001: /*
003: *
004: * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
005: *
006: * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
007: * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
008: * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
009: * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
010: * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
011: * http://www.netbeans.org/cddl-gplv2.html
012: * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
013: * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
014: * License. When distributing the software, include this License Header
015: * Notice in each file and include the License file at
016: * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. Sun designates this
017: * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
018: * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
019: * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
020: * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
021: * your own identifying information:
022: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
023: *
024: * Contributor(s):
025: *
026: * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
027: * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun
028: * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
029: *
030: * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
031: * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
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037: * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
038: * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
039: * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
040: *
041: * Contributor(s): Ivan Soleimanipour.
042: */
044: /*
045: * "Attr.java"
046: * Attr.java 1.7 01/07/23
047: */
049: package org.netbeans.lib.terminalemulator;
051: class Attr {
052: // 'f' suffix for oFfset
053: // 'w' suffix for Width
054: // 'm' suffix for mask
055: private final static int BGCOLORf = 0;
056: private final static int BGCOLORw = 5;
057: private final static int BGCOLORm = 0xf;
058: public final static int BGCOLOR = BGCOLORm << BGCOLORf;
060: private final static int FGCOLORf = BGCOLORf + BGCOLORw;
061: private final static int FGCOLORw = 5;
062: private final static int FGCOLORm = 0xf;
063: public final static int FGCOLOR = FGCOLORm << FGCOLORf;
065: private final static int HIDDENf = FGCOLORf + FGCOLORw;
066: private final static int HIDDENw = 1;
067: public final static int HIDDEN = 0x1 << HIDDENf;
069: private final static int REVERSEf = HIDDENf + HIDDENw;
070: private final static int REVERSEw = 1;
071: public final static int REVERSE = 0x1 << REVERSEf;
073: private final static int BLINKf = REVERSEf + REVERSEw;
074: private final static int BLINKw = 1;
075: public final static int BLINK = 0x1 << BLINKf;
077: private final static int UNDERSCOREf = BLINKf + BLINKw;
078: private final static int UNDERSCOREw = 1;
079: public final static int UNDERSCORE = 0x1 << UNDERSCOREf;
081: private final static int BRIGHTf = UNDERSCOREf + UNDERSCOREw;
082: private final static int BRIGHTw = 1;
083: public final static int BRIGHT = 0x1 << BRIGHTf;
085: private final static int DIMf = BRIGHTf + BRIGHTw;
086: private final static int DIMw = 1;
087: public final static int DIM = 0x1 << DIMf;
089: private final static int ACTIVEf = DIMf + DIMw;
090: public final static int ACTIVE = 0x1 << ACTIVEf;
092: // Since an attr value of 0 means render using default attributes
093: // We need a value that signifies that no attribute has been set.
094: // Can't use the highest (sign) bit since Java has no unsigned and
095: // we get complaints from the compiler.
096: public final static int UNSET = 0x40000000;
098: /**
099: * attr = Attr.setBackgroundColor(attr, 7);
100: */
102: public static int setBackgroundColor(int attr, int code) {
103: code &= BGCOLORm; // throw all but lowest relevant bits away
104: attr &= ~BGCOLOR; // 0 out existing bits
105: attr |= code << BGCOLORf;
106: return attr;
107: }
109: /**
110: * attr = Attr.setForegroundColor(attr, 7);
111: */
113: public static int setForegroundColor(int attr, int code) {
114: code &= FGCOLORm; // throw all but lowest relevant bits away
115: attr &= ~FGCOLOR; // 0 out existing bits
116: attr |= code << FGCOLORf;
117: return attr;
118: }
120: /**
121: * Use this to get at the FG color value embedded in an attr.
122: */
123: public static int foregroundColor(int attr) {
124: return (attr >> FGCOLORf) & FGCOLORm;
125: }
127: /**
128: * Use this to get at the BG color value embedded in an attr.
129: */
130: public static int backgroundColor(int attr) {
131: return (attr >> BGCOLORf) & BGCOLORm;
132: }
134: /*
135: * Read-modify-write utility for setting bitfields in 'attr'.
