0001: /*
0003: *
0004: * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
0005: *
0006: * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
0007: * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
0008: * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
0009: * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
0010: * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
0011: * http://www.netbeans.org/cddl-gplv2.html
0012: * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
0013: * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
0014: * License. When distributing the software, include this License Header
0015: * Notice in each file and include the License file at
0016: * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. Sun designates this
0017: * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
0018: * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
0019: * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
0020: * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
0021: * your own identifying information:
0022: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
0023: *
0024: * Contributor(s):
0025: *
0026: * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
0027: * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2006 Sun
0028: * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
0029: *
0030: * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
0031: * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
0032: * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
0033: * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
0034: * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
0035: * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
0036: * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
0037: * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
0038: * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
0039: * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
0040: */
0042: /*
0043: * File PropertiesEditorOperator.java
0044: *
0045: * Created on 24.9.02 18:18
0046: *
0047: * Description :
0048: *
0049: * This is operator used in autometed tests. Operator has been
0050: * writed in Jelly2
0051: *
0052: */
0054: package lib;
0056: import java.io.File;
0057: import java.util.*;
0058: import javax.swing.*;
0059: import org.netbeans.jellytools.*;
0060: import org.netbeans.jellytools.actions.*;
0061: import org.netbeans.jellytools.nodes.*;
0062: import org.netbeans.jellytools.nodes.Node;
0063: import org.netbeans.jellytools.properties.*;
0064: import org.netbeans.jemmy.*;
0065: import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.*;
0066: import org.netbeans.junit.NbTestCase;
0067: import org.netbeans.junit.ide.ProjectSupport;
0069: /** Class implementing all necessary methods for handling Property sheet in Editor window.
0070: * This class is used for automated tests of properties module.
0071: * @author Petr Felenda ( e-mail petr.felenda@sun.com )
0072: * @version 1
0073: */
0074: public class PropertiesEditorTestCase extends JellyTestCase {
0076: protected static final String defaultProjectName = "properties_test";
0077: private String projectName;
0078: private String treeSubPackagePathToFile;
0079: protected String treeSeparator = "|";
0080: protected String menuSeparator = "#";
0081: protected String defaultPackage = "<default package>";
0082: protected final String WIZARD_CATEGORY = "Standard";
0083: protected final String WIZARD_CATEGORY_FILE = "Other";
0084: protected final String WIZARD_FILE_TYPE = "Properties File";
0085: protected final String WIZARD_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME = "newproperties";
0087: /*
0088: * declaration of members variables
0089: */
0090: private final String TITLE_ADD_LOCALE_DIALOG = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.modules.properties.Bundle", "CTL_NewLocaleTitle"); // String : New Locale
0091: private final String TITLE_NEW_PROPERTY_DIALOG = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.modules.properties.Bundle", "CTL_NewPropertyTitle"); // String : New Property
0092: private final String TITLE_HELP_DIALOG = "Help";
0093: private final String TITLE_ERROR_DIALOG = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.openide.Bundle", "NTF_ErrorTitle"); // String : Error
0094: private final String TITLE_SAVE_QUESTION_DIALOG = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.openide.text.Bundle", "LBL_SaveFile_Title"); // String : Question
0095: private final String TITLE_QUESTION_DIALOG = "Question"; // String : Question
0096: private final String TITLE_CUSTOMIZE_LOCALES_DIALOG = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.core.Bundle", "CTL_Customizer_dialog_title"); // String : Customizer Dialog
0097: private final String TITLE_CUSTOMIZE_PROPERTIES_DIALOG = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.core.Bundle", "CTL_Customizer_dialog_title"); // The same string as last one
0098: private final String TITLE_DIALOG_CONFIRM_OBJECT_DELETION = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.openide.explorer.Bundle", "MSG_ConfirmDeleteObjectTitle"); // String : Confirm Object deletion
0099: private final String TITLE_DELETE_MORE_LOCALES_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.openide.explorer.Bundle", "MSG_ConfirmDeleteObjectsTitle"); // String : Confirm Multiple Object Deletion
0100: private final String TITLE_WELCOME = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.modules.welcome.Bundle", "LBL_Tab_Title"); // String Welcome
0101: private final String TITLE_PROPERTIES_WINDOW_TABLE = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.core.Bundle", "CTL_FMT_GlobalProperties"); // String : Properties of
0102: private final String TITLE_PROPERTIES_WINDOW_TAB = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.openide.nodes.Bundle", "Properties"); // String : Properties
0104: private final String BUTTON_NAME_NEW_PROPERTY = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.modules.properties.Bundle", "LBL_AddPropertyButton"); // String : New Property
0105: private final String BUTTON_NAME_REMOVE_PROPERTY = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.modules.properties.Bundle", "LBL_RemovePropertyButton"); // String : Remove Property
0106: private final String BUTTON_NAME_REMOVE_LOCALE = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.modules.properties.Bundle", "CTL_RemoveLocale"); // String : Remove Locale
0107: private final String BUTTON_NAME_ADD_LOCALE = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.modules.properties.Bundle", "CTL_AddLocale"); // String : Add Locale
0108: private final String BUTTON_NAME_ADD_KEY = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.modules.properties.Bundle", "CTL_AddKey"); // String : Add Key
0109: private final String BUTTON_NAME_REMOVE_KEY = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.modules.properties.Bundle", "CTL_RemoveKey"); // String : Remove Key
0110: private final String BUTTON_NAME_YES = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.core.Bundle", "YES_OPTION_CAPTION"); // String : Yes
0111: private final String BUTTON_NAME_NO = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.core.Bundle", "NO_OPTION_CAPTION"); // String : No
0112: private final String BUTTON_NAME_DISCARD = "Discard";
0114: private final String POPUP_MENU_ADD_LOCALE = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.openide.actions.Bundle", "NewArg")+Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.modules.properties.Bundle", "LAB_NewLocaleAction"); // String : Add Locale...
