001: /**********************************************************************************
002: * $URL: https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/sam/tags/sakai_2-4-1/samigo-app/src/java/org/sakaiproject/tool/assessment/ui/bean/delivery/SectionContentsBean.java $
003: * $Id: SectionContentsBean.java 19642 2006-12-17 22:52:19Z ktsao@stanford.edu $
004: ***********************************************************************************
005: *
006: * Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, 2006 The Sakai Foundation.
007: *
008: * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 1.0 (the"License");
009: * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
010: * You may obtain a copy of the License at
011: *
012: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ecl1.php
013: *
014: * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
015: * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
016: * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
017: * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
018: * limitations under the License.
019: *
020: **********************************************************************************/package org.sakaiproject.tool.assessment.ui.bean.delivery;
022: import java.io.Serializable;
023: import java.util.ArrayList;
024: import java.util.Collections;
025: import java.util.Iterator;
026: import java.util.List;
027: import java.util.Random;
028: import java.util.Set;
029: import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
031: import org.sakaiproject.tool.assessment.data.ifc.assessment.ItemDataIfc;
032: import org.sakaiproject.tool.assessment.data.ifc.assessment.SectionDataIfc;
033: import org.sakaiproject.tool.assessment.facade.AgentFacade;
034: import org.sakaiproject.tool.assessment.facade.QuestionPoolFacade;
035: import org.sakaiproject.tool.assessment.services.QuestionPoolService;
037: /**
038: * <p>This bean represents a Part in an assessment </p>
039: */
041: public class SectionContentsBean implements Serializable {
042: /**
043: *
044: */
045: private static final long serialVersionUID = 5959692528847396966L;
046: private String text;
047: private String nonDefaultText;
048: private java.util.ArrayList itemContents;
049: private String sectionId;
050: private String number;
051: private float maxPoints;
052: private float points;
053: private int questions;
054: private int numbering;
055: private String numParts;
056: private String description;
057: private int unansweredQuestions; // ItemContentsBeans
058: private ArrayList questionNumbers = new ArrayList();
060: // added section Type , question ordering
061: private Integer sectionAuthorType;
062: private Integer questionOrdering;
063: private Integer numberToBeDrawn;
064: private Long poolIdToBeDrawn;
065: private String poolNameToBeDrawn;
066: private List attachmentList;
067: private boolean noQuestions;
069: public SectionContentsBean() {
070: }
072: /**
073: * Part description.
074: * @return Part description.
075: */
077: public String getText() {
078: return text;
079: }
081: public String getNonDefaultText() {
083: if ("Default".equals(text) || "default".equals(text)) {
084: return "";
085: }
086: return text;
087: }
089: /**
090: * Part description.
091: * @param text Part description.
092: */
093: public void setText(String text) {
094: this .text = text;
095: }
097: /**
098: * Points earned thus far for part.
099: *
100: * @return the points
101: */
102: public float getPoints() {
103: return points;
104: }
106: /**
107: * Points earned thus far for part.
108: * @param points
109: */
110: public void setPoints(float points) {
111: this .points = points;
112: }
114: /**
115: * Number unanswered.
116: * @return total unanswered.
117: */
118: public int getUnansweredQuestions() {
119: Iterator i = itemContents.iterator();
120: int num = 0;
121: while (i.hasNext()) {
122: ItemContentsBean next = (ItemContentsBean) i.next();
123: if (next.isUnanswered()) {
124: num++;
125: }
126: }
127: return num;
128: }
130: /**
131: * Number unanswered.
132: * @param unansweredQuestions
133: */
134: public void setUnansweredQuestions(int unansweredQuestions) {
135: this .unansweredQuestions = unansweredQuestions;
136: }
138: /**
139: * Total points the part is worth.
140: * @return max total points for part
141: */
142: public float getMaxPoints() {
143: return maxPoints;
144: }
146: public float getRoundedMaxPoints() {
147: // only show 2 decimal places
149: return roundTo2Decimals(maxPoints);
150: }
152: /**
153: * Total points the part is worth.
154: * @param maxPoints points the part is worth.
