001: /**********************************************************************************
002: * $URL: $
003: * $Id: $
004: ***********************************************************************************
005: *
006: * Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 The Sakai Foundation.
007: *
008: * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
009: * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
010: * You may obtain a copy of the License at
011: *
012: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ecl1.php
013: *
014: * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
015: * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
016: * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
017: * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
018: * limitations under the License.
019: *
020: **********************************************************************************/package org.sakaiproject.component.osid.repository.srw;
022: /**
023: * @author Massachusetts Institute of Techbology, Sakai Software Development Team
024: * @version
025: */
026: public class Asset implements org.osid.repository.Asset {
027: private org.osid.id.IdManager idManager = Managers.getIdManager();
028: private org.osid.logging.WritableLog log = null;
029: private org.osid.shared.Type assetType = new Type("mit.edu",
030: "asset", "library_content");
031: private org.osid.shared.Type recordStructureType = new Type(
032: "mit.edu", "recordStructure", "library_content");
033: private org.osid.shared.Type dcRecordStructureType = new Type(
034: "mit.edu", "recordStructure", "dublinCore");
035: private org.osid.shared.Type vueRecordStructureType = new Type(
036: "tufts.edu", "recordStructure", "vue");
037: private org.osid.shared.Id id = null;
038: private org.osid.shared.Id repositoryId = null;
039: private String idString = null;
040: private String displayName = null;
041: private String description = null;
042: private org.osid.shared.Type type = null;
043: private java.util.Vector recordVector = new java.util.Vector();
044: private String content = null;
046: private void log(String entry)
047: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
048: if (log != null) {
049: try {
050: log.appendLog(entry);
051: } catch (org.osid.logging.LoggingException lex) {
052: // swallow exception since logging is a best attempt to log an exception anyway
053: }
054: }
055: }
057: protected Asset(String displayName, String description,
058: String idString, org.osid.logging.WritableLog log,
059: org.osid.shared.Id repositoryId)
060: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
061: this .displayName = displayName;
062: this .description = description;
063: this .log = log;
064: this .repositoryId = repositoryId;
065: this .type = new Type("mit.edu", "asset", "library_content");
066: try {
067: this .id = idManager.getId(idString);
068: } catch (Throwable t) {
069: log(t.getMessage());
070: }
072: }
074: public String getDisplayName()
075: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
076: return this .displayName;
077: }
079: public void updateDisplayName(String displayName)
080: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
081: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
082: org.osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED);
083: }
085: public String getDescription()
086: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
087: return this .description;
088: }
090: public void updateDescription(String description)
091: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
092: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
093: org.osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED);
094: }
096: public org.osid.shared.Id getId()
097: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
098: return this .id;
099: }
101: public org.osid.shared.Id getRepository()
102: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
103: return this .repositoryId;
104: }
106: public java.io.Serializable getContent()
107: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
108: return this .content;
109: }
111: public void updateContent(java.io.Serializable content)
112: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
113: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
114: org.osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED);
115: }
117: public void addAsset(org.osid.shared.Id assetId)
118: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
119: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
120: org.osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED);
121: }
123: public void removeAsset(org.osid.shared.Id assetId,
124: boolean includeChildren)
125: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
126: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
127: org.osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED);
128: }
130: public org.osid.repository.AssetIterator getAssets()
131: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
132: return new AssetIterator(new java.util.Vector());
133: }
135: public org.osid.repository.AssetIterator getAssetsByType(
136: org.osid.shared.Type assetType)
137: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
138: if (assetType == null) {
139: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
140: org.osid.shared.SharedException.NULL_ARGUMENT);
141: }
142: return new AssetIterator(new java.util.Vector());
143: }
145: public org.osid.repository.Record createRecord(
146: org.osid.shared.Id recordStructureId)
147: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
