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0001:        /*
0003:         *
0004:         * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
0005:         *
0006:         * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
0007:         * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
0008:         * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
0009:         * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
0010:         * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
0011:         *
0012:         * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
0013:         * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
0014:         * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
0015:         * Notice in each file and include the License file at
0016:         * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Sun designates this
0017:         * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
0018:         * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
0019:         * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
0020:         * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
0021:         * your own identifying information:
0022:         * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
0023:         *
0024:         * Contributor(s):
0025:         *
0026:         * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
0027:         * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun
0028:         * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
0029:         *
0030:         * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
0031:         * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
0032:         * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
0033:         * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
0034:         * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
0035:         * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
0036:         * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
0037:         * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
0038:         * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
0039:         * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
0040:         */
0041:        package org.netbeans.modules.compapp.projects.jbi.anttasks;
0043:        import;
0044:        import;
0045:        import java.util.ArrayList;
0046:        import java.util.HashMap;
0047:        import java.util.List;
0048:        import java.util.Map;
0049:        import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
0050:        import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
0051:        import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
0052:        import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
0053:        import;
0054:        import;
0055:        import org.netbeans.modules.compapp.projects.jbi.api.JbiProjectConstants;
0056:        import org.netbeans.modules.compapp.projects.jbi.descriptor.XmlUtil;
0057:        import org.netbeans.modules.compapp.projects.jbi.descriptor.endpoints.model.Endpoint;
0058:        import org.netbeans.modules.compapp.projects.jbi.util.MyFileUtil;
0059:        import org.netbeans.modules.xml.wsdl.model.Binding;
0060:        import org.netbeans.modules.xml.wsdl.model.Definitions;
0061:        import org.netbeans.modules.xml.wsdl.model.Port;
0062:        import org.netbeans.modules.xml.wsdl.model.PortType;
0063:        import org.netbeans.modules.xml.wsdl.model.Service;
0064:        import org.netbeans.modules.xml.wsdl.model.WSDLModel;
0065:        import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
0066:        import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
0067:        import org.openide.util.Lookup;
0068:        import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
0069:        import org.w3c.dom.Document;
0070:        import org.w3c.dom.Element;
0071:        import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
0072:        import org.w3c.dom.Node;
0073:        import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
0074:        import org.w3c.dom.Text;
0075:        import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
0077:        import static org.netbeans.modules.compapp.projects.jbi.CasaConstants.*;
0078:        import static org.netbeans.modules.compapp.projects.jbi.JbiConstants.*;
0079:        import static org.netbeans.modules.compapp.projects.jbi.api.JbiEndpointExtensionConstants.*;
0081:        /**
0082:         *
0083:         * @author jqian
0084:         */
0085:        public class CasaBuilder {
0087:            // WSDL Domain
0088:            public static final String WSDL_NAMESPACE_URI = "";
0089:            public static final String WSDL_PORT_ELEM_NAME = "port";
0090:            public static final String WSDL_SERVICE_ELEM_NAME = "service";
0091:            public static final String WSDL_NAME_ATTR_NAME = "name";
0092:            // XLink Domain
0093:            public static final String XLINK_NAMESPACE_URI = "";
0094:            public static final String XLINK_NAMESPACE_PREFIX = "xlink";
0095:            public static final String XLINK_HREF_ATTR_NAME = "href";
0096:            public static final String XLINK_TYPE_ATTR_NAME = "type";
0097:            public static final String WSDL_ENDPOINTS_REGION_NAME = "WSDL Endpoints";
0098:            public static final String JBI_MODULES_REGION_NAME = "JBI Modules";
0099:            public static final String EXTERNAL_MODULES_REGION_NAME = "External Modules";
0100:            public static final String DEFAULT_WSDL_ENDPOINTS_REGION_WIDTH = "150";
0101:            public static final String DEFAULT_JBI_MODULES_REGION_WIDTH = "500";
0102:            public static final String DEFAULT_EXTERNAL_MODULES_REGION_WIDTH = "200";
0103:            // mapping binding component namespace to binding component name,
0104:            // e.x., 
0105:            private Map<String, String> bcNamespace2NameMap;
0106:            // mapping SE/BC SU name to endpoints defined in the SU's jbi.xml
0107:            private Map<String, List<Endpoint>> su2Endpoints = new HashMap<String, List<Endpoint>>();
0108:            // A Map mapping fully qualified endpoint name to endpoint ID for all 
0109:            // the endpoints in the new casa document.
0110:            private Map<String, String> newEndpointMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
0111:            // index used for creating endpoint IDs in the new casa document
0112:            private int endpointIndex = 1;
0113:            // a list of external endpoints in the old casa document
0114:            private List<Endpoint> externalEndpoints;
0115:            // a list of endpoints defined in all the WSDL files in the compapp and
0116:            // its component projects
0117:            private List<Endpoint> newWsdlEndpoints;
0118:            // mapping BC name to list of deleted endpoints for that BC type in the 
0119:            // old casa document
0120:            private Map<String, List<Endpoint>> deletedBCEndpointsMap;
0121:            // mapping BC name to a list of unconnected endpoints in the old casa document
0122:            private Map<String, List<Endpoint>> oldUnconnectedBCEndpointsMap;
0123:            private String serviceUnitsDirLoc;
0124:            private String confDirLoc;
0125:            private String casaFileLoc;
0126:            private Project project;
0127:            private wsdlRepository wsdlRepository;
0128:            private Task task;
0129:            private Document oldCasaDocument;
0130:            private Document newCasaDocument;
0132:            public CasaBuilder(Project project, wsdlRepository wsdlRepository,
0133:                    Task task) {
0135:                this .project = project;
0136:                this .wsdlRepository = wsdlRepository;
0137:                this .task = task;
0139:                String projName = AntProjectHelper
0140:                        .getServiceAssemblyID(project);
0141:                String projPath = project.getProperty("basedir")
0142:                        + File.separator;
0143:                String srcDirLoc = projPath + "src" + File.separator;
0144:                confDirLoc = srcDirLoc + "conf" + File.separator;
0145:                serviceUnitsDirLoc = srcDirLoc
0146:                        + JbiProjectConstants.FOLDER_JBISERVICEUNITS
0147:                        + File.separator;
0148:                casaFileLoc = confDirLoc + projName + ".casa";
0150:                File casaFile = new File(casaFileLoc);
0151:                if (casaFile.exists()) {
0152:                    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory
0153:                            .newInstance();
0154:                    factory.setValidating(false);
0155:                    factory.setNamespaceAware(true);
0156:                    try {
0157:                        DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = factory
0158:                                .newDocumentBuilder();
0159:                        oldCasaDocument = documentBuilder.parse(casaFile);
0160:                    } catch (Exception ex) {
0161:                        ex.printStackTrace();
0162:                    }
0163:                }
0164:            }
0166:            final Document getOldCasaDocument() {
0167:                return oldCasaDocument;
0168:            }
0170:            /**
0171:             * Creates a new CASA document based on sa jbi.xml and optionally 
0172:             * an old CASA file.
0173:             * 
0174:             * @param jbiDocument   service assembly JBI document
0175:             * 
0176:             * @return the new CASA document
0177:             */
0178:            public Document createCasaDocument(Document jbiDocument) {
0179:                try {
0180:                    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory
0181:                            .newInstance();
0182:                    factory.setNamespaceAware(true);
0184:                    DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
0185:                    newCasaDocument = builder.newDocument();
0187:                    Element casaRoot = newCasaDocument
0188:                            .createElement(CASA_ELEM_NAME);
0189:                    newCasaDocument.appendChild(casaRoot);
0190:                    casaRoot.setAttribute("xmlns", CASA_NAMESPACE_URI);
0191:                    casaRoot.setAttribute("xmlns:" + XLINK_NAMESPACE_PREFIX,
0192:                            XLINK_NAMESPACE_URI);
0194:                    // build binding component namespace to ID map
0195:                    bcNamespace2NameMap = wsdlRepository
0196:                            .buildBindingComponentMap(project);
0198:                    // Prepare various endpoint lists
0199:                    deletedBCEndpointsMap = getDeletedBCEndpointsMap();
0200:                    oldUnconnectedBCEndpointsMap = getUnconnectedBCEndpointsMap();
0202:                    // endpoints
0203:                    Element casaEndpoints = createEndpoints(jbiDocument);
0204:                    casaRoot.appendChild(casaEndpoints);
0206:                    // service units
0207:                    Element casaServiceUnits = createSUs(jbiDocument);
0208:                    casaRoot.appendChild(casaServiceUnits);
0210:                    // connections
0211:                    Element casaConnections = createConnections(jbiDocument);
0212:                    casaRoot.appendChild(casaConnections);
0214:                    // porttypes, bindings, services
0215:                    List<Element> casaWSDLReferences = createWSDLReferenceElements();
0216:                    for (Element casaElement : casaWSDLReferences) {
0217:                        casaRoot.appendChild(casaElement);
0218:                    }
0220:                    // regions
0221:                    Element casaRegions = createRegions();
0222:                    casaRoot.appendChild(casaRegions);
0224:                    //        preserveCasaWSDLEndpointsAndPorts();
0226:                    mergeLocations();
0228:                    // Merge endpoint extension elements from old casa
0229:                    mergeBCEndpointExtensions(true);
0230:                    mergeBCEndpointExtensions(false);
0232:                    // Merge connection extension elements from old casa
0233:                    mergeConnectionExtensions();
0235:                    XmlUtil.writeToFile(casaFileLoc, newCasaDocument);
0236:                } catch (Exception e) {
0237:                    e.printStackTrace();
0238:                    log(e.getMessage());
0239:                }
0241:                return newCasaDocument;
0242:            }
0244:            /**
0245:             * Gets an Endpoint object from an endpoint element in CASA DOM.
0246:             */
0247:            private static Endpoint getEndpointInCASA(
0248:                    Element casaEndpointElement) {
0249:                String endpointName = casaEndpointElement
0250:                        .getAttribute(CASA_ENDPOINT_NAME_ATTR_NAME);
0251:                QName serviceQName = XmlUtil.getAttributeNSName(
0252:                        casaEndpointElement, CASA_SERVICE_NAME_ATTR_NAME);
0253:                QName interfaceQName = XmlUtil.getAttributeNSName(
0254:                        casaEndpointElement, CASA_INTERFACE_NAME_ATTR_NAME);
0256:                return new Endpoint(endpointName, serviceQName, interfaceQName);
0257:            }
0259:            /**
0260:             * Gets the ID of the given endpoint in the CASA document.
0261:             */
0262:            private static String getEndpointID(Document casaDocument,
0263:                    Endpoint endpoint) {
0264:                NodeList endpointNodeList = casaDocument
0265:                        .getElementsByTagName(CASA_ENDPOINT_ELEM_NAME);
0267:                for (int i = 0; i < endpointNodeList.getLength(); i++) {
0268:                    Element endpointElement = (Element) endpointNodeList
0269:                            .item(i);
0270:                    Endpoint casaEndpoint = getEndpointInCASA(endpointElement);
0271:                    if (endpoint.equals(casaEndpoint)) {
0272:                        return endpointElement
0273:                                .getAttribute(CASA_NAME_ATTR_NAME);
0274:                    }
0275:                }
0277:                return null;
0278:            }
0280:            /**
0281:             * Creates the SE/BC service-units element in the new casa document.