155: */
156: public void setMaxPoints(float maxPoints) {
157: this .maxPoints = maxPoints;
158: }
160: /**
161: * Total number of questions.
162: * @return total number of questions
163: */
164: public int getQuestions() {
165: return questions;
166: }
168: /**
169: * Total number of questions.
170: * @param questions number of questions
171: */
172: public void setQuestions(int questions) {
173: this .questions = questions;
174: }
176: /**
177: * Total number of questions to list, based on numbering scheme
178: * @return total number of questions
179: */
180: public int getNumbering() {
181: return numbering;
182: }
184: /**
185: * Total number of questions to list, based on numbering scheme
186: * @param questions number of questions
187: */
188: public void setNumbering(int newNumbering) {
189: numbering = newNumbering;
190: }
192: /**
193: * Contents of part.
194: * @return item contents of part.
195: */
196: public java.util.ArrayList getItemContents() {
197: /*
198: if( (sectionAuthorType!= null) && (sectionAuthorType.equals(SectionDataIfc.RANDOM_DRAW_FROM_QUESTIONPOOL) ))
199: return getItemContentsForRandomDraw();
200: else if( (sectionAuthorType!= null) && (questionOrdering!=null ) && (sectionAuthorType.equals(SectionDataIfc.QUESTIONS_AUTHORED_ONE_BY_ONE)) && (questionOrdering.equals(SectionDataIfc.RANDOM_WITHIN_PART)))
201: return getItemContentsForRandomQuestionOrdering();
202: else
203: return itemContents;
204: */
205: return itemContents;
206: }
208: public java.util.ArrayList getItemContentsForRandomDraw() {
209: // same ordering for each student
210: ArrayList randomsample = new ArrayList();
211: long seed = (long) AgentFacade.getAgentString().hashCode();
212: Collections.shuffle(itemContents, new Random(seed));
213: int samplesize = numberToBeDrawn.intValue();
214: for (int i = 0; i < samplesize; i++) {
215: randomsample.add(itemContents.get(i));
216: }
217: return randomsample;
218: }
220: public java.util.ArrayList getItemContentsForRandomQuestionOrdering() {
221: // same ordering for each student
222: long seed = (long) AgentFacade.getAgentString().hashCode();
223: Collections.shuffle(itemContents, new Random(seed));
224: return itemContents;
225: }
227: /**
228: * Contents of part.
229: * @param itemContents item contents of part.
230: */
231: public void setItemContents(java.util.ArrayList itemContents) {
232: this .itemContents = itemContents;
233: }
235: /**
236: * Get the size of the contents
237: */
238: public String getItemContentsSize() {
239: if (itemContents == null) {
240: return "0";
241: }
242: return Integer.toString(itemContents.size());
243: }
245: /**
246: * Set the size of the contents
247: */
248: public void setItemContentsSize(String dummy) {
249: // noop
250: }
252: /**
253: * Display part number.
254: * @return display numbering
255: */
256: public String getNumber() {
257: return number;
258: }
260: /**
261: * Display part number.
