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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » IDE Eclipse » jface » org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist 
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001:        /*******************************************************************************
002:         * Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
003:         * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
004:         * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
005:         * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
006:         *
007:         *
008:         * Contributors:
009:         *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
010:         *******************************************************************************/package org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist;
012:        import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
013:        import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
014:        import;
015:        import;
016:        import;
017:        import;
018:        import;
019:        import;
020:        import;
021:        import;
022:        import;
023:        import;
024:        import;
025:        import;
026:        import;
027:        import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FormAttachment;
028:        import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FormData;
029:        import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FormLayout;
030:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
031:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
032:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
033:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
034:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
036:        /**
037:         * DecoratedField manages image decorations around a control. It allows clients
038:         * to specify an image decoration and a position for the decoration relative to
039:         * the field. Decorations may be assigned descriptions, which are shown when the
040:         * user hovers over the decoration. Clients can decorate any kind of control by
041:         * supplying a {@link IControlCreator} to create the control that is decorated.
042:         * <p>
043:         * Decorations always appear on either horizontal side of the field, never above
044:         * or below it. Decorations can be positioned at the top or bottom of either
045:         * side. Future implementations may provide additional positioning options for
046:         * decorations.
047:         * <p>
048:         * By default, DecoratedField will consult the {@link FieldDecorationRegistry}
049:         * to determine how much space should be reserved for each decoration. This
050:         * allows fields with decorations from different sources to align properly on
051:         * the same dialog, since the registry tracks the size of all decorations
052:         * registered. Therefore, it is recommended, but not required, that clients of
053:         * DecoratedField register the decorations used. In cases where alignment
054:         * between different fields is not a concern, clients can use
055:         * <code>setUseMaximumDecorationWidth(false)</code> and need not register
056:         * their decorations.
057:         * <p>
058:         * This class is not intended to be subclassed.
059:         * 
060:         * @since 3.2
061:         * @deprecated As of 3.3, clients should use {@link ControlDecoration} instead.
062:         */
063:        public class DecoratedField {
065:            /**
066:             * Cached platform flags for dealing with platform-specific issues.
067:             */
068:            private static boolean CARBON = "carbon".equals(SWT.getPlatform()); //$NON-NLS-1$
070:            /**
071:             * Constants describing the array indices used to hold the decorations in
072:             * array slots.
073:             */
075:            private static final int LEFT_TOP = 0;
077:            private static final int LEFT_BOTTOM = 1;
079:            private static final int RIGHT_TOP = 2;
081:            private static final int RIGHT_BOTTOM = 3;
083:            private static final int DECORATION_SLOTS = 4;
085:            /**
086:             * Simple data structure class for specifying the internals for a field
087:             * decoration. This class contains data specific to the implementation of
088:             * field decorations as labels attached to the field. Clients should use
089:             * <code>FieldDecoration</code> for specifying a decoration.
090:             */
091:            private class FieldDecorationData {
093:                /* Package */FieldDecoration decoration;
095:                /* Package */Label label;
097:                /* Package */FormData data;
099:                /* Package */boolean showOnFocus;
101:                /* Package */boolean visible = true;
103:                /**
104:                 * Create a decoration data representing the specified decoration, using
105:                 * the specified label and form data for its representation.
106:                 * 
107:                 * @param decoration
108:                 *            the decoration whose data is kept.
109:                 * @param label
110:                 *            the label used to represent the decoration.
111:                 * @param formData
112:                 *            the form data used to attach the decoration to its field.
113:                 * @param showOnFocus
114:                 *            a boolean specifying whether the decoration should only be
115:                 *            shown when the field has focus.
116:                 */
117:                FieldDecorationData(FieldDecoration decoration, Label label,
118:                        FormData formData, boolean showOnFocus) {
119:                    this .decoration = decoration;
120:                    this .label = label;
121:                    this .data = formData;
122:                    this .showOnFocus = showOnFocus;
123:                }
124:            }
126:            /**
127:             * Decorations keyed by position.
128:             */
129:            private FieldDecorationData[] decDatas = new FieldDecorationData[DECORATION_SLOTS];
131:            /**
132:             * The associated control
133:             */
134:            private Control control;
136:            /**
137:             * The composite with form layout used to manage decorations.
