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001:        /*
002:         * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003:         * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004:         * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005:         * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006:         * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007:         * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008:         * 
009:         *
010:         * 
011:         * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012:         * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013:         * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014:         * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015:         * limitations under the License.
016:         */
018:        /* $Id: 512838 2007-02-28 16:42:28Z jeremias $ */
020:        package;
022:        import java.awt.Dimension;
023:        import java.awt.color.ColorSpace;
024:        import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
025:        import java.awt.image.ColorModel;
026:        import java.awt.image.DataBuffer;
027:        import java.awt.image.Raster;
028:        import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
029:        import;
030:        import;
032:        import;
033:        import;
034:        import;
035:        import;
037:        /**
038:         * Utility code for rendering images in PostScript. 
039:         */
040:        public class PSImageUtils {
042:            /**
043:             * Writes a bitmap image to the PostScript stream.
044:             * @param img the bitmap image as a byte array
045:             * @param imgDim the dimensions of the image
046:             * @param imgDescription the name of the image
047:             * @param targetRect the target rectangle to place the image in
048:             * @param isJPEG true if "img" contains a DCT-encoded images, false if "img" contains the 
049:             *               decoded bitmap
050:             * @param colorSpace the color space of the image
051:             * @param gen the PostScript generator
052:             * @throws IOException In case of an I/O exception
053:             */
054:            public static void writeImage(byte[] img, Dimension imgDim,
055:                    String imgDescription, Rectangle2D targetRect,
056:                    boolean isJPEG, ColorSpace colorSpace, PSGenerator gen)
057:                    throws IOException {
058:                gen.saveGraphicsState();
059:                gen.writeln(gen.formatDouble(targetRect.getX()) + " "
060:                        + gen.formatDouble(targetRect.getY()) + " translate");
061:                gen.writeln(gen.formatDouble(targetRect.getWidth()) + " "
062:                        + gen.formatDouble(targetRect.getHeight()) + " scale");
064:                gen.commentln("%AXGBeginBitmap: " + imgDescription);
066:                gen.writeln("{{");
067:                // Template: (RawData is used for the EOF signal only)
068:                // gen.write("/RawData currentfile <first filter> filter def");
069:                // gen.write("/Data RawData <second filter> <third filter> [...] def");
070:                if (isJPEG) {
071:                    gen
072:                            .writeln("/RawData currentfile /ASCII85Decode filter def");
073:                    gen.writeln("/Data RawData << >> /DCTDecode filter def");
074:                } else {
075:                    if (gen.getPSLevel() >= 3) {
076:                        gen
077:                                .writeln("/RawData currentfile /ASCII85Decode filter def");
078:                        gen.writeln("/Data RawData /FlateDecode filter def");
079:                    } else {
080:                        gen
081:                                .writeln("/RawData currentfile /ASCII85Decode filter def");
082:                        gen
083:                                .writeln("/Data RawData /RunLengthDecode filter def");
084:                    }
085:                }
086:                writeImageCommand(imgDim, colorSpace, gen, "Data");
087:                /* the following two lines could be enabled if something still goes wrong
088:                 * gen.write("Data closefile");
089:                 * gen.write("RawData flushfile");
090:                 */
091:                gen.writeln("} stopped {handleerror} if");
092:                gen.writeln("  RawData flushfile");
093:                gen.writeln("} exec");
095:                encodeBitmap(img, isJPEG, gen);
097:                gen.writeln("");
098:                gen.commentln("%AXGEndBitmap");
099:                gen.restoreGraphicsState();
100:            }
102:            private static void writeImageCommand(Dimension imgDim,
103:                    ColorSpace colorSpace, PSGenerator gen, String dataSource)
104:                    throws IOException {
105:                boolean iscolor = colorSpace.getType() != ColorSpace.CS_GRAY;
106:                prepareColorspace(colorSpace, gen);
107:                gen.writeln("<< /ImageType 1");
108:                gen.writeln("  /Width " + imgDim.width);
109:                gen.writeln("  /Height " + imgDim.height);
110:                gen.writeln("  /BitsPerComponent 8");
111:                if (colorSpace.getType() == ColorSpace.TYPE_CMYK) {
112:                    if (false /*TODO img.invertImage()*/) {
113:                        gen.writeln("  /Decode [1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0]");
114:                    } else {
115:                        gen.writeln("  /Decode [0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1]");
116:                    }
117:                } else if (iscolor) {
118:                    gen.writeln("  /Decode [0 1 0 1 0 1]");
119:                } else {
120:                    gen.writeln("  /Decode [0 1]");
121:                }
122:                // Setup scanning for left-to-right and top-to-bottom
123:                gen.writeln("  /ImageMatrix [" + imgDim.width + " 0 0 "
124:                        + imgDim.height + " 0 0]");
126:                gen.writeln("  /DataSource " + dataSource);
127:                gen.writeln(">> image");
128:            }
130:            /**
131:             * Writes a bitmap image as a PostScript form enclosed by DSC resource wrappers to the
132:             * PostScript file.