262: * @param number display numbering
263: */
264: public void setNumber(String number) {
265: this .number = number;
266: }
268: // added by daisyf on 11/22/04
269: private String title;
270: private String sequence;
272: // for display/hide score
273: // private boolean showStudentScore; // show student Assessment Score
274: // Chage showStudentScore to showStudentQuestionScore for SAK-7290
275: // We consider the display/hide of part(section) score same as question score
276: // We used to consider them as assessment score as you can see above line and
277: // comment (private boolean showStudentScore; // show student Assessment Score)
278: private boolean showStudentQuestionScore; // show student Assessment Score
279: private String pointsDisplayString;
281: public String getTitle() {
282: return this .title;
283: }
285: public void setTitle(String title) {
286: this .title = title;
287: }
289: public ArrayList getQuestionNumbers() {
290: return questionNumbers;
291: }
293: public void setQuestionNumbers() {
294: this .questionNumbers = new ArrayList();
295: for (int i = 1; i <= this .itemContents.size(); i++) {
296: this .questionNumbers.add(new SelectItem(new Integer(i)));
297: }
298: }
300: public SectionContentsBean(SectionDataIfc section) {
301: try {
302: this .itemContents = new ArrayList();
303: setSectionId(section.getSectionId().toString());
304: setTitle(section.getTitle());
305: setDescription(section.getDescription());
306: Integer sequence = section.getSequence();
307: if (sequence != null) {
308: setNumber(sequence.toString());
309: } else {
310: setNumber("1");
311: }
312: setNumber(section.getSequence().toString());
313: // do teh rest later
314: Set itemSet = section.getItemSet();
315: if (itemSet != null) {
316: setQuestions(itemSet.size());
317: Iterator i = itemSet.iterator();
318: while (i.hasNext()) {
319: ItemDataIfc item = (ItemDataIfc) i.next();
320: ItemContentsBean itemBean = new ItemContentsBean(
321: item);
322: this .itemContents.add(itemBean);
323: }
324: }
325: // set questionNumbers now
326: setQuestionNumbers();
327: setMetaData(section);
328: this .attachmentList = section.getSectionAttachmentList();
329: if (this .attachmentList != null
330: && this .attachmentList.size() > 0)
331: this .hasAttachment = true;
332: } catch (Exception e) {
333: e.printStackTrace();
334: throw new RuntimeException(e);
335: }
336: }
338: public void setMetaData(SectionDataIfc section) {
340: if (section
341: .getSectionMetaDataByLabel(SectionDataIfc.AUTHOR_TYPE) != null) {
342: Integer authortype = new Integer(
343: section
344: .getSectionMetaDataByLabel(SectionDataIfc.AUTHOR_TYPE));
345: setSectionAuthorType(authortype);
347: if (section.getSectionMetaDataByLabel(
348: SectionDataIfc.AUTHOR_TYPE).equals(
350: .toString())) {
351: if (section
352: .getSectionMetaDataByLabel(SectionDataIfc.NUM_QUESTIONS_DRAWN) != null) {
353: Integer numberdrawn = new Integer(
354: section
355: .getSectionMetaDataByLabel(SectionDataIfc.NUM_QUESTIONS_DRAWN));
356: setNumberToBeDrawn(numberdrawn);
357: }
359: if (section
360: .getSectionMetaDataByLabel(SectionDataIfc.POOLID_FOR_RANDOM_DRAW) != null) {
361: Long poolid = new Long(
362: section
363: .getSectionMetaDataByLabel(SectionDataIfc.POOLID_FOR_RANDOM_DRAW));
364: setPoolIdToBeDrawn(poolid);
365: }
366: if (section
367: .getSectionMetaDataByLabel(SectionDataIfc.POOLNAME_FOR_RANDOM_DRAW) != null) {
368: String poolname = new String(
369: section
370: .getSectionMetaDataByLabel(SectionDataIfc.POOLNAME_FOR_RANDOM_DRAW));
371: setPoolNameToBeDrawn(poolname);
372: }
373: }
375: } else {
377: setSectionAuthorType(SectionDataIfc.QUESTIONS_AUTHORED_ONE_BY_ONE);
378: }
379: if (section
380: .getSectionMetaDataByLabel(SectionDataIfc.QUESTIONS_ORDERING) != null) {
381: Integer questionorder = new Integer(
382: section
383: .getSectionMetaDataByLabel(SectionDataIfc.QUESTIONS_ORDERING));
384: setQuestionOrdering(questionorder);
385: } else {
386: setQuestionOrdering(SectionDataIfc.AS_LISTED_ON_ASSESSMENT_PAGE);
387: }
389: }
391: public String getSectionId() {
392: return sectionId;
393: }
395: /**
396: * Part description.
397: * @param text Part description.
