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001:        /*
002:         * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development
003:         * and Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in
004:         * compliance with the License.
005:         * 
006:         * You can obtain a copy of the License at
007:         * or
008:         * 
009:         * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file
010:         * and include the License file at
011:         * If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header, with the fields
012:         * enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
013:         * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
014:         * 
015:         * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
016:         * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun
017:         * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
018:         */
020:        package org.netbeans.modules.sql.project.anttasks;
022:        import;
023:        import;
024:        import;
025:        import;
026:        import;
027:        import;
028:        import;
029:        import;
030:        import;
031:        import java.util.ArrayList;
032:        import java.util.List;
034:        /**
035:         * @author Bing Lu
036:         * @todo Document this class
037:         */
038:        public class DirectoryUtil extends Object {
039:            /**
040:             * Creates new DirectoryUtil
041:             */
042:            public DirectoryUtil() {
043:            }
045:            /**
046:             * This method will return an arraylist containing all the file/s name/s in
047:             * the provided directory name
048:             *
049:             * @param fromDir Current directory where files are located.
050:             * @return ArrayList - could be zero in length if directory is empty or no
051:             *      found.
052:             */
053:            public static List getFiles(String fromDir) {
054:                // create the object to be return as a result
055:                ArrayList filesList = new ArrayList();
056:                if (dirExists(fromDir)) {
057:                    // yes
058:                    File aDir = new File(fromDir);
059:                    // create the directory class
060:                    String files[] = aDir.list();
061:                    // list all the file in the directory
062:                    int numFiles = files.length;
063:                    // get the file count
064:                    for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) {
065:                        // update the array list with the file names
066:                        String fileName = fromDir
067:                                + System.getProperty("file.separator")
068:                                + files[i];
069:                        if (dirExists(fileName) == false) {
070:                            // do not add sub directory to the list
071:                            filesList.add(files[i]);
072:                        }
073:                    }
074:                }
075:                return filesList;
076:            }
078:            /**
079:             * @param sourceDir source dir to be moved
080:             * @param targetDir target : where it will be moved to
081:             * @param excludeExt exclude files with these extension for the move
082:             * @todo Document this method
083:             */
084:            public static void moveTree(File sourceDir, File targetDir,
085:                    String[] excludeExt) {
086:                FileFilter filter = new ExtensionFilter(excludeExt, false);
087:                moveFilesInDir(sourceDir, targetDir, filter, true);
088:            }
090:            /**
091:             * this util method construct the absolute path from its parts. it will
092:             * remove any preamble to the file name prior to concatenate the path
093:             * elements.
094:             *
095:             * @param aDir - the directory part of the absolute path
096:             * @param aFileName - the file part of the absolute path
097:             * @return string absolute path of the parameters provided.
098:             */
099:            public static String buildFullPath(String aDir, String aFileName) {
100:                String currentDir = ".";
101:                String fullPath = "";
102:                if (aFileName.startsWith(currentDir)) {
103:                    fullPath = aDir + aFileName.substring(1);
104:                } else {
105:                    if (aFileName.startsWith(System
106:                            .getProperty("file.separator"))) {
107:                        fullPath = aDir + aFileName;
108:                    } else {
109:                        fullPath = aDir + System.getProperty("file.separator")
110:                                + aFileName;
111:                    }
112:                }
113:                return fullPath;
114:            }
116:            /**
117:             * Copy one file's contents to another file.
118:             *
119:             * @param source The file to copy.
120:             * @param dest The file to copy to.
121:             * @return true if the copy succeeded, false otherwise.
122:             */
123:            public static boolean copyFile(File source, File dest) {
124:                FileInputStream in = null;
125:                FileOutputStream out = null;
127:                try {
128:                    in = new FileInputStream(source);
129:                    out = new FileOutputStream(dest);
130:                    copyStream(in, out);
131:                } catch (Exception e) {
132:                    return false;
133:                } finally {
134:                    if (in != null) {
135:                        try {
136:                            in.close();
137:                        } catch (Exception e) {
138:                            // empty!
