001: /* Generated By:JavaCC: Do not edit this line. SQLConditionParserConstants.java */
002: package org.netbeans.modules.sql.framework.parser.conditionparser;
004: public interface SQLConditionParserConstants {
006: int EOF = 0;
007: int LINE_COMMENT = 5;
008: int BLOCK_COMMENT = 6;
009: int ADD = 7;
010: int ALL = 8;
011: int ALTER = 9;
012: int AND = 10;
013: int ASC = 11;
014: int BEGIN = 12;
015: int BETWEEN = 13;
016: int BY = 14;
017: int CASE = 15;
018: int CHECK = 16;
019: int CREATE = 17;
020: int CONSTRAINT = 18;
021: int DEFAULT_ = 19;
022: int DEFERRED = 20;
023: int DEFERRABLE = 21;
024: int DELETE = 22;
025: int DESC = 23;
026: int DISTINCT = 24;
027: int DROP = 25;
028: int ELSE = 26;
029: int END = 27;
030: int EXISTS = 28;
031: int FALSE = 29;
032: int FROM = 30;
033: int GROUP = 31;
034: int HAVING = 32;
035: int IF = 33;
036: int IMMEDIATE = 34;
037: int IN = 35;
038: int INITIALLY = 36;
039: int INDEX = 37;
040: int INNER = 38;
041: int INSERT = 39;
042: int INTO = 40;
043: int IS = 41;
044: int JOIN = 42;
045: int KEY = 43;
046: int LEFT = 44;
047: int LIKE = 45;
048: int LIMIT = 46;
049: int NOT = 47;
050: int NULL = 48;
051: int OFFSET = 49;
052: int ON = 50;
053: int OR = 51;
054: int ORDER = 52;
055: int ORGANIZATION = 53;
056: int OUTER = 54;
057: int PRIMARY = 55;
058: int RIGHT = 56;
059: int SELECT = 57;
060: int SEQUENCE = 58;
061: int SET = 59;
062: int STARTS = 60;
063: int SYSDATE = 61;
064: int TABLE = 62;
065: int THEN = 63;
066: int TRUE = 64;
067: int UNIQUE = 65;
068: int UPDATE = 66;
069: int USER = 67;
070: int VALUES = 68;
071: int WHEN = 69;
072: int WHERE = 70;
073: int WITH = 71;
074: int CAST = 72;
075: int AS = 73;
076: int CURRENT_DATE = 74;
077: int CURRENT_TIMESTAMP = 75;
078: int RUNTIME_INPUT = 76;
079: int COLUMN1 = 77;
080: int COLUMN2 = 78;
081: int COLUMN3 = 79;
082: int INTEGER_LITERAL = 80;
084: int EXPONENT = 82;
085: int STRING_LITERAL = 83;
086: int ID = 84;
087: int LETTER = 85;
088: int DIGIT = 86;
089: int ONE_OR_MORE_DIGIT = 87;
090: int ASSIGN = 88;
091: int COMMA = 89;
092: int CONCAT = 90;
093: int SEMICOLON = 91;
094: int DOT = 92;
095: int LESS = 93;
096: int LESSEQUAL = 94;
097: int GREATER = 95;
098: int GREATEREQUAL = 96;
099: int EQUAL = 97;
100: int NOTEQUAL = 98;
101: int NOTEQUAL2 = 99;
102: int JOINPLUS = 100;
103: int OPENPAREN = 101;
104: int CLOSEPAREN = 102;
105: int ASTERISK = 103;
106: int SLASH = 104;
107: int PLUS = 105;
108: int MINUS = 106;
109: int QUESTIONMARK = 107;
111: int DEFAULT = 0;
113: String[] tokenImage = { "<EOF>", "\" \"", "\"\\n\"", "\"\\r\"",
114: "\"\\t\"", "<LINE_COMMENT>", "<BLOCK_COMMENT>", "\"add\"",
115: "\"all\"", "\"alter\"", "\"and\"", "\"asc\"", "\"begin\"",
116: "\"between\"", "\"by\"", "\"case\"", "\"check\"",
117: "\"create\"", "\"constraint\"", "\"default\"",
118: "\"deferred\"", "\"deferrable\"", "\"delete\"", "\"desc\"",
119: "\"distinct\"", "\"drop\"", "\"else\"", "\"end\"",
120: "\"exists\"", "\"false\"", "\"from\"", "\"group\"",
121: "\"having\"", "\"if\"", "\"immediate\"", "\"in\"",
122: "\"initially\"", "\"index\"", "\"inner\"", "\"insert\"",
123: "\"into\"", "\"is\"", "\"join\"", "\"key\"", "\"left\"",
124: "\"like\"", "\"limit\"", "\"not\"", "\"null\"",
125: "\"offset\"", "\"on\"", "\"or\"", "\"order\"",
126: "\"organization\"", "\"outer\"", "\"primary\"",
127: "\"right\"", "\"select\"", "\"sequence\"", "\"set\"",
128: "\"starts\"", "\"sysdate\"", "\"table\"", "\"then\"",
129: "\"true\"", "\"unique\"", "\"update\"", "\"user\"",
130: "\"values\"", "\"when\"", "\"where\"", "\"with\"",
131: "\"cast\"", "\"as\"", "\"CURRENT_DATE\"",
135: "<STRING_LITERAL>", "<ID>", "<LETTER>", "<DIGIT>",
136: "<ONE_OR_MORE_DIGIT>", "\":=\"", "\",\"", "\"||\"",
137: "\";\"", "\".\"", "\"<\"", "\"<=\"", "\">\"", "\">=\"",
138: "\"=\"", "\"!=\"", "\"<>\"", "\"(+)\"", "\"(\"", "\")\"",
139: "\"*\"", "\"/\"", "\"+\"", "\"-\"", "\"?\"", };
141: }