0282:             */
0283:            private Element createSUs(Document jbiDocument)
0284:                    throws SAXException, IOException,
0285:                    ParserConfigurationException {
0287:                Element casaSUs = newCasaDocument
0288:                        .createElement(CASA_SERVICE_UNITS_ELEM_NAME);
0290:                // 1. "Copy" SE and BC SUs from jbi document over
0291:                List<String> componentIDs = new ArrayList<String>();
0293:                if (jbiDocument == null) {
0294:                    return casaSUs;
0295:                }
0296:                NodeList jbiSUs = jbiDocument
0297:                        .getElementsByTagName(JBI_SERVICE_UNIT_ELEM_NAME);
0298:                for (int i = 0; i < jbiSUs.getLength(); i++) {
0299:                    Element jbiSU = (Element) jbiSUs.item(i);
0300:                    String componentID = getJBIServiceUnitComponentName(jbiSU);
0301:                    componentIDs.add(componentID);
0303:                    Element casaSU = bcNamespace2NameMap.values().contains(
0304:                            componentID) ? createBCSUFromJbiElement(jbiSU)
0305:                            : createSESUFromJbiElement(jbiSU);
0307:                    if (casaSU != null) {
0308:                        casaSUs.appendChild(casaSU);
0309:                    }
0310:                }
0312:                if (oldCasaDocument != null) {
0313:                    // 2. Merge BC SUs from old casa that contains only unconnected
0314:                    // and/or deleted ports.
0315:                    NodeList bcSUs = oldCasaDocument
0316:                            .getElementsByTagName(CASA_BINDING_COMPONENT_SERVICE_UNIT_ELEM_NAME);
0317:                    for (int i = 0; i < bcSUs.getLength(); i++) {
0318:                        Element bcSU = (Element) bcSUs.item(i);
0319:                        String bcName = bcSU
0320:                                .getAttribute(CASA_COMPONENT_NAME_ATTR_NAME);
0321:                        if (!componentIDs.contains(bcName)) {
0322:                            Element casaSU = createBCSUFromCasaElement(bcSU);
0323:                            // Only add this BC SU if it still contains at least one
0324:                            // unconnected or deleted port.
0325:                            Element ports = (Element) casaSU
0326:                                    .getElementsByTagName(CASA_PORTS_ELEM_NAME)
0327:                                    .item(0);
0328:                            if (ports.getChildNodes().getLength() > 0) {
0329:                                casaSUs.appendChild(casaSU);
0330:                            }
0331:                        }
0332:                    }
0334:                    // 3. Merge external SE SUs from old casa
0335:                    try {
0336:                        List<Element> externalSESUs = getExternalSESUs();
0337:                        for (Element oldSESU : externalSESUs) {
0338:                            Node newSESU = deepCloneCasaNodeWithEndpointConversion(oldSESU);
0339:                            casaSUs.appendChild(newSESU);
0340:                        }
0341:                    } catch (Exception e) {
0342:                        log("ERROR: Problem merging external service units from old casa: "
0343:                                + e
0344:                                + ". This does not affect regular compapp build.");
0345:                    }
0346:                }
0348:                return casaSUs;
0349:            }
0351:            /**
0352:             * Merge connection extension elements from the old CASA document.
0353:             * 
0354:             * @param isConsumes    is consumes endpoint or provides endpoint
0355:             */
0356:            private void mergeConnectionExtensions() {
0357:                if (oldCasaDocument == null) {
0358:                    return;
0359:                }
0361:                NodeList oldConnections = oldCasaDocument
0362:                        .getElementsByTagName(CASA_CONNECTION_ELEM_NAME);
0364:                for (int i = 0; i < oldConnections.getLength(); i++) {
0365:                    Element oldConnection = (Element) oldConnections.item(i);
0366:                    Element newConnection = findConnection(oldCasaDocument,
0367:                            oldConnection, newCasaDocument);
0369:                    // Copy child extension elements over from old CASA to new CASA
0370:                    if (newConnection != null) {
0371:                        deepCloneChildren(oldConnection, newConnection);
0372:                    }
0373:                }
0374:            }
0376:            private static Element findConnection(Document oldCasaDocument,
0377:                    Element oldConnection, Document newCasaDocument) {
0378:                Element ret = null;
0380:                String oldConsumerEndpointID = oldConnection
0381:                        .getAttribute(CASA_CONSUMER_ATTR_NAME);
0382:                Endpoint consumerEndpoint = getEndpoint(oldCasaDocument,
0383:                        oldConsumerEndpointID);
0384:                String newConsumerEndpointID = getEndpointID(newCasaDocument,
0385:                        consumerEndpoint);
0387:                String oldProviderEndpointID = oldConnection
0388:                        .getAttribute(CASA_PROVIDER_ATTR_NAME);
0389:                Endpoint providerEndpoint = getEndpoint(oldCasaDocument,
0390:                        oldProviderEndpointID);
0391:                String newProviderEndpointID = getEndpointID(newCasaDocument,
0392:                        providerEndpoint);
0394:                NodeList newConnections = newCasaDocument
0395:                        .getElementsByTagName(CASA_CONNECTION_ELEM_NAME);
0397:                for (int i = 0; i < newConnections.getLength(); i++) {
0398:                    Element newConnection = (Element) newConnections.item(i);
0399:                    if (newConnection.getAttribute(CASA_CONSUMER_ATTR_NAME)
0400:                            .equals(newConsumerEndpointID)
0401:                            && newConnection.getAttribute(
0402:                                    CASA_PROVIDER_ATTR_NAME).equals(
0403:                                    newProviderEndpointID)) {
0404:                        ret = newConnection;
0405:                        break;
0406:                    }
0407:                }
0409:                return ret;
0410:            }
0412:            /**
0413:             * Merge binding component endpoint extension elements from the 
0414:             * old CASA document.
0415:             * 
0416:             * @param isConsumes    is consumes endpoint or provides endpoint
0417:             */
0418:            private void mergeBCEndpointExtensions(boolean isConsumes) {
0419:                if (oldCasaDocument == null) {
0420:                    return;
0421:                }
0423:                NodeList oldBCSUs = oldCasaDocument
0424:                        .getElementsByTagName(CASA_BINDING_COMPONENT_SERVICE_UNIT_ELEM_NAME);
0426:                for (int i = 0; i < oldBCSUs.getLength(); i++) {
0427:                    Element oldBCSU = (Element) oldBCSUs.item(i);
0428:                    NodeList oldEndpointRefs = oldBCSU
0429:                            .getElementsByTagName(isConsumes ? CASA_CONSUMES_ELEM_NAME
0430:                                    : CASA_PROVIDES_ELEM_NAME);
0432:                    for (int j = 0; j < oldEndpointRefs.getLength(); j++) {
0433:                        Element oldEndpointRef = (Element) oldEndpointRefs
0434:                                .item(j);
0435:                        Element newEndpointRef = findEndpointRef(
0436:                                oldCasaDocument, oldEndpointRef,
0437:                                newCasaDocument, isConsumes);
0439:                        // Copy child extension elements over from old CASA to new CASA
0440:                        if (newEndpointRef != null) {
0441:                            deepCloneChildren(oldEndpointRef, newEndpointRef);
0442:                        }
0443:                    }
0444:                }
0445:            }
0447:            private static Element findEndpointRef(Document oldCasaDocument,
0448:                    Element oldEndpointRef, Document newCasaDocument,
0449:                    boolean isConsumes) {
0450:                Element newEndpointRef = null;
0452:                String oldEndpointID = oldEndpointRef
0453:                        .getAttribute(CASA_ENDPOINT_ATTR_NAME);
0454:                Endpoint endpoint = getEndpoint(oldCasaDocument, oldEndpointID);
0455:                String newEndpointID = getEndpointID(newCasaDocument, endpoint);
0457:                if (newEndpointID != null) {
0458:                    newEndpointRef = getEndpointRefElement(newCasaDocument,
0459:                            newEndpointID, false, isConsumes);
0460:                }
0462:                return newEndpointRef;
0463:            }
0465:            public static void deepCloneChildren(Element src, Element dest) {
0466:                assert src != null && dest != null;
0468:                Document destDocument = dest.getOwnerDocument();
0470:                NodeList oldChildren = src.getChildNodes();
0471:                for (int k = 0; k < oldChildren.getLength(); k++) {
0472:                    Node oldChild = oldChildren.item(k);
0473:                    if (oldChild instanceof  Element) {
0474:                        Node clonedNode = deepCloneCasaNode(oldChild,
0475:                                destDocument);
0476:                        dest.appendChild(clonedNode);
0477:                    }
0478:                }
0479:            }
0481:            /**
0482:             * Gets the CASA endpoint reference element (consumes/provides) that 
0483:             * corresponds to the given endpoint object.
0484:             * 
0485:             * @param casaDocument  CASA document
0486:             * @param endpoint      an endpoint object
0487:             * @param isSESU        if <code>true</code>, the endpoint belongs to a 
0488:             *                      service engine service unit; 
0489:             *                      if <code>false</code>, the endpoint belongs to a 
0490:             *                      binging component service unit
0491:             * @param isConsumes    if <code>true</code>, the endpoint is a consumes,
0492:             *                      if <code>false</code>, the endpoint is a provides.
0493:             * 
0494:             * @return  the consumes/provides element with the given ID.
0495:             */
0496:            static Element getEndpointRefElement(Document casaDocument,
0497:                    Endpoint endpoint, boolean isSESU, boolean isConsumes) {
0499:                String endpointID = getEndpointID(casaDocument, endpoint);
0500:                return getEndpointRefElement(casaDocument, endpointID, isSESU,
0501:                        isConsumes);
0502:            }
0504:            /**
0505:             * Gets the CASA endpoint reference element (consumes/provides) with the 
0506:             * given enpoint ID.
0507:             * 
0508:             * @param casaDocument  CASA document
0509:             * @param endpointID    ID of an endpoint
0510:             * @param isSESU        if <code>true</code>, the endpoint belongs to a 
0511:             *                      service engine service unit; 
0512:             *                      if <code>false</code>, the endpoint belongs to a 
0513:             *                      binging component service unit
0514:             * @param isConsumes    if <code>true</code>, the endpoint is a consumes,
0515:             *                      if <code>false</code>, the endpoint is a provides.
0516:             * 
0517:             * @return  the consumes/provides element with the given ID.