0115: private final String POPUP_MENU_CUSTOMIZE = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.openide.actions.Bundle", "Customize"); // String : Customize
0116: private final String POPUP_MENU_ADD_PROPERTY = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.openide.actions.Bundle", "NewArg")+Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.modules.properties.Bundle", "LAB_NewPropertyAction"); // String : Add Property
0117: private final String POPUP_MENU_DELETE_LOCALE = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.openide.actions.Bundle", "Delete");; // String : Delete
0118: private final String POPUP_MENU_EDIT = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.openide.actions.Bundle", "Edit"); // String : Edit
0120: private final String LABEL_KEY = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.modules.properties.Bundle", "LBL_KeyLabel"); // String : Key
0121: private final String LABLE_VALUE = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.modules.properties.Bundle", "LBL_ValueLabel"); // String : Value
0122: private final String RESOURCE_BUNDLE_COMMENT = " Sample ResourceBundle properties file\n\n";
0124: private final String EXCEPTION_TEXT = "Text typing";
0126: private final String WIZARD_TREE_STRING = "";//Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.modules.text.Bundle", "Templates/Other")+"|"+Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.modules.properties.Bundle", "Templates/Other/properties.properties"); // String : "Other|Properties File";
0128: /** This constructor only creates operator's object and then does nothing. */
0129: public PropertiesEditorTestCase(String testMethodName) {
0130: super (testMethodName);
0131: }
0133: /** This method open project.
0134: * 1) It is checked if the project is open
0135: * before the project is opened.
0136: * 2) open project
0137: * 3) check if project is open
0138: * @param projectName is name of the project stored in .../editor/test/qa-functional/data/ directory.
0139: */
0140: protected void openProject(String projectName) {
0141: this .projectName = projectName;
0142: File projectPath = new File(this .getDataDir() + "/projects/",
0143: projectName);
0144: log("data dir = " + this .getDataDir().toString());
0145: log("project path = " + projectPath.toString());
0147: /* 1. check if project is open */
0148: ProjectsTabOperator pto = new ProjectsTabOperator();
0149: pto.invoke();
0150: log("treecount before = "
0151: + pto.tree().getChildCount(pto.tree().getRoot()));
0152: int childCount = pto.tree().getChildCount(pto.tree().getRoot());
0153: for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
0154: String str = pto.tree().getChild(pto.tree().getRoot(), i)
0155: .toString();
0156: log("Found existed project in ProjectView: " + str);
0157: if (str.equals(projectName)) {
0158: log("Project " + projectName
0159: + " is open, but shoud not be!");
0160: return;
0161: }
0162: }
0164: /* 2. open project */
0165: Object prj = ProjectSupport.openProject(projectPath);
0166: log("treecount after = "
0167: + pto.tree().getChildCount(pto.tree().getRoot()));
0169: /* 3. check the project name */
0170: pto.invoke();
0171: childCount = pto.tree().getChildCount(pto.tree().getRoot());
0172: for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
0173: String str = pto.tree().getChild(pto.tree().getRoot(), i)
0174: .toString();
0175: if (str.equals(projectName)) {
0176: log("Project " + projectName + " is open. (Ok)");
0177: return;
0178: }
0179: }
0180: log("Project is not open, but should be!");
0181: fail("Project is not open");
0182: }
0184: protected void openDefaultProject() {
0185: openProject(defaultProjectName);
0186: }
0188: protected Node getDefaultPackageNode() {
0189: ProjectsTabOperator pto = new ProjectsTabOperator();
0190: pto.invoke();
0191: ProjectRootNode prn = pto.getProjectRootNode(projectName);
0192: prn.select();
0193: Node node = new Node(prn, defaultPackage);
0194: return node;
0195: }
0197: protected Node getNode(String packageName) {
0198: ProjectsTabOperator pto = new ProjectsTabOperator();
0199: pto.invoke();
0200: ProjectRootNode prn = pto.getProjectRootNode(projectName);
0201: prn.select();
0202: Node node = new Node(prn, "Source Packages" + treeSeparator
0203: + packageName);
0204: return node;
0205: }
0207: /** This method opens file in editor. There is used popup menu in explorer.<br>
0208: * Usage :<br>
0209: * FilesystemNode filesystemNode = new FilesystemNode(<br>
0210: * System.getProperty("netbeans.user") + <br>
0211: * File.separator + <br>
0212: * "sampledir");<br>
0213: * <br>
0214: * openExistedPropertiesFile(filesystemNode.getPath()+"|"+"myFile");<br>
0215: * @param filePath of existed file in explorer ( without extension )
0216: */
0217: // public void openExistedPropertiesFile(String filePath) {
0218: public void openExistedPropertiesFile(
0219: String treeSubPackagePathToFile, String fileName) {
0220: this .treeSubPackagePathToFile = "Source Packages"
0221: + this .treeSeparator + treeSubPackagePathToFile;
0222: ProjectsTabOperator pto = new ProjectsTabOperator();
0223: pto.invoke();
0224: ProjectRootNode prn = pto.getProjectRootNode(projectName);
0225: prn.select();
0226: Node node = new Node(prn, treeSubPackagePathToFile
0227: + treeSeparator + fileName);
0228: node.performPopupAction("Open");
0229: }
0231: /** This method opens file in editor. There is used popup menu in explorer for this action.
0232: * @param filesystemNode of mounted directory ( without extension )
0233: * @param filePath of file in explorer tree
0234: */
0235: public void openExistedPropetiesFileInClassicEditor(
0236: Node filesystemNode, String filePath) {
0237: new EditAction()
0238: .performPopup(new Node(filesystemNode, filePath));
0239: }
0241: /** It creates new property file. There is used popup menu from explorer.