138:             */
139:            private Composite form;
141:            /**
142:             * The boolean that indicates whether the maximum decoration width is used
143:             * when allocating space for decorations.
144:             */
145:            private boolean useMaxDecorationWidth = true;
147:            /**
148:             * The hover used for showing description text
149:             */
150:            private Hover hover;
152:            /**
153:             * The hover used to show a decoration image's description.
154:             */
155:            class Hover {
156:                private static final String EMPTY = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
158:                /**
159:                 * Offset of info hover arrow from the left or right side.
160:                 */
161:                private int hao = 10;
163:                /**
164:                 * Width of info hover arrow.
165:                 */
166:                private int haw = 8;
168:                /**
169:                 * Height of info hover arrow.
170:                 */
171:                private int hah = 10;
173:                /**
174:                 * Margin around info hover text.
175:                 */
176:                private int hm = 2;
178:                /**
179:                 * This info hover's shell.
180:                 */
181:                Shell hoverShell;
183:                /**
184:                 * The info hover text.
185:                 */
186:                String text = EMPTY;
188:                /**
189:                 * The region used to manage the shell shape
190:                 */
191:                Region region;
193:                /**
194:                 * Boolean indicating whether the last computed polygon location had an
195:                 * arrow on left. (true if left, false if right).
196:                 */
197:                boolean arrowOnLeft = true;
199:                /*
200:                 * Create a hover parented by the specified shell.
201:                 */
202:                Hover(Shell parent) {
203:                    final Display display = parent.getDisplay();
204:                    hoverShell = new Shell(parent, SWT.NO_TRIM | SWT.ON_TOP
205:                            | SWT.NO_FOCUS);
206:                    hoverShell.setBackground(display
207:                            .getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_INFO_BACKGROUND));
208:                    hoverShell.setForeground(display
209:                            .getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_INFO_FOREGROUND));
210:                    hoverShell.addPaintListener(new PaintListener() {
211:                        public void paintControl(PaintEvent pe) {
212:                            pe.gc.drawString(text, hm, hm);
213:                            if (!CARBON) {
214:                                pe.gc.drawPolygon(getPolygon(true));
215:                            }
216:                        }
217:                    });
218:                    hoverShell.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
219:                        public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
220:                            hideHover();
221:                        }
222:                    });
223:                }
225:                /*
226:                 * Compute a polygon that represents a hover with an arrow pointer. If
227:                 * border is true, compute the polygon inset by 1-pixel border. Consult
228:                 * the arrowOnLeft flag to determine which side the arrow is on.
229:                 */
230:                int[] getPolygon(boolean border) {
231:                    Point e = getExtent();
232:                    int b = border ? 1 : 0;
233:                    if (arrowOnLeft) {
234:                        return new int[] { 0, 0, e.x - b, 0, e.x - b, e.y - b,
235:                                hao + haw, e.y - b, hao + haw / 2,
236:                                e.y + hah - b, hao, e.y - b, 0, e.y - b, 0, 0 };
237:                    }
238:                    return new int[] { 0, 0, e.x - b, 0, e.x - b, e.y - b,
239:                            e.x - hao - b, e.y - b, e.x - hao - haw / 2,
240:                            e.y + hah - b, e.x - hao - haw, e.y - b, 0,
241:                            e.y - b, 0, 0 };
242:                }
244:                /*
245:                 * Dispose the hover, it is no longer needed. Dispose any resources
246:                 * allocated by the hover.
247:                 */
248:                void dispose() {
249:                    if (!hoverShell.isDisposed()) {
250:                        hoverShell.dispose();
251:                    }
252:                    if (region != null) {
253:                        region.dispose();
254:                    }
255:                }
257:                /*
258:                 * Set the visibility of the hover.
259:                 */
260:                void setVisible(boolean visible) {
261:                    if (visible) {
262:                        if (!hoverShell.isVisible()) {
263:                            hoverShell.setVisible(true);
264:                        }
265:                    } else {
266:                        if (hoverShell.isVisible()) {
267:                            hoverShell.setVisible(false);
268:                        }
269:                    }
270:                }
272:                /*
273:                 * Set the text of the hover to the specified text. Recompute the size
274:                 * and location of the hover to hover near the specified control,
275:                 * pointing the arrow toward the target control.