398: */
399: public void setSectionId(String sectionId) {
400: this .sectionId = sectionId;
401: }
403: public String getNumParts() {
404: return numParts;
405: }
407: public void setNumParts(String newNum) {
408: numParts = newNum;
409: }
411: public String getDescription() {
412: return description;
413: }
415: public void setDescription(String newDesc) {
416: description = newDesc;
417: }
419: public Integer getSectionAuthorType() {
420: return sectionAuthorType;
421: }
423: public String getSectionAuthorTypeString() {
424: return sectionAuthorType.toString();
425: }
427: public void setSectionAuthorType(Integer param) {
428: sectionAuthorType = param;
429: }
431: public Integer getQuestionOrdering() {
432: return questionOrdering;
433: }
435: public String getQuestionOrderingString() {
436: return questionOrdering.toString();
437: }
439: public void setQuestionOrdering(Integer param) {
440: questionOrdering = param;
441: }
443: public Integer getNumberToBeDrawn() {
444: return numberToBeDrawn;
445: }
447: public String getNumberToBeDrawnString() {
448: return numberToBeDrawn.toString();
449: }
451: public void setNumberToBeDrawn(Integer param) {
452: numberToBeDrawn = param;
453: }
455: public Long getPoolIdToBeDrawn() {
456: return poolIdToBeDrawn;
457: }
459: public String getPoolIdToBeDrawnString() {
460: return poolIdToBeDrawn.toString();
461: }
463: public void setPoolIdToBeDrawn(Long param) {
464: poolIdToBeDrawn = param;
465: }
467: public void setPoolNameToBeDrawn(String param) {
468: poolNameToBeDrawn = param;
469: }
471: public String getPoolNameToBeDrawn() {
472: if ((sectionAuthorType != null)
473: && (sectionAuthorType
474: .equals(SectionDataIfc.RANDOM_DRAW_FROM_QUESTIONPOOL))) {
476: if ("".equals(poolNameToBeDrawn)) {
478: // after 2.2. poolNameToBeDrawn should not be an empty string
479: // This is for backward compatibility, for versions prior 2.2,
480: // we didn't store poolname in metadata so when a user deletes a pool used for random draw assessment, exception occurs when viewing the assessment. The items are still there, but it still needs to the original pool object to get the poolname for JSF display.
481: // After 2.2 we save this information in section metadata. If users delete the pools we can now still retrive the random draw pool names used in an assessment.
483: QuestionPoolService qpservice = new QuestionPoolService();
484: QuestionPoolFacade poolfacade = qpservice.getPool(
485: poolIdToBeDrawn, AgentFacade.getAgentString());
486: if (poolfacade != null) {
487: return poolfacade.getTitle();
488: }
489: // else the pool is no longer there
490: return "";
491: } else {
492: // get poolname from section metadata
493: return poolNameToBeDrawn;
494: }
496: }
497: return "";
499: }
501: /**
502: * Show the student score currently earned?
503: * @return the score
504: */
505: public boolean isShowStudentQuestionScore() {
506: return showStudentQuestionScore;
507: }
509: /**
510: * Set the student score currently earned.
511: * @param setShowStudentQuestionScore true/false Show the student score currently earned?
512: */
513: public void setShowStudentQuestionScore(
514: boolean showStudentQuestionScore) {
515: this .showStudentQuestionScore = showStudentQuestionScore;
516: }
518: /**
519: * If we display the score, return it, followed by a slash.
520: * @return either, a) the score followed by a slash, or, b) "" (empty string)
521: */
522: public String getPointsDisplayString() {
523: String pointsDisplayString = "";
524: if (showStudentQuestionScore) {
525: pointsDisplayString = roundTo2Decimals(points) + "/";
526: }
527: return pointsDisplayString;
528: }
530: public static float roundTo2Decimals(float points) {
531: int tmp = Math.round(points * 100.0f);
532: points = (float) tmp / 100.0f;
533: return points;
534: }
536: public List getAttachmentList() {
537: return attachmentList;
538: }
540: public void setAttachmentList(List attachmentList) {
541: this .attachmentList = attachmentList;
542: }
544: private boolean hasAttachment = false;
546: public boolean getHasAttachment() {
547: boolean hasAttachment = false;
548: if (attachmentList != null && attachmentList.size() > 0) {
549: hasAttachment = true;
550: }
551: return hasAttachment;
552: }
554: public boolean getNoQuestions() {
555: return noQuestions;
556: }
558: public void setNoQuestions(boolean noQuestions) {
559: this.noQuestions = noQuestions;
560: }
561: }