0242: * @param filesystemNode node of tree, where file will be created
0243: * @param filePath of file without extension
0244: */
0245: public void createNewPropertiesFile(Node node) {
0246: NewFileWizardOperator newWizard = NewFileWizardOperator.invoke(
0247: node, this .WIZARD_CATEGORY, this .WIZARD_FILE_TYPE);
0248: newWizard.finish();
0249: }
0251: /** It clicks to the 'New property' button in properties editor ( table view ) */
0252: public void propertiesEditorClickNewPropertyButton(String fileName) {
0253: JButtonOperator jButtonOperator = new JButtonOperator(
0254: new TopComponentOperator(fileName),
0256: jButtonOperator.pushNoBlock();
0257: new EventTool().waitNoEvent(250);
0259: }
0261: /** This pushs 'Remove property' button in properties editor form. */
0262: public void propertiesEditorClickRemovePropertyButton(
0263: String fileName) {
0264: JButtonOperator jButtonOperator = new JButtonOperator(
0265: new TopComponentOperator(fileName),
0267: jButtonOperator.pushNoBlock();
0268: }
0270: /** This opens popup menu over tab in properties file and chooses close item from it. */
0271: public void propertiesEditorCloseFromTabPane() throws Exception {
0272: throw new Exception(
0273: "Do not use this method. Not defined in Operator yet");
0274: }
0276: /** This deletes properties file from disk. There is used popup menu in Explorer.
0277: * @param filesystemNode of tree, where file is stored ( without file name )
0278: * @param filePath of file to delete
0279: */
0280: public void deletePropertiesFileFromExplorer(Node filesystemNode,
0281: String filePath) {
0282: PropertiesNode propNode = new PropertiesNode(filesystemNode,
0283: filePath);
0284: propNode.delete();
0285: new NbDialogOperator(this .TITLE_DIALOG_CONFIRM_OBJECT_DELETION)
0286: .yes();
0288: }
0290: /** This closes properties file. There is used popup menu in Explorer.
0291: * @param filesystemNode of tree, where file is stored ( without file name )
0292: * @param filePath of file to delete
0293: */
0294: public void closePropertiesFile(String fileName) {
0295: EditorOperator eo = new EditorOperator(fileName);
0296: eo.close();
0297: }
0299: /** This close all files in editor. This method should be called in teardown method
0300: */
0301: public void closeFiles() {
0302: EditorOperator.closeDiscardAll();
0303: }
0305: /** This fill three textafields in 'New property' dialog.
0306: * @param key which will be filled to appeared dialog 'New property'
0307: * @param value of key, which will be filled to appeared dialog 'New property'
0308: * @param comment of key, which will be filles to appeared dialog 'New property'
0309: * @throws Exception is throws if appeared
0310: */
0311: public void newPropertyDialogFill(String fileName, String key,
0312: String value, String comment) throws Exception {
0313: new EventTool().waitNoEvent(250);
0314: boolean finished = false;
0315: do {
0316: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
0318: ContainerOperator containerOperator = new ContainerOperator(
0319: nbDialogOperator);
0320: int limit = 0;
0321: try {
0323: JTextFieldOperator jTextFieldOperator = null;
0324: if (key != null) {
0325: jTextFieldOperator = new JTextFieldOperator(
0326: containerOperator, 0);
0327: jTextFieldOperator.typeText(key);
0328: }
0329: if (value != null) {
0330: jTextFieldOperator = new JTextFieldOperator(
0331: containerOperator, 1);
0332: jTextFieldOperator.typeText(value);
0333: }
0334: if (comment != null) {
0335: jTextFieldOperator = new JTextFieldOperator(
0336: containerOperator, 2);
0337: jTextFieldOperator.typeText(comment);
0338: }
0340: finished = true;
0342: } catch (TimeoutExpiredException ex) {
0343: //if ( ex.getMessage().equals(this.EXCEPTION_TEXT) == false )
0344: // throw new Exception(ex.getMessage());
0345: // if problems occurs then use this code to wake up dialog anyway
0346: // close the dialog and open it anyway
0347: newPropertyDialogClickCancelButton();
0348: propertiesEditorClickNewPropertyButton(fileName);
0349: }
0351: JButtonOperator bo = new JButtonOperator(containerOperator);
0352: bo.requestFocus();
0354: if (limit++ >= 3)
0355: finished = true;
0357: } while (finished == false);
0358: }
0360: /** This closes 'New property' dialog. There is used close button for this action in
0361: * this dialog. ( dialog must be open )
0362: */
0363: public void newPropertyDialogClickCloseButton() {
0364: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
0366: //nbDialogOperator.btOK().requestFocus();
0367: //nbDialogOperator.btOK().pushNoBlock();
0368: nbDialogOperator.ok();
0369: System.out.println(">> Ok button pushed");
0370: }
0372: /** This closes dialog as in previous method, but there is used no block action for closing dialog. */
0373: public void newPropertyDialogClickOkButtonNoBlock() {
0374: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
0376: //nbDialogOperator.btOK().pushNoBlock();
0377: nbDialogOperator.ok();
0378: }
0380: /** There will be found adequte key in property sheet and then will be checked value and comment. If kye will not found then method fail.
0381: * @param key which will be compared with key in properties file
0382: * @param value of key which will be compared with value in properties file
0383: * @param comment of key witch will be compared with comment in propertiies file
0384: * @param rowOfCheckedProperty is number of compared propererty in properties file (row position >=0)
0385: * @param localeCount is count of locales in properties file, new file has 1 locale (default)
0386: * @param rowCount is count of rows (properties) in properties file
0387: * @throws Exception if an appeared
0388: */
0389: public void checkPropertiesInSheet(String fileName, String key,
0390: String value, String comment, int rowOfCheckedProperty,
0391: int localeCount, int rowCount) throws Exception {
0393: if (key == null)
0394: key = "";
0395: if (value == null)
0396: value = "";
0397: if (comment == null)
0398: comment = "";
0400: // Checking texfields ( Comment and Key ) under table.
