001: /*
003: *
004: * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
005: *
006: * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
007: * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
008: * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
009: * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
010: * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
011: * http://www.netbeans.org/cddl-gplv2.html
012: * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
013: * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
014: * License. When distributing the software, include this License Header
015: * Notice in each file and include the License file at
016: * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. Sun designates this
017: * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
018: * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
019: * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
020: * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
021: * your own identifying information:
022: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
023: *
024: * Contributor(s):
025: *
026: * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
027: * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun
028: * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
029: *
030: * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
031: * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
032: * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
033: * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
034: * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
035: * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
036: * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
037: * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
038: * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
039: * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
040: */
042: package org.netbeans.modules.sun.manager.jbi;
044: /**
045: *
046: * @author Graj
047: */
048: public interface GenericConstants {
050: public static final String PORT = "port"; // NOI18N
051: public static final String HOSTNAME = "hostName"; // NOI18N
052: public static final String DOMAINNAME = "domainName"; // NOI18N
053: public static final String HTTP_ADMINISTRATION_PORT = "httpAdministrationPort"; // NOI18N
054: public static final String IIOP_PORT = "iiopPort"; // NOI18N
055: public static final String JRMP_PORT = "jrmpPort"; // NOI18N
056: public static final String HTTP_ENDPOINT_PORT = "httpEndpointPort"; // NOI18N
057: public static final String USER_NAME = "userName"; // NOI18N
058: public static final String PASSWORD = "password"; // NOI18N
059: public static final String MULTICAST_GROUP_ADDRESS = "multicastGroupAddress"; // NOI18N
060: public static final String MULTICAST_GROUP_PORT = "multicastGroupPort"; // NOI18N
061: public static final String MULTICAST_TIME_TO_LIVE = "multicastTimeToLive"; // NOI18N
062: public static final String MULTICAST_MESSAGE_SEND_INTERVAL = "multicastMessageSendInterval"; // NOI18N
063: public static final String UPDATER_REFRESH_RATE = "updaterRefreshRate"; // seconds // NOI18N
065: public static final String DEFAULT_HOST_NAME = ""; // NOI18N
066: public static final String DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME = "domain1"; // NOI18N
067: public static final String DEFAULT_ADMIN_PORT = "4848"; // NOI18N
068: public static final String DEFAULT_HTTP_USER_PORT = "8080"; // NOI18N
069: public static final String DEFAULT_IIOP_ADMIN_PORT = "3700"; // NOI18N
070: public static final String DEFAULT_JRMP_ADMIN_PORT = "8686"; // NOI18N
071: public static final String DEFAULT_USER_NAME = "admin"; // NOI18N
072: public static final String DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS = "adminadmin"; // NOI18N
073: public static final String DEFAULT_MULTICAST_GROUP_ADDRESS = ""; // NOI18N
074: public static final String DEFAULT_MULTICAST_GROUP_PORT = "5000"; // NOI18N
075: public static final String DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TIME_TO_LIVE = "10"; // NOI18N