133:             * @param img the raw bitmap data
134:             * @param imgDim the dimensions of the image
135:             * @param formName the name of the PostScript form to use
136:             * @param imageDescription a description of the image added as a DSC Title comment
137:             * @param isJPEG true if "img" contains a DCT-encoded images, false if "img" contains the 
138:             *               decoded bitmap
139:             * @param colorSpace the color space of the image
140:             * @param gen the PostScript generator
141:             * @return a PSResource representing the form for resource tracking
142:             * @throws IOException In case of an I/O exception
143:             */
144:            public static PSResource writeReusableImage(byte[] img,
145:                    Dimension imgDim, String formName, String imageDescription,
146:                    boolean isJPEG, ColorSpace colorSpace, PSGenerator gen)
147:                    throws IOException {
148:                if (gen.getPSLevel() < 2) {
149:                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
150:                            "Reusable images requires at least Level 2 PostScript");
151:                }
152:                String dataName = formName + ":Data";
153:                gen.writeDSCComment(DSCConstants.BEGIN_RESOURCE, formName);
154:                if (imageDescription != null) {
155:                    gen.writeDSCComment(DSCConstants.TITLE, imageDescription);
156:                }
158:                String additionalFilters;
159:                if (isJPEG) {
160:                    additionalFilters = "/ASCII85Decode filter /DCTDecode filter";
161:                } else {
162:                    if (gen.getPSLevel() >= 3) {
163:                        additionalFilters = "/ASCII85Decode filter /FlateDecode filter";
164:                    } else {
165:                        additionalFilters = "/ASCII85Decode filter /RunLengthDecode filter";
166:                    }
167:                }
169:                gen.writeln("/" + formName);
170:                gen.writeln("<< /FormType 1");
171:                gen.writeln("  /BBox [0 0 " + imgDim.width + " "
172:                        + imgDim.height + "]");
173:                gen.writeln("  /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0]");
174:                gen.writeln("  /PaintProc {");
175:                gen.writeln("    pop");
176:                gen.writeln("    gsave");
177:                if (gen.getPSLevel() == 2) {
178:                    gen.writeln("    userdict /i 0 put"); //rewind image data
179:                } else {
180:                    gen.writeln("    " + dataName + " 0 setfileposition"); //rewind image data
181:                }
182:                String dataSource;
183:                if (gen.getPSLevel() == 2) {
184:                    dataSource = "{ " + dataName
185:                            + " i get /i i 1 add store } bind";
186:                } else {
187:                    dataSource = dataName;
188:                }
189:                writeImageCommand(imgDim, colorSpace, gen, dataSource);
190:                gen.writeln("    grestore");
191:                gen.writeln("  } bind");
192:                gen.writeln(">> def");
193:                gen.writeln("/" + dataName + " currentfile");
194:                gen.writeln(additionalFilters);
195:                if (gen.getPSLevel() == 2) {
196:                    //Creates a data array from the inline file
197:                    gen
198:                            .writeln("{ /temp exch def ["
199:                                    + " { temp 16384 string readstring not {exit } if } loop ] } exec");
200:                } else {
201:                    gen.writeln("/ReusableStreamDecode filter");
202:                }
203:                encodeBitmap(img, isJPEG, gen);
204:                gen.writeln("def");
205:                gen.writeDSCComment(DSCConstants.END_RESOURCE);
206:                PSResource res = new PSResource(PSResource.TYPE_FORM, formName);
207:                gen.getResourceTracker().registerSuppliedResource(res);
208:                return res;
209:            }
211:            /**
212:             * Paints a reusable image (previously added as a PostScript form).
213:             * @param formName the name of the PostScript form implementing the image
214:             * @param targetRect the target rectangle to place the image in
215:             * @param gen the PostScript generator
216:             * @throws IOException In case of an I/O exception
217:             */
218:            public static void paintReusableImage(String formName,
219:                    Rectangle2D targetRect, PSGenerator gen) throws IOException {
220:                PSResource form = new PSResource(PSResource.TYPE_FORM, formName);
221:                paintForm(form, targetRect, gen);
222:            }
224:            /**
225:             * Paints a reusable image (previously added as a PostScript form).