0518:             */
0519:            private static Element getEndpointRefElement(Document casaDocument,
0520:                    String endpointID, boolean isSESU, boolean isConsumes) {
0522:                NodeList sus = casaDocument
0523:                        .getElementsByTagName(isSESU ? CASA_SERVICE_ENGINE_SERVICE_UNIT_ELEM_NAME
0524:                                : CASA_BINDING_COMPONENT_SERVICE_UNIT_ELEM_NAME);
0526:                for (int i = 0; i < sus.getLength(); i++) {
0528:                    Element su = (Element) sus.item(i);
0530:                    NodeList endpointRefs = su
0531:                            .getElementsByTagName(isConsumes ? CASA_CONSUMES_ELEM_NAME
0532:                                    : CASA_PROVIDES_ELEM_NAME);
0534:                    for (int j = 0; j < endpointRefs.getLength(); j++) {
0535:                        Element endpointRef = (Element) endpointRefs.item(j);
0536:                        if (endpointRef.getAttribute(CASA_ENDPOINT_ATTR_NAME)
0537:                                .equals(endpointID)) {
0538:                            return endpointRef;
0539:                        }
0540:                    }
0541:                }
0543:                return null;
0544:            }
0546:            private Element deepCloneCasaNodeWithEndpointConversion(
0547:                    Element oldElement) {
0549:                Element newElement = (Element) deepCloneCasaNode(oldElement,
0550:                        newCasaDocument);
0552:                NodeList oldConsumesNodeList = oldElement
0553:                        .getElementsByTagName(CASA_CONSUMES_ELEM_NAME);
0554:                NodeList newConsumesNodeList = newElement
0555:                        .getElementsByTagName(CASA_CONSUMES_ELEM_NAME);
0556:                for (int i = 0; i < oldConsumesNodeList.getLength(); i++) {
0557:                    Element oldConsumes = (Element) oldConsumesNodeList.item(i);
0558:                    Element newConsumes = (Element) newConsumesNodeList.item(i);
0559:                    fixEndpointRefElementID(oldConsumes, newConsumes);
0560:                }
0562:                NodeList oldProvidesNodeList = oldElement
0563:                        .getElementsByTagName(CASA_PROVIDES_ELEM_NAME);
0564:                NodeList newProvidesNodeList = newElement
0565:                        .getElementsByTagName(CASA_PROVIDES_ELEM_NAME);
0566:                for (int i = 0; i < oldProvidesNodeList.getLength(); i++) {
0567:                    Element oldProvides = (Element) oldProvidesNodeList.item(i);
0568:                    Element newProvides = (Element) newProvidesNodeList.item(i);
0569:                    fixEndpointRefElementID(oldProvides, newProvides);
0570:                }
0572:                return newElement;
0573:            }
0575:            /**
0576:             * Fixes the ID attribute of an endpoint reference element 
0577:             * (consumes/provides) in the new CASA document so that both the 
0578:             * endpoint referebce element in the new CASA document and the 
0579:             * endpoint reference element in the old CASA document refer to 
0580:             * the same fully-qualified endpoint.
0581:             * 
0582:             * @param oldEndpoint an endpoint reference element in the old CASA document
0583:             * @param newEndpoint an endpoint reference element in the new CASA document
0584:             */
0585:            private void fixEndpointRefElementID(Element oldEndpointRef,
0586:                    Element newEndpointRef) {
0587:                String oldEndpointID = oldEndpointRef
0588:                        .getAttribute(CASA_ENDPOINT_ATTR_NAME);
0589:                Endpoint endpoint = getEndpoint(oldCasaDocument, oldEndpointID);
0590:                String newEndpointID = addEndpoint(endpoint);
0591:                newEndpointRef.setAttribute(CASA_ENDPOINT_ATTR_NAME,
0592:                        newEndpointID);
0593:            }
0595:            /**
0596:             * Creates a BC SU element in the new casa document from a BC SU element 
0597:             * in the jbi document.
0598:             */
0599:            private Element createBCSUFromJbiElement(Element jbiSU)
0600:                    throws SAXException, IOException,
0601:                    ParserConfigurationException {
0603:                Element bcSU = newCasaDocument
0604:                        .createElement(CASA_BINDING_COMPONENT_SERVICE_UNIT_ELEM_NAME);
0605:                String suName = getJBIServiceUnitName(jbiSU);
0607:                Element identification = (Element) jbiSU.getElementsByTagName(
0608:                        JBI_IDENTIFICATION_ELEM_NAME).item(0);
0609:                String name = ((Element) identification.getElementsByTagName(
0610:                        JBI_NAME_ELEM_NAME).item(0)).getFirstChild()
0611:                        .getNodeValue();
0612:                String description = ((Element) identification
0613:                        .getElementsByTagName(JBI_DESCRIPTION_ELEM_NAME)
0614:                        .item(0)).getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
0616:                Element target = (Element) jbiSU.getElementsByTagName(
0617:                        JBI_TARGET_ELEM_NAME).item(0);
0618:                String componentName = ((Element) target.getElementsByTagName(
0619:                        JBI_COMPONENT_NAME_ELEM_NAME).item(0)).getFirstChild()
0620:                        .getNodeValue();
0621:                String artifactsZip = ((Element) target.getElementsByTagName(
0622:                        JBI_ARTIFACTS_ZIP_ELEM_NAME).item(0)).getFirstChild()
0623:                        .getNodeValue();
0625:                bcSU.setAttribute(CASA_NAME_ATTR_NAME, name);
0626:                bcSU.setAttribute(CASA_UNIT_NAME_ATTR_NAME, suName);
0627:                bcSU.setAttribute(CASA_COMPONENT_NAME_ATTR_NAME, componentName);
0628:                bcSU.setAttribute(CASA_DESCRIPTION_ATTR_NAME, description);
0629:                bcSU.setAttribute(CASA_ARTIFACTS_ZIP_ATTR_NAME, artifactsZip);
0631:                Element casaPorts = createPorts(suName);
0632:                bcSU.appendChild(casaPorts);
0634:                return bcSU;
0635:            }
0637:            /**
0638:             * Creates a BC SU element in the new casa document from a BC SU element 
0639:             * in the old casa document.
0640:             */
0641:            private Element createBCSUFromCasaElement(Element casaBCSU)
0642:                    throws SAXException, IOException,
0643:                    ParserConfigurationException {
0645:                Element ret = newCasaDocument
0646:                        .createElement(CASA_BINDING_COMPONENT_SERVICE_UNIT_ELEM_NAME);
0648:                NamedNodeMap attrs = casaBCSU.getAttributes();
0649:                for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) {
0650:                    Node attrNode = attrs.item(i);
0651:                    String name = attrNode.getNodeName();
0652:                    String value = attrNode.getNodeValue();
0653:                    ret.setAttribute(name, value); // no namespace requirement here
0654:                }
0656:                String suName = ret.getAttribute(CASA_COMPONENT_NAME_ATTR_NAME);
0657:                Element casaPorts = createPorts(suName);
0658:                ret.appendChild(casaPorts);
0660:                return ret;
0661:            }
0663:            /**
0664:             * Creates a SE SU element in the new casa document from a SE SU element
0665:             * in the jbi document.
0666:             */
0667:            private Element createSESUFromJbiElement(Element jbiSU)
0668:                    throws SAXException, IOException,
0669:                    ParserConfigurationException {
0671:                Element seSU = newCasaDocument
0672:                        .createElement(CASA_SERVICE_ENGINE_SERVICE_UNIT_ELEM_NAME);
0673:                String suName = getJBIServiceUnitName(jbiSU);
0675:                List<Endpoint> suEndpointList = su2Endpoints.get(suName);
0676:                //        if (suEndpointList == null) {
0677:                //            log("ERROR: Invalid service unit name in service assembly jbi.xml: " + suName);
0678:                //            return null;
0679:                //        }
0681:                //        if (suEndpointList.size() == 0) {
0682:                //            // This is OK. It's possible that a SU doesn't contain any endpoints, 
0683:                //            // for example, an empty BPEL SU.
0684:                //        } 
0686:                Element identification = (Element) jbiSU.getElementsByTagName(
0687:                        JBI_IDENTIFICATION_ELEM_NAME).item(0);
0688:                String name = ((Element) identification.getElementsByTagName(
0689:                        JBI_NAME_ELEM_NAME).item(0)).getFirstChild()
0690:                        .getNodeValue();
0691:                Node descriptionChildNode = ((Element) identification
0692:                        .getElementsByTagName(JBI_DESCRIPTION_ELEM_NAME)
0693:                        .item(0)).getFirstChild();
0694:                String description = descriptionChildNode == null ? ""
0695:                        : descriptionChildNode.getNodeValue();
0697:                Element target = (Element) jbiSU.getElementsByTagName(
0698:                        JBI_TARGET_ELEM_NAME).item(0);
0699:                String componentName = ((Element) target.getElementsByTagName(
0700:                        JBI_COMPONENT_NAME_ELEM_NAME).item(0)).getFirstChild()
0701:                        .getNodeValue();
0702:                String artifactsZip = ((Element) target.getElementsByTagName(
0703:                        JBI_ARTIFACTS_ZIP_ELEM_NAME).item(0)).getFirstChild()
0704:                        .getNodeValue();
0706:                seSU.setAttribute(CASA_X_ATTR_NAME, "-1");
0707:                seSU.setAttribute(CASA_Y_ATTR_NAME, "-1");
0709:                seSU.setAttribute(CASA_INTERNAL_ATTR_NAME, "true");
0710:                seSU.setAttribute(CASA_DEFINED_ATTR_NAME, "true");
0711:                seSU.setAttribute(CASA_UNKNOWN_ATTR_NAME, "false");
0712:                seSU.setAttribute(CASA_NAME_ATTR_NAME, name);
0713:                seSU.setAttribute(CASA_UNIT_NAME_ATTR_NAME, suName);
0714:                seSU.setAttribute(CASA_COMPONENT_NAME_ATTR_NAME, componentName);
0715:                seSU.setAttribute(CASA_DESCRIPTION_ATTR_NAME, description);
0716:                seSU.setAttribute(CASA_ARTIFACTS_ZIP_ATTR_NAME, artifactsZip);
0718:                if (suEndpointList != null) {
0719:                    for (Endpoint endpoint : suEndpointList) {
0720:                        Element endpointRef = endpoint.isConsumes() ? (Element) newCasaDocument
0721:                                .createElement(CASA_CONSUMES_ELEM_NAME)
0722:                                : (Element) newCasaDocument
0723:                                        .createElement(CASA_PROVIDES_ELEM_NAME);
0724:                        String endpointID = getNewEndpointID(endpoint);
0725:                        endpointRef.setAttribute(CASA_ENDPOINT_ATTR_NAME,
0726:                                endpointID);
0727:                        seSU.appendChild(endpointRef);
0728:                    }
0729:                }
0730:                return seSU;
0731:            }
0733:            /**
0734:             * Creates the Connections element in the new casa document.
0735:             */
0736:            private Element createConnections(Document jbiDocument) {
0738:                Element casaConnections = newCasaDocument
0739:                        .createElement(CASA_CONNECTIONS_ELEM_NAME);
0741:                if (jbiDocument == null) {
0742:                    return casaConnections;
0743:                }
0745:                // 1. Copy jbi:connections from jbi document over.
0746:                NodeList jbiConnections = jbiDocument.getElementsByTagNameNS(
0747:                        JBI_NAMESPACE_URI, JBI_CONNECTION_ELEM_NAME);
0749:                for (int i = 0; i < jbiConnections.getLength(); i++) {
0750:                    Element jbiConnection = (Element) jbiConnections.item(i);
0752:                    Element consumer = (Element) jbiConnection
0753:                            .getElementsByTagName(JBI_CONSUMER_ELEM_NAME).item(
0754:                                    0);
0755:                    String consumerEndpointName = consumer
0756:                            .getAttribute(JBI_ENDPOINT_NAME_ATTR_NAME);
0757:                    QName consumerServiceQName = XmlUtil.getAttributeNSName(
0758:                            consumer, JBI_SERVICE_NAME_ATTR_NAME);
0759:                    String consumerID = getNewEndpointID(consumerServiceQName,
0760:                            consumerEndpointName);
0761:                    if (consumerID == null || consumerID.trim().length() == 0) {
0762:                        continue; // the consumes endpoint no longer exists in compapp
0763:                        // This could happen when a JBI module is deleted outside of 
0764:                        // CASA, in which case, the SE SU is removed from CASA model
0765:                        // but all the connections are left untouched. A second build
0766:                        // of compapp still sees the connections which are no longer
0767:                        // valid. A clean and build should have no problem though.