076: public static final String DEFAULT_MULTICAST_MESSAGE_SEND_INTERVAL = "60"; // seconds // NOI18N
077: public static final String DEFAULT_UPDATER_REFRESH_RATE = "8"; // seconds // NOI18N
079: // None
080: public static final int INVALID_DIRECTION_KEY = 10;
081: // backward
082: public static final int PROVIDER_TO_CONSUMER_DIRECTION_KEY = -1;
083: // forward and backward round-trip
084: public static final int CONSUMER_TO_PROVIDER_AND_BACK_DIRECTION_KEY = 0;
085: // forward
086: public static final int CONSUMER_TO_PROVIDER_DIRECTION_KEY = 1;
088: public static final String CONSUMER_SUFFIX = "Consumer"; // NOI18N
090: public static final String PORTMAPS_KEY = "portmaps"; // NOI18N
091: public static final String PORTMAP_KEY = "portmap"; // NOI18N
092: public static final String DIRECTION_KEY = "direction"; // NOI18N
093: public static final String INBOUND_KEY = "inbound"; // NOI18N
094: public static final String OUTBOUND_KEY = "outbound"; // NOI18N
095: public static final String ENDPOINT_KEY = "endPoint"; // NOI18N
096: public static final String SERVICE_KEY = "service"; // NOI18N
098: public static final String COLON_DELIMITER = "\\:"; // NOI18N
099: public static final String DOLLAR_DELIMITER = "\\$"; // NOI18N
100: public static final String VERTICAL_LINE_DELIMITER = "\\|"; // NOI18N
101: public static final String TILDE_DELIMITER = "\\~"; // NOI18N
103: public static final String ENDPOINT_SELECTION_SESSION_KEY = "EndpointsSelected"; // NOI18N
104: public static final String ENDPOINT_MANAGER_SESSION_KEY = "EndpointManager"; // NOI18N
105: public static final String CONNECTION_METADATA_HELPER_SESSION_KEY = "ConnectionMetadataHelper"; // NOI18N
107: // public static final String ASPECT_PACKAGER_METADATA_SESSION_KEY = "AspectPackagerMetadata";
108: // public static final String ASPECT_CONFIGURATION_PROPERTIES_SESSION_KEY = "AspectConfigurationProperties";
110: public static final String GOVERNANCE_CONFIGURATION_SESSION_KEY = "GovernanceConfiguration"; // NOI18N
111: public static final String GOVERNANCE_CURRENT_SERVICE_ASSEMBLY_SESSION_KEY = "GovernanceCurrentServiceAssembly"; // NOI18N
112: public static final String GOVERNANCE_CURRENT_SERVICE_UNIT_LIST_SESSION_KEY = "GovernanceCurrentServiceUnitList"; // NOI18N
114: public static final String CONNECTION_PROPERTIES_KEY = "connection.properties"; // NOI18N
115: public static final String SERVER_INFORMATION_KEY = "SERVER_INFORMATION"; // NOI18N
117: public static final String SERVICE_UNIT_NAME_PARAMETER_KEY = "serviceUnitName"; // NOI18N
119: public static final String NAME_PARAMETER_KEY = "name"; // NOI18N
120: public static final String OPERATION_PARAMETER_KEY = "operation"; // NOI18N
121: public static final String INPUT_PARAMETER_KEY = "input"; // NOI18N
122: public static final String TYPE_PARAMETER_KEY = "type"; // NOI18N
123: public static final String COMPONENT_NAME_KEY = "componentName"; // NOI18N
124: public static final String SHOW_PARAMETER_KEY = "show"; // NOI18N
125: public static final String KEY_PARAMETER_KEY = "key"; // NOI18N
126: public static final String CLEAN_PARAMETER_KEY = "clean"; // NOI18N
127: public static final String FILE_NAME_PARAMETER_KEY = "fileName"; // NOI18N
128: public static final String ACTION_NAME_PARAMETER_KEY = "actionName"; // NOI18N
129: public static final String REMOVE_PARAMETER_KEY = "remove"; // NOI18N
130: public static final String CONFIGURE_PARAMETER_KEY = "configure"; // NOI18N
132: public static final String TYPE_PARAMETER_KEY_VALUE = "ServiceEngine"; // NOI18N
133: public static final String SHOW_CONFIG_PROPERTIES_PARAMETER_KEY_VALUE = "ConfigProperties"; // NOI18N
134: public static final String SHOW_PORTMAP_URL_PARAMETER_KEY_VALUE = "PortMapURL"; // NOI18N
136: public static final String PROVISIONING_ID = "Provider"; // NOI18N
137: public static final String CONSUMING_ID = "Consumer"; // NOI18N
139: public static final String PROVISIONING_SERVICE_NAME = "com.sun.ProvisioningService"; // NOI18N
140: public static final String PROVISIONING_SERVICE_UNIT_SUFFIX = "-ProvisioningServiceUnit"; // NOI18N
142: /** Deployment Type */
143: public static final String DEPLOYMENT_TYPE = "service-assembly"; // NOI18N