139:                        }
140:                    }
142:                    if (out != null) {
143:                        try {
144:                            out.close();
145:                        } catch (Exception e) {
146:                            // empty!
147:                        }
148:                    }
149:                }
151:                return true;
152:            }
154:            /**
155:             * @param source source directory to copy
156:             * @param destDir target directory where it will be copied to
157:             * @return whether copy was successfule or not
158:             * @todo Document this method
159:             */
160:            public static boolean copyFile(String source, String destDir) {
161:                FileInputStream fisource = null;
162:                FileOutputStream fodest = null;
164:                try {
165:                    File fsource = new File(source);
166:                    fisource = new FileInputStream(fsource);
167:                    File fdest = new File(destDir, fsource.getName());
168:                    fodest = new FileOutputStream(fdest);
169:                    copyStream(fisource, fodest);
170:                } catch (Throwable e) {
171:                    return false;
172:                } finally {
173:                    try {
174:                        fisource.close();
175:                    } catch (Throwable e) {
176:                        // empty!
177:                    }
178:                    try {
179:                        fodest.close();
180:                    } catch (Throwable e) {
181:                        // empty!
182:                    }
183:                }
184:                return true;
185:            }
187:            /**
188:             * @param sourceDir source directory
189:             * @param targetDir target directory
190:             * @param filter file filter
191:             * @param recursive TODO: document me!
192:             * @todo Document this method
193:             */
194:            public static void copyFilesInDir(File sourceDir, File targetDir,
195:                    FileFilter filter, boolean recursive) {
196:                // Create target directory
197:                if (!targetDir.exists()) {
198:                    targetDir.mkdirs();
199:                }
201:                File[] children = sourceDir.listFiles(filter);
202:                for (int i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
203:                    if (children[i].isDirectory() && recursive) {
204:                        copyFilesInDir(children[i], new File(targetDir,
205:                                children[i].getName()), filter, recursive);
206:                    } else {
207:                        copyFile(children[i], new File(targetDir, children[i]
208:                                .getName()));
209:                    }
210:                }
211:            }
213:            /**
214:             * @param is input stream
215:             * @param os output stream
216:             * @exception IOException rethrow exception from streams
217:             * @todo Document this method
218:             */
219:            public static void copyStream(InputStream is, OutputStream os)
220:                    throws IOException {
221:                int bytesRead = 0;
222:                byte[] memBuf = new byte[32768];
224:                while (bytesRead != -1) {
225:                    bytesRead =;
226:                    if (bytesRead != -1) {
227:                        os.write(memBuf, 0, bytesRead);
228:                    }
229:                }
230:                os.flush();
231:            }
233:            /**
234:             * @param r reader object
235:             * @param w writer object
236:             * @exception IOException rethrow exception from streams
237:             * @todo Document this method
238:             */
239:            public static void copyStream(Reader r, Writer w)
240:                    throws IOException {
241:                int nRead;
242:                char[] memBuf = new char[32768];
243:                while ((nRead = != -1) {
244:                    w.write(memBuf, 0, nRead);
245:                }
246:                w.flush();
247:            }
249:            /**
250:             * This method copies recursively copies all the files in a directory to
251:             * another directory, maintaining the source directory's child directory
252:             * structure. If any particular file type should be excluded, it's extension
253:             * may be specified using the excludeExt argument.
254:             *
255:             * @param sourceDir The directory to copy files from.
256:             * @param targetDir The directory to copy files to.
257:             * @param excludeExt Array of string extensions of form .ext to exclude from
258:             *      the copy.
259:             */
260:            public static void copyTree(File sourceDir, File targetDir,
261:                    String[] excludeExt) {
262:                FileFilter filter = new ExtensionFilter(excludeExt, false);
263:                copyFilesInDir(sourceDir, targetDir, filter, true);
264:            }
266:            /**
267:             * This method will create a directory and its parent directories. The
268:             * specified directory cannot be created if a file exists with the same
269:             * name.
