01: package search_replace.SearchAndReplaceTest;
03: /**
04: *
05: * @author mato
06: */
07: public class testRegExSearch {
09: /** Creates a new instance of testRegExSearch */
10: public testRegExSearch() {
11: System.out.println("hello world");
12: System.out.println("hello world again"); //NOI18N
13: //teest
14: //teeeeeeeeest
15: //Teeeeest
16: //TEEEST
17: //teeet
18: System.out.println("test string");
19: /*
20: "this is multi line string
21: over two lines"
22: */
23: //bellow empty line with 8 spaces and bellow this empty line with no space
25: //end of ampty lines
26: // you can modify the file bellow this line to not break test functionality
27: // <add you test cases here>
28: }
30: }