0768:                    }
0770:                    Element provider = (Element) jbiConnection
0771:                            .getElementsByTagName(JBI_PROVIDER_ELEM_NAME).item(
0772:                                    0);
0773:                    String providerEndpointName = provider
0774:                            .getAttribute(JBI_ENDPOINT_NAME_ATTR_NAME);
0775:                    QName providerServiceQName = XmlUtil.getAttributeNSName(
0776:                            provider, JBI_SERVICE_NAME_ATTR_NAME);
0777:                    String providerID = getNewEndpointID(providerServiceQName,
0778:                            providerEndpointName);
0779:                    if (providerID == null || providerID.trim().length() == 0) {
0780:                        continue; // the provides endpoint no longer exists in compapp
0781:                    }
0783:                    Element casaConnection = newCasaDocument
0784:                            .createElement(CASA_CONNECTION_ELEM_NAME);
0785:                    casaConnection.setAttribute(CASA_STATE_ATTR_NAME,
0786:                            CASA_UNCHANGED_ATTR_VALUE);
0787:                    casaConnection.setAttribute(CASA_CONSUMER_ATTR_NAME,
0788:                            consumerID);
0789:                    casaConnection.setAttribute(CASA_PROVIDER_ATTR_NAME,
0790:                            providerID);
0791:                    casaConnections.appendChild(casaConnection);
0792:                }
0794:                // 2. Mark user created connection as "new";
0795:                //    Merge deleted connections from the old casa document.
0796:                if (oldCasaDocument != null) {
0797:                    try {
0798:                        NodeList oldConnectionList = oldCasaDocument
0799:                                .getElementsByTagName(CASA_CONNECTION_ELEM_NAME);
0801:                        for (int i = oldConnectionList.getLength() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
0802:                            Element oldConnection = (Element) oldConnectionList
0803:                                    .item(i);
0804:                            String oldConnectionState = oldConnection
0805:                                    .getAttribute(CASA_STATE_ATTR_NAME);
0806:                            if (oldConnectionState
0807:                                    .equals(CASA_DELETED_ATTR_VALUE)
0808:                                    || oldConnectionState
0809:                                            .equals(CASA_NEW_ATTR_VALUE)) {
0810:                                String newConsumerID = findNewEndpointID(
0811:                                        oldCasaDocument, newCasaDocument,
0812:                                        oldConnection, true);
0813:                                if (newConsumerID == null
0814:                                        || newConsumerID.trim().length() == 0) {
0815:                                    continue; // the consumes endpoint no longer exists in compapp
0816:                                }
0818:                                String newProviderID = findNewEndpointID(
0819:                                        oldCasaDocument, newCasaDocument,
0820:                                        oldConnection, false);
0821:                                if (newProviderID == null
0822:                                        || newProviderID.trim().length() == 0) {
0823:                                    continue; // the provides endpoint no longer exists in compapp
0824:                                }
0826:                                Element newConnection = findConnection(
0827:                                        casaConnections, newConsumerID,
0828:                                        newProviderID);
0830:                                if (oldConnectionState
0831:                                        .equals(CASA_DELETED_ATTR_VALUE)) {
0832:                                    // Merge deleted connections from the old casa document
0833:                                    assert newConnection == null;
0834:                                    // Add deleted casa connection
0835:                                    newConnection = newCasaDocument
0836:                                            .createElement(CASA_CONNECTION_ELEM_NAME);
0837:                                    newConnection.setAttribute(
0838:                                            CASA_CONSUMER_ATTR_NAME,
0839:                                            newConsumerID);
0840:                                    newConnection.setAttribute(
0841:                                            CASA_PROVIDER_ATTR_NAME,
0842:                                            newProviderID);
0843:                                    newConnection.setAttribute(
0844:                                            CASA_STATE_ATTR_NAME,
0845:                                            CASA_DELETED_ATTR_VALUE);
0846:                                    casaConnections.appendChild(newConnection);
0847:                                } else {
0848:                                    // Mark user created connection as "new"
0849:                                    newConnection.setAttribute(
0850:                                            CASA_STATE_ATTR_NAME,
0851:                                            CASA_NEW_ATTR_VALUE);
0852:                                }
0853:                            }
0854:                        }
0855:                    } catch (Exception e) {
0856:                        log("ERROR: Problem merging deleted/new connections from old casa: "
0857:                                + e
0858:                                + ". This does not affect regular compapp build.");
0859:                    }
0860:                }
0862:                return casaConnections;
0863:            }
0865:            private List<Element> createWSDLReferenceElements() {
0867:                List<Element> ret = new ArrayList<Element>();
0869:                Element casaPortTypes = newCasaDocument
0870:                        .createElement(CASA_PORTTYPES_ELEM_NAME);
0871:                Element casaBindings = newCasaDocument
0872:                        .createElement(CASA_BINDINGS_ELEM_NAME);
0873:                Element casaServices = newCasaDocument
0874:                        .createElement(CASA_SERVICES_ELEM_NAME);
0876:                for (WSDLModel model : wsdlRepository.getWsdlCollection()) {
0877:                    String relativePath = MyFileUtil.getRelativePath(new File(
0878:                            confDirLoc), getFile(model));
0880:                    Definitions defs = model.getDefinitions();
0882:                    // Add casa:porttypes
0883:                    for (PortType pt : defs.getPortTypes()) {
0884:                        String ptName = pt.getName();
0885:                        Element linkElement = createLink(relativePath,
0886:                                "/definitions/portType" + "[@name='" + ptName
0887:                                        + "']");
0888:                        casaPortTypes.appendChild(linkElement);
0889:                    }
0891:                    // Add casa:bindings
0892:                    for (Binding b : defs.getBindings()) {
0893:                        String bName = b.getName();
0894:                        Element linkElement = createLink(relativePath,
0895:                                "/definitions/binding" + "[@name='" + bName
0896:                                        + "']");
0897:                        casaBindings.appendChild(linkElement);
0898:                    }
0900:                    // Add casa:services
0901:                    for (Service s : defs.getServices()) {
0902:                        String sName = s.getName();
0903:                        Element linkElement = createLink(relativePath,
0904:                                "/definitions/service" + "[@name='" + sName
0905:                                        + "']");
0906:                        casaServices.appendChild(linkElement);
0907:                    }
0908:                }
0910:                ret.add(casaPortTypes);
0911:                ret.add(casaBindings);
0912:                ret.add(casaServices);
0914:                return ret;
0915:            }
0917:            /**
0918:             * Creates the Regions element in the new casa document.
0919:             */
0920:            private Element createRegions() {
0922:                if (oldCasaDocument != null) {
0923:                    try {
0924:                        Element oldRegions = (Element) oldCasaDocument
0925:                                .getElementsByTagName(CASA_REGIONS_ELEM_NAME)
0926:                                .item(0);
0927:                        return (Element) deepCloneCasaNode(oldRegions,
0928:                                newCasaDocument);
0929:                    } catch (Exception e) {
0930:                        log("ERROR: Problem merging regsions from old casa: "
0931:                                + e
0932:                                + ". This does not affect regular compapp build.");
0933:                    }
0934:                }
0936:                Element regions = newCasaDocument
0937:                        .createElement(CASA_REGIONS_ELEM_NAME);
0939:                Element region = newCasaDocument
0940:                        .createElement(CASA_REGION_ELEM_NAME);
0941:                region.setAttribute(CASA_NAME_ATTR_NAME,
0942:                        WSDL_ENDPOINTS_REGION_NAME);
0943:                region.setAttribute(CASA_WIDTH_ATTR_NAME,
0944:                        DEFAULT_WSDL_ENDPOINTS_REGION_WIDTH);
0945:                regions.appendChild(region);
0947:                region = newCasaDocument.createElement(CASA_REGION_ELEM_NAME);
0948:                region.setAttribute(CASA_NAME_ATTR_NAME,
0949:                        JBI_MODULES_REGION_NAME);
0950:                region.setAttribute(CASA_WIDTH_ATTR_NAME,
0951:                        DEFAULT_JBI_MODULES_REGION_WIDTH);
0952:                regions.appendChild(region);
0954:                region = newCasaDocument.createElement(CASA_REGION_ELEM_NAME);
0955:                region.setAttribute(CASA_NAME_ATTR_NAME,
0956:                        EXTERNAL_MODULES_REGION_NAME);
0957:                region.setAttribute(CASA_WIDTH_ATTR_NAME,
0958:                        DEFAULT_EXTERNAL_MODULES_REGION_WIDTH);
0960:                regions.appendChild(region);
0962:                return regions;
0963:            }
0965:            private String getJBIServiceUnitComponentName(Element jbiSU) {
0966:                Element target = (Element) jbiSU.getElementsByTagName(
0967:                        JBI_TARGET_ELEM_NAME).item(0);
0968:                Element compName = (Element) target.getElementsByTagName(
0969:                        JBI_COMPONENT_NAME_ELEM_NAME).item(0);
0970:                return compName.getTextContent();
0971:            }
0973:            private String getJBIServiceUnitName(Element jbiSU) {
0974:                // We can not derive the SU name (w/o the compapp name prefix) from 
0975:                // the jar name. We can derive it from the SU identification name.
0976:                // See JbiProjectProperties.generateServiceUnitElement(). 
