01: package org.esupportail.cas.server.handlers.database;
03: import org.dom4j.Element;
05: /**
06: * This class implements a bind database handler class. It is used by
07: * GenericHandler.
08: *
09: * This class is not really needed today because inherinting from
10: * DatabaseHandler but has been kept for the homogeneity of the sources.
11: *
12: * @author Pascal Aubry <pascal.aubry at univ-rennes1.fr>
13: */
14: public final class BindDatabaseHandler extends DatabaseHandler {
16: /**
17: * Constructor.
18: *
19: * @param handlerElement the XML element that declares the handler
20: * in the configuration file
21: * @param configDebug debugging mode of the global configuration
22: * @throws Exception Exception
23: */
24: public BindDatabaseHandler(final Element handlerElement,
25: final Boolean configDebug) throws Exception {
26: super (handlerElement, configDebug);
27: traceBegin();
29: // add the database servers
30: addServers(true/*serverElementNeeded*/, getClass()
31: .getPackage().getName()
32: + ".BindDatabaseServer");
34: traceEnd();
35: }
37: }