276:                 */
277:                void setText(String t, Control hoverNear, Control targetControl) {
278:                    if (t == null) {
279:                        t = EMPTY;
280:                    }
281:                    if (!t.equals(text)) {
282:                        Point oldSize = getExtent();
283:                        text = t;
284:                        hoverShell.redraw();
285:                        Point newSize = getExtent();
286:                        if (!oldSize.equals(newSize)) {
287:                            // set a flag that indicates the direction of arrow
288:                            arrowOnLeft = hoverNear.getLocation().x <= targetControl
289:                                    .getLocation().x;
290:                            setNewShape();
291:                        }
292:                    }
294:                    if (hoverNear != null) {
295:                        Point extent = getExtent();
296:                        int y = -extent.y - hah + 1;
297:                        int x = arrowOnLeft ? -hao + haw / 2 : -extent.x + hao
298:                                + haw / 2;
300:                        hoverShell.setLocation(hoverNear.toDisplay(x, y));
301:                    }
303:                }
305:                /*
306:                 * Return whether or not the hover (shell) is visible.
307:                 */
308:                boolean isVisible() {
309:                    return hoverShell.isVisible();
310:                }
312:                /*
313:                 * Compute the extent of the hover for the current text.
314:                 */
315:                Point getExtent() {
316:                    GC gc = new GC(hoverShell);
317:                    Point e = gc.textExtent(text);
318:                    gc.dispose();
319:                    e.x += hm * 2;
320:                    e.y += hm * 2;
321:                    return e;
322:                }
324:                /*
325:                 * Compute a new shape for the hover shell.
326:                 */
327:                void setNewShape() {
328:                    Region oldRegion = region;
329:                    region = new Region();
330:                    region.add(getPolygon(false));
331:                    hoverShell.setRegion(region);
332:                    if (oldRegion != null) {
333:                        oldRegion.dispose();
334:                    }
336:                }
337:            }
339:            /**
340:             * Construct a decorated field which is parented by the specified composite
341:             * and has the given style bits. Use the controlCreator to create the
342:             * specific kind of control that is decorated inside the field.
343:             * 
344:             * @param parent
345:             *            the parent of the decorated field.
346:             * @param style
347:             *            the desired style bits for the field.
348:             * @param controlCreator
349:             *            the IControlCreator used to specify the specific kind of
350:             *            control that is to be decorated.
351:             * 
352:             * @see IControlCreator
353:             */
354:            public DecoratedField(Composite parent, int style,
355:                    IControlCreator controlCreator) {
356:                this .form = createForm(parent);
357:                this .control = controlCreator.createControl(form, style);
359:                addControlListeners();
360:                form.setTabList(new Control[] { control });
362:                // Set up the initial layout data.
363:                FormData data = new FormData();
364:                data.left = new FormAttachment(0, 0);
365:       = new FormAttachment(0, 0);
366:                data.right = new FormAttachment(100, 0);
367:                data.bottom = new FormAttachment(100, 0);
368:                control.setLayoutData(data);
370:            }
372:            /**
373:             * Adds an image decoration to the field.
374:             * 
375:             * @param decoration
376:             *            A FieldDecoration describing the image and description for the
377:             *            decoration
378:             * 
379:             * @param position
380:             *            The SWT constant indicating the position of the decoration
381:             *            relative to the field's control. The position should include
382:             *            style bits describing both the vertical and horizontal
383:             *            orientation. <code>SWT.LEFT</code> and
384:             *            <code>SWT.RIGHT</code> describe the horizontal placement of
385:             *            the decoration relative to the field, and the constants
386:             *            <code>SWT.TOP</code> and <code>SWT.BOTTOM</code> describe
387:             *            the vertical alignment of the decoration relative to the
388:             *            field. Decorations always appear on either horizontal side of
389:             *            the field, never above or below it. For example, a decoration
390:             *            appearing on the left side of the field, at the top, is
391:             *            specified as SWT.LEFT | SWT.TOP. If an image decoration
392:             *            already exists in the specified position, it will be replaced
393:             *            by the one specified.
394:             * @param showOnFocus
395:             *            <code>true</code> if the decoration should only be shown
396:             *            when the associated control has focus, <code>false</code> if
397:             *            it should always be shown.
