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001:        // Copyright (C) 1999-2001 by Jason Hunter <jhunter_AT_acm_DOT_org>.
002:        // All rights reserved.  Use of this class is limited.
003:        // Please see the LICENSE for more information.
005:        package com.oreilly.servlet;
007:        import*;
008:        import*;
009:        import java.util.*;
011:        /**
012:         * A class to help send SMTP email.  It can be used by any Java program, not
013:         * just servlets.  Servlets are likely to use this class to:
014:         * <ul>
015:         * <li>Send submitted form data to interested parties
016:         * <li>Send an email page to an administrator in case of error
017:         * <li>Send the client an order confirmation
018:         * </ul>
019:         * <p>
020:         * This class is an improvement on the class
021:         * found in the JDK.  This version has extra functionality, and can be used
022:         * with JVMs that did not extend from the JDK.  It's not as robust as
023:         * the JavaMail Standard Extension classes, but it's easier to use and
024:         * easier to install.
025:         * <p>
026:         * It can be used like this:
027:         * <blockquote><pre>
028:         * String mailhost = "localhost";  // or another mail host
029:         * String from = "Mail Message Servlet <>";
030:         * String to = "";
031:         * String cc1 = "";
032:         * String cc2 = "";
033:         * String bcc = "";
034:         * &nbsp;
035:         * MailMessage msg = new MailMessage(mailhost);
036:         * msg.from(from);
037:         *;
038:         *;
039:         *;
040:         * msg.bcc(bcc);
041:         * msg.setSubject("Test subject");
042:         * PrintStream out = msg.getPrintStream();
043:         * &nbsp;
044:         * Enumeration paramenum = req.getParameterNames();
045:         * while (paramenum.hasMoreElements()) {
046:         *   String name = (String)paramenum.nextElement();
047:         *   String value = req.getParameter(name);
048:         *   out.println(name + " = " + value);
049:         * }
050:         * &nbsp;
051:         * msg.sendAndClose();
052:         * </pre></blockquote>
053:         * <p>
054:         * Be sure to set the from address, then set the recepient
055:         * addresses, then set the subject and other headers, then get the
056:         * PrintStream, then write the message, and finally send and close.
057:         * The class does minimal error checking internally; it counts on the mail
058:         * host to complain if there's any malformatted input or out of order
059:         * execution.
060:         * <p>
061:         * An attachment mechanism based on RFC 1521 could be implemented on top of
062:         * this class.  In the meanwhile, JavaMail is the best solution for sending
063:         * email with attachments.
064:         * <p>
065:         * Still to do:
066:         * <ul>
067:         * <li>Figure out how to close the connection in case of error
068:         * </ul>
069:         *
070:         * @author <b>Jason Hunter</b>, Copyright &#169; 1999
071:         * @version 1.2, 2002/11/01, added logic to suppress CC: header if no CC addrs
072:         * @version 1.1, 2000/03/19, added angle brackets to address, helps some servers
073:         * @version 1.0, 1999/12/29
074:         */
075:        public class MailMessage {
077:            String host;
078:            String from;
079:            Vector to, cc;
080:            Hashtable headers;
081:            MailPrintStream out;
082:            BufferedReader in;
083:            Socket socket;
085:            /**
086:             * Constructs a new MailMessage to send an email.
087:             * Use localhost as the mail server.
088:             *
089:             * @exception IOException if there's any problem contacting the mail server
090:             */
091:            public MailMessage() throws IOException {
092:                this ("localhost");
093:            }
095:            /**
096:             * Constructs a new MailMessage to send an email.
097:             * Use the given host as the mail server.
098:             *
099:             * @param host the mail server to use
100:             * @exception IOException if there's any problem contacting the mail server
101:             */
102:            public MailMessage(String host) throws IOException {
103:                this .host = host;
104:                to = new Vector();
105:                cc = new Vector();
106:                headers = new Hashtable();
107:                setHeader("X-Mailer",
108:                        "com.oreilly.servlet.MailMessage (");
109:                connect();
110:                sendHelo();
111:            }
113:            /**
114:             * Sets the from address.  Also sets the "From" header.  This method should
115:             * be called only once.