144: /** unknown type */
145: public static final String UNKNOWN_TYPE = "unknown"; // NOI18N
146: /** Binding type */
147: public static final String BINDING_TYPE = "binding-component"; // NOI18N
148: /** Engine Type */
149: public static final String ENGINE_TYPE = "service-engine"; // NOI18N
150: /** Namespace Type */
151: public static final String NAMESPACE_TYPE = "shared-library"; // NOI18N
153: /** state Loaded status. */
154: public static final String UNKNOWN_STATE = "Unknown"; // NOI18N
155: /** Installed status */
156: public static final String SHUTDOWN_STATE = "Shutdown"; // NOI18N
157: /** Stopped status */
158: public static final String STOPPED_STATE = "Stopped"; // NOI18N
159: /** Started status */
160: public static final String STARTED_STATE = "Started"; // NOI18N
162: public static final String SOAP_ENCODING_SCHEMA_URL = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"; // NOI18N
163: public static final String WSDL_SOAP_SCHEMA_URL = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/"; // NOI18N
166: public static final String RESULT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_KEY = "RESULT"; // NOI18N
167: public static final String SOAP_TRANSPORT_KEY = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"; // NOI18N
168: public static final String HTTP_URL_PREFIX_KEY = "http://"; // NOI18N
169: public static final String FILE_URL_REFIX_KEY = "file:///"; // NOI18N
170: public static final String WSDL_VERBOSE_KEY = "javax.wsdl.verbose"; // NOI18N
171: public static final String WSDL_IMPORT_DOCUMENTS_KEY = "javax.wsdl.importDocuments"; // NOI18N
172: public static final String WSDL_SCHEMA_URL = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"; // NOI18N
174: public static final String LIST_BINDING_COMPONENTS_OPERATION_NAME = "listBindingComponents"; // NOI18N
175: public static final String LIST_SERVICE_ENGINES_OPERATION_NAME = "listServiceEngines"; // NOI18N
176: public static final String LIST_SHARED_LIBRARIES_OPERATION_NAME = "listSharedLibraries"; // NOI18N
177: public static final String LIST_SERVICE_ASSEMBLIES_OPERATION_NAME = "listServiceAssemblies"; // NOI18N
178: public static final String LIST_SHARED_LIBRARY_DEPENDENTS_OPERATION_NAME = "listSharedLibraryDependents"; // NOI18N
180: public static final String GET_COMPONENT_INSTALLATION_DESCRIPTOR_NAME = "getComponentInstallationDescriptor"; // NOI18N
181: public static final String GET_SHARED_LIBRARY_INSTALLATION_DESCRIPTOR_NAME = "getSharedLibraryInstallationDescriptor"; // NOI18N
182: public static final String GET_SERVICE_UNIT_DEPLOYMENT_DESCRIPTOR_NAME = "getServiceUnitDeploymentDescriptor"; // NOI18N
183: public static final String GET_SERVICE_ASSEMBLY_DEPLOYMENT_DESCRIPTOR_NAME = "getServiceAssemblyDeploymentDescriptor"; // NOI18N
184: public static final String GET_COMPONENT_LOGGER_LEVELS_NAME = "getComponentLoggerLevels"; // NOI18N
185: public static final String SET_COMPONENT_LOGGER_LEVEL_NAME = "setComponentLoggerLevel"; // NOI18N
187: public static final String DEPLOY_SERVICE_ASSEMBLY_OPERATION_NAME = "deployServiceAssembly"; // NOI18N
188: public static final String INSTALL_COMPONENT_OPERATION_NAME = "installComponent"; // NOI18N
189: public static final String INSTALL_SHARED_LIBRARY_OPERATION_NAME = "installSharedLibrary"; // NOI18N
190: public static final String SHUTDOWN_COMPONENT_OPERATION_NAME = "shutdownComponent"; // NOI18N
191: public static final String START_COMPONENT_OPERATION_NAME = "startComponent"; // NOI18N
192: public static final String STOP_COMPONENT_OPERATION_NAME = "stopComponent"; // NOI18N
193: public static final String UPGRADE_COMPONENT_OPERATION_NAME = "updateComponent"; // NOI18N
195: public static final String START_SERVICE_ASSEMBLY_OPERATION_NAME = "startServiceAssembly"; // NOI18N
196: public static final String STOP_SERVICE_ASSEMBLY_OPERATION_NAME = "stopServiceAssembly"; // NOI18N
197: public static final String SHUTDOWN_SERVICE_ASSEMBLY_OPERATION_NAME = "shutdownServiceAssembly"; // NOI18N
199: public static final String UNDEPLOY_SERVICE_ASSEMBLY_OPERATION_NAME = "undeployServiceAssembly"; // NOI18N