398:             * 
399:             */
400:            public void addFieldDecoration(FieldDecoration decoration,
401:                    int position, boolean showOnFocus) {
402:                final Label label;
403:                FormData formData;
404:                int i = indexForPosition(position);
405:                if (decDatas[i] == null) {
406:                    formData = createFormDataForIndex(i, decoration.getImage());
407:                    label = new Label(form, SWT.HORIZONTAL | SWT.VERTICAL
408:                            | SWT.CENTER);
409:                    label.addMouseTrackListener(new MouseTrackListener() {
410:                        public void mouseHover(MouseEvent event) {
411:                            FieldDecorationData decData = (FieldDecorationData) event.widget
412:                                    .getData();
413:                            String desc = decData.decoration.getDescription();
414:                            if (desc != null) {
415:                                showHoverText(desc, label);
416:                            }
417:                        }
419:                        public void mouseEnter(MouseEvent event) {
420:                        }
422:                        public void mouseExit(MouseEvent event) {
423:                            hideHover();
424:                        }
425:                    });
426:                    decDatas[i] = new FieldDecorationData(decoration, label,
427:                            formData, showOnFocus);
428:                } else {
429:                    label = decDatas[i].label;
430:                    formData = decDatas[i].data;
431:                    decDatas[i].decoration = decoration;
432:                    decDatas[i].showOnFocus = showOnFocus;
433:                }
434:                label.setImage(decDatas[i].decoration.getImage());
435:                label.setData(decDatas[i]);
436:                label.setLayoutData(formData);
437:                label.setVisible(!showOnFocus);
439:                // Since sizes may have changed or there could be a new position
440:                // defined, we need to update layout data on the control.
441:                updateControlAttachments(i, decDatas[i]);
442:            }
444:            /*
445:             * A decoration at the specified index has been added. Update the control's
446:             * attachments if it has not previously been attached on that side or if it
447:             * was attached to a decoration with a lesser width.
448:             */
449:            private void updateControlAttachments(int index,
450:                    FieldDecorationData decData) {
451:                FormData formData = (FormData) control.getLayoutData();
452:                int newWidth = widthOf(decData.decoration.getImage());
453:                // opposing represents the location of the decoration above or below
454:                // the one in question.
455:                int opposing;
457:                switch (index) {
458:                case LEFT_TOP:
459:                case LEFT_BOTTOM:
460:                    if (index == LEFT_TOP) {
461:                        opposing = LEFT_BOTTOM;
462:                    } else {
463:                        opposing = LEFT_TOP;
464:                    }
465:                    if (decDatas[opposing] == null) {
466:                        // No decorator on the opposing side.
467:                        // Attach the control to this decorator
468:                        formData.left = new FormAttachment(decData.label);
469:                    } else if (decDatas[opposing].data.width < newWidth) {
470:                        // Decorator on opposing side is the smaller one. Attach
471:                        // control to the new one.
472:                        formData.left = new FormAttachment(decData.label);
473:                        // Center align the smaller one relative to the larger one.
474:                        decDatas[opposing].data.left.alignment = SWT.CENTER;
475:                        decDatas[opposing].data.left.control = decData.label;
476:                    } else {
477:                        // The new decorator is the smaller one. Keep the
478:                        // control attached to the opposing one.
479:                        formData = null;
480:                        // Horizontally center the smaller one relative to the larger
481:                        // one.
482:               = SWT.CENTER;
483:               = decDatas[opposing].label;
484:                    }
485:                    break;
486:                /*
487:                 * The only real difference in right side cases is that we are attaching
488:                 * the right side of the control to the wider decoration rather than the
489:                 * left side of the control. Other concerns (horizontally aligning the
490:                 * smaller decoration relative to the larger one) are the same.
491:                 */
492:                case RIGHT_TOP:
493:                case RIGHT_BOTTOM:
494:                    if (index == RIGHT_TOP) {
495:                        opposing = RIGHT_BOTTOM;
496:                    } else {
497:                        opposing = RIGHT_TOP;
498:                    }
499:                    if (decDatas[opposing] == null) {
500:                        // No decorator on the opposing side.
501:                        // Attach the control to this decorator.
502:                        formData.right = new FormAttachment(decData.label);
503:                    } else if (decDatas[opposing].data.width < newWidth) {
504:                        // Decorator on opposing side is the smaller one. Attach
505:                        // control to the new one.
506:                        formData.right = new FormAttachment(decData.label);
507:                        // Center align the smaller one to the larger one.
