001: /**********************************************************************************
002: * $URL: $
003: * $Id: $
004: ***********************************************************************************
005: *
006: * Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 The Sakai Foundation.
007: *
008: * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
009: * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
010: * You may obtain a copy of the License at
011: *
012: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ecl1.php
013: *
014: * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
015: * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
016: * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
017: * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
018: * limitations under the License.
019: *
020: **********************************************************************************/package org.sakaiproject.component.osid.repository.srw;
022: /**
023: * @author Massachusetts Institute of Techbology, Sakai Software Development Team
024: * @version
025: */
026: public class Repository implements org.osid.repository.Repository {
027: private java.util.Vector assetVector = new java.util.Vector();
028: private org.osid.id.IdManager idManager = null;
029: private org.osid.logging.WritableLog log = null;
030: private org.osid.shared.Id id = null;
031: private String idString = null;
032: private String displayName = null;
033: private String description = null;
034: private String url = null;
035: private org.osid.shared.Type repositoryType = new Type("mit.edu",
036: "repository", "library_content");
037: private org.osid.shared.Type assetType = new Type("mit.edu",
038: "asset", "library_content");
039: private java.util.Vector searchTypeVector = new java.util.Vector();
040: private java.util.Vector searchQueryVector = new java.util.Vector();
042: private void log(String entry)
043: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
044: if (log != null) {
045: try {
046: log.appendLog(entry);
047: } catch (org.osid.logging.LoggingException lex) {
048: // swallow exception since logging is a best attempt to log an exception anyway
049: }
050: }
051: }
053: protected Repository(String displayName, String description,
054: String idString, java.util.Vector searchTypeVector,
055: java.util.Vector searchQueryVector,
056: org.osid.id.IdManager idManager,
057: org.osid.logging.WritableLog log)
058: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
059: this .displayName = displayName;
060: this .description = description;
061: this .repositoryType = new Type("mit.edu", "repository",
062: "library_content");
063: this .idString = idString;
064: this .searchTypeVector = searchTypeVector;
065: this .searchQueryVector = searchQueryVector;
066: this .idManager = idManager;
067: this .log = log;
068: try {
069: this .id = idManager.getId(this .idString);
070: } catch (Throwable t) {
071: log(t.getMessage());
072: }
073: }
075: public String getDisplayName()
076: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
077: return this .displayName;
078: }
080: public void updateDisplayName(String displayName)
081: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
082: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
083: org.osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED);
084: }
086: public String getDescription()
087: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
088: return this .description;
089: }
091: public void updateDescription(String description)
092: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
093: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
094: org.osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED);
095: }
097: public org.osid.shared.Id getId()
098: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
099: return this .id;
100: }
102: public org.osid.shared.Type getType()
103: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
104: return this .repositoryType;
105: }
107: public org.osid.repository.Asset createAsset(String displayName,
108: String description, org.osid.shared.Type assetType)
109: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
110: if ((displayName == null) || (description == null)
111: || (assetType == null)) {
112: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
113: org.osid.shared.SharedException.NULL_ARGUMENT);
114: }
115: if (!assetType.isEqual(this .assetType)) {
116: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
117: org.osid.shared.SharedException.UNKNOWN_TYPE);
118: }
119: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
120: org.osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED);
121: }
123: public void deleteAsset(org.osid.shared.Id assetId)
124: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
125: if (assetId == null) {
126: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
127: org.osid.shared.SharedException.NULL_ARGUMENT);
128: }
129: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
130: org.osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED);
131: }
133: public org.osid.repository.AssetIterator getAssets()
134: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
135: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
136: org.osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED);
137: }
139: public org.osid.repository.AssetIterator getAssetsByType(
140: org.osid.shared.Type assetType)
141: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
142: if (assetType == null) {
143: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
144: org.osid.shared.SharedException.NULL_ARGUMENT);
145: }
146: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
147: org.osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED);
148: }
150: public org.osid.shared.TypeIterator getAssetTypes()
151: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
152: java.util.Vector results = new java.util.Vector();
153: try {
154: results.addElement(this .assetType);
155: return new TypeIterator(results);
156: } catch (Throwable t) {
157: log(t.getMessage());
158: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
159: org.osid.OsidException.OPERATION_FAILED);
160: }
161: }
163: public org.osid.repository.RecordStructureIterator getRecordStructures()
164: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
165: java.util.Vector results = new java.util.Vector();
166: results.addElement(RecordStructure.getInstance());
167: return new RecordStructureIterator(results);
168: }
170: public org.osid.repository.RecordStructureIterator getMandatoryRecordStructures(
171: org.osid.shared.Type assetType)
172: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
173: if (assetType == null) {
174: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
175: org.osid.shared.SharedException.NULL_ARGUMENT);
176: }
177: if (assetType.isEqual(this .assetType)) {
178: java.util.Vector results = new java.util.Vector();
179: results.addElement(RecordStructure.getInstance());
180: return new RecordStructureIterator(results);
181: }
182: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
183: org.osid.shared.SharedException.UNKNOWN_TYPE);
184: }
186: public org.osid.shared.TypeIterator getSearchTypes()
187: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
188: java.util.Vector results = new java.util.Vector();
189: try {
190: return new TypeIterator(this .searchTypeVector);
191: } catch (Throwable t) {
192: log(t.getMessage());
193: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