226:             * @param form the PostScript form resource implementing the image
227:             * @param targetRect the target rectangle to place the image in
228:             * @param gen the PostScript generator
229:             * @throws IOException In case of an I/O exception
230:             */
231:            public static void paintForm(PSResource form,
232:                    Rectangle2D targetRect, PSGenerator gen) throws IOException {
233:                gen.saveGraphicsState();
234:                gen.writeln(gen.formatDouble(targetRect.getX()) + " "
235:                        + gen.formatDouble(targetRect.getY()) + " translate");
236:                gen.writeln(gen.formatDouble(targetRect.getWidth()) + " "
237:                        + gen.formatDouble(targetRect.getHeight()) + " scale");
238:                gen.writeln(form.getName() + " execform");
240:                gen.getResourceTracker().notifyResourceUsageOnPage(form);
241:                gen.restoreGraphicsState();
242:            }
244:            private static void prepareColorspace(ColorSpace colorSpace,
245:                    PSGenerator gen) throws IOException {
246:                if (colorSpace.getType() == ColorSpace.TYPE_CMYK) {
247:                    gen.writeln("/DeviceCMYK setcolorspace");
248:                } else if (colorSpace.getType() == ColorSpace.CS_GRAY) {
249:                    gen.writeln("/DeviceGray setcolorspace");
250:                } else {
251:                    gen.writeln("/DeviceRGB setcolorspace");
252:                }
253:            }
255:            private static void encodeBitmap(byte[] img, boolean isJPEG,
256:                    PSGenerator gen) throws IOException {
257:                OutputStream out = gen.getOutputStream();
258:                out = new ASCII85OutputStream(out);
259:                if (isJPEG) {
260:                    //nop
261:                } else {
262:                    if (gen.getPSLevel() >= 3) {
263:                        out = new FlateEncodeOutputStream(out);
264:                    } else {
265:                        out = new RunLengthEncodeOutputStream(out);
266:                    }
267:                }
268:                out.write(img);
269:                if (out instanceof  Finalizable) {
270:                    ((Finalizable) out).finalizeStream();
271:                } else {
272:                    out.flush();
273:                }
274:                gen.newLine();
275:            }
277:            /**
278:             * Renders a bitmap image to PostScript.
279:             * @param img image to render
280:             * @param x x position
281:             * @param y y position
282:             * @param w width
283:             * @param h height
284:             * @param gen PS generator
285:             * @throws IOException In case of an I/O problem while rendering the image
286:             */
287:            public static void renderBitmapImage(RenderedImage img, float x,
288:                    float y, float w, float h, PSGenerator gen)
289:                    throws IOException {
290:                byte[] imgmap = getBitmapBytes(img);
292:                String imgName = img.getClass().getName();
293:                Dimension imgDim = new Dimension(img.getWidth(), img
294:                        .getHeight());
295:                Rectangle2D targetRect = new Rectangle2D.Double(x, y, w, h);
296:                boolean isJPEG = false;
297:                writeImage(imgmap, imgDim, imgName, targetRect, isJPEG, img
298:                        .getColorModel().getColorSpace(), gen);
299:            }
301:            private static byte[] getBitmapBytes(RenderedImage img) {
302:                int[] tmpMap = getRGB(img, 0, 0, img.getWidth(), img
303:                        .getHeight(), null, 0, img.getWidth());
304:                // Should take care of the ColorSpace and bitsPerPixel
305:                byte[] bitmaps = new byte[img.getWidth() * img.getHeight() * 3];
306:                for (int y = 0, my = img.getHeight(); y < my; y++) {
307:                    for (int x = 0, mx = img.getWidth(); x < mx; x++) {
308:                        int p = tmpMap[y * mx + x];
309:                        int r = (p >> 16) & 0xFF;
310:                        int g = (p >> 8) & 0xFF;
311:                        int b = (p) & 0xFF;
312:                        bitmaps[3 * (y * mx + x)] = (byte) (r & 0xFF);
313:                        bitmaps[3 * (y * mx + x) + 1] = (byte) (g & 0xFF);
314:                        bitmaps[3 * (y * mx + x) + 2] = (byte) (b & 0xFF);
315:                    }
316:                }
317:                return bitmaps;
318:            }
320:            /**
321:             * Extracts a packed RGB integer array of a RenderedImage.
