && tp != t.length)
2502: return false;
2504: if (s[sp] == '?')
2505: return match_mask(s, sp + 1, t, tp + 1, matchCase);
2506: if (!matchCase
2507: && (Character.toLowerCase(s[sp]) == Character
2508: .toLowerCase(t[tp])))
2509: return match_mask(s, sp + 1, t, tp + 1, matchCase);
2510: if (matchCase && s[sp] == t[tp])
2511: return match_mask(s, sp + 1, t, tp + 1, matchCase);
2513: if (s[sp] != '?' && s[sp] != '*') {
2514: if (!matchCase
2515: && Character.toLowerCase(s[sp]) != Character
2516: .toLowerCase(t[tp]))
2517: return false;
2518: if (matchCase && s[sp] != t[tp])
2519: return false;
2520: }
2521: if (s[sp] == '*' && s.length == sp + 1)
2522: return true;
2523: for (vp = tp; vp < t.length; ++vp)
2524: if (match_mask(s, sp + 1, t, vp, matchCase))
2525: return true;
2526: return match_mask(s, sp + 1, t, tp, matchCase);
2527: }
2529: private void checkForScrolling(Component what) {
2530: if (what instanceof EmulatedTextField) {
2531: Rectangle r1 = what.getBounds();
2532: Rectangle r2 = ((EmulatedTextField) what).getCursorShape();
2533: if (r1 == null || r2 == null)
2534: return;
2535: r1.x += r2.x;
2536: r1.y += r2.y;
2537: r1.width = r2.width + 25;
2538: r1.height = r2.height + 25;
2540: // Now R1 contains top/right cursor position
2541: Dimension s1 = scrPanel.size();
2542: s1.width -= scrPanel.getVScrollbar().isVisible() ? scrPanel
2543: .getVScrollbar().size().width : 0;
2544: s1.height -= scrPanel.getHScrollbar().isVisible() ? scrPanel
2545: .getHScrollbar().size().height
2546: : 0;
2547: // Now s1 contains view rect area
2549: int curHS = scrPanel.getHScrollbar().isVisible() ? scrPanel
2550: .getHScrollbar().getValue() : 0;
2551: int curVS = scrPanel.getVScrollbar().isVisible() ? scrPanel
2552: .getVScrollbar().getValue() : 0;
2554: // System.out.println("ETF AS:" +
2555: // "shape=("+r1.x+","+r1.y+";"+r1.width+"x"+r1.height+"); "+
2556: // "viewport=("+s1.width+"x"+s1.height+"); " +
2557: // "curS=(h="+curHS+",v="+curVS+") " );
2559: if (r1.x + r1.width >= s1.width + curHS
2560: || r1.y + r1.height >= s1.height + curVS
2561: || r1.x < curHS || r1.y < curVS) {
2563: int newX = curHS;
2564: int newY = curVS;
2565: Dimension s2 = scrPanel.getScrollableObject()
2566: .preferredSize();
2567: if (r1.x + r1.width >= s1.width)
2568: newX = Math.min(r1.x + r1.width - s1.width,
2569: s2.width - s1.width);
2570: if (r1.y + r1.height >= s1.height)
2571: newY = Math.min(r1.y + r1.height - s1.height,
2572: s2.height - s1.height);
2573: if (r1.x < curHS)
2574: newX = r1.x;
2575: if (r1.y < curVS)
2576: newX = r1.y;
2578: // System.out.println("\tnewX="+newX+", newY="+newY + " of ["+s2.width+"x"+s2.height+"]");
2579: scrPanel.scroll(newX, newY);
2580: }
2581: }
2582: }
2583: }