0977:                /*
0978:                Element target = (Element) jbiSU.getElementsByTagName(JBI_TARGET_ELEM_NAME).item(0);
0979:                Element artifactsZip = (Element) target.getElementsByTagName(JBI_ARTIFACTS_ZIP_ELEM_NAME).item(0);
0980:                String zipFileName = artifactsZip.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
0981:                // Java EE application can have extension '.war' and '.ear'
0982:                //assert zipFileName.endsWith(".jar");
0983:                return zipFileName.substring(0, zipFileName.length() - 4);
0984:                 */
0986:                Element suID = (Element) jbiSU.getElementsByTagName(
0987:                        JBI_IDENTIFICATION_ELEM_NAME).item(0);
0988:                Element suName = (Element) suID.getElementsByTagName(
0989:                        JBI_NAME_ELEM_NAME).item(0);
0990:                String compApp_SuName = suName.getTextContent();
0992:                Element jbiSA = (Element) jbiSU.getParentNode();
0993:                Element saID = (Element) jbiSA.getElementsByTagName(
0994:                        JBI_IDENTIFICATION_ELEM_NAME).item(0);
0995:                Element saName = (Element) saID.getElementsByTagName(
0996:                        JBI_NAME_ELEM_NAME).item(0);
0997:                String compAppName = saName.getTextContent();
0999:                // Strip the compAppName and '-' from compApp_SuName
1000:                return compApp_SuName.substring(compAppName.length() + 1);
1001:            }
1003:            private static File getFile(WSDLModel model) {
1004:                Lookup lookup = model.getModelSource().getLookup();
1005:                File f = lookup.lookup(File.class);
1006:                if (f == null) {
1007:                    FileObject fo = lookup.lookup(FileObject.class);
1008:                    f = FileUtil.toFile(fo);
1009:                }
1010:                return f;
1011:            }
1013:            //    private List<String> getDeletedBCSUs() {
1014:            //        List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>();
1015:            //         
1016:            //         if (oldCasaDocument != null) {
1017:            //             NodeList bcsuNodeList =
1018:            //                     oldCasaDocument.getElementsByTagName(CASA_BINDING_COMPONENT_SERVICE_UNIT_ELEM_NAME);
1019:            //             
1020:            //             for (int i = 0; i < bcsuNodeList.getLength(); i++) {
1021:            //                 Element bcSU = (Element) bcsuNodeList.item(i);
1022:            //                 String bcName = bcSU.getAttribute(CASA_COMPONENT_NAME_ATTR_NAME);
1023:            //                 
1024:            //                 NodeList portNodeList = bcSU.getElementsByTagName(CASA_PORT_ELEM_NAME);
1025:            //                 for (int j = 0; j < portNodeList.getLength(); j++) {
1026:            //                     Element port = (Element) portNodeList.item(j);
1027:            //                     String state = port.getAttribute(CASA_STATE_ATTR_NAME);
1028:            //                     if (CASA_DELETED_ATTR_VALUE.equals(state)) {
1029:            //                         
1030:            //                     }
1031:            //                 }
1032:            //             }
1033:            //         }
1034:            //        
1035:            //        return ret;
1036:            //    }
1037:            private Map<String, List<Endpoint>> getDeletedBCEndpointsMap() {
1039:                if (deletedBCEndpointsMap == null) {
1040:                    deletedBCEndpointsMap = new HashMap<String, List<Endpoint>>();
1042:                    if (oldCasaDocument != null) {
1043:                        NodeList portNodeList = oldCasaDocument
1044:                                .getElementsByTagName(CASA_PORT_ELEM_NAME);
1046:                        for (int i = 0; i < portNodeList.getLength(); i++) {
1047:                            Element port = (Element) portNodeList.item(i);
1048:                            String state = port
1049:                                    .getAttribute(CASA_STATE_ATTR_NAME);
1050:                            if (CASA_DELETED_ATTR_VALUE.equals(state)) {
1051:                                // assume both Consumes and Provides coexist and give
1052:                                // the same endpoint info
1053:                                NodeList consumesNodeList = port
1054:                                        .getElementsByTagName(CASA_CONSUMES_ELEM_NAME);
1055:                                if (consumesNodeList != null
1056:                                        && consumesNodeList.getLength() == 1) {
1057:                                    Element consumes = (Element) consumesNodeList
1058:                                            .item(0);
1059:                                    String endpointID = consumes
1060:                                            .getAttribute(CASA_ENDPOINT_ATTR_NAME);
1061:                                    Endpoint endpoint = getEndpoint(
1062:                                            oldCasaDocument, endpointID);
1064:                                    // build deltedBCEndpointsMap
1065:                                    Element bcsuElement = (Element) port
1066:                                            .getParentNode().getParentNode();
1067:                                    String bcName = bcsuElement
1068:                                            .getAttribute(CASA_COMPONENT_NAME_ATTR_NAME);
1069:                                    List<Endpoint> deletedBCEndpoints = deletedBCEndpointsMap
1070:                                            .get(bcName);
1071:                                    if (deletedBCEndpoints == null) {
1072:                                        deletedBCEndpoints = new ArrayList<Endpoint>();
1073:                                        deletedBCEndpointsMap.put(bcName,
1074:                                                deletedBCEndpoints);
1075:                                    }
1076:                                    deletedBCEndpoints.add(endpoint);
1077:                                }
1078:                            }
1079:                        }
1080:                    }
1081:                }
1083:                return deletedBCEndpointsMap;
1084:            }
1086:            private Map<String, List<Endpoint>> getUnconnectedBCEndpointsMap() {
1088:                Map<String, List<Endpoint>> endpointMap = new HashMap<String, List<Endpoint>>();
1090:                if (oldCasaDocument != null) {
1091:                    // compute the list of connected endpoint IDs in the old casa
1092:                    List<String> connectedEndpointIDs = new ArrayList<String>();
1093:                    NodeList connectionNodeList = oldCasaDocument
1094:                            .getElementsByTagName(CASA_CONNECTION_ELEM_NAME);
1095:                    for (int i = 0; i < connectionNodeList.getLength(); i++) {
1096:                        Element connection = (Element) connectionNodeList
1097:                                .item(i);
1098:                        String state = connection
1099:                                .getAttribute(CASA_STATE_ATTR_NAME);
1100:                        if (!state.equals(CASA_DELETED_ATTR_VALUE)) {
1101:                            connectedEndpointIDs.add(connection
1102:                                    .getAttribute(CASA_CONSUMER_ATTR_NAME));
1103:                            connectedEndpointIDs.add(connection
1104:                                    .getAttribute(CASA_PROVIDER_ATTR_NAME));
1105:                        }
1106:                    }
1108:                    NodeList portNodeList = oldCasaDocument
1109:                            .getElementsByTagName(CASA_PORT_ELEM_NAME);
1111:                    List<Endpoint> endpointList = new ArrayList<Endpoint>();
1112:                    NodeList endpointNodeList = oldCasaDocument
1113:                            .getElementsByTagName(CASA_ENDPOINT_ELEM_NAME);
1114:                    for (int i = 0; i < endpointNodeList.getLength(); i++) {
1115:                        Element endpointElement = (Element) endpointNodeList
1116:                                .item(i);
1117:                        String endpointID = endpointElement
1118:                                .getAttribute(CASA_NAME_ATTR_NAME);
1119:                        if (!connectedEndpointIDs.contains(endpointID)) {
1120:                            // this is an unconnected SE/BC endpoint
1121:                            for (int j = 0; j < portNodeList.getLength(); j++) {
1122:                                Element portElement = (Element) portNodeList
1123:                                        .item(j);
1124:                                String id = getCasaPortEndpointID(portElement);
1125:                                if (id.equals(endpointID)) {
1126:                                    // this is an unconnected BC endpoint
1127:                                    Element bcsuElement = (Element) portElement
1128:                                            .getParentNode().getParentNode();
1129:                                    String componentName = bcsuElement
1130:                                            .getAttribute(CASA_COMPONENT_NAME_ATTR_NAME);
1131:                                    List<Endpoint> list = endpointMap
1132:                                            .get(componentName);
1133:                                    if (list == null) {
1134:                                        list = new ArrayList<Endpoint>();
1135:                                        endpointMap.put(componentName, list);
1136:                                    }
1138:                                    Endpoint endpoint = getEndpointInCASA(endpointElement);
1139:                                    list.add(endpoint);
1140:                                    break;
1141:                                }
1142:                            }
1143:                        }
1144:                    }
1145:                }
1147:                return endpointMap;
1148:            }
1150:            private String getCasaPortEndpointID(Element portElement) {
1151:                NodeList consumesNodeList = portElement
1152:                        .getElementsByTagName(CASA_CONSUMES_ELEM_NAME);
1153:                if (consumesNodeList != null
1154:                        && consumesNodeList.getLength() == 1) {
1155:                    Element consumes = (Element) consumesNodeList.item(0);
1156:                    return consumes.getAttribute(CASA_ENDPOINT_ATTR_NAME);
1157:                } else {
1158:                    return null;
1159:                }
1160:            }
1162:            /**
1163:             * Gets a non-null list of external SE SU elements in the old casa document.
1164:             */
1165:            private List<Element> getExternalSESUs() {
1166:                List<Element> ret = new ArrayList<Element>();
1168:                if (oldCasaDocument != null) {
1169:                    NodeList oldCasaSUs = oldCasaDocument
1170:                            .getElementsByTagName(CASA_SERVICE_ENGINE_SERVICE_UNIT_ELEM_NAME);
1171:                    for (int i = 0; i < oldCasaSUs.getLength(); i++) {
1172:                        Element oldCasaSU = (Element) oldCasaSUs.item(i);
1173:                        String type = oldCasaSU
1174:                                .getAttribute(CASA_INTERNAL_ATTR_NAME);
1175:                        if (type != null && type.equals("false")) {
1176:                            ret.add(oldCasaSU);
1177:                        }
1178:                    }
1179:                }
1181:                return ret;
1182:            }
1184:            /**
1185:             * Gets a non-null list of endpoints from the old CASA document. 
1186:             * (The external endpoints in the new CASA document will always be the same.)
1187:             */
1188:            private List<Endpoint> getExternalEndpoints() {
1189:                if (externalEndpoints == null) {
1190:                    externalEndpoints = new ArrayList<Endpoint>();
1192:                    for (Element sesu : getExternalSESUs()) {
1193:                        NodeList consumesNodeList = sesu
1194:                                .getElementsByTagName(CASA_CONSUMES_ELEM_NAME);
1195:                        for (int j = 0; j < consumesNodeList.getLength(); j++) {
1196:                            Element consumes = (Element) consumesNodeList
1197:                                    .item(j);
1198:                            String endpointID = consumes
1199:                                    .getAttribute(CASA_ENDPOINT_ATTR_NAME);
1200:                            Endpoint endpoint = getEndpoint(oldCasaDocument,
1201:                                    endpointID);
1202:                            externalEndpoints.add(endpoint);
1203:                        }
1204:                        NodeList providesNodeList = sesu
1205:                                .getElementsByTagName(CASA_PROVIDES_ELEM_NAME);
1206:                        for (int j = 0; j < providesNodeList.getLength(); j++) {
1207:                            Element provides = (Element) providesNodeList
1208:                                    .item(j);
1209:                            String endpointID = provides
1210:                                    .getAttribute(CASA_ENDPOINT_ATTR_NAME);
1211:                            Endpoint endpoint = getEndpoint(oldCasaDocument,
1212:                                    endpointID);
1213:                            externalEndpoints.add(endpoint);
1214:                        }
1215:                    }
1216:                }
1218:                return externalEndpoints;
1219:            }
1221:            private void mergeLocations() {
1223:                if (oldCasaDocument == null) {
1224:                    return;
1225:                }
1227:                // 1. Merge SE SU locations
1228:                NodeList oldSESUs = oldCasaDocument
1229:                        .getElementsByTagName(CASA_SERVICE_ENGINE_SERVICE_UNIT_ELEM_NAME);
1230:                NodeList newSESUs = newCasaDocument
1231:                        .getElementsByTagName(CASA_SERVICE_ENGINE_SERVICE_UNIT_ELEM_NAME);
1233:                for (int i = 0; i < oldSESUs.getLength(); i++) {
1234:                    Element oldSESU = (Element) oldSESUs.item(i);
1235:                    // CASA_UNIT_NAME_ATTR_NAME uniquely identifies a SE/BC SU.