200: public static final String UNINSTALL_COMPONENT_OPERATION_NAME = "uninstallComponent"; // NOI18N
201: public static final String UNINSTALL_SHARED_LIBRARY_OPERATION_NAME = "uninstallSharedLibrary"; // NOI18N
203: public static final String DEPLOY_FOLDER_NAME = "deploy"; // NOI18N
204: public static final String BINDING_COMPONENTS_FOLDER_NAME = "bindingComponents"; // NOI18N
205: public static final String SERVICE_ENGINES_FOLDER_NAME = "serviceEngines"; // NOI18N
206: public static final String SHARED_LIBRARIES_FOLDER_NAME = "sharedLibraries"; // NOI18N
207: public static final String SERVICE_ASSEMBLIES_FOLDER_NAME = "serviceAssemblies"; // NOI18N
209: public static final String ADD_APPLICATION_VARIABLE_NAME = "addApplicationVariable"; // NOI18N
210: public static final String DELETE_APPLICATION_VARIABLE_NAME = "deleteApplicationVariable"; // NOI18N
211: public static final String SET_APPLICATION_VARIABLE_NAME = "setApplicationVariable"; // NOI18N
212: public static final String ADD_APPLICATION_CONFIGURATION_NAME = "addApplicationConfiguration"; // NOI18N
213: public static final String DELETE_APPLICATION_CONFIGURATION_NAME = "deleteApplicationConfiguration"; // NOI18N
214: public static final String SET_APPLICATION_CONFIGURATION_NAME = "setApplicationConfiguration"; // NOI18N
216: public static final String SUN_JBI_DOMAIN_NAME = "com.sun.jbi"; // NOI18N
217: public static final String STC_EBI_DOMAIN_NAME = "com.sun.ebi"; // NOI18N
219: public static final String EM_DOMAIN_NOTIFICATION_HANDLER = "com.sun.eManager:name=DomainNotificationHandler,ServiceType=eManagerAdministration"; // NOI18N
221: // MBean Open Type class names
222: public static final String OPEN_TYPE_CLASS_VOID = "java.lang.Void"; // NOI18N
223: public static final String OPEN_TYPE_CLASS_BOOLEAN = "java.lang.Boolean"; // NOI18N
224: public static final String OPEN_TYPE_CLASS_CHARACTER = "java.lang.Character"; // NOI18N
225: public static final String OPEN_TYPE_CLASS_BYTE = "java.lang.Byte"; // NOI18N
226: public static final String OPEN_TYPE_CLASS_SHORT = "java.lang.Short"; // NOI18N
227: public static final String OPEN_TYPE_CLASS_INTEGER = "java.lang.Integer"; // NOI18N
228: public static final String OPEN_TYPE_CLASS_LONG = "java.lang.Long"; // NOI18N
229: public static final String OPEN_TYPE_CLASS_FLOAT = "java.lang.Float"; // NOI18N
230: public static final String OPEN_TYPE_CLASS_DOUBLE = "java.lang.Double"; // NOI18N
231: public static final String OPEN_TYPE_CLASS_STRING = "java.lang.String"; // NOI18N
232: public static final String OPEN_TYPE_CLASS_BIGDECIMAL = "java.math.BigDecimal"; // NOI18N
233: public static final String OPEN_TYPE_CLASS_BIGINTEGER = "java.math.BigInteger"; // NOI18N
234: public static final String OPEN_TYPE_CLASS_DATE = "java.util.Date"; // NOI18N
235: public static final String OPEN_TYPE_CLASS_OBJECTNAME = "javax.management.ObjectName"; // NOI18N
237: // MBean Server Object Name
238: public static final String MBEAN_SERVER_OBJECT_NAME = "JMImplementation:type=MBeanServerDelegate"; // NOI18N
240: /////////////////////////////////////
241: // Local JVM Management Object Names
242: /////////////////////////////////////
243: // Local JVM Management java.lang.management.ManagementFactory MXBeans Object Names
244: public static final String CLASS_LOADING_MXBEAN_NAME = "java.lang:type=ClassLoading"; // NOI18N
245: public static final String COMPILATION_MXBEAN_NAME = "java.lang:type=Compilation"; // NOI18N
246: public static final String GARBAGE_COLLECTOR_MXBEAN_DOMAIN_TYPE = "java.lang:type=GarbageCollector"; // NOI18N
247: public static final String MEMORY_MANAGER_MXBEAN_DOMAIN_TYPE = "java.lang:type=MemoryManager"; // NOI18N
248: public static final String MEMORY_MXBEAN_NAME = "java.lang:type=Memory"; // NOI18N
249: public static final String MEMORY_POOL_MXBEAN_DOMAIN_TYPE = "java.lang:type=MemoryPool"; // NOI18N
250: public static final String OPERATING_SYSTEM_MXBEAN_NAME = "java.lang:type=OperatingSystem"; // NOI18N
251: public static final String RUNTIME_MXBEAN_NAME = "java.lang:type=Runtime"; // NOI18N
252: public static final String THREAD_MXBEAN_NAME = "java.lang:type=Threading"; // NOI18N