136: */
137: public static int setAttribute(int attr, int value) {
138: switch (value) {
139: case 0:
140: // Reset all attributes
141: attr = 0;
142: break;
143: case 5:
144: // Attr.BLINK
145: // FALLTHRU
146: case 1:
147: attr &= ~Attr.DIM;
148: attr |= Attr.BRIGHT;
149: break;
150: case 2:
151: attr &= ~Attr.BRIGHT;
152: attr |= Attr.DIM;
153: break;
154: case 4:
155: attr |= Attr.UNDERSCORE;
156: break;
157: case 7:
158: attr |= Attr.REVERSE;
159: break;
160: case 8:
161: attr |= Attr.HIDDEN;
162: break;
164: case 9:
165: // Term specific
166: attr |= Attr.ACTIVE;
167: break;
169: // turn individual attributes off (dtterm specific?)
170: case 25:
171: // blinking off
172: // FALLTHRU
173: case 22:
174: attr &= ~Attr.DIM;
175: attr &= ~Attr.BRIGHT;
176: break;
177: case 24:
178: attr &= ~Attr.UNDERSCORE;
179: break;
180: case 27:
181: attr &= ~Attr.REVERSE;
182: break;
183: case 28:
184: attr &= ~Attr.HIDDEN;
185: break;
187: case 30:
188: case 31:
189: case 32:
190: case 33:
191: case 34:
192: case 35:
193: case 36:
194: case 37:
195: attr = Attr.setForegroundColor(attr, value - 30 + 1);
196: break;
198: case 39:
199: // revert to default (dtterm specific)
200: attr = Attr.setForegroundColor(attr, 0);
201: break;
203: case 40:
204: case 41:
205: case 42:
206: case 43:
207: case 44:
208: case 45:
209: case 46:
210: case 47:
211: attr = Attr.setBackgroundColor(attr, value - 40 + 1);
212: break;
214: case 49:
215: // revert to default (dtterm specific)
216: attr = Attr.setBackgroundColor(attr, 0);
217: break;
219: case 50:
220: case 51:
221: case 52:
222: case 53:
223: case 54:
224: case 55:
225: case 56:
226: case 57:
227: // custom colors
228: attr = Attr.setForegroundColor(attr, value - 50 + 9);
229: break;
231: case 60:
232: case 61:
233: case 62:
234: case 63:
235: case 64:
236: case 65:
237: case 66:
238: case 67:
239: // custom colors
240: attr = Attr.setBackgroundColor(attr, value - 60 + 9);
241: break;
243: default:
244: // silently ignore unrecognized attribute
245: break;
246: }
247: return attr;
248: }
250: /*
251: * Read-modify-write utility for unsetting bitfields in 'attr'.
252: * Note: this doesn't cover the unsetting operations which
253: * setAttributes does.
254: */
255: public static int unsetAttribute(int attr, int value) {
256: switch (value) {
257: case 0:
258: // Reset all attributes
259: attr = 0;
260: break;
261: case 5:
262: // Attr.BLINK
263: // FALLTHRU
264: case 1:
265: attr &= ~Attr.BRIGHT;
266: break;
267: case 2:
268: attr &= ~Attr.DIM;
269: break;
270: case 4:
271: attr &= ~Attr.UNDERSCORE;
272: break;
273: case 7:
274: attr &= ~Attr.REVERSE;
275: break;
276: case 8:
277: attr &= ~Attr.HIDDEN;
278: break;
279: case 9:
280: attr &= ~Attr.ACTIVE;
281: break;
283: case 30:
284: case 31:
285: case 32:
286: case 33:
287: case 34:
288: case 35:
289: case 36:
290: case 37:
291: attr = Attr.setForegroundColor(attr, 0);
292: break;
294: case 40:
295: case 41:
296: case 42:
297: case 43:
298: case 44:
299: case 45:
300: case 46:
301: case 47:
302: attr = Attr.setBackgroundColor(attr, 0);
303: break;
305: case 50:
306: case 51:
307: case 52:
308: case 53:
309: case 54:
310: case 55:
311: case 56:
312: case 57:
313: // custom colors
314: attr = Attr.setForegroundColor(attr, 0);
315: break;
317: case 60:
318: case 61:
319: case 62:
320: case 63:
321: case 64:
322: case 65:
323: case 66:
324: case 67:
325: // custom colors
326: attr = Attr.setBackgroundColor(attr, 0);
327: break;
329: default:
330: // silently ignore unrecognized attribute
331: break;
332: }
333: return attr;
334: }
335: }