1236:                    String oldSESUName = oldSESU
1237:                            .getAttribute(CASA_UNIT_NAME_ATTR_NAME);
1238:                    for (int j = 0; j < newSESUs.getLength(); j++) {
1239:                        Element newSESU = (Element) newSESUs.item(j);
1240:                        String newSESUName = newSESU
1241:                                .getAttribute(CASA_UNIT_NAME_ATTR_NAME);
1242:                        if (newSESUName.equals(oldSESUName)) {
1243:                            newSESU.setAttribute(CASA_X_ATTR_NAME, oldSESU
1244:                                    .getAttribute(CASA_X_ATTR_NAME));
1245:                            newSESU.setAttribute(CASA_Y_ATTR_NAME, oldSESU
1246:                                    .getAttribute(CASA_Y_ATTR_NAME));
1247:                            break;
1248:                        }
1249:                    }
1250:                }
1252:                // 2. Merge BC SU port locations and other attributes
1253:                NodeList oldPorts = oldCasaDocument
1254:                        .getElementsByTagName(CASA_PORT_ELEM_NAME);
1255:                NodeList newPorts = newCasaDocument
1256:                        .getElementsByTagName(CASA_PORT_ELEM_NAME);
1258:                for (int i = 0; i < oldPorts.getLength(); i++) {
1259:                    Element oldPort = (Element) oldPorts.item(i);
1260:                    Element newPort = findLinkContainerElement(newPorts,
1261:                            oldPort);
1262:                    if (newPort != null) {
1263:                        newPort.setAttribute(CASA_X_ATTR_NAME, oldPort
1264:                                .getAttribute(CASA_X_ATTR_NAME));
1265:                        newPort.setAttribute(CASA_Y_ATTR_NAME, oldPort
1266:                                .getAttribute(CASA_Y_ATTR_NAME));
1267:                        String bindingType = oldPort
1268:                                .getAttribute(CASA_BINDING_TYPE_ATTR_NAME);
1269:                        if (bindingType != null
1270:                                && bindingType.trim().length() > 0) {
1271:                            newPort.setAttribute(CASA_BINDING_TYPE_ATTR_NAME,
1272:                                    bindingType);
1273:                        }
1274:                    }
1275:                }
1276:            }
1278:            private static Element getCasaEndpointElement(
1279:                    Document casaDocument, String endpointID) {
1280:                NodeList endpoints = casaDocument
1281:                        .getElementsByTagName(CASA_ENDPOINT_ELEM_NAME);
1282:                for (int i = 0; i < endpoints.getLength(); i++) {
1283:                    Element endpoint = (Element) endpoints.item(i);
1284:                    if (endpoint.getAttribute(CASA_NAME_ATTR_NAME).equals(
1285:                            endpointID)) {
1286:                        return endpoint;
1287:                    }
1288:                }
1289:                return null;
1290:            }
1292:            private String findNewEndpointID(Document oldCasaDocument,
1293:                    Document newCasaDocument, Element oldConnection,
1294:                    boolean isConsumes) {
1295:                String oldEndpointID = isConsumes ? oldConnection
1296:                        .getAttribute(CASA_CONSUMER_ATTR_NAME) : oldConnection
1297:                        .getAttribute(CASA_PROVIDER_ATTR_NAME);
1299:                Element oldEndpoint = getCasaEndpointElement(oldCasaDocument,
1300:                        oldEndpointID);
1301:                if (oldEndpoint != null) {
1302:                    String oldEndpointName = oldEndpoint
1303:                            .getAttribute(CASA_ENDPOINT_NAME_ATTR_NAME);
1304:                    QName oldServiceQName = XmlUtil.getAttributeNSName(
1305:                            oldEndpoint, CASA_SERVICE_NAME_ATTR_NAME);
1306:                    return getNewEndpointID(oldServiceQName, oldEndpointName);
1307:                }
1309:                return null;
1310:            }
1312:            private Element findConnection(Element connections,
1313:                    String consumerID, String providerID) {
1315:                NodeList connectionsNodeList = connections
1316:                        .getElementsByTagName(CASA_CONNECTION_ELEM_NAME);
1317:                for (int i = 0; i < connectionsNodeList.getLength(); i++) {
1318:                    Element connection = (Element) connectionsNodeList.item(i);
1319:                    if (connection.getAttribute(CASA_CONSUMER_ATTR_NAME)
1320:                            .equals(consumerID)
1321:                            && connection.getAttribute(CASA_PROVIDER_ATTR_NAME)
1322:                                    .equals(providerID)) {
1323:                        return connection;
1324:                    }
1325:                }
1327:                return null;
1328:            }
1330:            // REFACTOR ME
1331:            static Node deepCloneCasaNode(final Node node,
1332:                    final Document targetDocument) throws DOMException {
1333:                String nodeName = node.getNodeName();
1335:                Node clonedNode = null;
1337:                if (node instanceof  Element) {
1338:                    clonedNode = targetDocument.createElement(nodeName);
1340:                    NamedNodeMap attrs = node.getAttributes();
1341:                    for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) {
1342:                        Node attrNode = attrs.item(i);
1343:                        String attrName = attrNode.getNodeName();
1344:                        String attrValue = attrNode.getNodeValue();
1346:                        if (!attrName.equals("xmlns")
1347:                                && attrValue.indexOf(":") != -1) {
1348:                            String oldValuePrefix = attrValue.substring(0,
1349:                                    attrValue.indexOf(":"));
1350:                            String oldNamespaceURI = XmlUtil.getNamespaceURI(
1351:                                    (Element) node, oldValuePrefix); // REFACTOR ME
1353:                            // We don't really know if the attr value is a QName or not.
1354:                            if (!oldNamespaceURI.equals("")) {
1355:                                // Add the namespace definition to the cloned node.
1356:                                ((Element) clonedNode).setAttribute("xmlns:"
1357:                                        + oldValuePrefix, oldNamespaceURI);
1358:                            }
1359:                        }
1361:                        ((Element) clonedNode)
1362:                                .setAttribute(attrName, attrValue);
1363:                    }
1365:                    NodeList children = node.getChildNodes();
1366:                    for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
1367:                        Node child = children.item(i);
1368:                        Node clonedChild = deepCloneCasaNode(child,
1369:                                targetDocument);
1370:                        clonedNode.appendChild(clonedChild);
1371:                    }
1372:                } else if (node instanceof  Text) {
1373:                    clonedNode = targetDocument.createTextNode(((Text) node)
1374:                            .getWholeText());
1375:                } else {
1376:                    assert false : "deep clone node of type "
1377:                            + node.getClass().getName()
1378:                            + " is not implemented yet.";
1379:                }
1381:                return clonedNode;
1382:            }
1384:            // TODO
1385:            /**
1386:             * Finds a link container element from a list of link container elements.
1387:             */
1388:            private Element findLinkContainerElement(NodeList newPortNodeList,
1389:                    Element oldPort) {
1391:                // Note that a casa port might contain multiple links.
1392:                NodeList oldLinkNodeList = oldPort
1393:                        .getElementsByTagName(CASA_LINK_ELEM_NAME);
1394:                for (int i = 0; i < oldLinkNodeList.getLength(); i++) {
1395:                    Element oldLink = (Element) oldLinkNodeList.item(i);
1396:                    String oldLinkHref = oldLink.getAttributeNS(
1397:                            XLINK_NAMESPACE_URI, XLINK_HREF_ATTR_NAME);
1398:                    for (int j = 0; j < newPortNodeList.getLength(); j++) {
1399:                        Element newPort = (Element) newPortNodeList.item(j);
1400:                        NodeList newLinkNodeList = newPort
1401:                                .getElementsByTagName(CASA_LINK_ELEM_NAME);
1402:                        for (int k = 0; k < newLinkNodeList.getLength(); k++) {
1403:                            Element newLink = (Element) newLinkNodeList.item(k);
1404:                            // String myLinkHref = myLink.getAttributeNS(XLINK_NAMESPACE_URI, XLINK_HREF_ATTR_NAME); // FIXME ?????
1405:                            String newLinkHref = newLink
1406:                                    .getAttribute(XLINK_NAMESPACE_PREFIX + ":"
1407:                                            + XLINK_HREF_ATTR_NAME);
1408:                            if (newLinkHref.equals(oldLinkHref)) {
1409:                                return newPort;
1410:                            }
1411:                        }
1412:                    }
1413:                }
1415:                return null;
1416:            }
1418:            /**
1419:             * Gets the Endpoint object in the given CASA document with the given
1420:             * endpoint ID.
1421:             * 
1422:             * @param casaDocument  CASA document
1423:             * @param endpointID    ID of an endpoint
1424:             * 
1425:             * @return an Endpoint object
1426:             */
1427:            static Endpoint getEndpoint(Document casaDocument, String endpointID) {
1428:                NodeList endpointList = casaDocument
1429:                        .getElementsByTagName(CASA_ENDPOINT_ELEM_NAME);
1430:                for (int i = 0; i < endpointList.getLength(); i++) {
1431:                    Element endpoint = (Element) endpointList.item(i);
1432:                    if (endpoint.getAttribute(CASA_NAME_ATTR_NAME).equals(
1433:                            endpointID)) {
1434:                        return getEndpointInCASA(endpoint);
1435:                    }
1436:                }
1438:                return null;
1439:            }
1441:            /**
1442:             * Gets a non-null list of Endpoints defined in the given CASA document.
1443:             */
1444:            private static List<Endpoint> getEndpoints(Document casaDocument) {
1445:                List<Endpoint> ret = new ArrayList<Endpoint>();
1447:                if (casaDocument != null) {
1448:                    NodeList endpointList = casaDocument
1449:                            .getElementsByTagName(CASA_ENDPOINT_ELEM_NAME);
1450:                    for (int i = 0; i < endpointList.getLength(); i++) {
1451:                        Element endpointElement = (Element) endpointList
1452:                                .item(i);
1453:                        Endpoint endpoint = getEndpointInCASA(endpointElement);
1454:                        ret.add(endpoint);
1455:                    }
1456:                }
1458:                return ret;
1459:            }
1461:            /**
1462:             * Computes a non-null list of endpoints that are defined in the WSDL files 
1463:             * in the compapp project and the component projects.
1464:             */
1465:            // Loop through all WSDL files, create an allWSDLEndpoints list which
1466:            // contains all the ports defined in the WSDL files in the compapp 
1467:            // project and the component projects.
1468:            private List<Endpoint> getNewWsdlEndpoints() {
1469:                if (newWsdlEndpoints == null) {
1470:                    newWsdlEndpoints = new ArrayList<Endpoint>();
1472:                    for (WSDLModel model : wsdlRepository.getWsdlCollection()) {
1473:                        String tns = model.getDefinitions()
1474:                                .getTargetNamespace(); // model.getRootComponent().getPeer().getAttribute("targetNamespace");
1475:                        for (Service service : model.getDefinitions()
1476:                                .getServices()) {
1477:                            QName serviceQName = new QName(tns, service
1478:                                    .getName());
1479:                            for (Port port : service.getPorts()) {
1480:                                String portName = port.getName();
1481:                                Binding binding = port.getBinding().get();
1482:                                if (binding != null) {
1483:                                    QName interfaceQName = binding.getType()
1484:                                            .getQName();
1485:                                    Endpoint endpoint = new Endpoint(portName,
1486:                                            serviceQName, interfaceQName);
1487:                                    if (!newWsdlEndpoints.contains(endpoint)) {
1488:                                        newWsdlEndpoints.add(endpoint);
1489:                                    }
1490:                                }
1491:                            }
1492:                        }
1493:                    }
1494:                }
1496:                return newWsdlEndpoints;
1497:            }
1499:            /**
1500:             * Computes a non-null list of endpoints that need to go into the new 
1501:             * CASA document.
1502:             */
1503:            // Those endpoints come from either the old CASA document, or the new WSDL 
1504:            // files added into compapp. The following rules apply:
1505:            // (1) All the old endpoints with owning WSDL no longer in compapp need to 
1506:            //     be removed, whether the endpoint was connected, unconnected, or 
1507:            //     marked as "deleted";
1508:            // (2) All the old endpoints with owning WSDL still in compapp need to 
1509:            //     be preserved; whether the endpoint was connected, unconnected, or 
1510:            //     marked as "deleted";
1511:            // (3) All the old endpoints without owning WSDL (external endpoints) 
1512:            //     need to be preserved;
1513:            // (4) Only the connected endpoints in the newly added WSDLs need to be added;     
1514:            private List<Endpoint> getNewCasaEndpoints(Document jbiDocument) {
1516:                List<Endpoint> oldCasaEndpoints = getEndpoints(oldCasaDocument);
1518:                // Loop through all jbiServiceUnits/$suName/jbi.xml, create a 
1519:                // newSUEndpoints list
1520:                List<Endpoint> newSUEndpoints = new ArrayList<Endpoint>();
1522:                if (jbiDocument == null) {
1523:                    return new ArrayList<Endpoint>();
1524:                }
1525:                NodeList jbiSUs = jbiDocument
1526:                        .getElementsByTagName(JBI_SERVICE_UNIT_ELEM_NAME);
1527:                for (int i = 0; i < jbiSUs.getLength(); i++) {
1528:                    Element jbiSU = (Element) jbiSUs.item(i);
1529:                    String suName = getJBIServiceUnitName(jbiSU);
1530:                    List<Endpoint> suEndpoints = loadSUEndpoints(suName);
1531:                    su2Endpoints.put(suName, suEndpoints);
1532:                    if (suEndpoints != null) {
1533:                        for (Endpoint suEndpoint : suEndpoints) {
1534:                            if (!newSUEndpoints.contains(suEndpoint)) {
1535:                                newSUEndpoints.add(suEndpoint);
1536:                            }
1537:                        }
1538:                    }
1539:                }
1541:                // Compute externalAndWsdlEndpoints:
1542:                // externalAndWsdlEndpoints =
1543:                //      externalEndpoints + newWsdlEndpoints 
1544:                List<Endpoint> externalAndWsdlEndpoints = new ArrayList<Endpoint>();
1545:                externalAndWsdlEndpoints.addAll(getExternalEndpoints());
1546:                externalAndWsdlEndpoints.addAll(getNewWsdlEndpoints());
1548:                // Compute newCasaEndpoints: 
1549:                //       newCasaEndpoints = 
1550:                //              Intersection(oldCasaEndpoints, externalEndpoints + newWsdlEndpoints)
1551:                //              + newSUEndpoints
1552:                // When computing the list of newCasaEndpoints, we want to preserve the 
1553:                // order (and therefore the ID) of endpoints in the oldCasaEndpoints
1554:                // list as much as possible to avoid unnecessary (endpoint ID) changes 
1555:                // across compapp builds.