508:                        // Note that this could be done using the left or right
509:                        // attachment, we use the right since it is already
510:                        // created for all right-side decorations.
511:                        decDatas[opposing].data.right.alignment = SWT.CENTER;
512:                        decDatas[opposing].data.right.control = decData.label;
513:                    } else {
514:                        // The new decorator is the smaller one. Keep the
515:                        // control attached to the opposing one.
516:                        formData = null;
517:                        // Horizontally center align the smaller one to the
518:                        // larger one.
519:               = SWT.CENTER;
520:               = decDatas[opposing].label;
521:                    }
522:                    break;
523:                default:
524:                    return;
525:                }
526:                if (formData != null) {
527:                    // Form data was updated.
528:                    control.setLayoutData(formData);
529:                    form.layout();
530:                }
531:            }
533:            /**
534:             * Get the control that is decorated by the receiver.
535:             * 
536:             * @return the Control decorated by the receiver, or <code>null</code> if
537:             *         none has been created yet.
538:             */
539:            public Control getControl() {
540:                return control;
541:            }
543:            /**
544:             * Get the control that represents the decorated field. This composite
545:             * should be used to lay out the field within its parent.
546:             * 
547:             * @return the Control that should be layed out in the field's parent's
548:             *         layout. This is typically not the control itself, since
549:             *         additional controls are used to represent the decorations.
550:             */
551:            public Control getLayoutControl() {
552:                return form;
553:            }
555:            /**
556:             * Create the parent composite and a form layout that will be used to manage
557:             * decorations.
558:             */
559:            private Composite createForm(Composite parent) {
560:                Composite composite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NO_FOCUS);
561:                // see
562:                composite.setBackgroundMode(SWT.INHERIT_DEFAULT);
563:                composite.setLayout(new FormLayout());
564:                return composite;
565:            }
567:            /**
568:             * Add any listeners needed on the target control.
569:             */
570:            private void addControlListeners() {
571:                control.addDisposeListener(new DisposeListener() {
572:                    public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent event) {
573:                        if (hover != null) {
574:                            hover.dispose();
575:                        }
576:                    }
577:                });
578:                control.addFocusListener(new FocusListener() {
579:                    public void focusGained(FocusEvent event) {
580:                        controlFocusGained();
581:                    }
583:                    public void focusLost(FocusEvent event) {
584:                        controlFocusLost();
585:                    }
587:                });
588:            }
590:            /*
591:             * Return the index in the array of decoration datas that represents the
592:             * specified SWT position.
593:             * 
594:             * @param position The SWT constant indicating the position of the
595:             * decoration relative to the field's control. The position should include
596:             * style bits describing both the vertical and horizontal orientation.
597:             * <code>SWT.LEFT</code> and <code>SWT.RIGHT</code> describe the
598:             * horizontal placement of the decoration relative to the field, and the
599:             * constants <code>SWT.TOP</code> and <code>SWT.BOTTOM</code> describe
600:             * the vertical alignment of the decoration relative to the field.
601:             * Decorations always appear on either horizontal side of the field, never
602:             * above or below it. For example, a decoration appearing on the left side
603:             * of the field, at the top, is specified as SWT.LEFT | SWT.TOP.
604:             * 
605:             * @return index the index in the array of decorations that represents the
606:             * specified SWT position. If the position is not an expected position, the
607:             * index representing the top left position will be returned.
608:             * 
609:             */
610:            private int indexForPosition(int position) {
611:                switch (position) {
612:                case SWT.LEFT | SWT.BOTTOM:
613:                    return LEFT_BOTTOM;
614:                case SWT.RIGHT | SWT.TOP:
615:                    return RIGHT_TOP;
616:                case SWT.RIGHT | SWT.BOTTOM:
617:                    return RIGHT_BOTTOM;
618:                default:
619:                    return LEFT_TOP;
620:                }
621:            }
623:            /*
624:             * Create a form data that will place the decoration at the specified
625:             * position.
626:             * 
627:             * @param index the index in the decDatas describing the position of the
628:             * decoration.
629:             * 
630:             * @param image the image shown in the decoration.