322:             * @param img the image
323:             * @param startX the starting X coordinate
324:             * @param startY the starting Y coordinate
325:             * @param w the width of the cropped image
326:             * @param h the height of the cropped image
327:             * @param rgbArray the prepared integer array to write to
328:             * @param offset offset in the target array
329:             * @param scansize width of a row in the target array
330:             * @return the populated integer array previously passed in as rgbArray parameter
331:             */
332:            public static int[] getRGB(RenderedImage img, int startX,
333:                    int startY, int w, int h, int[] rgbArray, int offset,
334:                    int scansize) {
335:                Raster raster = img.getData();
336:                int yoff = offset;
337:                int off;
338:                Object data;
339:                int nbands = raster.getNumBands();
340:                int dataType = raster.getDataBuffer().getDataType();
341:                switch (dataType) {
342:                case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
343:                    data = new byte[nbands];
344:                    break;
345:                case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT:
346:                    data = new short[nbands];
347:                    break;
348:                case DataBuffer.TYPE_INT:
349:                    data = new int[nbands];
350:                    break;
351:                case DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT:
352:                    data = new float[nbands];
353:                    break;
354:                case DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE:
355:                    data = new double[nbands];
356:                    break;
357:                default:
358:                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
359:                            "Unknown data buffer type: " + dataType);
360:                }
362:                if (rgbArray == null) {
363:                    rgbArray = new int[offset + h * scansize];
364:                }
366:                ColorModel colorModel = img.getColorModel();
367:                for (int y = startY; y < startY + h; y++, yoff += scansize) {
368:                    off = yoff;
369:                    for (int x = startX; x < startX + w; x++) {
370:                        rgbArray[off++] = colorModel.getRGB(raster
371:                                .getDataElements(x, y, data));
372:                    }
373:                }
375:                return rgbArray;
376:            }
378:            /**
379:             * Places an EPS file in the PostScript stream.
380:             * @param rawEPS byte array containing the raw EPS data
381:             * @param name name for the EPS document
382:             * @param x x-coordinate of viewport in millipoints
383:             * @param y y-coordinate of viewport in millipoints
384:             * @param w width of viewport in millipoints
385:             * @param h height of viewport in millipoints
386:             * @param bboxx x-coordinate of EPS bounding box in points
387:             * @param bboxy y-coordinate of EPS bounding box in points
388:             * @param bboxw width of EPS bounding box in points
389:             * @param bboxh height of EPS bounding box in points
390:             * @param gen the PS generator
391:             * @throws IOException in case an I/O error happens during output
392:             */
393:            public static void renderEPS(byte[] rawEPS, String name, float x,
394:                    float y, float w, float h, float bboxx, float bboxy,
395:                    float bboxw, float bboxh, PSGenerator gen)
396:                    throws IOException {
397:                gen.getResourceTracker().notifyResourceUsageOnPage(
398:                        PSProcSets.EPS_PROCSET);
399:                gen.writeln("%AXGBeginEPS: " + name);
400:                gen.writeln("BeginEPSF");
402:                gen.writeln(gen.formatDouble(x) + " " + gen.formatDouble(y)
403:                        + " translate");
404:                gen.writeln("0 " + gen.formatDouble(h) + " translate");
405:                gen.writeln("1 -1 scale");
406:                float sx = w / bboxw;
407:                float sy = h / bboxh;
408:                if (sx != 1 || sy != 1) {
409:                    gen.writeln(gen.formatDouble(sx) + " "
410:                            + gen.formatDouble(sy) + " scale");
411:                }
412:                if (bboxx != 0 || bboxy != 0) {
413:                    gen.writeln(gen.formatDouble(-bboxx) + " "
414:                            + gen.formatDouble(-bboxy) + " translate");
415:                }
416:                gen.writeln(gen.formatDouble(bboxy) + " "
417:                        + gen.formatDouble(bboxy) + " "
418:                        + gen.formatDouble(bboxw) + " "
419:                        + gen.formatDouble(bboxh) + " re clip");
420:                gen.writeln("newpath");
422:                PSResource res = new PSResource(PSResource.TYPE_FILE, name);
423:                gen.getResourceTracker().notifyResourceUsageOnPage(res);
424:                gen.writeDSCComment(DSCConstants.BEGIN_DOCUMENT, res.getName());
425:                gen.writeByteArr(rawEPS);
426:                gen.writeDSCComment(DSCConstants.END_DOCUMENT);
427:                gen.writeln("EndEPSF");
428:                gen.writeln("%AXGEndEPS");
429:            }
431:        } | Contact Us
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