1556:                List<Endpoint> newCasaEndpoints = new ArrayList<Endpoint>();
1557:                for (Endpoint oldCasaEndpoint : oldCasaEndpoints) {
1558:                    for (Endpoint endpoint : externalAndWsdlEndpoints) {
1559:                        if (oldCasaEndpoint.equals(endpoint)) {
1560:                            newCasaEndpoints.add(oldCasaEndpoint);
1561:                            break;
1562:                        }
1563:                    }
1564:                }
1566:                for (Endpoint suEndpoint : newSUEndpoints) {
1567:                    if (!newCasaEndpoints.contains(suEndpoint)) {
1568:                        newCasaEndpoints.add(suEndpoint);
1569:                    }
1570:                }
1572:                debugLog("old CASA Endpoints:");
1573:                for (Endpoint endpoint : oldCasaEndpoints) {
1574:                    debugLog("    " + endpoint.getFullyQualifiedName());
1575:                }
1576:                debugLog("new WSDL Endpoints:");
1577:                for (Endpoint endpoint : newWsdlEndpoints) {
1578:                    debugLog("    " + endpoint.getFullyQualifiedName());
1579:                }
1580:                debugLog("external Endpoints:");
1581:                for (Endpoint endpoint : externalEndpoints) {
1582:                    debugLog("    " + endpoint.getFullyQualifiedName());
1583:                }
1584:                debugLog("new SU Endpoints:");
1585:                for (Endpoint endpoint : newSUEndpoints) {
1586:                    debugLog("    " + endpoint.getFullyQualifiedName());
1587:                }
1588:                debugLog("new CASA Endpoints:");
1589:                for (Endpoint endpoint : newCasaEndpoints) {
1590:                    debugLog("    " + endpoint.getFullyQualifiedName());
1591:                }
1593:                return newCasaEndpoints;
1594:            }
1596:            /**
1597:             * Creates the Endpoints element in the new casa document.
1598:             */
1599:            private Element createEndpoints(Document jbiDocument) {
1601:                Element endpoints = newCasaDocument
1602:                        .createElement(CASA_ENDPOINTS_ELEM_NAME);
1603:                Element casaRoot = (Element) newCasaDocument
1604:                        .getElementsByTagName("casa").item(0);
1605:                casaRoot.appendChild(endpoints);
1607:                List<Endpoint> newCasaEndpoints = getNewCasaEndpoints(jbiDocument);
1608:                for (Endpoint endpoint : newCasaEndpoints) {
1609:                    addEndpoint(endpoint);
1610:                }
1612:                return endpoints;
1613:            }
1615:            /**
1616:             * Adds an endpoint to the new casa document. Do nothing if the given 
1617:             * endpoint already exists.
1618:             *
1619:             * @return the ID of the endpoint
1620:             */
1621:            private String addEndpoint(Endpoint endpoint) {
1623:                String key = endpoint.getFullyQualifiedName();
1624:                String endpointID = newEndpointMap.get(key);
1626:                if (endpointID == null) {
1627:                    endpointID = "endpoint" + endpointIndex;
1628:                    endpointIndex++;
1629:                    newEndpointMap.put(key, endpointID);
1631:                    Element endpoints = (Element) newCasaDocument
1632:                            .getElementsByTagName("endpoints").item(0);
1634:                    Element casaEndpoint = newCasaDocument
1635:                            .createElement(CASA_ENDPOINT_ELEM_NAME);
1636:                    casaEndpoint.setAttribute(CASA_NAME_ATTR_NAME, endpointID);
1637:                    casaEndpoint.setAttribute(CASA_ENDPOINT_NAME_ATTR_NAME,
1638:                            endpoint.getEndpointName());
1639:                    setAttributeQName(casaEndpoint,
1640:                            CASA_SERVICE_NAME_ATTR_NAME, endpoint
1641:                                    .getServiceQName());
1642:                    setAttributeQName(casaEndpoint,
1643:                            CASA_INTERFACE_NAME_ATTR_NAME, endpoint
1644:                                    .getInterfaceQName());
1646:                    if (endpoint instanceof  EndpointWithExtension) {
1647:                        EndpointWithExtension endpointWithExtension = (EndpointWithExtension) endpoint;
1649:                        String displayName = endpointWithExtension
1650:                                .getDisplayName();
1651:                        String processName = endpointWithExtension
1652:                                .getProcessName();
1653:                        String filePath = endpointWithExtension.getFilePath();
1655:                        if (displayName != null && displayName.length() > 0) {
1656:                            casaEndpoint.setAttribute(
1657:                                    JBI_ENDPOINT_EXTENSION_DISPLAY_NAME,
1658:                                    displayName);
1659:                        }
1661:                        if (processName != null && processName.length() > 0) {
1662:                            casaEndpoint.setAttribute(
1663:                                    JBI_ENDPOINT_EXTENSION_PROCESS_NAME,
1664:                                    processName);
1665:                        }
1667:                        if (filePath != null && filePath.length() > 0) {
1668:                            casaEndpoint.setAttribute(
1669:                                    JBI_ENDPOINT_EXTENSION_FILE_PATH, filePath);
1670:                        }
1671:                    }
1673:                    endpoints.appendChild(casaEndpoint);
1674:                }
1676:                return endpointID;
1677:            }
1679:            /** 
1680:             * Gets the ID of an endpoint in the new casa document.
1681:             */
1682:            private String getNewEndpointID(QName serviceQName,
1683:                    String endpointName) {
1684:                String key = serviceQName.toString() + "." + endpointName;
1685:                return newEndpointMap.get(key);
1686:            }
1688:            /** 
1689:             * Gets the ID of an endpoint in the new casa document.
1690:             */
1691:            private String getNewEndpointID(Endpoint endpoint) {
1692:                String key = endpoint.getFullyQualifiedName();
1693:                return newEndpointMap.get(key);
1694:            }
1696:            // TODO
1697:            // Mapping namespace URI to namespace prefix
1698:            private Map<String, String> nsMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
1699:            private int prefixID = 1;
1701:            private void setAttributeQName(Element element, String attrName,
1702:                    QName attrValueQName) {
1703:                String attrValueNamespace = attrValueQName.getNamespaceURI();
1704:                String attrValue = attrValueQName.getLocalPart();
1706:                String attrQValue;
1708:                if (attrValueNamespace.equals("") && attrValue.equals("")) {
1709:                    attrQValue = "";
1710:                } else {
1711:                    String prefix = nsMap.get(attrValueNamespace);
1712:                    if (prefix == null) {
1713:                        prefix = "ns" + prefixID;
1714:                        prefixID++;
1715:                        element.getOwnerDocument().getDocumentElement()
1716:                                .setAttribute("xmlns:" + prefix,
1717:                                        attrValueNamespace);
1718:                        nsMap.put(attrValueNamespace, prefix);
1719:                    }
1720:                    attrQValue = prefix + ":" + attrValue;
1721:                }
1723:                element.setAttribute(attrName, attrQValue);
1724:            }
1726:            private List<Endpoint> loadSUEndpoints(String suName) {
1728:                List<Endpoint> suEndpointList = new ArrayList<Endpoint>();
1730:                File suJbiFile = new File(serviceUnitsDirLoc + suName
1731:                        + File.separator + "jbi.xml"); // NOI18N
1732:                if (suJbiFile.exists()) {
1733:                    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory
1734:                            .newInstance();
1735:                    factory.setValidating(false);
1736:                    factory.setNamespaceAware(true);
1737:                    try {
1738:                        DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = factory
1739:                                .newDocumentBuilder();
1740:                        Document suJbiDocument = documentBuilder
1741:                                .parse(suJbiFile);
1742:                        NodeList servicesElements = suJbiDocument
1743:                                .getElementsByTagNameNS(JBI_NAMESPACE_URI,
1744:                                        JBI_SERVICES_ELEM_NAME);
1745:                        for (int i = 0; i < servicesElements.getLength(); i++) {
1746:                            Element servicesElement = (Element) servicesElements
1747:                                    .item(i);
1748:                            NodeList children = servicesElement.getChildNodes();
1749:                            for (int k = 0; k < children.getLength(); k++) {
1750:                                Node child = children.item(k);
1751:                                if (child instanceof  Element) {
1752:                                    Element e = (Element) child;
1753:                                    String endpointName = e
1754:                                            .getAttribute(JBI_ENDPOINT_NAME_ATTR_NAME);
1756:                                    String serviceName = e
1757:                                            .getAttribute(JBI_SERVICE_NAME_ATTR_NAME);
1758:                                    String serviceNS = null;
1759:                                    int idx = serviceName.indexOf(':');
1760:                                    if (idx > 0) {
1761:                                        String prefix = serviceName.substring(
1762:                                                0, idx);
1763:                                        serviceNS = suJbiDocument
1764:                                                .getDocumentElement()
1765:                                                .getAttribute("xmlns:" + prefix);
1766:                                        serviceName = serviceName
1767:                                                .substring(idx + 1);
1768:                                    }
1770:                                    String interfaceName = e
1771:                                            .getAttribute(JBI_INTERFACE_NAME_ATTR_NAME);
1772:                                    String interfaceNS = "";
1773:                                    idx = interfaceName.indexOf(':');
1774:                                    if (idx > 0) {
1775:                                        String prefix = interfaceName
1776:                                                .substring(0, idx);
1777:                                        interfaceNS = suJbiDocument
1778:                                                .getDocumentElement()
1779:                                                .getAttribute("xmlns:" + prefix);
1780:                                        interfaceName = interfaceName
1781:                                                .substring(idx + 1);
1782:                                    }
1784:                                    // 06/05/07, T. Li skip extension elements.