631:             * 
632:             */
633:            private FormData createFormDataForIndex(int index, Image image) {
634:                Assert.isTrue(index >= 0 && index < DECORATION_SLOTS,
635:                        "Index out of range"); //$NON-NLS-1$
637:                FormData data = new FormData();
638:                switch (index) {
639:                case LEFT_TOP:
640:                    data.left = new FormAttachment(0, 0);
641:           = new FormAttachment(0, 0);
642:                    break;
643:                case LEFT_BOTTOM:
644:                    data.left = new FormAttachment(0, 0);
645:                    data.bottom = new FormAttachment(100, 0);
646:                    break;
647:                case RIGHT_TOP:
648:                    data.right = new FormAttachment(100, 0);
649:           = new FormAttachment(0, 0);
650:                    break;
651:                case RIGHT_BOTTOM:
652:                    data.right = new FormAttachment(100, 0);
653:                    data.bottom = new FormAttachment(100, 0);
654:                    break;
655:                }
656:                data.width = widthOf(image);
657:                data.height = SWT.DEFAULT;
659:                return data;
660:            }
662:            /**
663:             * Show the specified text using the same hover dialog as is used to show
664:             * decorator descriptions. Normally, a decoration's description text will be
665:             * shown in an info hover over the field's control whenever the mouse hovers
666:             * over the decoration. This method can be used to show a decoration's
667:             * description text at other times (such as when the control receives
668:             * focus), or to show other text associated with the field.
669:             * 
670:             * <p>
671:             * If there is currently a hover visible, the hover's text will be replaced
672:             * with the specified text.
673:             * 
674:             * @param text
675:             *            the text to be shown in the info hover, or <code>null</code>
676:             *            if no text should be shown.
677:             */
678:            public void showHoverText(String text) {
679:                showHoverText(text, control);
680:            }
682:            /**
683:             * Hide any hover popups that are currently showing on the control.
684:             * Normally, a decoration's description text will be shown in an info hover
685:             * over the field's control as long as the mouse hovers over the decoration,
686:             * and will be hidden when the mouse exits the control. This method can be
687:             * used to hide a hover that was shown using <code>showHoverText</code>,
688:             * or to programatically hide the current decoration hover.
689:             * 
690:             * <p>
691:             * This message has no effect if there is no current hover.
692:             * 
693:             */
694:            public void hideHover() {
695:                if (hover != null) {
696:                    hover.setVisible(false);
697:                }
698:            }
700:            /*
701:             * The target control gained focus. Any decorations that should show only
702:             * when they have the focus should be shown here.
703:             */
704:            private void controlFocusGained() {
705:                for (int i = 0; i < DECORATION_SLOTS; i++) {
706:                    if (decDatas[i] != null && decDatas[i].showOnFocus) {
707:                        setVisible(decDatas[i], true);
708:                    }
709:                }
710:            }
712:            /*
713:             * The target control lost focus. Any decorations that should show only when
714:             * they have the focus should be hidden here.
715:             */
716:            private void controlFocusLost() {
717:                for (int i = 0; i < DECORATION_SLOTS; i++) {
718:                    if (decDatas[i] != null && decDatas[i].showOnFocus) {
719:                        setVisible(decDatas[i], false);
720:                    }
721:                }
722:            }
724:            /**
725:             * Show the specified decoration. This message has no effect if the
726:             * decoration is already showing, or was not already added to the field
727:             * using <code>addFieldDecoration</code>.
728:             * 
729:             * @param decoration
730:             *            the decoration to be shown.
731:             */
732:            public void showDecoration(FieldDecoration decoration) {
733:                FieldDecorationData data = getDecorationData(decoration);
734:                if (data == null) {
735:                    return;
736:                }
737:                // record the fact that client would like it to be visible
738:                data.visible = true;
739:                // even if it is supposed to be shown, if the field does not have focus,
740:                // do not show it (yet)
741:                if (!data.showOnFocus || control.isFocusControl()) {
742:                    setVisible(data, true);
743:                }
744:            }
746:            /**
747:             * Hide the specified decoration. This message has no effect if the
748:             * decoration is already hidden, or was not already added to the field using
749:             * <code>addFieldDecoration</code>.
750:             * 
751:             * @param decoration
752:             *            the decoration to be hidden.