0401: // ==================================================
0403: TopComponentOperator tco = new TopComponentOperator(fileName);
0404: JTable jTable = JTableOperator.findJTable(tco
0405: .getContainer(ComponentSearcher.getTrueChooser("")),
0406: ComponentSearcher.getTrueChooser(""));
0408: if (rowOfCheckedProperty == 1) {
0409: // first row is not normal bacause there is comment of file in it + comment of the property
0410: comment = this .RESOURCE_BUNDLE_COMMENT.concat(comment);
0411: }
0413: // click to key field in table
0415: // WA the next two rows are work around of jemmy because the action clickOnCell+waitEmpty is not
0416: // WA the same as user event called from mouse, keyboard
0417: new JTableOperator(jTable).clickOnCell(
0418: rowOfCheckedProperty - 1, 1);
0419: new EventTool().waitNoEvent(500);
0420: // END OF WA
0422: new JTableOperator(jTable).clickOnCell(
0423: rowOfCheckedProperty - 1, 0);
0425: JTextArea jTextArea = JTextAreaOperator.findJTextArea(tco
0426: .getContainer(ComponentSearcher.getTrueChooser("")),
0427: ComponentSearcher.getTrueChooser(""), 0);
0429: if (jTextArea == null)
0430: System.out.println("> Comment textarea is null");
0431: else {
0432: System.out.println("> Comment textarea is found.");
0434: if (!jTextArea.getText().equals(comment)) {
0435: System.out.println("textarea == string : \""
0436: + jTextArea.getText() + "\" == \"" + comment
0437: + "\"");
0438: throw new Exception(
0439: "Comment is not equal to the specified string. (comparing in textarea under the table)");
0440: } else
0441: System.out
0442: .println("> Comment is Ok in textarea under the table.");
0443: }
0445: if (rowCount == 0) {
0446: // if label == key then compare key else comapre value
0447: JLabel jLabel = JLabelOperator.findJLabel(
0448: tco.getContainer(ComponentSearcher
0449: .getTrueChooser("")), ComponentSearcher
0450: .getTrueChooser(""), 1);
0451: String label = jLabel.getText();
0452: System.out.println("> label = " + label);
0453: if (this .LABEL_KEY.equals(label)) {
0454: jTextArea = JTextAreaOperator.findJTextArea(tco
0455: .getContainer(ComponentSearcher
0456: .getTrueChooser("")), ComponentSearcher
0457: .getTrueChooser(""), 1);
0458: if (jTextArea == null)
0459: System.out.println("> Key textarea is null");
0460: else {
0461: System.out.println("> Key textarea is found.");
0462: if (!jTextArea.getText().equals(key)) {
0463: System.out.println("textarea == string : "
0464: + jTextArea.getText() + " == " + key);
0465: throw new Exception(
0466: "Key is not equal to the specified string. (comparing in textarea under the table)");
0467: } else
0468: System.out
0469: .println("> Key is Ok in textarea under the table.");
0470: }
0471: } else if (this .LABLE_VALUE.equals(label)) {
0472: jTextArea = JTextAreaOperator.findJTextArea(tco
0473: .getContainer(ComponentSearcher
0474: .getTrueChooser("")), ComponentSearcher
0475: .getTrueChooser(""), 1);
0476: if (jTextArea == null)
0477: System.out.println("> Value textarea is null");
0478: else {
0479: System.out.println("> Value textarea is found.");
0480: if (!jTextArea.getText().equals(value)) {
0481: System.out.println("textarea == string : "
0482: + jTextArea.getText() + " == " + value);
0483: throw new Exception(
0484: "Value is not equal to the specified string. (comparing in textarea under the table)");
0485: } else
0486: System.out
0487: .println("> Value is Ok in textarea under the table.");
0488: }
0490: } else
0491: throw new Exception(
0492: "Label of Key or Value textarea is corrupted!");
0494: } else {
0495: System.out.println("More rows in table (rows>0)");
0496: // comapre key and then compare value
0497: System.out.println(">Click to row" + rowOfCheckedProperty);
0498: // click to value field in table
0499: new JTableOperator(jTable).clickOnCell(
0500: rowOfCheckedProperty - 1, 1);
0502: jTextArea = JTextAreaOperator.findJTextArea(
0503: tco.getContainer(ComponentSearcher
0504: .getTrueChooser("")), ComponentSearcher
0505: .getTrueChooser(""), 1);
0506: if (jTextArea == null)
0507: System.out.println("> Value textarea is null");
0508: else {
0509: System.out.println("> Value textarea is found.");
0510: if (!jTextArea.getText().equals(value)) {
0511: System.out.println("textarea == string : "
0512: + jTextArea.getText() + " == " + value);
0513: throw new Exception(
0514: "Value is not equal to the specified string. (comparing in textarea under the table)");
0515: } else
0516: System.out
0517: .println("> Value is Ok in textarea under the table.");
0518: }
0519: // click to key fild in table
0520: new JTableOperator(jTable).clickOnCell(
0521: rowOfCheckedProperty - 1, 0);
0523: jTextArea = JTextAreaOperator.findJTextArea(
0524: tco.getContainer(ComponentSearcher
0525: .getTrueChooser("")), ComponentSearcher
0526: .getTrueChooser(""), 1);
0527: if (jTextArea == null)
0528: System.out.println("> Key textarea is null");
0529: else {
0530: System.out.println("> Key textarea is found.");
0531: if (!jTextArea.getText().equals(key)) {
0532: System.out.println("textarea == string : "
0533: + jTextArea.getText() + " == " + key);
0534: throw new Exception(
0535: "Key is not equal to the specified string. (comparing in textarea under the table)");
0536: } else
0537: System.out
0538: .println("> Key is Ok in textarea under the table.");
0539: }
0541: }
0543: // Checking table
0545: new EventTool().waitNoEvent(250);
0547: // find in table if any key which matchs to the parametr
0548: int index = -1;
0550: if (jTable != null) {
0552: if (jTable.getRowCount() == rowCount && rowCount == 0) {
0553: System.out.println("> There is no rows in table. (OK)");
0554: return;
0555: } else if (rowCount == 0)
0556: System.out
0557: .println("> Table shouldn't have any row!(There is "
0558: + jTable.getRowCount() + " rows)");
0560: if (key != null)
0561: for (int ii = 0; ii < jTable.getModel().getRowCount(); ii++) {
0562: // check if is the key in properties file more times
0563: new EventTool().waitNoEvent(250);
0564: if (index >= 0
0565: && jTable.getModel().getValueAt(ii, 0)