116:             *
117:             * @exception IOException if there's any problem reported by the mail server
118:             */
119:            public void from(String from) throws IOException {
120:                sendFrom(from);
121:                this .from = from;
122:            }
124:            /**
125:             * Sets the to address.  Also sets the "To" header.  This method may be
126:             * called multiple times.
127:             *
128:             * @exception IOException if there's any problem reported by the mail server
129:             */
130:            public void to(String to) throws IOException {
131:                sendRcpt(to);
132:                this .to.addElement(to);
133:            }
135:            /**
136:             * Sets the cc address.  Also sets the "Cc" header.  This method may be
137:             * called multiple times.
138:             *
139:             * @exception IOException if there's any problem reported by the mail server
140:             */
141:            public void cc(String cc) throws IOException {
142:                sendRcpt(cc);
143:                this .cc.addElement(cc);
144:            }
146:            /**
147:             * Sets the bcc address.  Does NOT set any header since it's a *blind* copy.
148:             * This method may be called multiple times.
149:             *
150:             * @exception IOException if there's any problem reported by the mail server
151:             */
152:            public void bcc(String bcc) throws IOException {
153:                sendRcpt(bcc);
154:                // No need to keep track of Bcc'd addresses
155:            }
157:            /**
158:             * Sets the subject of the mail message.  Actually sets the "Subject"
159:             * header.
160:             */
161:            public void setSubject(String subj) {
162:                headers.put("Subject", subj);
163:            }
165:            /**
166:             * Sets the named header to the given value.  RFC 822 provides the rules for
167:             * what text may constitute a header name and value.
168:             */
169:            public void setHeader(String name, String value) {
170:                // Blindly trust the user doesn't set any invalid headers
171:                headers.put(name, value);
172:            }
174:            /**
175:             * Returns a PrintStream that can be used to write the body of the message.
176:             * A stream is used since email bodies are byte-oriented.  A writer could
177:             * be wrapped on top if necessary for internationalization.
178:             *
179:             * @exception IOException if there's any problem reported by the mail server
180:             */
181:            public PrintStream getPrintStream() throws IOException {
182:                setFromHeader();
183:                setToHeader();
184:                setCcHeader();
185:                sendData();
186:                flushHeaders();
187:                return out;
188:            }
190:            void setFromHeader() {
191:                setHeader("From", from);
192:            }
194:            void setToHeader() {
195:                setHeader("To", vectorToList(to));
196:            }
198:            void setCcHeader() {
199:                if (!cc.isEmpty()) { // thanks to Patrice,
200:                    setHeader("Cc", vectorToList(cc));
201:                }
202:            }
204:            String vectorToList(Vector v) {
205:                StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
206:                Enumeration e = v.elements();
207:                while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
208:                    buf.append(e.nextElement());
209:                    if (e.hasMoreElements()) {
210:                        buf.append(", ");
211:                    }
212:                }
213:                return buf.toString();
214:            }
216:            void flushHeaders() throws IOException {
217:                // XXX Should I care about order here?
218:                Enumeration e = headers.keys();
219:                while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
220:                    String name = (String) e.nextElement();
221:                    String value = (String) headers.get(name);
222:                    out.println(name + ": " + value);
223:                }
224:                out.println();
225:                out.flush();
226:            }
228:            /**
229:             * Sends the message and closes the connection to the server.
230:             * The MailMessage object cannot be reused.