148: if (recordStructureId == null) {
149: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
150: org.osid.shared.SharedException.NULL_ARGUMENT);
151: }
152: try {
153: org.osid.repository.Record record = new Record(
154: recordStructureId, this .idManager, this .log);
155: this .recordVector.addElement(record);
156: return record;
157: } catch (Throwable t) {
158: log(t.getMessage());
159: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
160: org.osid.OsidException.OPERATION_FAILED);
161: }
162: }
164: public void inheritRecordStructure(org.osid.shared.Id assetId,
165: org.osid.shared.Id recordStructureId)
166: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
167: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
168: org.osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED);
169: }
171: public void copyRecordStructure(org.osid.shared.Id assetId,
172: org.osid.shared.Id recordStructureId)
173: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
174: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
175: org.osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED);
176: }
178: public void deleteRecord(org.osid.shared.Id recordId)
179: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
180: if (recordId == null) {
181: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
182: org.osid.shared.SharedException.NULL_ARGUMENT);
183: }
184: try {
185: for (int i = 0, size = this .recordVector.size(); i < size; i++) {
186: org.osid.repository.Record record = (org.osid.repository.Record) this .recordVector
187: .elementAt(i);
188: if (record.getId().isEqual(recordId)) {
189: this .recordVector.removeElementAt(i);
190: return;
191: }
192: }
193: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
194: org.osid.shared.SharedException.UNKNOWN_ID);
195: } catch (Throwable t) {
196: log(t.getMessage());
197: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
198: org.osid.OsidException.OPERATION_FAILED);
199: }
200: }
202: public org.osid.repository.RecordIterator getRecords()
203: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
204: return new RecordIterator(this .recordVector);
205: }
207: public org.osid.repository.RecordIterator getRecordsByRecordStructure(
208: org.osid.shared.Id recordStructureId)
209: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
210: if (recordStructureId == null) {
211: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
212: org.osid.shared.SharedException.NULL_ARGUMENT);
213: }
214: try {
215: return new RecordIterator(this .recordVector);
216: } catch (Throwable t) {
217: log(t.getMessage());
218: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
219: org.osid.OsidException.OPERATION_FAILED);
220: }
221: }
223: public org.osid.shared.Type getAssetType()
224: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
225: return this .type;
226: }
228: public org.osid.repository.RecordStructureIterator getRecordStructures()
229: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
230: java.util.Vector results = new java.util.Vector();
231: results.addElement(new RecordStructure());
232: return new RecordStructureIterator(results);
233: }
235: public org.osid.repository.RecordStructure getContentRecordStructure()
236: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
237: return new RecordStructure();
238: }
240: public org.osid.repository.Record getRecord(
241: org.osid.shared.Id recordId)
242: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
243: if (recordId == null) {
244: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
245: org.osid.shared.SharedException.NULL_ARGUMENT);
246: }
247: try {
248: for (int i = 0, size = this .recordVector.size(); i < size; i++) {
249: org.osid.repository.Record record = (org.osid.repository.Record) this .recordVector
250: .elementAt(i);
251: if (record.getId().isEqual(recordId)) {
252: return record;
253: }
254: }
255: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
256: org.osid.shared.SharedException.UNKNOWN_ID);
257: } catch (Throwable t) {
258: log(t.getMessage());
259: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
260: org.osid.OsidException.OPERATION_FAILED);
261: }
262: }
264: public org.osid.repository.Part getPart(org.osid.shared.Id partId)
265: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
266: if (partId == null) {
267: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
268: org.osid.shared.SharedException.NULL_ARGUMENT);
269: }
270: try {
271: for (int i = 0, size = this .recordVector.size(); i < size; i++) {
272: org.osid.repository.Record record = (org.osid.repository.Record) this .recordVector
273: .elementAt(i);
274: org.osid.repository.PartIterator partIterator = record
275: .getParts();
276: while (partIterator.hasNextPart()) {
277: org.osid.repository.Part part = partIterator
278: .nextPart();
279: if (part.getId().isEqual(partId)) {
280: return part;
281: }
282: }
283: }
284: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
285: org.osid.shared.SharedException.UNKNOWN_ID);
286: } catch (Throwable t) {
287: log(t.getMessage());
288: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
289: org.osid.OsidException.OPERATION_FAILED);
290: }
291: }
293: public java.io.Serializable getPartValue(org.osid.shared.Id partId)
294: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
295: org.osid.repository.Part part = getPart(partId);
296: return part.getValue();
297: }
299: public org.osid.repository.PartIterator getPartByPart(
300: org.osid.shared.Id partStructureId)
301: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