0566: .toString().equals(key) == true) {
0567: throw new Exception(
0568: "The added key is more times in properties sheet.");
0569: }
0571: if (index == -1
0572: && jTable.getModel().getValueAt(ii, 0)
0573: .toString().toString().equals(key) == true) {
0574: index = ii;
0575: // check value of property if is equal to the value
0576: if (jTable.getModel().getValueAt(ii, 1)
0577: .toString().toString().equals(value) == false)
0578: throw new Exception("Value doesn't match. "
0579: + ii
0580: + " - ("
0581: + value
0582: + " not equals "
0583: + jTable.getCellEditor(ii, 1)
0584: .getCellEditorValue()
0585: .toString());
0586: // check comment
0587: new JTableOperator(jTable).clickOnCell(ii, 0);
0588: new EventTool().waitNoEvent(250);
0590: // check comment of property if is equal to the comment
0591: if (new JTextAreaOperator(
0592: new ContainerOperator(tco
0593: .getContainer(ComponentSearcher
0594: .getTrueChooser(""))),
0595: 0).getText().equals(comment) == false)
0596: throw new Exception(
0597: "Comment doesn't match. "
0598: + ii
0599: + " : \n>"
0600: + comment
0601: + "< not equals with : >"
0602: + new JTextAreaOperator(
0603: new ContainerOperator(
0604: tco
0605: .getContainer(ComponentSearcher
0606: .getTrueChooser(""))),
0607: 0).getText()
0608: + "<\n");
0610: if (ii + 1 != rowOfCheckedProperty)
0611: throw new Exception(
0612: "Property is not in the right row in property sheet.");
0613: }
0615: }
0617: if (index < 0 && rowOfCheckedProperty >= 0)
0618: throw new Exception("Key not found in properties sheet");
0620: if (localeCount >= 0
0621: && localeCount != jTable.getModel()
0622: .getColumnCount() - 1) {
0623: int locales = jTable.getModel().getColumnCount() - 1;
0624: throw new Exception(
0625: "Count of locales (columns-1) doesn't match. ("
0626: + localeCount + "<>" + locales + ")");
0627: }
0629: if (rowCount >= 0
0630: && rowCount != jTable.getModel().getRowCount())
0631: throw new Exception(
0632: "Count of properties (rows) doesn't match. ("
0633: + rowCount + "<>"
0634: + jTable.getModel().getRowCount() + ")");
0636: } else
0637: throw new Exception("Cann't find JTable in Editor Window");
0638: }
0640: /** This method check pleces of keys, values and comments in properties file (in
0641: * text mode)
0642: * @throws Exception if an appeared
0643: */
0644: public void checkPropertiesFileIntegrityInClassicEditor(
0645: String fileName) throws Exception {
0646: // open properties file in classic editor and them chek spaces, comments, keys, values
0647: // and their positions
0648: EditorOperator eo = new EditorOperator(fileName);
0649: String content = eo.getText();
0650: StringTokenizer strT = new StringTokenizer(content, "\n", true);
0651: String row = "";
0652: try {
0653: for (int ii = 0; ii < strT.countTokens(); ii++) {
0654: // comment of file
0655: if (ii == 0) {
0656: row = strT.nextToken();
0658: if (row.charAt(0) != '#')
0659: throw new Exception(
0660: "Structure of properties file has been corrupted");
0661: // end row
0662: row = strT.nextToken();
0664: try {
0665: // free row or end of file
0666: row = strT.nextToken();
0667: } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) {
0668: // no properties in file
0669: return;
0670: }
0672: }
0674: // comment of property
0675: row = strT.nextToken();
0677: // comment of property
0678: if (row.charAt(0) != '#')
0679: throw new Exception(
0680: "Structure of properties file has been corrupted");
0682: // end row
0683: row = strT.nextToken();
0685: // key and value of property
0686: row = strT.nextToken();
0687: StringTokenizer strT2 = new StringTokenizer(row);
0688: String key = strT2.nextToken("=\n");
0689: String value = strT2.nextToken("=\n");
0690: if (key == null || value == null)
0691: throw new Exception(
0692: "Structure of properties file has been corrupted");
0693: }
0694: } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) {
0695: throw new Exception(
0696: "Structure of properties file has been corrupted");
0697: }
0699: }
0701: /** It clicks on 'Help' button in 'New property' dialog. */
0702: public void newPropertyDialogClickHelpButton() {
0703: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
0705: nbDialogOperator.help();
0706: }
0708: /** Closes 'Help' window. */
0709: public void closeHelp() {
0710: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
0711: this .TITLE_HELP_DIALOG);
0712: nbDialogOperator.close();
0713: }
0715: /** Closes 'Error' dialog. This dialog appeared after property is added with existed key. (Key which
0716: * exists in properties file)
0717: */
0718: public void errorDialogClickOkButton() {
0719: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
0720: this .TITLE_ERROR_DIALOG);
0721: nbDialogOperator.ok();
0722: }
0724: /** Closes 'New property' dialog. There is used 'Cancel' button. */
0725: public void newPropertyDialogClickCancelButton() {
0726: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
0728: nbDialogOperator.cancel();
0729: }
0731: /** This selectes row in sheet of properties in properties editor.
0732: * @param rowNumber is number of row in property sheet
0733: * @throws Exception if an appeared
0734: */
0735: public void selectPropertiesFileItem(String fileName, int rowNumber)
0736: throws Exception {
0737: TopComponentOperator tco = new TopComponentOperator(fileName);
0739: JTable jTable = JTableOperator.findJTable(tco
0740: .getContainer(ComponentSearcher.getTrueChooser("")),
0741: ComponentSearcher.getTrueChooser(""));
0742: new EventTool().waitNoEvent(250);
0743: // find in table if any key match to the parametr
0745: if (jTable != null) {
0746: JTableOperator jTableOperator = new JTableOperator(jTable);
0747: jTableOperator.getTimeouts().setTimeout(
0748: "JScrollBarOperator.WholeScrollTimeout", 240000);
0749: jTableOperator.clickOnCell(rowNumber, 1);
0750: return;
0751: }
0752: throw new Exception(
0753: "Info : Cannot select item id properties table.");
0754: }
0756: /** There will be counted rows in property sheet in properties editor.