1785:                                    if ((interfaceName != null)
1786:                                            && (interfaceName.length() > 0)) {
1787:                                        EndpointWithExtension endpoint = new EndpointWithExtension(
1788:                                                endpointName,
1789:                                                new QName(serviceNS,
1790:                                                        serviceName),
1791:                                                new QName(interfaceNS,
1792:                                                        interfaceName), e
1793:                                                        .getLocalName().equals(
1794:                                                                "consumes"));
1796:                                        //                                NodeList endpointExtensions =
1797:                                        //                                        e.getElementsByTagNameNS(
1798:                                        //                                        JBI_ENDPOINT_EXTENSION_NAMESPACE,
1799:                                        //                                        JBI_ENDPOINT_EXTENSION_ELEMENT);
1800:                                        //
1801:                                        //                                if (endpointExtensions.getLength() == 1) {
1802:                                        //                                    Element endpointExtension = (Element) endpointExtensions.item(0);
1803:                                        //
1804:                                        //                                    String displayName = endpointExtension.getAttribute(JBI_ENDPOINT_EXTENSION_DISPLAY_NAME);
1805:                                        //                                    String processName = endpointExtension.getAttribute(JBI_ENDPOINT_EXTENSION_PROCESS_NAME);
1806:                                        //                                    String filePath = endpointExtension.getAttribute(JBI_ENDPOINT_EXTENSION_FILE_PATH);
1807:                                        //
1808:                                        //                                    endpoint.setDisplayName(displayName);
1809:                                        //                                    endpoint.setProcessName(processName);
1810:                                        //                                    endpoint.setFilePath(filePath);
1811:                                        //                                }
1813:                                        NodeList displayNameElements = e
1814:                                                .getElementsByTagNameNS(
1815:                                                        JBI_ENDPOINT_EXTENSION_NAMESPACE,
1816:                                                        JBI_ENDPOINT_EXTENSION_DISPLAY_NAME);
1817:                                        if (displayNameElements.getLength() == 1) {
1818:                                            String displayName = displayNameElements
1819:                                                    .item(0).getTextContent();
1820:                                            endpoint
1821:                                                    .setDisplayName(displayName);
1822:                                        }
1824:                                        NodeList processNameElements = e
1825:                                                .getElementsByTagNameNS(
1826:                                                        JBI_ENDPOINT_EXTENSION_NAMESPACE,
1827:                                                        JBI_ENDPOINT_EXTENSION_PROCESS_NAME);
1828:                                        if (processNameElements.getLength() == 1) {
1829:                                            String processName = processNameElements
1830:                                                    .item(0).getTextContent();
1831:                                            endpoint
1832:                                                    .setProcessName(processName);
1833:                                        }
1835:                                        NodeList filePathElements = e
1836:                                                .getElementsByTagNameNS(
1837:                                                        JBI_ENDPOINT_EXTENSION_NAMESPACE,
1838:                                                        JBI_ENDPOINT_EXTENSION_FILE_PATH);
1839:                                        if (filePathElements.getLength() == 1) {
1840:                                            String filePath = filePathElements
1841:                                                    .item(0).getTextContent();
1842:                                            endpoint.setFilePath(filePath);
1843:                                        }
1845:                                        suEndpointList.add(endpoint);
1846:                                    }
1847:                                }
1848:                            }
1849:                        }
1850:                    } catch (Exception e) {
1851:                        e.printStackTrace();
1852:                    }
1853:                    return suEndpointList;
1855:                }
1856:                return null;
1857:            }
1859:            private boolean isInEndpointList(List<Endpoint> endpointList,
1860:                    QName serviceQName, String portName) {
1861:                if (endpointList != null) {
1862:                    // TODO?: change Endpoint.equals() to ignore interface checking 
1863:                    // and use List.contains() here
1864:                    for (Endpoint endpoint : endpointList) {
1865:                        if (endpoint.getEndpointName().equals(portName)
1866:                                && endpoint.getServiceQName().equals(
1867:                                        serviceQName)) {
1868:                            return true;
1869:                        }
1870:                    }
1871:                }
1873:                return false;
1874:            }
1876:            /**
1877:             * Creates a complete Ports element for a BC SU in the new casa document.
1878:             * 
1879:             * @param bcName  name of a BC SU, e.x., sun-jms-binding
1880:             */
1881:            private Element createPorts(String bcName) {
1882:                debugLog("create Ports for binding component " + bcName);
1884:                // Create casa ports element.
1885:                Element ports = newCasaDocument
1886:                        .createElement(CASA_PORTS_ELEM_NAME);
1888:                // Mapping fully qualified port names to casa port elements in the 
1889:                // new casa document. (This is to solve the duplicate WSDL problem.)
1890:                // Note that this map is scoped by each BC SU and should not be used
1891:                // across different BC SUs!
1892:                Map<String, Element> casaPortMap = new HashMap<String, Element>();
1894:                List<Endpoint> suEndpoints = su2Endpoints.get(bcName);
1896:                // 02/12/08, used to skip ports from duplicate copies of wsdl files
1897:                Map<String, Port> portMap = new HashMap<String, Port>();
1899:                // Loop through all WSDLs and add casa port elements of the given 
1900:                // BC type. This includes:
1901:                // (1) BC endpoints in the corresponding SU's jbi.xml, 
1902:                // (2) unconnected BC endpoints from old casa that are still live, and 
1903:                // (3) "deleted" BC endpoints from old casa that are still live.
1904:                for (WSDLModel model : wsdlRepository.getWsdlCollection()) {
1905:                    /*
1906:                    if (wsdlRepository.isJavaEEWsdl(model)) {
1907:                    continue;
1908:                    }
1909:                     */
1911:                    String relativePath = MyFileUtil.getRelativePath(new File(
1912:                            confDirLoc), getFile(model));
1913:                    debugLog("    WSDL: " + relativePath);
1914:                    String tns = model.getRootComponent().getPeer()
1915:                            .getAttribute("targetNamespace");
1916:                    //wsdlDocument.getDocumentElement().getAttribute("targetNamespace");
1918:                    // Add casa port
1919:                    for (Service s : model.getDefinitions().getServices()) {
1920:                        String serviceName = s.getName();
1921:                        QName serviceQName = new QName(tns, serviceName);
1922:                        for (Port p : s.getPorts()) {
1923:                            String portName = p.getName();
1924:                            debugLog("          Endpoint: " + serviceQName
1925:                                    + ":" + portName);
1926:                            String key = tns + ":" + serviceName + ":"
1927:                                    + portName;
1928:                            if (portMap.get(key) == null) {
1929:                                portMap.put(key, p);
1931:                                boolean isSUEndpoint = isInEndpointList(
1932:                                        suEndpoints, serviceQName, portName);
1933:                                boolean isLiveDeletedBCEndpoint = false;
1934:                                boolean isLiveUnconnectedEndpoint = false;
1936:                                if (isSUEndpoint) {
1937:                                    debugLog("              is a SU endpoint.");
1938:                                } else {
1939:                                    List<Endpoint> deletedBCEndpoints = deletedBCEndpointsMap
1940:                                            .get(bcName);
1941:                                    if (isInEndpointList(deletedBCEndpoints,
1942:                                            serviceQName, portName)
1943:                                            && isInEndpointList(
1944:                                                    newWsdlEndpoints,
1945:                                                    serviceQName, portName)) {
1946:                                        isLiveDeletedBCEndpoint = true;
1947:                                        debugLog("              is a live deleted endpoint.");
1948:                                    }
1950:                                    if (!isLiveDeletedBCEndpoint) {
1951:                                        List<Endpoint> unconnectedBCEndpoints = oldUnconnectedBCEndpointsMap
1952:                                                .get(bcName);
1953:                                        if (isInEndpointList(
1954:                                                unconnectedBCEndpoints,
1955:                                                serviceQName, portName)
1956:                                                && isInEndpointList(
1957:                                                        newWsdlEndpoints,
1958:                                                        serviceQName, portName)) {
1959:                                            isLiveUnconnectedEndpoint = true;
1960:                                            debugLog("              is a live unconnected endpoint.");
1961:                                        }
1962:                                    }
1963:                                }
1965:                                if (isSUEndpoint || isLiveDeletedBCEndpoint
1966:                                        || isLiveUnconnectedEndpoint) {
1967:                                    // Instead of creating a new casa port every time, check
1968:                                    // if a casa port has already been created. This allows
1969:                                    // multiple (duplicate) WSDL Ports to share the same
1970:                                    // CASA Port element.
1971:                                    String fullyQualifiedPortName = serviceQName
1972:                                            .toString()
1973:                                            + "." + portName;
1974:                                    Element port = casaPortMap
1975:                                            .get(fullyQualifiedPortName);
1976:                                    if (port == null) {
1977:                                        // Create new casa port
1978:                                        port = createPort(relativePath,
1979:                                                serviceQName, portName);
1980:                                        ports.appendChild(port);
1981:                                        casaPortMap.put(fullyQualifiedPortName,
1982:                                                port);
1984:                                        // Mark casa port as "deleted" if the old casa says so.
1985:                                        if (isLiveDeletedBCEndpoint) {
1986:                                            port.setAttribute(
1987:                                                    CASA_STATE_ATTR_NAME,
1988:                                                    CASA_DELETED_ATTR_VALUE);
1989:                                        }
1990:                                    } else {
1991:                                        // Reuse old casa port by adding a new link
1992:                                        Element casaLinkElement = createLinkForWsdlPort(
1993:                                                relativePath, serviceName,
1994:                                                portName);
1995:                                        port.appendChild(casaLinkElement);
1996:                                    }
1997:                                }
1998:                            }
1999:                        }
2000:                    }
2001:                }
2003:                return ports;
2004:            }
2006:            /**
2007:             * Creates a Port element for a BC SU in the new casa document.
2008:             */
2009:            private Element createPort(String relativePath, QName serviceQName,
2010:                    String portName) {
2011:                // 1. Create casa port
2012:                Element ret = newCasaDocument
2013:                        .createElement(CASA_PORT_ELEM_NAME);
2014:                ret.setAttribute(CASA_X_ATTR_NAME, "0");
2015:                ret.setAttribute(CASA_Y_ATTR_NAME, "-1");
2017:                // 2. Add link. (Note that additional links might be added later.)
2018:                Element linkElement = createLinkForWsdlPort(relativePath,
2019:                        serviceQName.getLocalPart(), portName);
2020:                ret.appendChild(linkElement);
2022:                // 3. Add one consumes and one provides to the casa port
2023:                String endpointID = getNewEndpointID(serviceQName, portName);
2025:                Element cEndpointRef = newCasaDocument
2026:                        .createElement(CASA_CONSUMES_ELEM_NAME);
2027:                cEndpointRef.setAttribute(CASA_ENDPOINT_ATTR_NAME, endpointID);
2028:                ret.appendChild(cEndpointRef);
2030:                Element pEndpointRef = newCasaDocument
2031:                        .createElement(CASA_PROVIDES_ELEM_NAME);
2032:                pEndpointRef.setAttribute(CASA_ENDPOINT_ATTR_NAME, endpointID);
2033:                ret.appendChild(pEndpointRef);
2035:                return ret;
2036:            }
2038:            /**
2039:             * Creates a Link element in the new casa document for a WSDL port.
2040:             */
2041:            private Element createLinkForWsdlPort(String relativePath,
2042:                    String serviceName, String portName) {
2043:                String uri = "/definitions/service[@name='" + serviceName
2044:                        + "']/port[@name='" + portName + "']";
2045:                return createLink(relativePath, uri);
2046:            }
2048:            /**
2049:             * Creates a Link element in the new casa document.
2050:             */
2051:            private Element createLink(String relativePath, String uri) {
2052:                Element ret = newCasaDocument
2053:                        .createElement(CASA_LINK_ELEM_NAME);
2054:                ret.setAttribute(XLINK_NAMESPACE_PREFIX + ":type", "simple");
2055:                ret.setAttribute(XLINK_NAMESPACE_PREFIX + ":href", relativePath
2056:                        + "#xpointer(" + uri + ")");
2057:                return ret;
2058:            }
2060:            private void log(String msg) {
2061:                task.log(msg);
2062:            }
2064:            private void debugLog(String msg) {
2065:                task.log(msg, Project.MSG_DEBUG);
2066:            }
2067:        }
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