302: if (partStructureId == null) {
303: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
304: org.osid.shared.SharedException.NULL_ARGUMENT);
305: }
306: try {
307: java.util.Vector results = new java.util.Vector();
308: for (int i = 0, size = this .recordVector.size(); i < size; i++) {
309: org.osid.repository.Record record = (org.osid.repository.Record) this .recordVector
310: .elementAt(i);
311: org.osid.repository.PartIterator partIterator = record
312: .getParts();
313: while (partIterator.hasNextPart()) {
314: org.osid.repository.Part part = partIterator
315: .nextPart();
316: if (part.getPartStructure().getId().isEqual(
317: partStructureId)) {
318: results.addElement(part);
319: }
320: }
321: }
322: return new PartIterator(results);
323: } catch (Throwable t) {
324: log(t.getMessage());
325: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
326: org.osid.OsidException.OPERATION_FAILED);
327: }
328: }
330: public org.osid.shared.ObjectIterator getPartValueByPart(
331: org.osid.shared.Id partStructureId)
332: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
333: java.util.Vector results = new java.util.Vector();
334: org.osid.repository.PartIterator partIterator = getPartByPart(partStructureId);
335: while (partIterator.hasNextPart()) {
336: results.addElement(partIterator.nextPart().getValue());
337: }
338: try {
339: return new ObjectIterator(results);
340: } catch (Throwable t) {
341: log(t.getMessage());
342: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
343: org.osid.OsidException.OPERATION_FAILED);
344: }
345: }
347: public long getEffectiveDate()
348: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
349: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
350: org.osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED);
351: }
353: public void updateEffectiveDate(long effectiveDate)
354: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
355: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
356: org.osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED);
357: }
359: public long getExpirationDate()
360: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
361: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
362: org.osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED);
363: }
365: public void updateExpirationDate(long expirationDate)
366: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
367: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
368: org.osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED);
369: }
371: public org.osid.shared.ObjectIterator getPartValuesByPartStructure(
372: org.osid.shared.Id partStructureId)
373: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
374: if (partStructureId == null) {
375: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
376: org.osid.shared.SharedException.NULL_ARGUMENT);
377: }
378: try {
379: java.util.Vector results = new java.util.Vector();
380: org.osid.repository.PartIterator partIterator = getPartsByPartStructure(partStructureId);
381: while (partIterator.hasNextPart()) {
382: org.osid.repository.Part part = partIterator.nextPart();
383: results.addElement(part.getValue());
384: }
385: return new ObjectIterator(results);
386: } catch (Throwable t) {
387: log(t.getMessage());
388: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
389: org.osid.OsidException.OPERATION_FAILED);
390: }
391: }
393: public org.osid.repository.PartIterator getPartsByPartStructure(
394: org.osid.shared.Id partStructureId)
395: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
396: if (partStructureId == null) {
397: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
398: org.osid.shared.SharedException.NULL_ARGUMENT);
399: }
400: try {
401: java.util.Vector results = new java.util.Vector();
402: org.osid.repository.RecordIterator recordIterator = getRecords();
403: while (recordIterator.hasNextRecord()) {
404: org.osid.repository.Record record = recordIterator
405: .nextRecord();
406: org.osid.repository.PartIterator partIterator = record
407: .getParts();
408: while (partIterator.hasNextPart()) {
409: org.osid.repository.Part part = partIterator
410: .nextPart();
411: if (part.getPartStructure().getId().isEqual(
412: partStructureId)) {
413: results.addElement(part);
414: }
415: }
416: }
417: return new PartIterator(results);
418: } catch (Throwable t) {
419: log(t.getMessage());
420: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
421: org.osid.OsidException.OPERATION_FAILED);
422: }
423: }
425: public org.osid.repository.RecordIterator getRecordsByRecordStructureType(
426: org.osid.shared.Type recordStructureType)
427: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
428: if (recordStructureType == null) {
429: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
430: org.osid.shared.SharedException.NULL_ARGUMENT);
431: }
433: if ((!recordStructureType.isEqual(this .recordStructureType))
434: && (!recordStructureType
435: .isEqual(this .dcRecordStructureType))
436: && (!recordStructureType
437: .isEqual(this .vueRecordStructureType))) {
438: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
439: org.osid.shared.SharedException.UNKNOWN_TYPE);
440: }
442: java.util.Vector results = new java.util.Vector();
443: for (int i = 0, size = this .recordVector.size(); i < size; i++) {
444: org.osid.repository.Record r = (org.osid.repository.Record) this .recordVector
445: .elementAt(i);
446: if (r.getRecordStructure().getType().isEqual(
447: recordStructureType)) {
448: results.addElement(r);
449: }
450: }
451: return new RecordIterator(results);
452: }
453: }