0757: * @return counts of rows in property sheet
0758: *
0759: * @throws Exception if an appeared
0760: */
0761: public int getPropertiesFileItemsCount(String fileName)
0762: throws Exception {
0763: TopComponentOperator tco = new TopComponentOperator(fileName);
0765: JTable jTable = JTableOperator.findJTable(tco
0766: .getContainer(ComponentSearcher.getTrueChooser("")),
0767: ComponentSearcher.getTrueChooser(""));
0768: new EventTool().waitNoEvent(250);
0769: // find in table if any key match to the parametr
0771: if (jTable != null)
0772: return jTable.getModel().getRowCount();
0773: return -1;
0775: }
0777: /** Clicks to button 'Ok' in Quiestion dialog. This dialog appeared after pushing 'Remove Property' button. */
0778: public void questionDialogClickOkButton() {
0779: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
0781: nbDialogOperator.ok();
0782: }
0784: public void questionDialogClickDiscardButton() {
0785: QuestionDialogOperator qdo = new QuestionDialogOperator(
0787: JButtonOperator jbo = new JButtonOperator(qdo,
0789: jbo.pushNoBlock();
0790: }
0792: /** Clicks to 'Cancel' button in 'Question' dialog. This dialog appeared after pushing 'Remove Property' button in
0793: * properties editor.
0794: */
0795: public void questionDialogClickCancelButton() {
0796: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
0798: nbDialogOperator.cancel();
0799: }
0801: /** Method createNewPropertiesFileToClassicEditor()
0802: * @param filesystemNode is node of filesystem in which is file located in Explorer
0803: * @param fileName is name of file
0804: */
0805: public void createNewPropertiesFileAndOpenInClassicEditor(
0806: Node node, String fileName) {
0807: // create new file
0808: NewFileWizardOperator newWizard = NewFileWizardOperator.invoke(
0809: node, this .WIZARD_CATEGORY, this .WIZARD_FILE_TYPE);
0810: new NewFileNameLocationStepOperator().setName(fileName);
0811: newWizard.finish();
0813: new EventTool().waitNoEvent(250);
0815: // close Properties Editor
0816: TopComponentOperator tco = new TopComponentOperator(fileName);
0817: tco.close();
0818: // There is problem while writing tests becasuse we must have opened some source files.
0819: //new EditorWindowOperator().close();
0820: /*
0821: JTabbedPaneOperator jTabbedPaneOperator = new EditorWindowOperator().tbpEditorTabbedPane();
0822: if ( jTabbedPaneOperator != null && jTabbedPaneOperator.findPage(this.TITLE_WELCOME) < 0 ) {
0823: CloseViewAction cva = new CloseViewAction();
0824: //jTabbedPaneOperator.selectPage(fileName);
0825: cva.performPopup(jTabbedPaneOperator);
0826: } else {
0827: // close whole editor becase there is no tabs in editor
0828: new EditorWindowOperator().close();
0829: }
0830: */
0831: // open classic editor from popup menu in Explorer window
0832: //ExplorerOperator explorerOperator = new ExplorerOperator();
0833: //RepositoryTabOperator eplorer = new RepositoryTabOperator();
0834: ProjectsTabOperator pto = new ProjectsTabOperator();
0835: pto.invoke();
0836: ProjectRootNode prn = pto.getProjectRootNode(projectName);
0837: prn.select();
0838: String packageName = node.getPath();
0839: new Node(prn, "Source Packages" + this .treeSeparator
0840: + packageName + this .treeSeparator + fileName)
0841: .performPopupAction(this .POPUP_MENU_EDIT);
0843: }
0845: /** Open 'Add Locale..' dialog and do nothing
0846: * @param filesystemNode is node of filesystem in which is file located in Explorer
0847: * @param filePath is path to file in tree in Explorer
0848: */
0849: public void openAddLocaleDialogFromExplorer(Node filesystemNode,
0850: String filePath) {
0851: new ActionNoBlock(null, this .POPUP_MENU_ADD_LOCALE)
0852: .performPopup(new Node(filesystemNode, filePath));
0853: }
0855: /** Fills values to 'Add Locale...' dialog. ( use null values if nothig to be filed )
0856: * @param languageCode is Language Code e.g. cs, de, en or other staff
0857: * @param countryCode is Country Code e.g. CZ, DE, US or other stuff
0858: * @param variant is variant of locale, this should be empty or should will have value e.g. EURO
0859: * @param filesystemNode is node of tree in explorer
0860: * @param fileName is name of file
0861: * @throws Exception if an appeared
0862: */
0863: public void addLocaleDialogFill(String languageCode,
0864: String countryCode, String variant, Node filesystemNode,
0865: String fileName) throws Exception {
0866: new EventTool().waitNoEvent(250);
0867: boolean finished = false;
0868: do {
0869: try {
0870: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
0872: //ContainerOperator containerOperator = new ContainerOperator(nbDialogOperator);
0873: JComboBoxOperator jComboBoxOperator;
0874: jComboBoxOperator = new JComboBoxOperator(
0875: nbDialogOperator, 0);
0876: if (languageCode != null) {
0877: jComboBoxOperator.typeText(languageCode);
0878: } else {
0879: jComboBoxOperator.typeText("");
0880: }
0881: jComboBoxOperator = new JComboBoxOperator(
0882: nbDialogOperator, 1);
0883: if (countryCode != null) {
0884: jComboBoxOperator.typeText(countryCode);
0885: } else {
0886: jComboBoxOperator.typeText("");
0887: }
0888: jComboBoxOperator = new JComboBoxOperator(
0889: nbDialogOperator, 2);
0890: if (variant != null) {
0891: jComboBoxOperator.typeText(variant);
0892: } else {
0893: jComboBoxOperator.typeText("");
0894: }
0895: finished = true;
0896: System.out.println("Set languge: "
0897: + new JComboBoxOperator(nbDialogOperator, 0)
0898: .getTextField().getText());
0899: System.out.println("Set country: "
0900: + new JComboBoxOperator(nbDialogOperator, 1)
0901: .getTextField().getText());
0902: //nbDialogOperator.ge
0903: } catch (TimeoutExpiredException ex) {
0904: if (ex.getMessage().equals(this .EXCEPTION_TEXT) == false)
0905: throw new Exception(ex.getMessage());
0906: // if problems occurs then use this code to wake up dialog anyway
0907: // close the dialog and open it anyway
0908: addLocaleDialogClickCancelButton();
0909: openAddLocaleDialogFromExplorer(filesystemNode,
0910: fileName);
0911: }
0913: } while (finished == false);
0914: new EventTool().waitNoEvent(250);
0916: }
0918: /** Clicks to 'Help' button in 'Add Locale...' dialog. */
0919: public void addLocaleDialogClickHelpButton() {
0920: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
0922: nbDialogOperator.help();
0923: }
0925: /** Clicks to 'Ok' button in 'Add Locale...' dialog. */
0926: public void addLocaleDialogClickOkButtonNoBlock() {
0927: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
0929: //nbDialogOperator.btOK().requestFocus();
0930: //nbDialogOperator.btOK().pushNoBlock();
0931: nbDialogOperator.ok();
0932: }
0934: /** Clicks to 'Cancel' button in 'Add Locale...' dialog. */
0935: public void addLocaleDialogClickCancelButton() {
0936: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
0938: nbDialogOperator.cancel();
0939: }
0941: /** Opens Customizer dialog.