270:             *
271:             * @param dirName Full pathname of directory to be created.
272:             * @return boolean Returns true if directory already exists or was created
273:             *      sucessfully, false otherwise.
274:             */
275:            public static boolean createDir(String dirName) {
276:                File dir = new File(dirName);
277:                if (!dir.exists() || !dir.isDirectory()) {
278:                    // create the directories if they don't exist
279:                    return dir.mkdirs();
280:                } else {
281:                    // directory already exists
282:                    return true;
283:                }
284:            }
286:            /**
287:             * This method will recursively delete a directory and all its files and
288:             * subdirectories.
289:             *
290:             * @param dirName The full path of the directory to delete
291:             * @return Returns true if directory was deleted, false otherwise.
292:             */
293:            public static boolean deleteDir(String dirName) {
294:                return deleteDir(new File(dirName));
295:            }
297:            /**
298:             * This method will recursively delete a directory and all its files and
299:             * subdirectories.
300:             *
301:             * @param dir The directory to delete
302:             * @return Returns true if directory was deleted, false otherwise.
303:             */
304:            public static boolean deleteDir(File dir) {
305:                return deleteDir(dir, true);
306:            }
308:            /**
309:             * This method will recursively delete a directory and all its files and
310:             * subdirectories.
311:             *
312:             * @param dir The directory to delete
313:             * @param deleteOriginalDir Whether or not to delete the original directory.
314:             * @return Returns true if directory was deleted, false otherwise.
315:             */
316:            public static boolean deleteDir(File dir, boolean deleteOriginalDir) {
317:                if (!dir.isDirectory() || !dir.exists()) {
318:                    return false;
319:                }
321:                // go through files in directory and delete one at a time
322:                File file[] = dir.listFiles();
323:                for (int i = 0; i < file.length; i++) {
324:                    if (file[i].isDirectory()) {
325:                        deleteDir(file[i]);
326:                    }
327:                    file[i].delete();
328:                }
329:                // try to delete directory itself
330:                if (deleteOriginalDir) {
331:                    return dir.delete();
332:                }
334:                return true;
335:            }
337:            /**
338:             * This method will delete a single file.
339:             *
340:             * @param filename Full pathname of the file to delete.
341:             * @return boolean Returns true if file was deleted, false otherwise.
342:             */
343:            public static boolean deleteFile(String filename) {
344:                File file = new File(filename);
345:                if (!file.exists()) {
346:                    return false;
347:                }
349:                if (file.isFile() && file.canRead()) {
350:                    return file.delete();
351:                }
352:                return false;
353:            }
355:            /**
356:             * This method will delete a single file.
357:             *
358:             * @param filename Name of the file.
359:             * @param dirName Directory where the file can be found.
360:             * @return boolean Returns true if file was deleted, false otherwise.
361:             */
362:            public static boolean deleteFile(String filename, String dirName) {
363:                return deleteFile(dirName + File.separator + filename);
364:            }
366:            /**
367:             * This method will check if a file exists.
368:             *
369:             * @param dirName Full pathname of the directory.
370:             * @return boolean Returns true if the directory exists, false otherwise
371:             */
372:            public static boolean dirExists(String dirName) {
373:                File dir = new File(dirName);
374:                return (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory());
375:            }
377:            /**
378:             * This method will check if a file exists.
379:             *
380:             * @param filename Full pathname of the file.
381:             * @return boolean Returns true if the file exists and is not a directory,
382:             *      false otherwise
383:             */
384:            public static boolean fileExists(String filename) {
385:                File file = new File(filename);
386:                return (file.exists() && !file.isDirectory());
387:            }
389:            /**
390:             * This method will move a single file from one directory to another.
391:             *
392:             * @param filename Full path name of the file.
393:             * @param toDir Directory where to move file to.
394:             * @return boolean Returns true if file was moved successfully, false
395:             *      otherwise.