194: org.osid.OsidException.OPERATION_FAILED);
195: }
196: }
198: public org.osid.shared.TypeIterator getStatusTypes()
199: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
200: java.util.Vector results = new java.util.Vector();
201: try {
202: results.addElement(new Type("mit.edu", "asset", "valid"));
203: return new TypeIterator(results);
204: } catch (Throwable t) {
205: log(t.getMessage());
206: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
207: org.osid.OsidException.OPERATION_FAILED);
208: }
209: }
211: public org.osid.shared.Type getStatus(org.osid.shared.Id assetId)
212: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
213: return new Type("mit.edu", "asset", "valid");
214: }
216: public boolean validateAsset(org.osid.shared.Id assetId)
217: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
218: return true;
219: }
221: public void invalidateAsset(org.osid.shared.Id assetId)
222: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
223: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
224: org.osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED);
225: }
227: public org.osid.repository.Asset getAsset(org.osid.shared.Id assetId)
228: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
229: if (assetId == null) {
230: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
231: org.osid.shared.SharedException.NULL_ARGUMENT);
232: }
233: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
234: org.osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED);
235: }
237: public org.osid.repository.Asset getAssetByDate(
238: org.osid.shared.Id assetId, long date)
239: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
240: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
241: org.osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED);
242: }
244: public org.osid.shared.LongValueIterator getAssetDates(
245: org.osid.shared.Id assetId)
246: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
247: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
248: org.osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED);
249: }
251: public org.osid.repository.AssetIterator getAssetsBySearch(
252: java.io.Serializable searchCriteria,
253: org.osid.shared.Type searchType,
254: org.osid.shared.Properties searchProperties)
255: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
256: if (searchCriteria == null) {
257: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
258: org.osid.shared.SharedException.NULL_ARGUMENT);
259: }
260: if (searchType == null) {
261: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
262: org.osid.shared.SharedException.NULL_ARGUMENT);
263: }
264: if (!(searchCriteria instanceof String)) {
265: // maybe change this to a new exception message
266: log("invalid criteria");
267: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
268: org.osid.OsidException.OPERATION_FAILED);
269: }
271: java.util.Vector results = new java.util.Vector();
272: boolean knownType = false;
273: try {
274: String criteria = (String) searchCriteria;
275: for (int searchTypeNum = 0, size = this .searchTypeVector
276: .size(); searchTypeNum < size; searchTypeNum++) {
277: org.osid.shared.Type type = (org.osid.shared.Type) (this .searchTypeVector
278: .elementAt(searchTypeNum));
280: //System.out.println("searchTypeNum " + searchTypeNum);
281: //System.out.println("search type " + searchType.getAuthority() + " / " + searchType.getDomain() + " / " + searchType.getKeyword());
282: //System.out.println("type " + type.getAuthority() + " / " + type.getDomain() + " / " + type.getKeyword());
284: if (type.isEqual(searchType)) {
285: knownType = true;
286: String query = (String) this .searchQueryVector
287: .elementAt(searchTypeNum);
288: query = query.replaceAll("CRITERIA", criteria);
289: System.out.println("SRW Query: " + query);
291: java.net.URL url = new java.net.URL(query);
292: java.net.URLConnection connection = url
293: .openConnection();
294: java.net.HttpURLConnection http = (java.net.HttpURLConnection) connection;
295: java.io.InputStreamReader in = new java.io.InputStreamReader(
296: http.getInputStream());
298: StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer();
299: try {
300: int i = 0;
301: while ((i = in.read()) != -1) {
302: xml.append(Character.toString((char) i));
303: }
304: } catch (Throwable t) {
305: }
306: //System.out.println("xml " + xml);
308: try {
309: return new AssetIterator(xml, this .log, this .id);
310: } catch (Throwable t) {
311: // just ignore
312: }
313: }
314: }
315: } catch (Throwable t) {
316: t.printStackTrace();
317: log(t.getMessage());
318: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
319: org.osid.OsidException.OPERATION_FAILED);
320: }
321: if (!knownType) {
322: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
323: org.osid.shared.SharedException.UNKNOWN_TYPE);
324: }
325: return new AssetIterator(results);
326: }
328: public org.osid.shared.Id copyAsset(org.osid.repository.Asset asset)
329: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
330: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
331: org.osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED);
332: }
334: public org.osid.repository.RecordStructureIterator getRecordStructuresByType(
335: org.osid.shared.Type recordStructureType)
336: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
337: if (recordStructureType == null) {
338: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
339: org.osid.shared.SharedException.NULL_ARGUMENT);
340: }
341: if (recordStructureType.isEqual(new Type("mit.edu",
342: "recordStructure", "wellFormed"))) {
343: java.util.Vector results = new java.util.Vector();
344: // don't return the content's sturcutre even if it matches, since this that is a separate and special case
345: results.addElement(RecordStructure.getInstance());
346: return new RecordStructureIterator(results);
347: }
348: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
349: org.osid.shared.SharedException.UNKNOWN_TYPE);
350: }
352: public org.osid.shared.PropertiesIterator getProperties()
353: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
354: try {
355: return new PropertiesIterator(new java.util.Vector());
356: } catch (Throwable t) {
357: log(t.getMessage());
358: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
359: org.osid.OsidException.OPERATION_FAILED);
360: }
361: }
363: public org.osid.shared.Properties getPropertiesByType(
364: org.osid.shared.Type propertiesType)
365: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
366: if (propertiesType == null) {
367: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
368: org.osid.shared.SharedException.NULL_ARGUMENT);
369: }
370: return new Properties();
371: }
373: public org.osid.shared.TypeIterator getPropertyTypes()
374: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
375: try {
376: return new TypeIterator(new java.util.Vector());
377: } catch (Throwable t) {
378: log(t.getMessage());
379: throw new org.osid.repository.RepositoryException(
380: org.osid.OsidException.OPERATION_FAILED);
381: }
382: }
384: protected void addAsset(org.osid.repository.Asset asset)
385: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
386: this .assetVector.addElement(asset);
387: }
389: public boolean supportsUpdate()
390: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
391: return false;
392: }
394: public boolean supportsVersioning()
395: throws org.osid.repository.RepositoryException {
396: return false;
397: }
398: }