0942: * @param filesystemNode node of filesystem in tree in explorer
0943: * @param path to the object you can customize
0944: */
0945: public void openCustomizeLocalesDialogFromExplorer(
0946: Node filesystemNode, String path) {
0947: new ActionNoBlock(null, this .POPUP_MENU_CUSTOMIZE)
0948: .performPopup(new Node(filesystemNode, path));
0949: }
0951: /** Clicks to 'Add Locale...' button in customizer. */
0952: public void customizeLocalesDialogClickAddLocaleButton() {
0953: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
0955: JButtonOperator jButtonOperator = new JButtonOperator(
0956: new ContainerOperator(nbDialogOperator),
0958: jButtonOperator.pushNoBlock();
0959: }
0961: /** Clicks to 'Remove Locale' button in customizer. */
0962: public void customizeLocalesDialogClickRemoveLocaleButton() {
0963: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
0965: JButtonOperator jButtonOperator = new JButtonOperator(
0966: new ContainerOperator(nbDialogOperator),
0968: jButtonOperator.pushNoBlock();
0969: }
0971: /** Clicks to 'Help' button in customizer. */
0972: public void customizeLocalesDialogClickHelpButton() {
0973: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
0975: //nbDialogOperator.btHelp().pushNoBlock();
0976: nbDialogOperator.help();
0977: }
0979: /** Clicks to 'Close' button in customizer. */
0980: public void customizeLocalesDialogClickCloseButton() {
0981: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
0983: //nbDialogOperator.btClose().pushNoBlock();
0984: nbDialogOperator.close();
0985: }
0987: /** Selects focus adequate to locale in customizer
0988: * @param row of locale you wish to select
0989: */
0990: public void customizeLocalesDialogSelectLocale(int row) {
0991: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
0993: JListOperator jListOperator = new JListOperator(
0994: new ContainerOperator(nbDialogOperator));
0995: jListOperator.selectItem(row - 1);
0996: }
0998: /** This checks if has been selected 'Remove Locale' button.
0999: * @return true if locale button has been selected
1000: */
1001: public boolean customizeLocalesDialogIsEnabledRemoveLocaleButton() {
1002: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
1004: JButtonOperator jButtonOperator = new JButtonOperator(
1005: new ContainerOperator(nbDialogOperator),
1007: return jButtonOperator.isEnabled();
1008: }
1010: /** Opens 'Add Property' dialog from explorer.
1011: * @param filesystemNode is node of tree in explorer
1012: * @param path of file in tree in explorer
1013: */
1014: public void openAddPropertyDialogFromExplorer(Node filesystemNode,
1015: String path) {
1016: new ActionNoBlock(null, this .POPUP_MENU_ADD_PROPERTY)
1017: .performPopup(new Node(filesystemNode, path));
1018: }
1020: public void openCustomizePropertiesDialogFromExplorer(
1021: Node fileNode, String path) {
1022: new ActionNoBlock(null, this .POPUP_MENU_CUSTOMIZE)
1023: .performPopup(new Node(fileNode, path));
1024: }
1026: public void customizePropertiesDialogClickHelpButton() {
1027: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
1029: //nbDialogOperator.btHelp().pushNoBlock();
1030: nbDialogOperator.help();
1031: }
1033: public void customizePropertiesDialogClickCloseButton() {
1034: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
1036: //nbDialogOperator.btClose().pushNoBlock();
1037: nbDialogOperator.close();
1038: }
1040: public void customizePropertiesDialogClickAddKeyButton() {
1041: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
1043: JButtonOperator jButtonOperator = new JButtonOperator(
1044: new ContainerOperator(nbDialogOperator),
1045: this .BUTTON_NAME_ADD_KEY);
1046: jButtonOperator.pushNoBlock();
1047: }
1049: public void customizePropertiesDialogClickRemovePropertyButton() {
1050: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
1052: JButtonOperator jButtonOperator = new JButtonOperator(
1053: new ContainerOperator(nbDialogOperator),
1055: jButtonOperator.requestFocus();
1056: jButtonOperator.pushNoBlock();
1057: }
1059: public boolean customizePropertiesDialogIsEnableRemovePropertyButton() {
1060: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
1062: JButtonOperator jButtonOperator = new JButtonOperator(
1063: new ContainerOperator(nbDialogOperator),
1065: return jButtonOperator.isEnabled();
1067: }
1069: public void customizePropertiesDialogSelectProperty(int row) {
1070: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
1072: JListOperator jListOperator = new JListOperator(
1073: new ContainerOperator(nbDialogOperator));
1074: jListOperator.selectItem(row - 1);
1075: }
1077: public void deleteLocaleFromExplorer(Node fileNode, String path) {
1078: new ActionNoBlock(null, this .POPUP_MENU_DELETE_LOCALE)
1079: .performPopup(new Node(fileNode, path));
1080: }
1082: public void confirmationDeleteteLocaleDialogClickYes() {
1083: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
1085: JButtonOperator jButtonOperator = new JButtonOperator(
1086: new ContainerOperator(nbDialogOperator),
1087: this .BUTTON_NAME_YES);
1088: jButtonOperator.pushNoBlock();
1089: }
1091: public void confirmationDeleteteMoreLocalesDialogClickYes() {
1092: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