396:             */
397:            public static boolean moveFile(String filename, String toDir) {
398:                char fs = System.getProperty("file.separator").charAt(0);
399:                File file = new File(filename);
400:                // check if the source file exist
401:                if (!file.exists()) {
402:                    return false;
403:                }
404:                // check to see if the destination file exist
405:                String destinationFile = toDir + fs + file.getName();
406:                File desFile = new File(destinationFile);
407:                if (desFile.exists()) {
408:                    // file exists, remove it to allow the move to complete
409:                    deleteFile(file.getName(), toDir);
410:                }
411:                // attempt to create the destination directory if it doesn't exist
412:                createDir(toDir);
413:                // attempt to move the file
414:                if (file.isFile() && file.canRead()) {
415:                    return file.renameTo(new File(toDir, file.getName()));
416:                }
417:                return false;
418:            }
420:            /**
421:             * This method will move a single file from one directory to another.
422:             *
423:             * @param toDir Directory where to move file to.
424:             * @param file file that will be moved
425:             * @return boolean Returns true if file was moved successfully, false
426:             *      otherwise.
427:             */
428:            public static boolean moveFile(File file, String toDir) {
429:                char fs = System.getProperty("file.separator").charAt(0);
430:                //File file = new File(filename);
431:                // check if the source file exist
432:                if (!file.exists()) {
433:                    return false;
434:                }
436:                // check to see if the destination file exist
438:                String destinationFile = toDir + fs + file.getName();
439:                File desFile = new File(destinationFile);
441:                if (desFile.exists()) {
442:                    // file exists, remove it to allow the move to complete
443:                    deleteFile(file.getName(), toDir);
444:                }
445:                // attempt to create the destination directory if it doesn't exist
446:                createDir(toDir);
447:                // attempt to move the file
448:                if (file.isFile() && file.canRead()) {
449:                    return file.renameTo(new File(toDir, file.getName()));
450:                }
451:                return false;
452:            }
454:            /**
455:             * This method will more a single file from one directory to another.
456:             *
457:             * @param filename Name of the file.
458:             * @param fromDir Current directory where file is located.
459:             * @param toDir Directory where to move file to.
460:             * @return boolean Returns true if file was moved successfully, false
461:             *      otherwise.
462:             */
463:            public static boolean moveFile(String filename, String fromDir,
464:                    String toDir) {
465:                return moveFile(fromDir + File.separator + filename, toDir);
466:            }
468:            /**
469:             * @param sourceDir source directory
470:             * @param targetDir target directory
471:             * @param filter file filter
472:             * @param recursive TODO: document me!
473:             * @todo Document this method
474:             */
475:            public static void moveFilesInDir(File sourceDir, File targetDir,
476:                    FileFilter filter, boolean recursive) {
478:                char fs = System.getProperty("file.separator").charAt(0);
479:                if (!targetDir.exists()) {
480:                    targetDir.mkdirs();
481:                }
483:                File[] children = sourceDir.listFiles(filter);
484:                // Create target directory
486:                for (int i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
487:                    if (children[i].isDirectory() && recursive) {
488:                        moveFilesInDir(children[i], new File(targetDir,
489:                                children[i].getName()), filter, recursive);
490:                    } else {
491:                        moveFile(children[i], targetDir.getAbsolutePath());
492:                    }
493:                }
495:            }
497:            public static List getFilesRecursively(File dir, FileFilter filter) {
498:                List ret = new ArrayList();
499:                if (!dir.isDirectory()) {
500:                    return ret;
501:                }
502:                File[] fileNdirs = dir.listFiles(filter);
503:                for (int i = 0, I = fileNdirs.length; i < I; i++) {
504:                    if (fileNdirs[i].isDirectory()) {
505:                        ret.addAll(getFilesRecursively(fileNdirs[i], filter));
506:                    } else {
507:                        ret.add(fileNdirs[i]);
508:                    }
509:                }
510:                return ret;
511:            }
513:            public static List getFilesRecursively(File dir, String[] extensions) {
514:                ExtensionFilter filter = new ExtensionFilter(extensions);
515:                return getFilesRecursively(dir, filter);
516:            }
518:        } | Contact Us
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