753:             */
754:            public void hideDecoration(FieldDecoration decoration) {
755:                FieldDecorationData data = getDecorationData(decoration);
756:                if (data == null) {
757:                    return;
758:                }
759:                // Store the desired visibility in the decData. We remember the
760:                // client's instructions so that changes in visibility caused by
761:                // field focus changes won't violate the client's visibility setting.
762:                data.visible = false;
763:                setVisible(data, false);
764:            }
766:            /**
767:             * Update the specified decoration. This message should be used if the image
768:             * or description in the decoration have changed. This message has no
769:             * immediate effect if the decoration is not visible, and no effect at all
770:             * if the decoration was not previously added to the field.
771:             * 
772:             * @param decoration
773:             *            the decoration to be hidden.
774:             */
775:            public void updateDecoration(FieldDecoration decoration) {
776:                FieldDecorationData data = getDecorationData(decoration);
777:                if (data == null) {
778:                    return;
779:                }
780:                if (data.label != null) {
781:                    data.label.setImage(decoration.getImage());
782:                    // If the decoration is being shown, and a hover is active,
783:                    // update the hover text to display the new description.
784:                    if (data.label.getVisible() == true && hover != null) {
785:                        showHoverText(decoration.getDescription(), data.label);
786:                    }
787:                }
788:            }
790:            /*
791:             * Set the visibility of the specified decoration data. This method does not
792:             * change the visibility value stored in the decData, but instead consults
793:             * it to determine how the visibility should be changed. This method is
794:             * called any time visibility of a decoration might change, whether by
795:             * client API or focus changes.
796:             */
797:            private void setVisible(FieldDecorationData decData, boolean visible) {
798:                // Check the decData visibility flag, since it contains the client's
799:                // instructions for visibility.
800:                if (visible && decData.visible) {
801:                    decData.label.setVisible(true);
802:                } else {
803:                    decData.label.setVisible(false);
804:                }
805:            }
807:            /*
808:             * Get the FieldDecorationData that corresponds to the given decoration.
809:             */
810:            private FieldDecorationData getDecorationData(FieldDecoration dec) {
811:                for (int i = 0; i < DECORATION_SLOTS; i++) {
812:                    if (decDatas[i] != null && dec == decDatas[i].decoration
813:                            && decDatas[i].label != null
814:                            && !decDatas[i].label.isDisposed()) {
815:                        return decDatas[i];
816:                    }
817:                }
818:                return null;
819:            }
821:            /*
822:             * Show the specified text in the hover, positioning the hover near the
823:             * specified control.
824:             */
825:            private void showHoverText(String text, Control hoverNear) {
826:                if (text == null) {
827:                    hideHover();
828:                    return;
829:                }
831:                if (hover == null) {
832:                    hover = new Hover(hoverNear.getShell());
833:                }
834:                hover.setText(text, hoverNear, control);
835:                hover.setVisible(true);
836:            }
838:            /**
839:             * Set a boolean that indicates whether the receiver should use the
840:             * decoration registry's maximum decoration width when allocating space for
841:             * decorations. The default value is <code>true</code>. Using the maximum
842:             * decoration width is useful so that decorated fields on the same dialog
843:             * that have different decoration widths will all align. This also allows
844:             * client dialogs to align non-decorated fields with decorated fields by
845:             * consulting the maximum decoration width.
846:             * </p>
847:             * <p>
848:             * Clients may wish to set this value to <code>false</code> in cases where
849:             * space usage is more important than alignment of fields. This value must
850:             * be set before the decorations are added in order to ensure proper
851:             * alignment.
852:             * </p>
853:             * 
854:             * @param useMaximumWidth
855:             *            <code>true</code> if the maximum decoration width should be
856:             *            used as the size for all decorations, <code>false</code> if
857:             *            only the decoration size should be used.
858:             * 
859:             * @see FieldDecorationRegistry#getMaximumDecorationWidth()
860:             */
861:            public void setUseMaximumDecorationWidth(boolean useMaximumWidth) {
862:                useMaxDecorationWidth = useMaximumWidth;
863:            }
865:            /*
866:             * Return the width appropriate for the specified decoration image.
867:             */
868:            private int widthOf(Image image) {
869:                if (image == null) {
870:                    return 0;
871:                }
872:                return useMaxDecorationWidth ? FieldDecorationRegistry
873:                        .getDefault().getMaximumDecorationWidth() : image
874:                        .getBounds().width;
875:            }
876:        } | Contact Us
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