01: /*******************************************************************************
02: * Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
03: * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
04: * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
05: * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
06: * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
07: *
08: * Contributors:
09: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
10: * Sebastian Davids <sdavids@gmx.de> - bug 132479 - [FieldAssist] Field assist example improvements
11: *******************************************************************************/package org.eclipse.ui.examples.fieldassist.preferences;
13: /**
14: * Constant definitions for plug-in preferences
15: */
16: public class PreferenceConstants {
17: public static final String PREF_DECORATOR_VERTICALLOCATION = "prefDecoratorVerticalLocation";
18: public static final String PREF_DECORATOR_VERTICALLOCATION_TOP = "prefDecoratorVerticalTop";
19: public static final String PREF_DECORATOR_VERTICALLOCATION_CENTER = "prefDecoratorVerticalCenter";
20: public static final String PREF_DECORATOR_VERTICALLOCATION_BOTTOM = "prefDecoratorVerticalBottom";
21: public static final String PREF_DECORATOR_HORIZONTALLOCATION = "prefDecoratorHorizontalLocation";
22: public static final String PREF_DECORATOR_HORIZONTALLOCATION_LEFT = "prefDecoratorHorizontalLeft";
23: public static final String PREF_DECORATOR_HORIZONTALLOCATION_RIGHT = "prefDecoratorHorizontalRight";
25: public static final String PREF_DECORATOR_MARGINWIDTH = "prefDecoratorMarginWidth";
27: public static final String PREF_SHOWERRORDECORATION = "prefShowErrorDecoration";
28: public static final String PREF_SHOWERRORMESSAGE = "prefShowErrorMessage";
30: public static final String PREF_SHOWWARNINGDECORATION = "prefShowWarningDecoration";
32: public static final String PREF_SHOWREQUIREDFIELDDECORATION = "prefShowRequiredFieldDecoration";
33: public static final String PREF_SHOWREQUIREDFIELDLABELINDICATOR = "prefShowRequiredFieldLabelIndicator";
35: public static final String PREF_SHOWCONTENTPROPOSALCUE = "prefShowContentProposalCue";
37: public static final String PREF_SHOWSECONDARYPOPUP = "prefShowSecondaryPopup";
38: public static final String PREF_CONTENTASSISTKEY_PROPAGATE = "prefContentAssistKeyPropagate";
39: public static final String PREF_CONTENTASSISTDELAY = "prefContentAssistDelay";
41: public static final String PREF_CONTENTASSISTKEY = "prefContentAssistKey";
42: public static final String PREF_CONTENTASSISTKEY1 = "Ctrl+Space";
43: public static final String PREF_CONTENTASSISTKEY2 = "*";
44: public static final String PREF_CONTENTASSISTKEYAUTO = "Alphanumeric key (on auto-activate delay)";
45: public static final String PREF_CONTENTASSISTKEYAUTOSUBSET = "t, d (on auto-activate delay)";
47: public static final String PREF_CONTENTASSISTRESULT = "prefContentResult";
48: public static final String PREF_CONTENTASSISTRESULT_REPLACE = "replace";
49: public static final String PREF_CONTENTASSISTRESULT_INSERT = "insert";
50: public static final String PREF_CONTENTASSISTRESULT_NONE = "none";
52: public static final String PREF_CONTENTASSISTFILTER = "prefContentAssistFilter";
53: public static final String PREF_CONTENTASSISTFILTER_CUMULATIVE = "cumulative filter";
54: public static final String PREF_CONTENTASSISTFILTER_CHAR = "character filter";
55: public static final String PREF_CONTENTASSISTFILTER_NONE = "none";
56: }