231:             *
232:             * @exception IOException if there's any problem reported by the mail server
233:             */
234:            public void sendAndClose() throws IOException {
235:                sendDot();
236:                disconnect();
237:            }
239:            // Make a limited attempt to extract a sanitized email address
240:            // Prefer text in <brackets>, ignore anything in (parentheses)
241:            static String sanitizeAddress(String s) {
242:                int paramDepth = 0;
243:                int start = 0;
244:                int end = 0;
245:                int len = s.length();
247:                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
248:                    char c = s.charAt(i);
249:                    if (c == '(') {
250:                        paramDepth++;
251:                        if (start == 0) {
252:                            end = i; // support "address (name)"
253:                        }
254:                    } else if (c == ')') {
255:                        paramDepth--;
256:                        if (end == 0) {
257:                            start = i + 1; // support "(name) address"
258:                        }
259:                    } else if (paramDepth == 0 && c == '<') {
260:                        start = i + 1;
261:                    } else if (paramDepth == 0 && c == '>') {
262:                        end = i;
263:                    }
264:                }
266:                if (end == 0) {
267:                    end = len;
268:                }
270:                return s.substring(start, end);
271:            }
273:            // * * * * * Raw protocol methods below here * * * * *
275:            void connect() throws IOException {
276:                socket = new Socket(host, 25);
277:                out = new MailPrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(socket
278:                        .getOutputStream()));
279:                in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket
280:                        .getInputStream()));
281:                getReady();
282:            }
284:            void getReady() throws IOException {
285:                String response = in.readLine();
286:                int[] ok = { 220 };
287:                if (!isResponseOK(response, ok)) {
288:                    throw new IOException(
289:                            "Didn't get introduction from server: " + response);
290:                }
291:            }
293:            void sendHelo() throws IOException {
294:                String local = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
295:                int[] ok = { 250 };
296:                send("HELO " + local, ok);
297:            }
299:            void sendFrom(String from) throws IOException {
300:                int[] ok = { 250 };
301:                send("MAIL FROM: " + "<" + sanitizeAddress(from) + ">", ok);
302:            }
304:            void sendRcpt(String rcpt) throws IOException {
305:                int[] ok = { 250, 251 };
306:                send("RCPT TO: " + "<" + sanitizeAddress(rcpt) + ">", ok);
307:            }
309:            void sendData() throws IOException {
310:                int[] ok = { 354 };
311:                send("DATA", ok);
312:            }
314:            void sendDot() throws IOException {
315:                int[] ok = { 250 };
316:                send("\r\n.", ok); // make sure dot is on new line
317:            }
319:            void sendQuit() throws IOException {
320:                int[] ok = { 221 };
321:                send("QUIT", ok);
322:            }
324:            void send(String msg, int[] ok) throws IOException {
325:                out.rawPrint(msg + "\r\n"); // raw supports <CRLF>.<CRLF>
326:                //System.out.println("S: " + msg);
327:                String response = in.readLine();
328:                //System.out.println("R: " + response);
329:                if (!isResponseOK(response, ok)) {
330:                    throw new IOException("Unexpected reply to command: " + msg
331:                            + ": " + response);
332:                }
333:            }
335:            boolean isResponseOK(String response, int[] ok) {
336:                // Check that the response is one of the valid codes
337:                for (int i = 0; i < ok.length; i++) {
338:                    if (response.startsWith("" + ok[i])) {
339:                        return true;
340:                    }
341:                }
342:                return false;
343:            }
345:            void disconnect() throws IOException {
346:                if (out != null)
347:                    out.close();
348:                if (in != null)
349:                    in.close();
350:                if (socket != null)
351:                    socket.close();
352:            }
353:        }
355:        // This PrintStream subclass makes sure that <CRLF>. becomes <CRLF>..
356:        // per RFC 821.  It also ensures that new lines are always \r\n.
357:        //
358:        class MailPrintStream extends PrintStream {
360:            int lastChar;
362:            public MailPrintStream(OutputStream out) {
363:                super (out, true); // deprecated, but email is byte-oriented
364:            }
366:            // Mac OS 9 does \r, but that's tough to distinguish from Windows \r\n.
367:            // Don't tackle that problem right now.
368:            public void write(int b) {
369:                if (b == '\n' && lastChar != '\r') {
370:                    rawWrite('\r'); // ensure always \r\n
371:                    rawWrite(b);
372:                } else if (b == '.' && lastChar == '\n') {
373:                    rawWrite('.'); // add extra dot
374:                    rawWrite(b);
375:                } else if (b != '\n' && lastChar == '\r') { // Special Mac OS 9 handling
376:                    rawWrite('\n');
377:                    rawWrite(b);
378:                    if (b == '.') {
379:                        rawWrite('.'); // add extra dot
380:                    }
381:                } else {
382:                    rawWrite(b);
383:                }
384:                lastChar = b;
385:            }
387:            public void write(byte buf[], int off, int len) {
388:                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
389:                    write(buf[off + i]);
390:                }
391:            }
393:            void rawWrite(int b) {
394:                super .write(b);
395:            }
397:            void rawPrint(String s) {
398:                int len = s.length();
399:                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
400:                    rawWrite(s.charAt(i));
401:                }
402:            }
403:        } | Contact Us
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