254: // Local JVM Management java.lang.management.MemoryNotificationInfo MXBeans Object Names
255: public static final String MEMORY_COLLECTION_THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED = "java.management.memory.collection.threshold.exceeded"; // NOI18N
256: public static final String MEMORY_THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED = "java.management.memory.threshold.exceeded"; // NOI18N
258: /////////////////////////////////////
259: // JBI Framework MBeans Object Names
260: /////////////////////////////////////
261: // Services
262: public static final String JBI_ADMINISTRATION_SERVICE_OBJECT_NAME = "com.sun.jbi:ComponentType=System,ControlType=AdministrationService,ServiceName=AdminService"; // NOI18N
263: public static final String JBI_CONFIGURATION_SERVICE_OBJECT_NAME = "com.sun.jbi:ComponentType=System,ControlType=ConfigurationService,ServiceName=ConfigurationService"; // NOI18N
264: public static final String JBI_DEPLOYMENT_SERVICE_OBJECT_NAME = "com.sun.jbi:ComponentType=System,ControlType=DeploymentService,ServiceName=DeploymentService"; // NOI18N
265: public static final String JBI_INSTALLATION_SERVICE_OBJECT_NAME = "com.sun.jbi:ComponentType=System,ControlType=InstallationService,ServiceName=InstallationService"; // NOI18N
266: public static final String JBI_MESSAGE_SERVICE_OBJECT_NAME = "com.sun.jbi:ComponentType=System,ControlType=MessageService,ServiceName=MessageService"; // NOI18N
267: public static final String JBI_LOGGING_SERVICE_OBJECT_NAME = "com.sun.jbi:ComponentType=System,ControlType=LoggingService,ServiceName=LoggingService"; // NOI18N
269: public static final String JBI_FRAMEWORK_STATISTICS_OBJECT_NAME = "com.sun.jbi:ComponentType=System,ControlType=Statistics,ServiceName=Framework"; // NOI18N
271: // Heartbeat
272: public static final String JBI_HEART_BEAT_ADMIN_SERVICE_OBJECT_NAME = "com.sun.jbi:ComponentType=System,ControlType=HeartBeat,ServiceName=AdminService"; // NOI18N
274: // Configuration
275: public static final String JBI_ADMINISTRATION_SERVICE_CONFIGURATION_OBJECT_NAME = "com.sun.jbi:ComponentType=System,ControlType=Configuration,ServiceName=AdminService"; // NOI18N
276: public static final String JBI_CONFIGURATION_SERVICE_SYSTEM_CONFIG_OBJECT_NAME = "com.sun.jbi:ComponentType=System,ControlType=Configuration,ServiceName=ConfigurationService"; // NOI18N
277: public static final String JBI_DEPLOYMENT_SERVICE_SYSTEM_CONFIG_OBJECT_NAME = "com.sun.jbi:ComponentType=System,ControlType=Configuration,ServiceName=DeploymentService"; // NOI18N
278: public static final String JBI_INSTALLATION_SERVICE_SYSTEM_CONFIG_OBJECT_NAME = "com.sun.jbi:ComponentType=System,ControlType=Configuration,ServiceName=InstallationService"; // NOI18N
279: public static final String JBI_LOGGING_SERVICE_SYSTEM_CONFIG_OBJECT_NAME = "com.sun.jbi:ComponentType=System,ControlType=Configuration,ServiceName=LoggingService"; // NOI18N
280: public static final String JBI_MESSAGE_SERVICE_SYSTEM_CONFIG_OBJECT_NAME = "com.sun.jbi:ComponentType=System,ControlType=Configuration,ServiceName=MessageService"; // NOI18N
282: // Lifecycle
283: public static final String JBI_ADMINISTRATION_SERVICE_LIFECYCLE_OBJECT_NAME = "com.sun.jbi:ComponentType=System,ControlType=Lifecycle,ServiceName=AdminService"; // NOI18N
284: public static final String JBI_CONFIGURATION_SERVICE_LIFECYCLE_OBJECT_NAME = "com.sun.jbi:ComponentType=System,ControlType=Lifecycle,ServiceName=ConfigurationService"; // NOI18N
285: public static final String JBI_DEPLOYMENT_SERVICE_LIFECYCLE_OBJECT_NAME = "com.sun.jbi:ComponentType=System,ControlType=Lifecycle,ServiceName=DeploymentService"; // NOI18N
286: public static final String JBI_INSTALLATION_SERVICE_LIFECYCLE_OBJECT_NAME = "com.sun.jbi:ComponentType=System,ControlType=Lifecycle,ServiceName=InstallationService"; // NOI18N
287: public static final String JBI_LOGGING_SERVICE_LIFECYCLE_OBJECT_NAME = "com.sun.jbi:ComponentType=System,ControlType=Lifecycle,ServiceName=LoggingService"; // NOI18N
288: public static final String JBI_MESSAGE_SERVICE_LIFECYCLE_OBJECT_NAME = "com.sun.jbi:ComponentType=System,ControlType=Lifecycle,ServiceName=MessageService"; // NOI18N
289: }