1094: JButtonOperator jButtonOperator = new JButtonOperator(
1095: new ContainerOperator(nbDialogOperator),
1096: this .BUTTON_NAME_YES);
1097: jButtonOperator.pushNoBlock();
1098: }
1100: public void confirmationDeleteteLocaleDialogClickNo() {
1101: NbDialogOperator nbDialogOperator = new NbDialogOperator(
1103: JButtonOperator jButtonOperator = new JButtonOperator(
1104: new ContainerOperator(nbDialogOperator),
1105: this .BUTTON_NAME_NO);
1106: jButtonOperator.pushNoBlock();
1107: }
1109: public int checkEditorTabCount() {
1110: return -1;
1111: }
1113: public void deleteMoreLocalesInExplorer(String[] Languages,
1114: String[] Countres, String[] Varians, Node fileNode,
1115: String path_to_group) {
1117: Node[] nodes = new Node[Languages.length];
1118: for (int ii = 0; ii < Languages.length; ii++) {
1119: String path = path_to_group.concat("|").concat(
1120: Languages[ii]).concat("_").concat(Countres[ii]);
1121: System.out.println(">> path = " + path);
1122: nodes[ii] = new Node(fileNode, path);
1123: }
1124: new DeleteAction().performPopup(nodes);
1126: }
1128: public void explorerSelectPath(String treePath, Node filesystemNode) {
1129: Node node = new Node(filesystemNode, treePath);
1130: node.select();
1131: }
1133: public void propertiesWindowChangeProperty(String objectName,
1134: String propertyName, String newValue) {
1135: PropertySheetOperator.invoke();
1136: PropertySheetOperator pso = new PropertySheetOperator(
1137: this .TITLE_PROPERTIES_WINDOW_TABLE.concat(objectName));
1138: //PropertySheetTabOperator psto = new PropertySheetTabOperator(pso, this.TITLE_PROPERTIES_WINDOW_TAB);
1139: StringProperty pr = new StringProperty(pso, propertyName);
1140: pr.setValue(newValue);
1141: new EventTool().waitNoEvent(250);
1142: /* StringCustomEditorOperator stringCustomizerEditorOperator = pr.setinvokeCustomizer();
1143: stringCustomizerEditorOperator.setStringValue(newValue);
1144: new EventTool().waitNoEvent(250);
1145: stringCustomizerEditorOperator.btOK().requestFocus();
1146: new EventTool().waitNoEvent(250);
1147: stringCustomizerEditorOperator.btOK().pushNoBlock();
1148: new EventTool().waitNoEvent(250);*/
1149: }
1151: public void checkLocalesInExplorer(java.lang.String[] locales,
1152: Node filesystemNode, java.lang.String fileName)
1153: throws Exception {
1154: new EventTool().waitNoEvent(300);
1155: //org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem fileSytem = org.openide.filesystems.Repository.getDefault().findFileSystem(filesystemNode.getPath());
1156: ProjectsTabOperator pto = new ProjectsTabOperator();
1157: pto.invoke();
1158: ProjectRootNode prn = pto.getProjectRootNode(projectName);
1159: prn.select();
1160: Node node = new Node(prn, "Source Packages"
1161: + this .treeSeparator + fileName);
1162: String[] strs = node.getChildren();
1163: if (strs.length != locales.length) {
1164: throw new Exception(
1165: "> There is bad count of locales in Explorer window. ("
1166: + strs.length + "<>" + locales.length + ")");
1167: }
1168: for (int ii = 0; ii < locales.length; ii++)
1169: if (strs[ii].compareTo(locales[ii]) != 0)
1170: throw new Exception(
1171: "> There is bad locale name in Explorer window. ("
1172: + strs[ii] + "<>" + locales[ii] + ")");
1174: }
1176: public boolean existsFileInExplorer(String packageName,
1177: String fileName) {
1178: try {
1179: log("Testing name of file in Explorer : \"" + fileName
1180: + "\"");
1181: ProjectsTabOperator pto = ProjectsTabOperator.invoke();
1182: //ProjectRootNode prn = pto.getProjectRootNode(projectName);
1183: //prn.select();
1184: //Node node = new Node(prn,treeSubPackagePathToFile+treeSeparator+fileName);
1185: SourcePackagesNode sourcePackagesNode = new SourcePackagesNode(
1186: defaultProjectName);
1187: log("source node:" + sourcePackagesNode.getPath());
1188: Node packageNode = new Node(sourcePackagesNode, packageName);
1189: log("package node:" + packageNode.getPath());
1190: Node fileNode = new Node(packageNode, fileName);
1192: log("Log: Found node " + fileNode.getText());
1193: return true;
1194: } catch (TimeoutExpiredException ex) {
1195: return false;
1196: }
1197: }
1199: public void requestFocusEditorPane(String nameOfTab) {
1200: TopComponentOperator tco = new TopComponentOperator(nameOfTab);
1201: tco.requestFocus();
1202: /*EditorWindowOperator ewo = new EditorWindowOperator();
1203: EditorOperator eo = ewo.getEditor(nameOfTab);
1204: eo.requestFocus();*/
1205: }
1207: public void tableViewClickTo(String fileName, int row, int column) {
1208: TopComponentOperator tco = new TopComponentOperator(fileName);
1209: JTable jTable = JTableOperator.findJTable(tco
1210: .getContainer(ComponentSearcher.getTrueChooser("")),
1211: ComponentSearcher.getTrueChooser(""));
1212: new JTableOperator(jTable).clickOnCell(row, column);
1214: }
1216: /** Check if file exists in Editor. This method compare the title name of
1217: * tab in editor window.
1218: */
1219: public boolean existsFileInEditor(String fileName) {
1220: try {
1221: log("Testing name of file in tab of Editor window : \""
1222: + fileName + "\"");
1223: EditorOperator ewo = new EditorOperator(fileName);
1224: ewo.close();
1225: return true;
1226: } catch (TimeoutExpiredException ex) {
1227: return false;
1228: }
1230: }
1232: }